vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
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  1. var Emitter = require('emitter-component');
  2. var Hammer = require('hammerjs');
  3. var mousetrap = require('mousetrap');
  4. var util = require('../util');
  5. var DataSet = require('../DataSet');
  6. var DataView = require('../DataView');
  7. var dotparser = require('./dotparser');
  8. var Groups = require('./Groups');
  9. var Images = require('./Images');
  10. var Node = require('./Node');
  11. var Edge = require('./Edge');
  12. var Popup = require('./Popup');
  13. var MixinLoader = require('./mixins/MixinLoader');
  14. // Load custom shapes into CanvasRenderingContext2D
  15. require('./shapes');
  16. /**
  17. * @constructor Network
  18. * Create a network visualization, displaying nodes and edges.
  19. *
  20. * @param {Element} container The DOM element in which the Network will
  21. * be created. Normally a div element.
  22. * @param {Object} data An object containing parameters
  23. * {Array} nodes
  24. * {Array} edges
  25. * @param {Object} options Options
  26. */
  27. function Network (container, data, options) {
  28. if (!(this instanceof Network)) {
  29. throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator');
  30. }
  31. this._initializeMixinLoaders();
  32. // create variables and set default values
  33. this.containerElement = container;
  34. this.width = '100%';
  35. this.height = '100%';
  36. // render and calculation settings
  37. this.renderRefreshRate = 60; // hz (fps)
  38. this.renderTimestep = 1000 / this.renderRefreshRate; // ms -- saves calculation later on
  39. this.renderTime = 0.5 * this.renderTimestep; // measured time it takes to render a frame
  40. this.maxPhysicsTicksPerRender = 3; // max amount of physics ticks per render step.
  41. this.physicsDiscreteStepsize = 0.50; // discrete stepsize of the simulation
  42. this.stabilize = true; // stabilize before displaying the network
  43. this.selectable = true;
  44. this.initializing = true;
  45. // these functions are triggered when the dataset is edited
  46. this.triggerFunctions = {add:null,edit:null,editEdge:null,connect:null,del:null};
  47. // set constant values
  48. this.constants = {
  49. nodes: {
  50. radiusMin: 5,
  51. radiusMax: 20,
  52. radius: 5,
  53. shape: 'ellipse',
  54. image: undefined,
  55. widthMin: 16, // px
  56. widthMax: 64, // px
  57. fixed: false,
  58. fontColor: 'black',
  59. fontSize: 14, // px
  60. fontFace: 'verdana',
  61. level: -1,
  62. color: {
  63. border: '#2B7CE9',
  64. background: '#97C2FC',
  65. highlight: {
  66. border: '#2B7CE9',
  67. background: '#D2E5FF'
  68. },
  69. hover: {
  70. border: '#2B7CE9',
  71. background: '#D2E5FF'
  72. }
  73. },
  74. borderColor: '#2B7CE9',
  75. backgroundColor: '#97C2FC',
  76. highlightColor: '#D2E5FF',
  77. group: undefined
  78. },
  79. edges: {
  80. widthMin: 1,
  81. widthMax: 15,
  82. width: 1,
  83. widthSelectionMultiplier: 2,
  84. hoverWidth: 1.5,
  85. style: 'line',
  86. color: {
  87. color:'#848484',
  88. highlight:'#848484',
  89. hover: '#848484'
  90. },
  91. fontColor: '#343434',
  92. fontSize: 14, // px
  93. fontFace: 'arial',
  94. fontFill: 'white',
  95. arrowScaleFactor: 1,
  96. dash: {
  97. length: 10,
  98. gap: 5,
  99. altLength: undefined
  100. }
  101. },
  102. configurePhysics:false,
  103. physics: {
  104. barnesHut: {
  105. enabled: true,
  106. theta: 1 / 0.6, // inverted to save time during calculation
  107. gravitationalConstant: -2000,
  108. centralGravity: 0.3,
  109. springLength: 95,
  110. springConstant: 0.04,
  111. damping: 0.09
  112. },
  113. repulsion: {
  114. centralGravity: 0.1,
  115. springLength: 200,
  116. springConstant: 0.05,
  117. nodeDistance: 100,
  118. damping: 0.09
  119. },
  120. hierarchicalRepulsion: {
  121. enabled: false,
  122. centralGravity: 0.5,
  123. springLength: 150,
  124. springConstant: 0.01,
  125. nodeDistance: 60,
  126. damping: 0.09
  127. },
  128. damping: null,
  129. centralGravity: null,
  130. springLength: null,
  131. springConstant: null
  132. },
  133. clustering: { // Per Node in Cluster = PNiC
  134. enabled: false, // (Boolean) | global on/off switch for clustering.
  135. initialMaxNodes: 100, // (# nodes) | if the initial amount of nodes is larger than this, we cluster until the total number is less than this threshold.
  136. clusterThreshold:500, // (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than this. If it is, cluster until reduced to reduceToNodes
  137. reduceToNodes:300, // (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than clusterThreshold. If it is, cluster until reduced to this
  138. chainThreshold: 0.4, // (% of all drawn nodes)| maximum percentage of allowed chainnodes (long strings of connected nodes) within all nodes. (lower means less chains).
  139. clusterEdgeThreshold: 20, // (px) | edge length threshold. if smaller, this node is clustered.
  140. sectorThreshold: 100, // (# nodes in cluster) | cluster size threshold. If larger, expanding in own sector.
  141. screenSizeThreshold: 0.2, // (% of canvas) | relative size threshold. If the width or height of a clusternode takes up this much of the screen, decluster node.
  142. fontSizeMultiplier: 4.0, // (px PNiC) | how much the cluster font size grows per node in cluster (in px).
  143. maxFontSize: 1000,
  144. forceAmplification: 0.1, // (multiplier PNiC) | factor of increase fo the repulsion force of a cluster (per node in cluster).
  145. distanceAmplification: 0.1, // (multiplier PNiC) | factor how much the repulsion distance of a cluster increases (per node in cluster).
  146. edgeGrowth: 20, // (px PNiC) | amount of clusterSize connected to the edge is multiplied with this and added to edgeLength.
  147. nodeScaling: {width: 1, // (px PNiC) | growth of the width per node in cluster.
  148. height: 1, // (px PNiC) | growth of the height per node in cluster.
  149. radius: 1}, // (px PNiC) | growth of the radius per node in cluster.
  150. maxNodeSizeIncrements: 600, // (# increments) | max growth of the width per node in cluster.
  151. activeAreaBoxSize: 80, // (px) | box area around the curser where clusters are popped open.
  152. clusterLevelDifference: 2
  153. },
  154. navigation: {
  155. enabled: false
  156. },
  157. keyboard: {
  158. enabled: false,
  159. speed: {x: 10, y: 10, zoom: 0.02}
  160. },
  161. dataManipulation: {
  162. enabled: false,
  163. initiallyVisible: false
  164. },
  165. hierarchicalLayout: {
  166. enabled:false,
  167. levelSeparation: 150,
  168. nodeSpacing: 100,
  169. direction: "UD" // UD, DU, LR, RL
  170. },
  171. freezeForStabilization: false,
  172. smoothCurves: true,
  173. maxVelocity: 10,
  174. minVelocity: 0.1, // px/s
  175. stabilizationIterations: 1000, // maximum number of iteration to stabilize
  176. labels:{
  177. add:"Add Node",
  178. edit:"Edit",
  179. link:"Add Link",
  180. del:"Delete selected",
  181. editNode:"Edit Node",
  182. editEdge:"Edit Edge",
  183. back:"Back",
  184. addDescription:"Click in an empty space to place a new node.",
  185. linkDescription:"Click on a node and drag the edge to another node to connect them.",
  186. editEdgeDescription:"Click on the control points and drag them to a node to connect to it.",
  187. addError:"The function for add does not support two arguments (data,callback).",
  188. linkError:"The function for connect does not support two arguments (data,callback).",
  189. editError:"The function for edit does not support two arguments (data, callback).",
  190. editBoundError:"No edit function has been bound to this button.",
  191. deleteError:"The function for delete does not support two arguments (data, callback).",
  192. deleteClusterError:"Clusters cannot be deleted."
  193. },
  194. tooltip: {
  195. delay: 300,
  196. fontColor: 'black',
  197. fontSize: 14, // px
  198. fontFace: 'verdana',
  199. color: {
  200. border: '#666',
  201. background: '#FFFFC6'
  202. }
  203. },
  204. dragNetwork: true,
  205. dragNodes: true,
  206. zoomable: true,
  207. hover: false
  208. };
  209. this.hoverObj = {nodes:{},edges:{}};
  210. // Node variables
  211. var network = this;
  212. this.groups = new Groups(); // object with groups
  213. this.images = new Images(); // object with images
  214. this.images.setOnloadCallback(function () {
  215. network._redraw();
  216. });
  217. // keyboard navigation variables
  218. this.xIncrement = 0;
  219. this.yIncrement = 0;
  220. this.zoomIncrement = 0;
  221. // loading all the mixins:
  222. // load the force calculation functions, grouped under the physics system.
  223. this._loadPhysicsSystem();
  224. // create a frame and canvas
  225. this._create();
  226. // load the sector system. (mandatory, fully integrated with Network)
  227. this._loadSectorSystem();
  228. // load the cluster system. (mandatory, even when not using the cluster system, there are function calls to it)
  229. this._loadClusterSystem();
  230. // load the selection system. (mandatory, required by Network)
  231. this._loadSelectionSystem();
  232. // load the selection system. (mandatory, required by Network)
  233. this._loadHierarchySystem();
  234. // apply options
  235. this._setTranslation(this.frame.clientWidth / 2, this.frame.clientHeight / 2);
  236. this._setScale(1);
  237. this.setOptions(options);
  238. // other vars
  239. this.freezeSimulation = false;// freeze the simulation
  240. this.cachedFunctions = {};
  241. // containers for nodes and edges
  242. this.calculationNodes = {};
  243. this.calculationNodeIndices = [];
  244. this.nodeIndices = []; // array with all the indices of the nodes. Used to speed up forces calculation
  245. this.nodes = {}; // object with Node objects
  246. this.edges = {}; // object with Edge objects
  247. // position and scale variables and objects
  248. this.canvasTopLeft = {"x": 0,"y": 0}; // coordinates of the top left of the canvas. they will be set during _redraw.
  249. this.canvasBottomRight = {"x": 0,"y": 0}; // coordinates of the bottom right of the canvas. they will be set during _redraw
  250. this.pointerPosition = {"x": 0,"y": 0}; // coordinates of the bottom right of the canvas. they will be set during _redraw
  251. this.areaCenter = {}; // object with x and y elements used for determining the center of the zoom action
  252. this.scale = 1; // defining the global scale variable in the constructor
  253. this.previousScale = this.scale; // this is used to check if the zoom operation is zooming in or out
  254. // datasets or dataviews
  255. this.nodesData = null; // A DataSet or DataView
  256. this.edgesData = null; // A DataSet or DataView
  257. // create event listeners used to subscribe on the DataSets of the nodes and edges
  258. this.nodesListeners = {
  259. 'add': function (event, params) {
  260. network._addNodes(params.items);
  261. network.start();
  262. },
  263. 'update': function (event, params) {
  264. network._updateNodes(params.items);
  265. network.start();
  266. },
  267. 'remove': function (event, params) {
  268. network._removeNodes(params.items);
  269. network.start();
  270. }
  271. };
  272. this.edgesListeners = {
  273. 'add': function (event, params) {
  274. network._addEdges(params.items);
  275. network.start();
  276. },
  277. 'update': function (event, params) {
  278. network._updateEdges(params.items);
  279. network.start();
  280. },
  281. 'remove': function (event, params) {
  282. network._removeEdges(params.items);
  283. network.start();
  284. }
  285. };
  286. // properties for the animation
  287. this.moving = true;
  288. this.timer = undefined; // Scheduling function. Is definded in this.start();
  289. // load data (the disable start variable will be the same as the enabled clustering)
  290. this.setData(data,this.constants.clustering.enabled || this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled);
  291. // hierarchical layout
  292. this.initializing = false;
  293. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true) {
  294. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  295. }
  296. else {
  297. // zoom so all data will fit on the screen, if clustering is enabled, we do not want start to be called here.
  298. if (this.stabilize == false) {
  299. this.zoomExtent(true,this.constants.clustering.enabled);
  300. }
  301. }
  302. // if clustering is disabled, the simulation will have started in the setData function
  303. if (this.constants.clustering.enabled) {
  304. this.startWithClustering();
  305. }
  306. }
  307. // Extend Network with an Emitter mixin
  308. Emitter(Network.prototype);
  309. /**
  310. * Get the script path where the vis.js library is located
  311. *
  312. * @returns {string | null} path Path or null when not found. Path does not
  313. * end with a slash.
  314. * @private
  315. */
  316. Network.prototype._getScriptPath = function() {
  317. var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
  318. // find script named vis.js or vis.min.js
  319. for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
  320. var src = scripts[i].src;
  321. var match = src && /\/?vis(.min)?\.js$/.exec(src);
  322. if (match) {
  323. // return path without the script name
  324. return src.substring(0, src.length - match[0].length);
  325. }
  326. }
  327. return null;
  328. };
  329. /**
  330. * Find the center position of the network
  331. * @private
  332. */
  333. Network.prototype._getRange = function() {
  334. var minY = 1e9, maxY = -1e9, minX = 1e9, maxX = -1e9, node;
  335. for (var nodeId in this.nodes) {
  336. if (this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
  337. node = this.nodes[nodeId];
  338. if (minX > (node.x)) {minX = node.x;}
  339. if (maxX < (node.x)) {maxX = node.x;}
  340. if (minY > (node.y)) {minY = node.y;}
  341. if (maxY < (node.y)) {maxY = node.y;}
  342. }
  343. }
  344. if (minX == 1e9 && maxX == -1e9 && minY == 1e9 && maxY == -1e9) {
  345. minY = 0, maxY = 0, minX = 0, maxX = 0;
  346. }
  347. return {minX: minX, maxX: maxX, minY: minY, maxY: maxY};
  348. };
  349. /**
  350. * @param {object} range = {minX: minX, maxX: maxX, minY: minY, maxY: maxY};
  351. * @returns {{x: number, y: number}}
  352. * @private
  353. */
  354. Network.prototype._findCenter = function(range) {
  355. return {x: (0.5 * (range.maxX + range.minX)),
  356. y: (0.5 * (range.maxY + range.minY))};
  357. };
  358. /**
  359. * center the network
  360. *
  361. * @param {object} range = {minX: minX, maxX: maxX, minY: minY, maxY: maxY};
  362. */
  363. Network.prototype._centerNetwork = function(range) {
  364. var center = this._findCenter(range);
  365. center.x *= this.scale;
  366. center.y *= this.scale;
  367. center.x -= 0.5 * this.frame.canvas.clientWidth;
  368. center.y -= 0.5 * this.frame.canvas.clientHeight;
  369. this._setTranslation(-center.x,-center.y); // set at 0,0
  370. };
  371. /**
  372. * This function zooms out to fit all data on screen based on amount of nodes
  373. *
  374. * @param {Boolean} [initialZoom] | zoom based on fitted formula or range, true = fitted, default = false;
  375. * @param {Boolean} [disableStart] | If true, start is not called.
  376. */
  377. Network.prototype.zoomExtent = function(initialZoom, disableStart) {
  378. if (initialZoom === undefined) {
  379. initialZoom = false;
  380. }
  381. if (disableStart === undefined) {
  382. disableStart = false;
  383. }
  384. var range = this._getRange();
  385. var zoomLevel;
  386. if (initialZoom == true) {
  387. var numberOfNodes = this.nodeIndices.length;
  388. if (this.constants.smoothCurves == true) {
  389. if (this.constants.clustering.enabled == true &&
  390. numberOfNodes >= this.constants.clustering.initialMaxNodes) {
  391. zoomLevel = 49.07548 / (numberOfNodes + 142.05338) + 9.1444e-04; // this is obtained from fitting a dataset from 5 points with scale levels that looked good.
  392. }
  393. else {
  394. zoomLevel = 12.662 / (numberOfNodes + 7.4147) + 0.0964822; // this is obtained from fitting a dataset from 5 points with scale levels that looked good.
  395. }
  396. }
  397. else {
  398. if (this.constants.clustering.enabled == true &&
  399. numberOfNodes >= this.constants.clustering.initialMaxNodes) {
  400. zoomLevel = 77.5271985 / (numberOfNodes + 187.266146) + 4.76710517e-05; // this is obtained from fitting a dataset from 5 points with scale levels that looked good.
  401. }
  402. else {
  403. zoomLevel = 30.5062972 / (numberOfNodes + 19.93597763) + 0.08413486; // this is obtained from fitting a dataset from 5 points with scale levels that looked good.
  404. }
  405. }
  406. // correct for larger canvasses.
  407. var factor = Math.min(this.frame.canvas.clientWidth / 600, this.frame.canvas.clientHeight / 600);
  408. zoomLevel *= factor;
  409. }
  410. else {
  411. var xDistance = (Math.abs(range.minX) + Math.abs(range.maxX)) * 1.1;
  412. var yDistance = (Math.abs(range.minY) + Math.abs(range.maxY)) * 1.1;
  413. var xZoomLevel = this.frame.canvas.clientWidth / xDistance;
  414. var yZoomLevel = this.frame.canvas.clientHeight / yDistance;
  415. zoomLevel = (xZoomLevel <= yZoomLevel) ? xZoomLevel : yZoomLevel;
  416. }
  417. if (zoomLevel > 1.0) {
  418. zoomLevel = 1.0;
  419. }
  420. this._setScale(zoomLevel);
  421. this._centerNetwork(range);
  422. if (disableStart == false) {
  423. this.moving = true;
  424. this.start();
  425. }
  426. };
  427. /**
  428. * Update the this.nodeIndices with the most recent node index list
  429. * @private
  430. */
  431. Network.prototype._updateNodeIndexList = function() {
  432. this._clearNodeIndexList();
  433. for (var idx in this.nodes) {
  434. if (this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
  435. this.nodeIndices.push(idx);
  436. }
  437. }
  438. };
  439. /**
  440. * Set nodes and edges, and optionally options as well.
  441. *
  442. * @param {Object} data Object containing parameters:
  443. * {Array | DataSet | DataView} [nodes] Array with nodes
  444. * {Array | DataSet | DataView} [edges] Array with edges
  445. * {String} [dot] String containing data in DOT format
  446. * {Options} [options] Object with options
  447. * @param {Boolean} [disableStart] | optional: disable the calling of the start function.
  448. */
  449. Network.prototype.setData = function(data, disableStart) {
  450. if (disableStart === undefined) {
  451. disableStart = false;
  452. }
  453. if (data && && (data.nodes || data.edges)) {
  454. throw new SyntaxError('Data must contain either parameter "dot" or ' +
  455. ' parameter pair "nodes" and "edges", but not both.');
  456. }
  457. // set options
  458. this.setOptions(data && data.options);
  459. // set all data
  460. if (data && {
  461. // parse DOT file
  462. if(data && {
  463. var dotData = dotparser.DOTToGraph(;
  464. this.setData(dotData);
  465. return;
  466. }
  467. }
  468. else {
  469. this._setNodes(data && data.nodes);
  470. this._setEdges(data && data.edges);
  471. }
  472. this._putDataInSector();
  473. if (!disableStart) {
  474. // find a stable position or start animating to a stable position
  475. if (this.stabilize) {
  476. var me = this;
  477. setTimeout(function() {me._stabilize(); me.start();},0)
  478. }
  479. else {
  480. this.start();
  481. }
  482. }
  483. };
  484. /**
  485. * Set options
  486. * @param {Object} options
  487. * @param {Boolean} [initializeView] | set zoom and translation to default.
  488. */
  489. Network.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
  490. if (options) {
  491. var prop;
  492. // retrieve parameter values
  493. if (options.width !== undefined) {this.width = options.width;}
  494. if (options.height !== undefined) {this.height = options.height;}
  495. if (options.stabilize !== undefined) {this.stabilize = options.stabilize;}
  496. if (options.selectable !== undefined) {this.selectable = options.selectable;}
  497. if (options.smoothCurves !== undefined) {this.constants.smoothCurves = options.smoothCurves;}
  498. if (options.freezeForStabilization !== undefined) {this.constants.freezeForStabilization = options.freezeForStabilization;}
  499. if (options.configurePhysics !== undefined){this.constants.configurePhysics = options.configurePhysics;}
  500. if (options.stabilizationIterations !== undefined) {this.constants.stabilizationIterations = options.stabilizationIterations;}
  501. if (options.dragNetwork !== undefined) {this.constants.dragNetwork = options.dragNetwork;}
  502. if (options.dragNodes !== undefined) {this.constants.dragNodes = options.dragNodes;}
  503. if (options.zoomable !== undefined) {this.constants.zoomable = options.zoomable;}
  504. if (options.hover !== undefined) {this.constants.hover = options.hover;}
  505. // TODO: deprecated since version 3.0.0. Cleanup some day
  506. if (options.dragGraph !== undefined) {
  507. throw new Error('Option dragGraph is renamed to dragNetwork');
  508. }
  509. if (options.labels !== undefined) {
  510. for (prop in options.labels) {
  511. if (options.labels.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  512. this.constants.labels[prop] = options.labels[prop];
  513. }
  514. }
  515. }
  516. if (options.onAdd) {
  517. this.triggerFunctions.add = options.onAdd;
  518. }
  519. if (options.onEdit) {
  520. this.triggerFunctions.edit = options.onEdit;
  521. }
  522. if (options.onEditEdge) {
  523. this.triggerFunctions.editEdge = options.onEditEdge;
  524. }
  525. if (options.onConnect) {
  526. this.triggerFunctions.connect = options.onConnect;
  527. }
  528. if (options.onDelete) {
  529. this.triggerFunctions.del = options.onDelete;
  530. }
  531. if (options.physics) {
  532. if (options.physics.barnesHut) {
  533. this.constants.physics.barnesHut.enabled = true;
  534. for (prop in options.physics.barnesHut) {
  535. if (options.physics.barnesHut.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  536. this.constants.physics.barnesHut[prop] = options.physics.barnesHut[prop];
  537. }
  538. }
  539. }
  540. if (options.physics.repulsion) {
  541. this.constants.physics.barnesHut.enabled = false;
  542. for (prop in options.physics.repulsion) {
  543. if (options.physics.repulsion.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  544. this.constants.physics.repulsion[prop] = options.physics.repulsion[prop];
  545. }
  546. }
  547. }
  548. if (options.physics.hierarchicalRepulsion) {
  549. this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled = true;
  550. this.constants.physics.hierarchicalRepulsion.enabled = true;
  551. this.constants.physics.barnesHut.enabled = false;
  552. for (prop in options.physics.hierarchicalRepulsion) {
  553. if (options.physics.hierarchicalRepulsion.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  554. this.constants.physics.hierarchicalRepulsion[prop] = options.physics.hierarchicalRepulsion[prop];
  555. }
  556. }
  557. }
  558. }
  559. if (options.hierarchicalLayout) {
  560. this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled = true;
  561. for (prop in options.hierarchicalLayout) {
  562. if (options.hierarchicalLayout.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  563. this.constants.hierarchicalLayout[prop] = options.hierarchicalLayout[prop];
  564. }
  565. }
  566. }
  567. else if (options.hierarchicalLayout !== undefined) {
  568. this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled = false;
  569. }
  570. if (options.clustering) {
  571. this.constants.clustering.enabled = true;
  572. for (prop in options.clustering) {
  573. if (options.clustering.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  574. this.constants.clustering[prop] = options.clustering[prop];
  575. }
  576. }
  577. }
  578. else if (options.clustering !== undefined) {
  579. this.constants.clustering.enabled = false;
  580. }
  581. if (options.navigation) {
  582. this.constants.navigation.enabled = true;
  583. for (prop in options.navigation) {
  584. if (options.navigation.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  585. this.constants.navigation[prop] = options.navigation[prop];
  586. }
  587. }
  588. }
  589. else if (options.navigation !== undefined) {
  590. this.constants.navigation.enabled = false;
  591. }
  592. if (options.keyboard) {
  593. this.constants.keyboard.enabled = true;
  594. for (prop in options.keyboard) {
  595. if (options.keyboard.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  596. this.constants.keyboard[prop] = options.keyboard[prop];
  597. }
  598. }
  599. }
  600. else if (options.keyboard !== undefined) {
  601. this.constants.keyboard.enabled = false;
  602. }
  603. if (options.dataManipulation) {
  604. this.constants.dataManipulation.enabled = true;
  605. for (prop in options.dataManipulation) {
  606. if (options.dataManipulation.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  607. this.constants.dataManipulation[prop] = options.dataManipulation[prop];
  608. }
  609. }
  610. this.editMode = this.constants.dataManipulation.initiallyVisible;
  611. }
  612. else if (options.dataManipulation !== undefined) {
  613. this.constants.dataManipulation.enabled = false;
  614. }
  615. // TODO: work out these options and document them
  616. if (options.edges) {
  617. for (prop in options.edges) {
  618. if (options.edges.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  619. if (typeof options.edges[prop] != "object") {
  620. this.constants.edges[prop] = options.edges[prop];
  621. }
  622. }
  623. }
  624. if (options.edges.color !== undefined) {
  625. if (util.isString(options.edges.color)) {
  626. this.constants.edges.color = {};
  627. this.constants.edges.color.color = options.edges.color;
  628. this.constants.edges.color.highlight = options.edges.color;
  629. this.constants.edges.color.hover = options.edges.color;
  630. }
  631. else {
  632. if (options.edges.color.color !== undefined) {this.constants.edges.color.color = options.edges.color.color;}
  633. if (options.edges.color.highlight !== undefined) {this.constants.edges.color.highlight = options.edges.color.highlight;}
  634. if (options.edges.color.hover !== undefined) {this.constants.edges.color.hover = options.edges.color.hover;}
  635. }
  636. }
  637. if (!options.edges.fontColor) {
  638. if (options.edges.color !== undefined) {
  639. if (util.isString(options.edges.color)) {this.constants.edges.fontColor = options.edges.color;}
  640. else if (options.edges.color.color !== undefined) {this.constants.edges.fontColor = options.edges.color.color;}
  641. }
  642. }
  643. // Added to support dashed lines
  644. // David Jordan
  645. // 2012-08-08
  646. if (options.edges.dash) {
  647. if (options.edges.dash.length !== undefined) {
  648. this.constants.edges.dash.length = options.edges.dash.length;
  649. }
  650. if ( !== undefined) {
  651. =;
  652. }
  653. if (options.edges.dash.altLength !== undefined) {
  654. this.constants.edges.dash.altLength = options.edges.dash.altLength;
  655. }
  656. }
  657. }
  658. if (options.nodes) {
  659. for (prop in options.nodes) {
  660. if (options.nodes.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  661. this.constants.nodes[prop] = options.nodes[prop];
  662. }
  663. }
  664. if (options.nodes.color) {
  665. this.constants.nodes.color = util.parseColor(options.nodes.color);
  666. }
  667. /*
  668. if (options.nodes.widthMin) this.constants.nodes.radiusMin = options.nodes.widthMin;
  669. if (options.nodes.widthMax) this.constants.nodes.radiusMax = options.nodes.widthMax;
  670. */
  671. }
  672. if (options.groups) {
  673. for (var groupname in options.groups) {
  674. if (options.groups.hasOwnProperty(groupname)) {
  675. var group = options.groups[groupname];
  676. this.groups.add(groupname, group);
  677. }
  678. }
  679. }
  680. if (options.tooltip) {
  681. for (prop in options.tooltip) {
  682. if (options.tooltip.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  683. this.constants.tooltip[prop] = options.tooltip[prop];
  684. }
  685. }
  686. if (options.tooltip.color) {
  687. this.constants.tooltip.color = util.parseColor(options.tooltip.color);
  688. }
  689. }
  690. }
  691. // (Re)loading the mixins that can be enabled or disabled in the options.
  692. // load the force calculation functions, grouped under the physics system.
  693. this._loadPhysicsSystem();
  694. // load the navigation system.
  695. this._loadNavigationControls();
  696. // load the data manipulation system
  697. this._loadManipulationSystem();
  698. // configure the smooth curves
  699. this._configureSmoothCurves();
  700. // bind keys. If disabled, this will not do anything;
  701. this._createKeyBinds();
  702. this.setSize(this.width, this.height);
  703. this.moving = true;
  704. this.start();
  705. };
  706. /**
  707. * Create the main frame for the Network.
  708. * This function is executed once when a Network object is created. The frame
  709. * contains a canvas, and this canvas contains all objects like the axis and
  710. * nodes.
  711. * @private
  712. */
  713. Network.prototype._create = function () {
  714. // remove all elements from the container element.
  715. while (this.containerElement.hasChildNodes()) {
  716. this.containerElement.removeChild(this.containerElement.firstChild);
  717. }
  718. this.frame = document.createElement('div');
  719. this.frame.className = 'network-frame';
  720. = 'relative';
  721. = 'hidden';
  722. // create the network canvas (HTML canvas element)
  723. this.frame.canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
  724. = 'relative';
  725. this.frame.appendChild(this.frame.canvas);
  726. if (!this.frame.canvas.getContext) {
  727. var noCanvas = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
  728. = 'red';
  729. = 'bold' ;
  730. = '10px';
  731. noCanvas.innerHTML = 'Error: your browser does not support HTML canvas';
  732. this.frame.canvas.appendChild(noCanvas);
  733. }
  734. var me = this;
  735. this.drag = {};
  736. this.pinch = {};
  737. this.hammer = Hammer(this.frame.canvas, {
  738. prevent_default: true
  739. });
  740. this.hammer.on('tap', me._onTap.bind(me) );
  741. this.hammer.on('doubletap', me._onDoubleTap.bind(me) );
  742. this.hammer.on('hold', me._onHold.bind(me) );
  743. this.hammer.on('pinch', me._onPinch.bind(me) );
  744. this.hammer.on('touch', me._onTouch.bind(me) );
  745. this.hammer.on('dragstart', me._onDragStart.bind(me) );
  746. this.hammer.on('drag', me._onDrag.bind(me) );
  747. this.hammer.on('dragend', me._onDragEnd.bind(me) );
  748. this.hammer.on('release', me._onRelease.bind(me) );
  749. this.hammer.on('mousewheel',me._onMouseWheel.bind(me) );
  750. this.hammer.on('DOMMouseScroll',me._onMouseWheel.bind(me) ); // for FF
  751. this.hammer.on('mousemove', me._onMouseMoveTitle.bind(me) );
  752. // add the frame to the container element
  753. this.containerElement.appendChild(this.frame);
  754. };
  755. /**
  756. * Binding the keys for keyboard navigation. These functions are defined in the NavigationMixin
  757. * @private
  758. */
  759. Network.prototype._createKeyBinds = function() {
  760. var me = this;
  761. this.mousetrap = mousetrap;
  762. this.mousetrap.reset();
  763. if (this.constants.keyboard.enabled == true) {
  764. this.mousetrap.bind("up", this._moveUp.bind(me) , "keydown");
  765. this.mousetrap.bind("up", this._yStopMoving.bind(me), "keyup");
  766. this.mousetrap.bind("down", this._moveDown.bind(me) , "keydown");
  767. this.mousetrap.bind("down", this._yStopMoving.bind(me), "keyup");
  768. this.mousetrap.bind("left", this._moveLeft.bind(me) , "keydown");
  769. this.mousetrap.bind("left", this._xStopMoving.bind(me), "keyup");
  770. this.mousetrap.bind("right",this._moveRight.bind(me), "keydown");
  771. this.mousetrap.bind("right",this._xStopMoving.bind(me), "keyup");
  772. this.mousetrap.bind("=", this._zoomIn.bind(me), "keydown");
  773. this.mousetrap.bind("=", this._stopZoom.bind(me), "keyup");
  774. this.mousetrap.bind("-", this._zoomOut.bind(me), "keydown");
  775. this.mousetrap.bind("-", this._stopZoom.bind(me), "keyup");
  776. this.mousetrap.bind("[", this._zoomIn.bind(me), "keydown");
  777. this.mousetrap.bind("[", this._stopZoom.bind(me), "keyup");
  778. this.mousetrap.bind("]", this._zoomOut.bind(me), "keydown");
  779. this.mousetrap.bind("]", this._stopZoom.bind(me), "keyup");
  780. this.mousetrap.bind("pageup",this._zoomIn.bind(me), "keydown");
  781. this.mousetrap.bind("pageup",this._stopZoom.bind(me), "keyup");
  782. this.mousetrap.bind("pagedown",this._zoomOut.bind(me),"keydown");
  783. this.mousetrap.bind("pagedown",this._stopZoom.bind(me), "keyup");
  784. }
  785. if (this.constants.dataManipulation.enabled == true) {
  786. this.mousetrap.bind("escape",this._createManipulatorBar.bind(me));
  787. this.mousetrap.bind("del",this._deleteSelected.bind(me));
  788. }
  789. };
  790. /**
  791. * Get the pointer location from a touch location
  792. * @param {{pageX: Number, pageY: Number}} touch
  793. * @return {{x: Number, y: Number}} pointer
  794. * @private
  795. */
  796. Network.prototype._getPointer = function (touch) {
  797. return {
  798. x: touch.pageX - util.getAbsoluteLeft(this.frame.canvas),
  799. y: touch.pageY - util.getAbsoluteTop(this.frame.canvas)
  800. };
  801. };
  802. /**
  803. * On start of a touch gesture, store the pointer
  804. * @param event
  805. * @private
  806. */
  807. Network.prototype._onTouch = function (event) {
  808. this.drag.pointer = this._getPointer(;
  809. this.drag.pinched = false;
  810. this.pinch.scale = this._getScale();
  811. this._handleTouch(this.drag.pointer);
  812. };
  813. /**
  814. * handle drag start event
  815. * @private
  816. */
  817. Network.prototype._onDragStart = function () {
  818. this._handleDragStart();
  819. };
  820. /**
  821. * This function is called by _onDragStart.
  822. * It is separated out because we can then overload it for the datamanipulation system.
  823. *
  824. * @private
  825. */
  826. Network.prototype._handleDragStart = function() {
  827. var drag = this.drag;
  828. var node = this._getNodeAt(drag.pointer);
  829. // note: drag.pointer is set in _onTouch to get the initial touch location
  830. drag.dragging = true;
  831. drag.selection = [];
  832. drag.translation = this._getTranslation();
  833. drag.nodeId = null;
  834. if (node != null) {
  835. drag.nodeId =;
  836. // select the clicked node if not yet selected
  837. if (!node.isSelected()) {
  838. this._selectObject(node,false);
  839. }
  840. // create an array with the selected nodes and their original location and status
  841. for (var objectId in this.selectionObj.nodes) {
  842. if (this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(objectId)) {
  843. var object = this.selectionObj.nodes[objectId];
  844. var s = {
  845. id:,
  846. node: object,
  847. // store original x, y, xFixed and yFixed, make the node temporarily Fixed
  848. x: object.x,
  849. y: object.y,
  850. xFixed: object.xFixed,
  851. yFixed: object.yFixed
  852. };
  853. object.xFixed = true;
  854. object.yFixed = true;
  855. drag.selection.push(s);
  856. }
  857. }
  858. }
  859. };
  860. /**
  861. * handle drag event
  862. * @private
  863. */
  864. Network.prototype._onDrag = function (event) {
  865. this._handleOnDrag(event)
  866. };
  867. /**
  868. * This function is called by _onDrag.
  869. * It is separated out because we can then overload it for the datamanipulation system.
  870. *
  871. * @private
  872. */
  873. Network.prototype._handleOnDrag = function(event) {
  874. if (this.drag.pinched) {
  875. return;
  876. }
  877. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  878. var me = this,
  879. drag = this.drag,
  880. selection = drag.selection;
  881. if (selection && selection.length && this.constants.dragNodes == true) {
  882. // calculate delta's and new location
  883. var deltaX = pointer.x - drag.pointer.x,
  884. deltaY = pointer.y - drag.pointer.y;
  885. // update position of all selected nodes
  886. selection.forEach(function (s) {
  887. var node = s.node;
  888. if (!s.xFixed) {
  889. node.x = me._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(me._XconvertCanvasToDOM(s.x) + deltaX);
  890. }
  891. if (!s.yFixed) {
  892. node.y = me._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(me._YconvertCanvasToDOM(s.y) + deltaY);
  893. }
  894. });
  895. // start _animationStep if not yet running
  896. if (!this.moving) {
  897. this.moving = true;
  898. this.start();
  899. }
  900. }
  901. else {
  902. if (this.constants.dragNetwork == true) {
  903. // move the network
  904. var diffX = pointer.x - this.drag.pointer.x;
  905. var diffY = pointer.y - this.drag.pointer.y;
  906. this._setTranslation(
  907. this.drag.translation.x + diffX,
  908. this.drag.translation.y + diffY);
  909. this._redraw();
  910. this.moving = true;
  911. this.start();
  912. }
  913. }
  914. };
  915. /**
  916. * handle drag start event
  917. * @private
  918. */
  919. Network.prototype._onDragEnd = function () {
  920. this.drag.dragging = false;
  921. var selection = this.drag.selection;
  922. if (selection) {
  923. selection.forEach(function (s) {
  924. // restore original xFixed and yFixed
  925. s.node.xFixed = s.xFixed;
  926. s.node.yFixed = s.yFixed;
  927. });
  928. }
  929. };
  930. /**
  931. * handle tap/click event: select/unselect a node
  932. * @private
  933. */
  934. Network.prototype._onTap = function (event) {
  935. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  936. this.pointerPosition = pointer;
  937. this._handleTap(pointer);
  938. };
  939. /**
  940. * handle doubletap event
  941. * @private
  942. */
  943. Network.prototype._onDoubleTap = function (event) {
  944. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  945. this._handleDoubleTap(pointer);
  946. };
  947. /**
  948. * handle long tap event: multi select nodes
  949. * @private
  950. */
  951. Network.prototype._onHold = function (event) {
  952. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  953. this.pointerPosition = pointer;
  954. this._handleOnHold(pointer);
  955. };
  956. /**
  957. * handle the release of the screen
  958. *
  959. * @private
  960. */
  961. Network.prototype._onRelease = function (event) {
  962. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  963. this._handleOnRelease(pointer);
  964. };
  965. /**
  966. * Handle pinch event
  967. * @param event
  968. * @private
  969. */
  970. Network.prototype._onPinch = function (event) {
  971. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  972. this.drag.pinched = true;
  973. if (!('scale' in this.pinch)) {
  974. this.pinch.scale = 1;
  975. }
  976. // TODO: enabled moving while pinching?
  977. var scale = this.pinch.scale * event.gesture.scale;
  978. this._zoom(scale, pointer)
  979. };
  980. /**
  981. * Zoom the network in or out
  982. * @param {Number} scale a number around 1, and between 0.01 and 10
  983. * @param {{x: Number, y: Number}} pointer Position on screen
  984. * @return {Number} appliedScale scale is limited within the boundaries
  985. * @private
  986. */
  987. Network.prototype._zoom = function(scale, pointer) {
  988. if (this.constants.zoomable == true) {
  989. var scaleOld = this._getScale();
  990. if (scale < 0.00001) {
  991. scale = 0.00001;
  992. }
  993. if (scale > 10) {
  994. scale = 10;
  995. }
  996. // + this.frame.canvas.clientHeight / 2
  997. var translation = this._getTranslation();
  998. var scaleFrac = scale / scaleOld;
  999. var tx = (1 - scaleFrac) * pointer.x + translation.x * scaleFrac;
  1000. var ty = (1 - scaleFrac) * pointer.y + translation.y * scaleFrac;
  1001. this.areaCenter = {"x" : this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x),
  1002. "y" : this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y)};
  1003. this._setScale(scale);
  1004. this._setTranslation(tx, ty);
  1005. this.updateClustersDefault();
  1006. this._redraw();
  1007. if (scaleOld < scale) {
  1008. this.emit("zoom", {direction:"+"});
  1009. }
  1010. else {
  1011. this.emit("zoom", {direction:"-"});
  1012. }
  1013. return scale;
  1014. }
  1015. };
  1016. /**
  1017. * Event handler for mouse wheel event, used to zoom the timeline
  1018. * See
  1019. *
  1020. * @param {MouseEvent} event
  1021. * @private
  1022. */
  1023. Network.prototype._onMouseWheel = function(event) {
  1024. // retrieve delta
  1025. var delta = 0;
  1026. if (event.wheelDelta) { /* IE/Opera. */
  1027. delta = event.wheelDelta/120;
  1028. } else if (event.detail) { /* Mozilla case. */
  1029. // In Mozilla, sign of delta is different than in IE.
  1030. // Also, delta is multiple of 3.
  1031. delta = -event.detail/3;
  1032. }
  1033. // If delta is nonzero, handle it.
  1034. // Basically, delta is now positive if wheel was scrolled up,
  1035. // and negative, if wheel was scrolled down.
  1036. if (delta) {
  1037. // calculate the new scale
  1038. var scale = this._getScale();
  1039. var zoom = delta / 10;
  1040. if (delta < 0) {
  1041. zoom = zoom / (1 - zoom);
  1042. }
  1043. scale *= (1 + zoom);
  1044. // calculate the pointer location
  1045. var gesture = util.fakeGesture(this, event);
  1046. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  1047. // apply the new scale
  1048. this._zoom(scale, pointer);
  1049. }
  1050. // Prevent default actions caused by mouse wheel.
  1051. event.preventDefault();
  1052. };
  1053. /**
  1054. * Mouse move handler for checking whether the title moves over a node with a title.
  1055. * @param {Event} event
  1056. * @private
  1057. */
  1058. Network.prototype._onMouseMoveTitle = function (event) {
  1059. var gesture = util.fakeGesture(this, event);
  1060. var pointer = this._getPointer(;
  1061. // check if the previously selected node is still selected
  1062. if (this.popupObj) {
  1063. this._checkHidePopup(pointer);
  1064. }
  1065. // start a timeout that will check if the mouse is positioned above
  1066. // an element
  1067. var me = this;
  1068. var checkShow = function() {
  1069. me._checkShowPopup(pointer);
  1070. };
  1071. if (this.popupTimer) {
  1072. clearInterval(this.popupTimer); // stop any running calculationTimer
  1073. }
  1074. if (!this.drag.dragging) {
  1075. this.popupTimer = setTimeout(checkShow, this.constants.tooltip.delay);
  1076. }
  1077. /**
  1078. * Adding hover highlights
  1079. */
  1080. if (this.constants.hover == true) {
  1081. // removing all hover highlights
  1082. for (var edgeId in this.hoverObj.edges) {
  1083. if (this.hoverObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) {
  1084. this.hoverObj.edges[edgeId].hover = false;
  1085. delete this.hoverObj.edges[edgeId];
  1086. }
  1087. }
  1088. // adding hover highlights
  1089. var obj = this._getNodeAt(pointer);
  1090. if (obj == null) {
  1091. obj = this._getEdgeAt(pointer);
  1092. }
  1093. if (obj != null) {
  1094. this._hoverObject(obj);
  1095. }
  1096. // removing all node hover highlights except for the selected one.
  1097. for (var nodeId in this.hoverObj.nodes) {
  1098. if (this.hoverObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
  1099. if (obj instanceof Node && != nodeId || obj instanceof Edge || obj == null) {
  1100. this._blurObject(this.hoverObj.nodes[nodeId]);
  1101. delete this.hoverObj.nodes[nodeId];
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. }
  1105. this.redraw();
  1106. }
  1107. };
  1108. /**
  1109. * Check if there is an element on the given position in the network
  1110. * (a node or edge). If so, and if this element has a title,
  1111. * show a popup window with its title.
  1112. *
  1113. * @param {{x:Number, y:Number}} pointer
  1114. * @private
  1115. */
  1116. Network.prototype._checkShowPopup = function (pointer) {
  1117. var obj = {
  1118. left: this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x),
  1119. top: this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y),
  1120. right: this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x),
  1121. bottom: this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y)
  1122. };
  1123. var id;
  1124. var lastPopupNode = this.popupObj;
  1125. if (this.popupObj == undefined) {
  1126. // search the nodes for overlap, select the top one in case of multiple nodes
  1127. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1128. for (id in nodes) {
  1129. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1130. var node = nodes[id];
  1131. if (node.getTitle() !== undefined && node.isOverlappingWith(obj)) {
  1132. this.popupObj = node;
  1133. break;
  1134. }
  1135. }
  1136. }
  1137. }
  1138. if (this.popupObj === undefined) {
  1139. // search the edges for overlap
  1140. var edges = this.edges;
  1141. for (id in edges) {
  1142. if (edges.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1143. var edge = edges[id];
  1144. if (edge.connected && (edge.getTitle() !== undefined) &&
  1145. edge.isOverlappingWith(obj)) {
  1146. this.popupObj = edge;
  1147. break;
  1148. }
  1149. }
  1150. }
  1151. }
  1152. if (this.popupObj) {
  1153. // show popup message window
  1154. if (this.popupObj != lastPopupNode) {
  1155. var me = this;
  1156. if (!me.popup) {
  1157. me.popup = new Popup(me.frame, me.constants.tooltip);
  1158. }
  1159. // adjust a small offset such that the mouse cursor is located in the
  1160. // bottom left location of the popup, and you can easily move over the
  1161. // popup area
  1162. me.popup.setPosition(pointer.x - 3, pointer.y - 3);
  1163. me.popup.setText(me.popupObj.getTitle());
  1165. }
  1166. }
  1167. else {
  1168. if (this.popup) {
  1169. this.popup.hide();
  1170. }
  1171. }
  1172. };
  1173. /**
  1174. * Check if the popup must be hided, which is the case when the mouse is no
  1175. * longer hovering on the object
  1176. * @param {{x:Number, y:Number}} pointer
  1177. * @private
  1178. */
  1179. Network.prototype._checkHidePopup = function (pointer) {
  1180. if (!this.popupObj || !this._getNodeAt(pointer) ) {
  1181. this.popupObj = undefined;
  1182. if (this.popup) {
  1183. this.popup.hide();
  1184. }
  1185. }
  1186. };
  1187. /**
  1188. * Set a new size for the network
  1189. * @param {string} width Width in pixels or percentage (for example '800px'
  1190. * or '50%')
  1191. * @param {string} height Height in pixels or percentage (for example '400px'
  1192. * or '30%')
  1193. */
  1194. Network.prototype.setSize = function(width, height) {
  1195. = width;
  1196. = height;
  1197. = '100%';
  1198. = '100%';
  1199. this.frame.canvas.width = this.frame.canvas.clientWidth;
  1200. this.frame.canvas.height = this.frame.canvas.clientHeight;
  1201. if (this.manipulationDiv !== undefined) {
  1202. = this.frame.canvas.clientWidth + "px";
  1203. }
  1204. if (this.navigationDivs !== undefined) {
  1205. if (this.navigationDivs['wrapper'] !== undefined) {
  1206. this.navigationDivs['wrapper'].style.width = this.frame.canvas.clientWidth + "px";
  1207. this.navigationDivs['wrapper'].style.height = this.frame.canvas.clientHeight + "px";
  1208. }
  1209. }
  1210. this.emit('resize', {width:this.frame.canvas.width,height:this.frame.canvas.height});
  1211. };
  1212. /**
  1213. * Set a data set with nodes for the network
  1214. * @param {Array | DataSet | DataView} nodes The data containing the nodes.
  1215. * @private
  1216. */
  1217. Network.prototype._setNodes = function(nodes) {
  1218. var oldNodesData = this.nodesData;
  1219. if (nodes instanceof DataSet || nodes instanceof DataView) {
  1220. this.nodesData = nodes;
  1221. }
  1222. else if (nodes instanceof Array) {
  1223. this.nodesData = new DataSet();
  1224. this.nodesData.add(nodes);
  1225. }
  1226. else if (!nodes) {
  1227. this.nodesData = new DataSet();
  1228. }
  1229. else {
  1230. throw new TypeError('Array or DataSet expected');
  1231. }
  1232. if (oldNodesData) {
  1233. // unsubscribe from old dataset
  1234. util.forEach(this.nodesListeners, function (callback, event) {
  1235., callback);
  1236. });
  1237. }
  1238. // remove drawn nodes
  1239. this.nodes = {};
  1240. if (this.nodesData) {
  1241. // subscribe to new dataset
  1242. var me = this;
  1243. util.forEach(this.nodesListeners, function (callback, event) {
  1244. me.nodesData.on(event, callback);
  1245. });
  1246. // draw all new nodes
  1247. var ids = this.nodesData.getIds();
  1248. this._addNodes(ids);
  1249. }
  1250. this._updateSelection();
  1251. };
  1252. /**
  1253. * Add nodes
  1254. * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids
  1255. * @private
  1256. */
  1257. Network.prototype._addNodes = function(ids) {
  1258. var id;
  1259. for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
  1260. id = ids[i];
  1261. var data = this.nodesData.get(id);
  1262. var node = new Node(data, this.images, this.groups, this.constants);
  1263. this.nodes[id] = node; // note: this may replace an existing node
  1264. if ((node.xFixed == false || node.yFixed == false) && (node.x === null || node.y === null)) {
  1265. var radius = 10 * 0.1*ids.length;
  1266. var angle = 2 * Math.PI * Math.random();
  1267. if (node.xFixed == false) {node.x = radius * Math.cos(angle);}
  1268. if (node.yFixed == false) {node.y = radius * Math.sin(angle);}
  1269. }
  1270. this.moving = true;
  1271. }
  1272. this._updateNodeIndexList();
  1273. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true && this.initializing == false) {
  1274. this._resetLevels();
  1275. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  1276. }
  1277. this._updateCalculationNodes();
  1278. this._reconnectEdges();
  1279. this._updateValueRange(this.nodes);
  1280. this.updateLabels();
  1281. };
  1282. /**
  1283. * Update existing nodes, or create them when not yet existing
  1284. * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids
  1285. * @private
  1286. */
  1287. Network.prototype._updateNodes = function(ids) {
  1288. var nodes = this.nodes,
  1289. nodesData = this.nodesData;
  1290. for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
  1291. var id = ids[i];
  1292. var node = nodes[id];
  1293. var data = nodesData.get(id);
  1294. if (node) {
  1295. // update node
  1296. node.setProperties(data, this.constants);
  1297. }
  1298. else {
  1299. // create node
  1300. node = new Node(properties, this.images, this.groups, this.constants);
  1301. nodes[id] = node;
  1302. }
  1303. }
  1304. this.moving = true;
  1305. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true && this.initializing == false) {
  1306. this._resetLevels();
  1307. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  1308. }
  1309. this._updateNodeIndexList();
  1310. this._reconnectEdges();
  1311. this._updateValueRange(nodes);
  1312. };
  1313. /**
  1314. * Remove existing nodes. If nodes do not exist, the method will just ignore it.
  1315. * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids
  1316. * @private
  1317. */
  1318. Network.prototype._removeNodes = function(ids) {
  1319. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1320. for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
  1321. var id = ids[i];
  1322. delete nodes[id];
  1323. }
  1324. this._updateNodeIndexList();
  1325. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true && this.initializing == false) {
  1326. this._resetLevels();
  1327. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  1328. }
  1329. this._updateCalculationNodes();
  1330. this._reconnectEdges();
  1331. this._updateSelection();
  1332. this._updateValueRange(nodes);
  1333. };
  1334. /**
  1335. * Load edges by reading the data table
  1336. * @param {Array | DataSet | DataView} edges The data containing the edges.
  1337. * @private
  1338. * @private
  1339. */
  1340. Network.prototype._setEdges = function(edges) {
  1341. var oldEdgesData = this.edgesData;
  1342. if (edges instanceof DataSet || edges instanceof DataView) {
  1343. this.edgesData = edges;
  1344. }
  1345. else if (edges instanceof Array) {
  1346. this.edgesData = new DataSet();
  1347. this.edgesData.add(edges);
  1348. }
  1349. else if (!edges) {
  1350. this.edgesData = new DataSet();
  1351. }
  1352. else {
  1353. throw new TypeError('Array or DataSet expected');
  1354. }
  1355. if (oldEdgesData) {
  1356. // unsubscribe from old dataset
  1357. util.forEach(this.edgesListeners, function (callback, event) {
  1358., callback);
  1359. });
  1360. }
  1361. // remove drawn edges
  1362. this.edges = {};
  1363. if (this.edgesData) {
  1364. // subscribe to new dataset
  1365. var me = this;
  1366. util.forEach(this.edgesListeners, function (callback, event) {
  1367. me.edgesData.on(event, callback);
  1368. });
  1369. // draw all new nodes
  1370. var ids = this.edgesData.getIds();
  1371. this._addEdges(ids);
  1372. }
  1373. this._reconnectEdges();
  1374. };
  1375. /**
  1376. * Add edges
  1377. * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids
  1378. * @private
  1379. */
  1380. Network.prototype._addEdges = function (ids) {
  1381. var edges = this.edges,
  1382. edgesData = this.edgesData;
  1383. for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
  1384. var id = ids[i];
  1385. var oldEdge = edges[id];
  1386. if (oldEdge) {
  1387. oldEdge.disconnect();
  1388. }
  1389. var data = edgesData.get(id, {"showInternalIds" : true});
  1390. edges[id] = new Edge(data, this, this.constants);
  1391. }
  1392. this.moving = true;
  1393. this._updateValueRange(edges);
  1394. this._createBezierNodes();
  1395. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true && this.initializing == false) {
  1396. this._resetLevels();
  1397. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  1398. }
  1399. this._updateCalculationNodes();
  1400. };
  1401. /**
  1402. * Update existing edges, or create them when not yet existing
  1403. * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids
  1404. * @private
  1405. */
  1406. Network.prototype._updateEdges = function (ids) {
  1407. var edges = this.edges,
  1408. edgesData = this.edgesData;
  1409. for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
  1410. var id = ids[i];
  1411. var data = edgesData.get(id);
  1412. var edge = edges[id];
  1413. if (edge) {
  1414. // update edge
  1415. edge.disconnect();
  1416. edge.setProperties(data, this.constants);
  1417. edge.connect();
  1418. }
  1419. else {
  1420. // create edge
  1421. edge = new Edge(data, this, this.constants);
  1422. this.edges[id] = edge;
  1423. }
  1424. }
  1425. this._createBezierNodes();
  1426. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true && this.initializing == false) {
  1427. this._resetLevels();
  1428. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  1429. }
  1430. this.moving = true;
  1431. this._updateValueRange(edges);
  1432. };
  1433. /**
  1434. * Remove existing edges. Non existing ids will be ignored
  1435. * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids
  1436. * @private
  1437. */
  1438. Network.prototype._removeEdges = function (ids) {
  1439. var edges = this.edges;
  1440. for (var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++) {
  1441. var id = ids[i];
  1442. var edge = edges[id];
  1443. if (edge) {
  1444. if (edge.via != null) {
  1445. delete this.sectors['support']['nodes'][];
  1446. }
  1447. edge.disconnect();
  1448. delete edges[id];
  1449. }
  1450. }
  1451. this.moving = true;
  1452. this._updateValueRange(edges);
  1453. if (this.constants.hierarchicalLayout.enabled == true && this.initializing == false) {
  1454. this._resetLevels();
  1455. this._setupHierarchicalLayout();
  1456. }
  1457. this._updateCalculationNodes();
  1458. };
  1459. /**
  1460. * Reconnect all edges
  1461. * @private
  1462. */
  1463. Network.prototype._reconnectEdges = function() {
  1464. var id,
  1465. nodes = this.nodes,
  1466. edges = this.edges;
  1467. for (id in nodes) {
  1468. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1469. nodes[id].edges = [];
  1470. }
  1471. }
  1472. for (id in edges) {
  1473. if (edges.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1474. var edge = edges[id];
  1475. edge.from = null;
  1476. = null;
  1477. edge.connect();
  1478. }
  1479. }
  1480. };
  1481. /**
  1482. * Update the values of all object in the given array according to the current
  1483. * value range of the objects in the array.
  1484. * @param {Object} obj An object containing a set of Edges or Nodes
  1485. * The objects must have a method getValue() and
  1486. * setValueRange(min, max).
  1487. * @private
  1488. */
  1489. Network.prototype._updateValueRange = function(obj) {
  1490. var id;
  1491. // determine the range of the objects
  1492. var valueMin = undefined;
  1493. var valueMax = undefined;
  1494. for (id in obj) {
  1495. if (obj.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1496. var value = obj[id].getValue();
  1497. if (value !== undefined) {
  1498. valueMin = (valueMin === undefined) ? value : Math.min(value, valueMin);
  1499. valueMax = (valueMax === undefined) ? value : Math.max(value, valueMax);
  1500. }
  1501. }
  1502. }
  1503. // adjust the range of all objects
  1504. if (valueMin !== undefined && valueMax !== undefined) {
  1505. for (id in obj) {
  1506. if (obj.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1507. obj[id].setValueRange(valueMin, valueMax);
  1508. }
  1509. }
  1510. }
  1511. };
  1512. /**
  1513. * Redraw the network with the current data
  1514. * chart will be resized too.
  1515. */
  1516. Network.prototype.redraw = function() {
  1517. this.setSize(this.width, this.height);
  1518. this._redraw();
  1519. };
  1520. /**
  1521. * Redraw the network with the current data
  1522. * @private
  1523. */
  1524. Network.prototype._redraw = function() {
  1525. var ctx = this.frame.canvas.getContext('2d');
  1526. // clear the canvas
  1527. var w = this.frame.canvas.width;
  1528. var h = this.frame.canvas.height;
  1529. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
  1530. // set scaling and translation
  1532. ctx.translate(this.translation.x, this.translation.y);
  1533. ctx.scale(this.scale, this.scale);
  1534. this.canvasTopLeft = {
  1535. "x": this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(0),
  1536. "y": this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(0)
  1537. };
  1538. this.canvasBottomRight = {
  1539. "x": this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(this.frame.canvas.clientWidth),
  1540. "y": this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(this.frame.canvas.clientHeight)
  1541. };
  1542. this._doInAllSectors("_drawAllSectorNodes",ctx);
  1543. this._doInAllSectors("_drawEdges",ctx);
  1544. this._doInAllSectors("_drawNodes",ctx,false);
  1545. this._doInAllSectors("_drawControlNodes",ctx);
  1546. // this._doInSupportSector("_drawNodes",ctx,true);
  1547. // this._drawTree(ctx,"#F00F0F");
  1548. // restore original scaling and translation
  1549. ctx.restore();
  1550. };
  1551. /**
  1552. * Set the translation of the network
  1553. * @param {Number} offsetX Horizontal offset
  1554. * @param {Number} offsetY Vertical offset
  1555. * @private
  1556. */
  1557. Network.prototype._setTranslation = function(offsetX, offsetY) {
  1558. if (this.translation === undefined) {
  1559. this.translation = {
  1560. x: 0,
  1561. y: 0
  1562. };
  1563. }
  1564. if (offsetX !== undefined) {
  1565. this.translation.x = offsetX;
  1566. }
  1567. if (offsetY !== undefined) {
  1568. this.translation.y = offsetY;
  1569. }
  1570. this.emit('viewChanged');
  1571. };
  1572. /**
  1573. * Get the translation of the network
  1574. * @return {Object} translation An object with parameters x and y, both a number
  1575. * @private
  1576. */
  1577. Network.prototype._getTranslation = function() {
  1578. return {
  1579. x: this.translation.x,
  1580. y: this.translation.y
  1581. };
  1582. };
  1583. /**
  1584. * Scale the network
  1585. * @param {Number} scale Scaling factor 1.0 is unscaled
  1586. * @private
  1587. */
  1588. Network.prototype._setScale = function(scale) {
  1589. this.scale = scale;
  1590. };
  1591. /**
  1592. * Get the current scale of the network
  1593. * @return {Number} scale Scaling factor 1.0 is unscaled
  1594. * @private
  1595. */
  1596. Network.prototype._getScale = function() {
  1597. return this.scale;
  1598. };
  1599. /**
  1600. * Convert the X coordinate in DOM-space (coordinate point in browser relative to the container div) to
  1601. * the X coordinate in canvas-space (the simulation sandbox, which the camera looks upon)
  1602. * @param {number} x
  1603. * @returns {number}
  1604. * @private
  1605. */
  1606. Network.prototype._XconvertDOMtoCanvas = function(x) {
  1607. return (x - this.translation.x) / this.scale;
  1608. };
  1609. /**
  1610. * Convert the X coordinate in canvas-space (the simulation sandbox, which the camera looks upon) to
  1611. * the X coordinate in DOM-space (coordinate point in browser relative to the container div)
  1612. * @param {number} x
  1613. * @returns {number}
  1614. * @private
  1615. */
  1616. Network.prototype._XconvertCanvasToDOM = function(x) {
  1617. return x * this.scale + this.translation.x;
  1618. };
  1619. /**
  1620. * Convert the Y coordinate in DOM-space (coordinate point in browser relative to the container div) to
  1621. * the Y coordinate in canvas-space (the simulation sandbox, which the camera looks upon)
  1622. * @param {number} y
  1623. * @returns {number}
  1624. * @private
  1625. */
  1626. Network.prototype._YconvertDOMtoCanvas = function(y) {
  1627. return (y - this.translation.y) / this.scale;
  1628. };
  1629. /**
  1630. * Convert the Y coordinate in canvas-space (the simulation sandbox, which the camera looks upon) to
  1631. * the Y coordinate in DOM-space (coordinate point in browser relative to the container div)
  1632. * @param {number} y
  1633. * @returns {number}
  1634. * @private
  1635. */
  1636. Network.prototype._YconvertCanvasToDOM = function(y) {
  1637. return y * this.scale + this.translation.y ;
  1638. };
  1639. /**
  1640. *
  1641. * @param {object} pos = {x: number, y: number}
  1642. * @returns {{x: number, y: number}}
  1643. * @constructor
  1644. */
  1645. Network.prototype.canvasToDOM = function(pos) {
  1646. return {x:this._XconvertCanvasToDOM(pos.x),y:this._YconvertCanvasToDOM(pos.y)};
  1647. }
  1648. /**
  1649. *
  1650. * @param {object} pos = {x: number, y: number}
  1651. * @returns {{x: number, y: number}}
  1652. * @constructor
  1653. */
  1654. Network.prototype.DOMtoCanvas = function(pos) {
  1655. return {x:this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pos.x),y:this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pos.y)};
  1656. }
  1657. /**
  1658. * Redraw all nodes
  1659. * The 2d context of a HTML canvas can be retrieved by canvas.getContext('2d');
  1660. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
  1661. * @param {Boolean} [alwaysShow]
  1662. * @private
  1663. */
  1664. Network.prototype._drawNodes = function(ctx,alwaysShow) {
  1665. if (alwaysShow === undefined) {
  1666. alwaysShow = false;
  1667. }
  1668. // first draw the unselected nodes
  1669. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1670. var selected = [];
  1671. for (var id in nodes) {
  1672. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1673. nodes[id].setScaleAndPos(this.scale,this.canvasTopLeft,this.canvasBottomRight);
  1674. if (nodes[id].isSelected()) {
  1675. selected.push(id);
  1676. }
  1677. else {
  1678. if (nodes[id].inArea() || alwaysShow) {
  1679. nodes[id].draw(ctx);
  1680. }
  1681. }
  1682. }
  1683. }
  1684. // draw the selected nodes on top
  1685. for (var s = 0, sMax = selected.length; s < sMax; s++) {
  1686. if (nodes[selected[s]].inArea() || alwaysShow) {
  1687. nodes[selected[s]].draw(ctx);
  1688. }
  1689. }
  1690. };
  1691. /**
  1692. * Redraw all edges
  1693. * The 2d context of a HTML canvas can be retrieved by canvas.getContext('2d');
  1694. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
  1695. * @private
  1696. */
  1697. Network.prototype._drawEdges = function(ctx) {
  1698. var edges = this.edges;
  1699. for (var id in edges) {
  1700. if (edges.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1701. var edge = edges[id];
  1702. edge.setScale(this.scale);
  1703. if (edge.connected) {
  1704. edges[id].draw(ctx);
  1705. }
  1706. }
  1707. }
  1708. };
  1709. /**
  1710. * Redraw all edges
  1711. * The 2d context of a HTML canvas can be retrieved by canvas.getContext('2d');
  1712. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
  1713. * @private
  1714. */
  1715. Network.prototype._drawControlNodes = function(ctx) {
  1716. var edges = this.edges;
  1717. for (var id in edges) {
  1718. if (edges.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1719. edges[id]._drawControlNodes(ctx);
  1720. }
  1721. }
  1722. };
  1723. /**
  1724. * Find a stable position for all nodes
  1725. * @private
  1726. */
  1727. Network.prototype._stabilize = function() {
  1728. if (this.constants.freezeForStabilization == true) {
  1729. this._freezeDefinedNodes();
  1730. }
  1731. // find stable position
  1732. var count = 0;
  1733. while (this.moving && count < this.constants.stabilizationIterations) {
  1734. this._physicsTick();
  1735. count++;
  1736. }
  1737. this.zoomExtent(false,true);
  1738. if (this.constants.freezeForStabilization == true) {
  1739. this._restoreFrozenNodes();
  1740. }
  1741. this.emit("stabilized",{iterations:count});
  1742. };
  1743. /**
  1744. * When initializing and stabilizing, we can freeze nodes with a predefined position. This greatly speeds up stabilization
  1745. * because only the supportnodes for the smoothCurves have to settle.
  1746. *
  1747. * @private
  1748. */
  1749. Network.prototype._freezeDefinedNodes = function() {
  1750. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1751. for (var id in nodes) {
  1752. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1753. if (nodes[id].x != null && nodes[id].y != null) {
  1754. nodes[id].fixedData.x = nodes[id].xFixed;
  1755. nodes[id].fixedData.y = nodes[id].yFixed;
  1756. nodes[id].xFixed = true;
  1757. nodes[id].yFixed = true;
  1758. }
  1759. }
  1760. }
  1761. };
  1762. /**
  1763. * Unfreezes the nodes that have been frozen by _freezeDefinedNodes.
  1764. *
  1765. * @private
  1766. */
  1767. Network.prototype._restoreFrozenNodes = function() {
  1768. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1769. for (var id in nodes) {
  1770. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1771. if (nodes[id].fixedData.x != null) {
  1772. nodes[id].xFixed = nodes[id].fixedData.x;
  1773. nodes[id].yFixed = nodes[id].fixedData.y;
  1774. }
  1775. }
  1776. }
  1777. };
  1778. /**
  1779. * Check if any of the nodes is still moving
  1780. * @param {number} vmin the minimum velocity considered as 'moving'
  1781. * @return {boolean} true if moving, false if non of the nodes is moving
  1782. * @private
  1783. */
  1784. Network.prototype._isMoving = function(vmin) {
  1785. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1786. for (var id in nodes) {
  1787. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id) && nodes[id].isMoving(vmin)) {
  1788. return true;
  1789. }
  1790. }
  1791. return false;
  1792. };
  1793. /**
  1794. * /**
  1795. * Perform one discrete step for all nodes
  1796. *
  1797. * @private
  1798. */
  1799. Network.prototype._discreteStepNodes = function() {
  1800. var interval = this.physicsDiscreteStepsize;
  1801. var nodes = this.nodes;
  1802. var nodeId;
  1803. var nodesPresent = false;
  1804. if (this.constants.maxVelocity > 0) {
  1805. for (nodeId in nodes) {
  1806. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
  1807. nodes[nodeId].discreteStepLimited(interval, this.constants.maxVelocity);
  1808. nodesPresent = true;
  1809. }
  1810. }
  1811. }
  1812. else {
  1813. for (nodeId in nodes) {
  1814. if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
  1815. nodes[nodeId].discreteStep(interval);
  1816. nodesPresent = true;
  1817. }
  1818. }
  1819. }
  1820. if (nodesPresent == true) {
  1821. var vminCorrected = this.constants.minVelocity / Math.max(this.scale,0.05);
  1822. if (vminCorrected > 0.5*this.constants.maxVelocity) {
  1823. this.moving = true;
  1824. }
  1825. else {
  1826. this.moving = this._isMoving(vminCorrected);
  1827. }
  1828. }
  1829. };
  1830. /**
  1831. * A single simulation step (or "tick") in the physics simulation
  1832. *
  1833. * @private
  1834. */
  1835. Network.prototype._physicsTick = function() {
  1836. if (!this.freezeSimulation) {
  1837. if (this.moving) {
  1838. this._doInAllActiveSectors("_initializeForceCalculation");
  1839. this._doInAllActiveSectors("_discreteStepNodes");
  1840. if (this.constants.smoothCurves) {
  1841. this._doInSupportSector("_discreteStepNodes");
  1842. }
  1843. this._findCenter(this._getRange())
  1844. }
  1845. }
  1846. };
  1847. /**
  1848. * This function runs one step of the animation. It calls an x amount of physics ticks and one render tick.
  1849. * It reschedules itself at the beginning of the function
  1850. *
  1851. * @private
  1852. */
  1853. Network.prototype._animationStep = function() {
  1854. // reset the timer so a new scheduled animation step can be set
  1855. this.timer = undefined;
  1856. // handle the keyboad movement
  1857. this._handleNavigation();
  1858. // this schedules a new animation step
  1859. this.start();
  1860. // start the physics simulation
  1861. var calculationTime =;
  1862. var maxSteps = 1;
  1863. this._physicsTick();
  1864. var timeRequired = - calculationTime;
  1865. while (timeRequired < 0.9*(this.renderTimestep - this.renderTime) && maxSteps < this.maxPhysicsTicksPerRender) {
  1866. this._physicsTick();
  1867. timeRequired = - calculationTime;
  1868. maxSteps++;
  1869. }
  1870. // start the rendering process
  1871. var renderTime =;
  1872. this._redraw();
  1873. this.renderTime = - renderTime;
  1874. };
  1875. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  1876. window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
  1877. window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
  1878. }
  1879. /**
  1880. * Schedule a animation step with the refreshrate interval.
  1881. */
  1882. Network.prototype.start = function() {
  1883. if (this.moving || this.xIncrement != 0 || this.yIncrement != 0 || this.zoomIncrement != 0) {
  1884. if (!this.timer) {
  1885. var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
  1886. var requiresTimeout = false;
  1887. if (ua.indexOf('msie 9.0') != -1) { // IE 9
  1888. requiresTimeout = true;
  1889. }
  1890. else if (ua.indexOf('safari') != -1) { // safari
  1891. if (ua.indexOf('chrome') <= -1) {
  1892. requiresTimeout = true;
  1893. }
  1894. }
  1895. if (requiresTimeout == true) {
  1896. this.timer = window.setTimeout(this._animationStep.bind(this), this.renderTimestep); // wait this.renderTimeStep milliseconds and perform the animation step function
  1897. }
  1898. else{
  1899. this.timer = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._animationStep.bind(this), this.renderTimestep); // wait this.renderTimeStep milliseconds and perform the animation step function
  1900. }
  1901. }
  1902. }
  1903. else {
  1904. this._redraw();
  1905. }
  1906. };
  1907. /**
  1908. * Move the network according to the keyboard presses.
  1909. *
  1910. * @private
  1911. */
  1912. Network.prototype._handleNavigation = function() {
  1913. if (this.xIncrement != 0 || this.yIncrement != 0) {
  1914. var translation = this._getTranslation();
  1915. this._setTranslation(translation.x+this.xIncrement, translation.y+this.yIncrement);
  1916. }
  1917. if (this.zoomIncrement != 0) {
  1918. var center = {
  1919. x: this.frame.canvas.clientWidth / 2,
  1920. y: this.frame.canvas.clientHeight / 2
  1921. };
  1922. this._zoom(this.scale*(1 + this.zoomIncrement), center);
  1923. }
  1924. };
  1925. /**
  1926. * Freeze the _animationStep
  1927. */
  1928. Network.prototype.toggleFreeze = function() {
  1929. if (this.freezeSimulation == false) {
  1930. this.freezeSimulation = true;
  1931. }
  1932. else {
  1933. this.freezeSimulation = false;
  1934. this.start();
  1935. }
  1936. };
  1937. /**
  1938. * This function cleans the support nodes if they are not needed and adds them when they are.
  1939. *
  1940. * @param {boolean} [disableStart]
  1941. * @private
  1942. */
  1943. Network.prototype._configureSmoothCurves = function(disableStart) {
  1944. if (disableStart === undefined) {
  1945. disableStart = true;
  1946. }
  1947. if (this.constants.smoothCurves == true) {
  1948. this._createBezierNodes();
  1949. }
  1950. else {
  1951. // delete the support nodes
  1952. this.sectors['support']['nodes'] = {};
  1953. for (var edgeId in this.edges) {
  1954. if (this.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) {
  1955. this.edges[edgeId].smooth = false;
  1956. this.edges[edgeId].via = null;
  1957. }
  1958. }
  1959. }
  1960. this._updateCalculationNodes();
  1961. if (!disableStart) {
  1962. this.moving = true;
  1963. this.start();
  1964. }
  1965. };
  1966. /**
  1967. * Bezier curves require an anchor point to calculate the smooth flow. These points are nodes. These nodes are invisible but
  1968. * are used for the force calculation.
  1969. *
  1970. * @private
  1971. */
  1972. Network.prototype._createBezierNodes = function() {
  1973. if (this.constants.smoothCurves == true) {
  1974. for (var edgeId in this.edges) {
  1975. if (this.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) {
  1976. var edge = this.edges[edgeId];
  1977. if (edge.via == null) {
  1978. edge.smooth = true;
  1979. var nodeId = "edgeId:".concat(;
  1980. this.sectors['support']['nodes'][nodeId] = new Node(
  1981. {id:nodeId,
  1982. mass:1,
  1983. shape:'circle',
  1984. image:"",
  1985. internalMultiplier:1
  1986. },{},{},this.constants);
  1987. edge.via = this.sectors['support']['nodes'][nodeId];
  1988. edge.via.parentEdgeId =;
  1989. edge.positionBezierNode();
  1990. }
  1991. }
  1992. }
  1993. }
  1994. };
  1995. /**
  1996. * load the functions that load the mixins into the prototype.
  1997. *
  1998. * @private
  1999. */
  2000. Network.prototype._initializeMixinLoaders = function () {
  2001. for (var mixin in MixinLoader) {
  2002. if (MixinLoader.hasOwnProperty(mixin)) {
  2003. Network.prototype[mixin] = MixinLoader[mixin];
  2004. }
  2005. }
  2006. };
  2007. /**
  2008. * Load the XY positions of the nodes into the dataset.
  2009. */
  2010. Network.prototype.storePosition = function() {
  2011. var dataArray = [];
  2012. for (var nodeId in this.nodes) {
  2013. if (this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
  2014. var node = this.nodes[nodeId];
  2015. var allowedToMoveX = !this.nodes.xFixed;
  2016. var allowedToMoveY = !this.nodes.yFixed;
  2017. if (this.nodesData._data[nodeId].x != Math.round(node.x) || this.nodesData._data[nodeId].y != Math.round(node.y)) {
  2018. dataArray.push({id:nodeId,x:Math.round(node.x),y:Math.round(node.y),allowedToMoveX:allowedToMoveX,allowedToMoveY:allowedToMoveY});
  2019. }
  2020. }
  2021. }
  2022. this.nodesData.update(dataArray);
  2023. };
  2024. /**
  2025. * Center a node in view.
  2026. *
  2027. * @param {Number} nodeId
  2028. * @param {Number} [zoomLevel]
  2029. */
  2030. Network.prototype.focusOnNode = function (nodeId, zoomLevel) {
  2031. if (this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
  2032. if (zoomLevel === undefined) {
  2033. zoomLevel = this._getScale();
  2034. }
  2035. var nodePosition= {x: this.nodes[nodeId].x, y: this.nodes[nodeId].y};
  2036. var requiredScale = zoomLevel;
  2037. this._setScale(requiredScale);
  2038. var canvasCenter = this.DOMtoCanvas({x:0.5 * this.frame.canvas.width,y:0.5 * this.frame.canvas.height});
  2039. var translation = this._getTranslation();
  2040. var distanceFromCenter = {x:canvasCenter.x - nodePosition.x,
  2041. y:canvasCenter.y - nodePosition.y};
  2042. this._setTranslation(translation.x + requiredScale * distanceFromCenter.x,
  2043. translation.y + requiredScale * distanceFromCenter.y);
  2044. this.redraw();
  2045. }
  2046. else {
  2047. console.log("This nodeId cannot be found.")
  2048. }
  2049. };
  2050. module.exports = Network;