- It is a well-known fact that a fast website is critical towards having high user
- retention. Google looks favorable upon websites which are well optimized and
- fast. If you are using a CMS like WordPress or Wix, a lot of optimization is
- done automatically. If you like to build stuff from scratch like me, there is a
- ton of work required to optimize a website. This post will cover the 8 things that
- I did to decrease the load time of this blog written in node by two seconds.
- #### Final Results
- This is the result for a single blog post.
- Before the improvements, my home page took 3.14 seconds to load and was 3mb. Now
- my home page takes 1.22 seconds to load and is only 1.2mb in size. If you look at the
- waterfall for my home page, most of the time is a result of the youtube embedded
- videos loading.
- 1: Optimize Images
- ------------------
- Since images are the largest portion of a website's size, optimizing and
- reducing the size of images will decrease load time. In a perfect web
- development world, everyone would use SVG images which are extremely small and
- don't need compression. I wrote a script to automatically optimize JPEG and PNG
- images for websites since most people don’t use SVG images.
- ```bash
- #!/bin/bash
- # Simple script for optimizing all images for a website
- #
- # @author Jeffery Russell 7-19-18
- WIDTH="690>" # the ">" tag specifies that images will not get scaled up
- folders=("./entries" "./img")
- for folder in "${folders[@]}"; do
- for f in $(find $folder -name '*.jpg' -or -name '*.JPG'); do
- convert "$f" -resize $WIDTH "$f"
- jpegoptim --max=80 --strip-all --preserve --totals --all-progressive "$f"
- done
- for f in $(find $folder -name '*.png' -or -name '*.PNG'); do
- convert "$f" -resize $WIDTH "$f"
- optipng -o7 -preserve "$f"
- done
- done
- ```
- This script will go through the ‘img', and ‘entries’ folders recursively
- and optimize all the images in there. If an image is more than 690px wide, it
- will get scaled down. In most cases it is useless to have images with
- a width greater than 690px because it will just get scaled by the client's web
- browser.
- If you are running a Debian based linux distro, you can download the
- dependencies for this script with the following commands:
- ```bash
- apt-get install jpegoptim
- apt-get install optipng
- apt-get install convert
- ```
- The goal of this script is to make most of the images under 100kb for the web.
- It is ok to have a few images above 100kb; however, you should really avoid
- having images above 200kb.
- 2: Take advantage of Async calls
- --------------------------------
- One of the largest benefits of Node is its Async abilities: code is
- executed in a multi-threaded fashion. This can become a "callback hell" if not
- handled correctly, but, with good code structure it can become very useful and easy to manage. When
- code is executed in parallel, you can decrease run time by doing other stuff
- while waiting on costly file IO and database calls.
- The problem with Async code is that it is hard to coordinate. Node has a lot of
- ways to handel synchronization; I prefer to use
- [Promises](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise).
- Here is a simple example where Async code can be misused.
- Bad Async Code:
- ```javascript
- includes.printHeader(res).then(function()
- {
- return require(file).main(res, filename, request);
- }).then(function()
- {
- return includes.printFooter(res);
- }).catch(function(err)
- {
- console.log(err);
- })
- ```
- Good Code Async:
- ```javascript
- Promise.all([includes.printHeader(),
- require(file).main(filename, request),
- includes.printFooter()]).then(function(content)
- {
- res.write(content.join(''));
- res.end();
- }).catch(function(err)
- {
- console.log(err);
- });
- ```
- In the second example, three blocks of Async code are executed in parallel and in
- the first example three blocks of async code are executed one after another.
- Many people may initially do the first option because it may seem like you must
- create and render the footer after you render the header and body of the page.
- A great way to handel async calls is by having most of your methods returning
- promises which resolve to the HTML or DB information that they produce. When you
- run Promise.all, it returns an array of the results of the promises which enables you to
- preserve the order ie header, body, footer. After you do this for all your code,
- it creates a async tree which runs very fast.
- Another Good Async Example:
- ```javascript
- /**
- * Calls posts and sidebar modules to render blog contents in order
- *
- * @param requestURL
- * @returns {Promise|*}
- */
- main: function(requestURL)
- {
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
- {
- Promise.all([renderPost(requestURL),
- require("../sidebar/sidebar.js").main()]).then(function(content)
- {
- resolve(content.join(''));
- }).catch(function(error)
- {
- reject(error);
- })
- });
- }
- ```
- 3: Client-Side Caching
- ----------------------
- Client-side caching is where the client's web browser stores static content they
- download from your website. For example, if a client caches a CSS style sheet,
- they won't have to download it again for the next page they visit.
- You should cache all images, JavaScript and CSS files since those typically
- don't change. It is a good idea to set the expiration date of the cache to be
- something longer than a week, I typically set mine for a month.
- For a web browser to accept and cache files, you must set some tags in the HTTP
- header. In the HTTP header you must specify the content type and cache variables
- like max age. You also must assign a ETag to the header to give the client a way
- to verify the content of the cache. This enables the client to detect if there
- was a change to the file and that they should download it again. Some people set the ETag equal
- to the version of the stylesheet or JavaScript, but, it is far easier to just
- set it equal to the hash of the file. I use md5 to hash the files since it is
- fast and I'm not worried about hash collisions for this application.
- You can do this in NGINX if you use it to serve static files, but, you can also
- do it directly in Node.
- #### Caching CSS
- ```javascript
- var eTag = crypto.createHash('md5').update(content).digest('hex');
- result.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/css', 'Cache-Control':
- 'public, max-age=2678400', 'ETag': '"' + eTag + '"',
- 'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding'});
- result.write(content);
- result.end();
- ```
- #### Caching Images
- ```javascript
- var eTag = crypto.createHash('md5').update(content).digest('hex');
- result.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png',
- 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=2678400',
- 'ETag': '"' + eTag + '"'});
- result.write(content);
- result.end();
- ```
- 4: Server-Side Caching
- ----------------------
- Even with the best async server, there are still ways to improve performance. If
- you cache all the static pages that you generate in a HashMap, you can quickly
- access it for the next web user without ever having to query the database or
- do file IO.
- #### Ex:
- ```javascript
- const cache = require('memory-cache');
- var html = cache.get(filename);
- if(html == null)
- {
- // Generate page contents
- Promise.all([includes.printHeader(),
- require(file).main(filename, request),
- includes.printFooter()]).then(function(content)
- {
- res.write(content.join(''));
- res.end();
- cache.put(filename, content.join(''));
- })
- }
- else
- {
- res.write(html);
- res.end();
- }
- ```
- I found that it is the fastest to cache everything from static html pages, CSS,
- JavaScript, and images. For a larger site this may consume a boat load of ram,
- but, storing images in a HashMap reduces load time since you don't need to read
- the image file from the disk. For my blog, server-side caching nearly cut my load time
- in half.
- Make sure that you don't accidentally cache a dynamic page like the CMS page in
- your admin section — really hard to realize while debugging.
- To demonstrate the performance increase of this method, I restarted my web
- server (clearing the cache) and ran a speed test which ran three trials. The
- first two trials were slow since the server did not have anything in its cache.
- However, the third trial ran extremely fast since all the contents were in the
- server's cache.
- 5: Enable Compression
- ---------------------
- Compressing content before it is transferred over the internet can significantly
- decrease the loading time of your website. The only trade off from this approach
- is that it takes more CPU resources, however, it is well worth it for the
- performance gains. Using Gzip on CSS and HTML can reduce the size by 60-70%.
- If you are running an NGINX server, you can enable Gzip there. There is also a
- simple node module which will use Gzip compression on an Express app.
- #### Gzip on Express App
- ```bash
- npm install compression
- ```
- ```javascript
- var compression = require('compression')
- app.use(compression());
- ```
- 6: Remove Unused CSS Definitions
- --------------------------------
- If you use a CSS library like Bootstrap or W3-CSS, you will have a ton of css
- classes which go unused. The standard BootStrap CSS file is around 210kb. After
- I removed unused CSS definitions the size of the BootStrap file was only 16kb
- for my website.
- For my blog I used the node dependency PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS.
- This command will install PurgeCSS for CLI (command line interface).
- ```bash
- npm i -g purgecss
- ```
- This is an example of how you could use PurgeCSS to remove unused css
- definitions.
- ```bash
- purgecss --css css/app.css --content src/index.html --out build/css/
- ```
- PurgeCSS CLI options.
- ```bash
- purgecss --css <css> --content <content> [option]
- Options:
- --con, --content glob of content files [array]
- -c, --config configuration file [string]
- -o, --out Filepath directory to write purified css files to [string]
- -w, --whitelist List of classes that should not be removed
- [array] [default: []]
- -h, --help Show help [boolean]
- -v, --version Show version number [boolean]
- ```
- This is not the ideal solution since some CSS definitions may be used on some
- pages yet unused on other pages. When running this command be sure to select a
- page which uses all your CSS to prevent losing some CSS styling on certain
- pages.
- You don't have to use this through the command line, you can run this directly
- in your node app to make it automated. Check out their
- [documentation](https://www.purgecss.com/) to learn more.
- 7: Minify CSS and Javascript
- ----------------------------
- This is the easiest thing you can do to reduce the size of your website. You
- just run your CSS and JavaScript through a program which strips out all
- unnecessary characters.
- Ex of Minified CSS:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .bg-primary{background-color:#3B536B!important}#mainNav{font-family:Montserrat,'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase;padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px}#mainNav .navbar-nav{letter-spacing:1px}#mainNav .navbar-nav li.nav-item a.nav-link{color:#fff}#mainNav .navbar-nav li.nav-item a.nav-link:hover{color:#D2C0FF;outline:0}#mainNav .navbar-toggler{font-size:14px;padding:11px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#fff;border-color:#fff}.navbar-toggler{padding:.25rem .75rem;font-size:1.09375rem;line-height:1;background-color:transparent;border:1px solid transparent;border-radius:.25rem}.table .thead-dark{color:#fff;background-color:#513E7D;border-color:#32383e}footer{color:#fff}footer h3{margin-bottom:30px}footer .footer-above{padding-top:50px;background-color:#3B536B}footer .footer-col{margin-bottom:50px}footer .footer-below{padding:25px 0;background-color:#3B536B}
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- There are Node libraries which can minify CSS and Javascript, however, if you
- are lazy, just use a website like [this](https://cssminifier.com/).
- 8: Keep Minimal JavaScript
- --------------------------
- Ignoring the gross amount of Node dependencies you have, it is critical to
- minimize the amount of dependencies the client needs. I completely removed
- BootStrap's JavaScript and jQuery from my blog by simply writing a javascript
- function for my nav bar. This reduced the size of my website by 100kb.
- ```javascript
- const e = document.querySelector(".navbar-toggler");
- const t = document.querySelector(".navbar-collapse");
- e.onclick = function()
- {
- if (e.getAttribute("aria-expanded") == "false")
- {
- t.classList.remove('collapse');
- e.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
- }
- else
- {
- e.setAttribute("aria-expanded", false);
- t.classList.add('collapse');
- }
- }
- ```
- You should debate how much you need 3rd party scripts like Google Analytics. In
- most cases people don't full take advantage of Google Analytics, a simple
- backend analytics service would work just as good while saving the client load
- time.
- Resources
- ---------
- - [Pingdom Speed Test](https://tools.pingdom.com/)
- - [Google Website Speed
- Test](https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/)
- - [Code to My "Optimized" Node Blog](https://github.com/jrtechs/NodeJSBlog)
- - [Purge CSS](https://www.purgecss.com/)
- - [CSS and JavaScript Minifier](https://www.minifier.org/)