vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
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  1. # vis.js history
  3. ## not yet released, version 3.8.1-SNAPSHOT
  4. ### Network
  5. - reverted change in image class, fixed bug #552
  6. - improved (not neccesarily fixed) the fontFill offset between different browsers. #365
  7. - Fixed dashed lines on firefox on Unix systems
  8. - Altered the Manipulation Mixin to be succesfully destroyed from memory when calling destroy();
  9. - Improved drawing of arrowheads on smooth curves. #349
  10. - Caught case where click originated on external DOM element and drag progressed to vis.
  11. - Added label stroke support to Nodes, Edges & Groups as per-object or global settings. Thank you @klmdb!
  12. - Reverted patch that made nodes return to 'default' setting if no group was assigned to fix issue #561. The correct way to 'remove' a group from a node is to assign it a different one.
  13. - Made the node/edge selected by the popup system the same as selected by the click-to-select system. Thank you @pavlos256!
  14. - Improved edit edge control nodes positions, altered style a little.
  15. - Fixed issue #564 by resetting state to initial when no callback is performed in the return function.
  16. - Added condition to Repulsion similar to BarnesHut to ensure nodes do not overlap.
  17. - Added labelAlignment option to edges. Thanks @T-rav!
  18. - Close active sessions in dataManipulation when calling setData().
  19. ### Timeline
  20. - Added byUser flag to options of the rangechange and rangechanged event.
  21. ## 20145-01-09, version 3.8.0
  22. ### General
  23. - Updated to moment.js v2.9.0
  24. ### Network
  25. - Fixed flipping of hierarchical network on update when using RL and DU.
  26. - Added zoomExtentOnStabilize option to network.
  27. - Improved destroy function, added them to the examples.
  28. - Nodes now have bounding boxes that are used for zoomExtent.
  29. - Made physics more stable (albeit a little slower).
  30. - Added a check so only one 'activator' overlay is created on clickToUse.
  31. - Made global color options for edges overrule the inheritColors.
  32. - Improved cleaning up of the physics configuration on destroy and in options.
  33. - Made nodes who lost their group revert back to default color.
  34. - Changed group behaviour, groups now extend the options, not replace. This allows partial defines of color.
  35. - Fixed bug where box shaped nodes did not use hover color.
  36. - Fixed Locales docs.
  37. - When hovering over a node that does not have a title, the title of one of the connected edges that HAS a title is no longer shown.
  38. - Fixed error in repulsion physics model.
  39. - Improved physics handling for smoother network simulation.
  40. - Fixed infinite loop when an image can not be found and no brokenImage is provided.
  41. - Added getBoundingBox method.
  42. - Community fix for SVG images in IE11, thanks @dponch!
  43. - Fixed repeating stabilized event when the network is already stabilized.
  44. - Added circularImages, thanks for the contribution @brendon1982!
  45. ### Graph2d
  46. - Fixed round-off errors of zero on the y-axis.
  47. - added show major/minor lines options to dataAxis.
  48. - Fixed adapting to width and height changes.
  49. - Added a check so only one 'activator' overlay is created on clickToUse.
  50. - DataAxis width option now draws correctly.
  51. ### Timeline
  52. - Implemented support for styling of the vertical grid.
  53. - Support for custom date formatting of the labels on the time axis.
  54. - added show major/minor lines options to timeline.
  55. - Added a check so only one 'activator' overlay is created on clickToUse.
  56. ### Graph3d
  57. - Fixed mouse coordinates for tooltips.
  58. ## 2014-12-09, version 3.7.2
  59. ### Timeline
  60. - Fixed zooming issue on mobile devices.
  61. ### Graph2D
  62. - Fixed infinite loop when clearing DataSet
  63. ### Network
  64. - Sidestepped double touch event from hammer (ugly.. but functional) causing
  65. strange behaviour in manipulation mode
  66. - Better cleanup after reconnecting edges in manipulation mode
  67. - Fixed recursion error with smooth edges that are connected to non-existent nodes
  68. - Added destroy method.
  69. ## 2014-11-28, version 3.7.1
  70. ### Timeline
  71. - Implemented selection of a range of items using Shift+Click.
  72. - Fixed content in range items may overflow range after zoom.
  73. - Fixed onAdd/onUpdate callbacks when using a DataView (thanks @motzel).
  74. - Fixed configuring either `start` or `end`.
  75. - Fixed Timeline and Graph2d getting stuck in an infinite loop in some
  76. circumstances.
  77. - Fixed background items being selectable and editable when a height is set.
  78. ### Graph2D
  79. - Added `alignZeros` option to dataAxis with default value true.
  80. - Fixed bug with points drawn on bargraphs
  81. - Fixed docs
  82. - Fixed height increase on scrolling if only `graphHeight` is defined.
  83. ### Network
  84. - dragEnd event now does not give the selected nodes if only the viewport has been dragged #453
  85. - merged high DPI fix by @crubier, thanks!
  86. ## 2014-11-14, version 3.7.0
  87. ### Graph2D
  88. - Added points style for scatterplots and pointclouds.
  89. - Modularized the Graph2D draw styles.
  90. - Added a finishedRedraw event.
  91. ### Network
  92. - Added pointer properties to the click and the doubleClick events containing the XY coordinates in DOM and canvas space.
  93. - Removed IDs from navigation so multiple networks can be shown on the same page. (#438)
  94. ### Timeline
  95. - Added a finishedRedraw event.
  96. - Fixed the disappearing item bug.
  97. - Fixed keycharm issue.
  98. ## 2014-11-07, version 3.6.4
  99. ### General
  100. - Removed mousetrap due to Apache license, created keycharm and implemented it with vis.
  101. ### Timeline
  102. - Fixed height of background items when having a fixed or max height defined.
  103. - Fixed only one item being dragged when multiple items are selected.
  104. - Optimised a serious slowdown on performance since hidden dates.
  105. ### Network
  106. - Fixed onRelease with navigation option.
  107. - Fixed arrow heads not being colored.
  108. ### Graph2D
  109. - Fixed cleaning up of groups.
  110. - Throw error message when items are added before groups.
  111. - Made graphHeight automatic if height is defined AND if graphHeight is smaller than the center panel when height is defined as well.
  112. - Added new verticalDrag event for internal use, allowing the vertical scrolling of the grid lines on drag.
  113. - Fixed moving legend when postioned on the bottom and vertical dragging.
  114. - Optimised a serious slowdown on performance since hidden dates.
  115. - Accepted a large pull request from @cdjackson adding the following features (thank you!):
  116. - Titles on the DataAxis to explain what units you are using.
  117. - A style field for groups and datapoints so you can dynamically change styles.
  118. - A precision option to manually set the amount of decimals.
  119. - Two new examples showing the new features.
  120. ## 2014-10-28, version 3.6.3
  121. ### Timeline
  122. - Fixed background items not always be cleared when removing them.
  123. - Fixed visible items not always be displayed.
  124. - Performance improvements when doing a lot of changes at once in a DataSet.
  125. ### Network
  126. - Fixed dashed and arrow lines not using inheritColor.
  127. ### DataSet
  128. - Support for queueing of changes, and flushing them at once.
  129. - Implemented `DataSet.setOptions`. Only applicable for the `queue` options.
  130. ## 2014-10-24, version 3.6.2
  131. - Vis.js is now dual licensed under both Apache 2.0 and MIT.
  132. ## 2014-10-22, version 3.6.1
  133. ### Timeline
  134. - Fixed uneven stepsized with hidden dates.
  135. - Fixed multiple bugs with regards to hidden dates.
  136. - Fixed subgroups and added subgroup sorting. Subgroup labels will be in future releases.
  137. ## 2014-10-21, version 3.6.0
  138. ### Network
  139. - Title of nodes and edges can now be an HTML element too.
  140. - Renamed storePosition to storePositions. Added deprication message and old name still works.
  141. - Worked around hammer.js bug with multiple release listeners.
  142. - Improved cleaning up after manipulation toolbar.
  143. - Added getPositions() method to get the position of all nodes or some of them if specific Ids are supplied.
  144. - Added getCenterCoordinates() method to get the x and y position in canvas space of the center of the view.
  145. - Fixed node label becoming undefined.
  146. - Fixed cluster fontsize scaling.
  147. - Fixed cluster sector scaling.
  148. - Added oldHeight and oldWidth to resize event.
  149. ### Timeline
  150. - Implemented field `style` for both items and groups, to set a custom style for
  151. individual items.
  152. - Fixed height of BackgroundItems not being 100% when timeline has a fixed height.
  153. - Fixed width of BackgroundItems not being reduced to 0 when zooming out.
  154. - Fixed onclick events in items not working.
  155. - Added hiddenDates to hide specific times and/or days in the timeline.
  156. ### DataSet
  157. - Event listeners of `update` now receive an extra property `data`,
  158. containing the changed fields of the changed items.
  159. ### Graph2d
  160. - Fixed height of legend when there are many items showing.
  161. ### Graph3d
  162. - Implemented options `xValueLabel`, `yValueLabel` and `zValueLabel` for custom labels along
  163. the x, y, z axis. Thanks @fabriziofortino.
  164. ## 2014-09-16, version 3.5.0
  165. ### Network
  166. - Fixed nodes not always being unfixed when using allowedToMove.
  167. - Added dragStart and dragEnd events.
  168. - Added edge selection on edge labels.
  169. ### Graph2d
  170. - Fixed dataAxis not showing large numbers correctly.
  171. ## 2014-09-12, version 3.4.2
  172. ### Network
  173. - Changed timings for zoomExtent animation.
  174. - Fixed possible cause of freezing graph when animating.
  175. - Added locked to focusOnNode and releaseNode().
  176. - Fixed minor bug in positioning of fontFill of nodes with certain shapes.
  177. - Added startStabilization event.
  178. ## 2014-09-11, version 3.4.1
  179. ### Network
  180. - Fix for introduced bug on zoomExtent navigation button.
  181. - Added animation to zoomExtent navigation button.
  182. - Improved cleaning of Hammer.js bindings.
  183. ### Timeline
  184. - Fixed a bug in IE freezing when margin.item and margin.axis where both 0.
  185. ## 2014-09-10, version 3.4.0
  186. ### Graph2d
  187. - Fixed moment.js url in localization example.
  188. ### Network
  189. - Fixed some positioning issues with the close button of the manipulation menu.
  190. - Added fontFill to Nodes as it is in Edges.
  191. - Implemented support for broken image fallback. Thanks @sfairgrieve.
  192. - Added multiline labels to edges as they are implemented in nodes. Updated
  193. multiline example to show this.
  194. - Added animation and camera controls by the method .moveTo()
  195. - Added new event that fires when the animation is finished.
  196. - Added new example showing the new features of animation.
  197. - Added getScale() method.
  198. ### Timeline
  199. - Implemented support for templates.
  200. - Implemented a new item type: `'background'`. This can be used to mark periods
  201. with a background color and label.
  202. - Implemented support for attaching HTML attributes to items. Thanks @dturkenk.
  203. - Fixed moment.js url in localization example.
  204. - Fixed `className` of groups not being updated when changed.
  205. - Fixed the `id` field of a new item not correctly generated.
  206. - Fixed newly added item ignored when returning an other object instance.
  207. - Fixed option `autoResize` not working on IE in case of changing visibility
  208. of the Timeline container element.
  209. - Fixed an overflow issue with the dots of BoxItems when using groups.
  210. - Fixed a horizontal 1-pixel offset in the items (border width wasn't taken into
  211. account).
  212. - Renamed internal items from `ItemBox`, `ItemRange`, and `ItemPoint` to
  213. respectively `BoxItem`, `RangeItem`, and `PointItem`.
  214. - Fixed an error thrown when calling `destroy()`.
  215. ## 2014-08-29, version 3.3.0
  216. ### Timeline
  217. - Added localization support.
  218. - Implemented option `clickToUse`.
  219. - Implemented function `focus(id)` to center a specific item (or multiple items)
  220. on screen.
  221. - Implemented an option `focus` for `setSelection(ids, options)`, to immediately
  222. focus selected nodes.
  223. - Implemented function `moveTo(time, options)`.
  224. - Implemented animated range change for functions `fit`, `focus`, `setSelection`,
  225. and `setWindow`.
  226. - Implemented functions `setCurrentTime(date)` and `getCurrentTime()`.
  227. - Implemented a new callback function `onMoving(item, callback)`.
  228. - Implemented support for option `align` for range items.
  229. - Fixed the `change` event sometimes being fired twice on IE10.
  230. - Fixed canceling moving an item to another group did not move the item
  231. back to the original group.
  232. - Fixed the `change` event sometimes being fired twice on IE10.
  233. - Fixed canceling moving an item to another group did not move the item
  234. back to the original group.
  235. ### Network
  236. - A fix in reading group properties for a node.
  237. - Fixed physics solving stopping when a support node was not moving.
  238. - Implemented localization support.
  239. - Implemented option `clickToUse`.
  240. - Improved the `stabilized` event, it's now firing after every stabilization
  241. with iteration count as parameter.
  242. - Fixed page scroll event not being blocked when moving around in Network
  243. using arrow keys.
  244. - Fixed an initial rendering before the graph has been stabilized.
  245. - Fixed bug where loading hierarchical data after initialization crashed network.
  246. - Added different layout method to the hierarchical system based on the direction of the edges.
  247. ### Graph2d
  248. - Implemented option `handleOverlap` to support overlap, sideBySide and stack.
  249. - Implemented two examples showing the `handleOverlap` functionality.
  250. - Implemented `customRange` for the Y axis and an example showing how it works.
  251. - Implemented localization support.
  252. - Implemented option `clickToUse`.
  253. - Implemented functions `setCurrentTime(date)` and `getCurrentTime()`.
  254. - Implemented function `moveTo(time, options)`.
  255. - Fixed bugs.
  256. - Added groups.visibility functionality and an example showing how it works.
  257. ## 2014-08-14, version 3.2.0
  258. ### General
  259. - Refactored Timeline and Graph2d to use the same core.
  260. ### Graph2d
  261. - Added `visible` property to the groups.
  262. - Added `getLegend()` method.
  263. - Added `isGroupVisible()` method.
  264. - Fixed empty group bug.
  265. - Added `fit()` and `getItemRange()` methods.
  266. ### Timeline
  267. - Fixed items in groups sometimes being displayed but not positioned correctly.
  268. - Fixed a group "null" being displayed in IE when not using groups.
  269. ### Network
  270. - Fixed mass = 0 for nodes.
  271. - Revamped the options system. You can globally set options (network.setOptions) to update settings of nodes and edges that have not been specifically defined by the individual nodes and edges.
  272. - Disabled inheritColor when color information is set on an edge.
  273. - Tweaked examples.
  274. - Removed the global length property for edges. The edgelength is part of the physics system. Therefore, you have to change the springLength of the physics system to change the edge length. Individual edge lengths can still be defined.
  275. - Removed global edge length definition form examples.
  276. - Removed onclick and onrelease for navigation and switched to Hammer.js (fixing touchscreen interaction with navigation).
  277. - Fixed error on adding an edge without having created the nodes it should be connected to (in the case of dynamic smooth curves).
  278. ## 2014-07-22, version 3.1.0
  279. ### General
  280. - Refactored the code to commonjs modules, which are browserifyable. This allows
  281. to create custom builds.
  282. ### Timeline
  283. - Implemented function `getVisibleItems()`, which returns the items visible
  284. in the current window.
  285. - Added options `margin.item.horizontal` and `margin.item.vertical`, which
  286. allows to specify different margins horizontally/vertically.
  287. - Removed check for number of arguments in callbacks `onAdd`, `onUpdate`,
  288. `onRemove`, and `onMove`.
  289. - Fixed items in groups sometimes being displayed but not positioned correctly.
  290. - Fixed range where the `end` of the first is equal to the `start` of the second
  291. sometimes being stacked instead of put besides each other when `item.margin=0`
  292. due to round-off errors.
  293. ### Network (formerly named Graph)
  294. - Expanded smoothCurves options for improved support for large clusters.
  295. - Added multiple types of smoothCurve drawing for greatly improved performance.
  296. - Option for inherited edge colors from connected nodes.
  297. - Option to disable the drawing of nodes or edges on drag.
  298. - Fixed support nodes not being cleaned up if edges are removed.
  299. - Improved edge selection detection for long smooth curves.
  300. - Fixed dot radius bug.
  301. - Updated max velocity of nodes to three times it's original value.
  302. - Made "stabilized" event fire every time the network stabilizes.
  303. - Fixed drift in dragging nodes while zooming.
  304. - Fixed recursively constructing of hierarchical layouts.
  305. - Added borderWidth option for nodes.
  306. - Implemented new Hierarchical view solver.
  307. - Fixed an issue with selecting nodes when the web page is scrolled down.
  308. - Added Gephi JSON parser
  309. - Added Neighbour Highlight example
  310. - Added Import From Gephi example
  311. - Enabled color parsing for nodes when supplied with rgb(xxx,xxx,xxx) value.
  312. ### DataSet
  313. - Added .get() returnType option to return as JSON object, Array or Google
  314. DataTable.
  315. ## 2014-07-07, version 3.0.0
  316. ### Timeline
  317. - Implemented support for displaying a `title` for both items and groups.
  318. - Fixed auto detected item type being preferred over the global item `type`.
  319. - Throws an error when constructing without new keyword.
  320. - Removed the 'rangeoverflow' item type. Instead, one can use a regular range
  321. and change css styling of the item contents to:
  322. .vis.timeline .item.range .content {
  323. overflow: visible;
  324. }
  325. - Fixed the height of background and foreground panels of groups.
  326. - Fixed ranges in the Timeline sometimes overlapping when dragging the Timeline.
  327. - Fixed `DataView` not working in Timeline.
  328. ### Network (formerly named Graph)
  329. - Renamed `Graph` to `Network` to prevent confusion with the visualizations
  330. `Graph2d` and `Graph3d`.
  331. - Renamed option `dragGraph` to `dragNetwork`.
  332. - Now throws an error when constructing without new keyword.
  333. - Added pull request from Vukk, user can now define the edge width multiplier
  334. when selected.
  335. - Fixed `graph.storePositions()`.
  336. - Extended Selection API with `selectNodes` and `selectEdges`, deprecating
  337. `setSelection`.
  338. - Fixed multiline labels.
  339. - Changed hierarchical physics solver and updated docs.
  340. ### Graph2d
  341. - Added first iteration of the Graph2d.
  342. ### Graph3d
  343. - Now throws an error when constructing without new keyword.
  344. ## 2014-06-19, version 2.0.0
  345. ### Timeline
  346. - Implemented function `destroy` to neatly cleanup a Timeline.
  347. - Implemented support for dragging the timeline contents vertically.
  348. - Implemented options `zoomable` and `moveable`.
  349. - Changed default value of option `showCurrentTime` to true.
  350. - Internal refactoring and simplification of the code.
  351. - Fixed property `className` of groups not being applied to related contents and
  352. background elements, and not being updated once applied.
  353. ### Graph
  354. - Reduced the timestep a little for smoother animations.
  355. - Fixed dataManipulation.initiallyVisible functionality (thanks theGrue).
  356. - Forced typecast of fontSize to Number.
  357. - Added editing of edges using the data manipulation toolkit.
  358. ### DataSet
  359. - Renamed option `convert` to `type`.
  360. ## 2014-06-06, version 1.1.0
  361. ### Timeline
  362. - Select event now triggers repeatedly when selecting an already selected item.
  363. - Renamed `Timeline.repaint()` to `Timeline.redraw()` to be consistent with
  364. the other visualisations of vis.js.
  365. - Fixed `Timeline.clear()` not resetting a configured `options.start` and
  366. `options.end`.
  367. ### Graph
  368. - Fixed error with zero nodes with hierarchical layout.
  369. - Added focusOnNode function.
  370. - Added hover option.
  371. - Added dragNodes option. Renamed movebale to dragGraph option.
  372. - Added hover events (hoverNode, blurNode).
  373. ### Graph3D
  374. - Ported Graph3D from Chap Links Library.
  375. ## 2014-05-28, version 1.0.2
  376. ### Timeline
  377. - Implemented option `minHeight`, similar to option `maxHeight`.
  378. - Implemented a method `clear([what])`, to clear items, groups, and configuration
  379. of a Timeline instance.
  380. - Added function `repaint()` to force a repaint of the Timeline.
  381. - Some tweaks in snapping dragged items to nice dates.
  382. - Made the instance of moment.js packaged with vis.js accessibly via `vis.moment`.
  383. - A newly created item is initialized with `end` property when option `type`
  384. is `"range"` or `"rangeoverflow"`.
  385. - Fixed a bug in replacing the DataSet of groups via `Timeline.setGroups(groups)`.
  386. - Fixed a bug when rendering the Timeline inside a hidden container.
  387. - Fixed axis scale being determined wrongly for a second Timeline in a single page.
  388. ### Graph
  389. - Added zoomable and moveable options.
  390. - Changes setOptions to avoid resetting view.
  391. - Interchanged canvasToDOM and DOMtoCanvas to correspond with the docs.
  392. ## 2014-05-09, version 1.0.1
  393. ### Timeline
  394. - Fixed width of items with type `rangeoverflow`.
  395. - Fixed a bug wrongly rendering invisible items after updating them.
  396. ### Graph
  397. - Added coordinate conversion from DOM to Canvas.
  398. - Fixed bug where the graph stopped animation after settling in playing with physics.
  399. - Fixed bug where hierarchical physics properties were not handled.
  400. - Added events for change of view and zooming.
  401. ## 2014-05-02, version 1.0.0
  402. ### Timeline
  403. - Large refactoring of the Timeline, simplifying the code.
  404. - Great performance improvements.
  405. - Improved layout of box-items inside groups.
  406. - Items can now be dragged from one group to another.
  407. - Implemented option `stack` to enable/disable stacking of items.
  408. - Implemented function `fit`, which sets the Timeline window such that it fits
  409. all items.
  410. - Option `editable` can now be used to enable/disable individual manipulation
  411. actions (`add`, `updateTime`, `updateGroup`, `remove`).
  412. - Function `setWindow` now accepts an object with properties `start` and `end`.
  413. - Fixed option `autoResize` forcing a repaint of the Timeline with every check
  414. rather than when the Timeline is actually resized.
  415. - Fixed `select` event fired repeatedly when clicking an empty place on the
  416. Timeline, deselecting selected items).
  417. - Fixed initial visible window in case items exceed `zoomMax`. Thanks @Remper.
  418. - Fixed an offset in newly created items when using groups.
  419. - Fixed height of a group not reckoning with the height of the group label.
  420. - Option `order` is now deprecated. This was needed for performance improvements.
  421. - More examples added.
  422. - Minor bug fixes.
  423. ### Graph
  424. - Added recalculate hierarchical layout to update node event.
  425. - Added arrowScaleFactor to scale the arrows on the edges.
  426. ### DataSet
  427. - A DataSet can now be constructed with initial data, like
  428. `new DataSet(data, options)`.
  429. ## 2014-04-18, version 0.7.4
  430. ### Graph
  431. - Fixed IE9 bug.
  432. - Style fixes.
  433. - Minor bug fixes.
  434. ## 2014-04-16, version 0.7.3
  435. ### Graph
  436. - Fixed color bug.
  437. - Added pull requests from kannonboy and vierja: tooltip styling, label fill
  438. color.
  439. ## 2014-04-09, version 0.7.2
  440. ### Graph
  441. - Fixed edge select bug.
  442. - Fixed zoom bug on empty initialization.
  443. ## 2014-03-27, version 0.7.1
  444. ### Graph
  445. - Fixed edge color bug.
  446. - Fixed select event bug.
  447. - Clarified docs, stressing importance of css inclusion for correct display of
  448. navigation an manipulation icons.
  449. - Improved and expanded playing with physics (configurePhysics option).
  450. - Added highlights to navigation icons if the corresponding key is pressed.
  451. - Added freezeForStabilization option to improve stabilization with cached
  452. positions.
  453. ## 2014-03-07, version 0.7.0
  454. ### Graph
  455. - Changed navigation CSS. Icons are now always correctly positioned.
  456. - Added stabilizationIterations option to graph.
  457. - Added storePosition() method to save the XY positions of nodes in the DataSet.
  458. - Separated allowedToMove into allowedToMoveX and allowedToMoveY. This is
  459. required for initializing nodes from hierarchical layouts after
  460. storePosition().
  461. - Added color options for the edges.
  462. ## 2014-03-06, version 0.6.1
  463. ### Graph
  464. - Bugfix graphviz examples.
  465. - Bugfix labels position for smooth curves.
  466. - Tweaked graphviz example physics.
  467. - Updated physics documentation to stress importance of configurePhysics.
  468. ### Timeline
  469. - Fixed a bug with options `margin.axis` and `margin.item` being ignored when
  470. setting them to zero.
  471. - Some clarifications in the documentation.
  472. ## 2014-03-05, version 0.6.0
  473. ### Graph
  474. - Added Physics Configuration option. This makes tweaking the physics system to
  475. suit your needs easier.
  476. - Click and doubleClick events.
  477. - Initial zoom bugfix.
  478. - Directions for Hierarchical layout.
  479. - Refactoring and bugfixes.
  480. ## 2014-02-20, version 0.5.1
  481. - Fixed broken bower module.
  482. ## 2014-02-20, version 0.5.0
  483. ### Timeline
  484. - Editable Items: drag items, add new items, update items, and remove items.
  485. - Implemented options `selectable`, `editable`.
  486. - Added events `timechange` and `timechanged` when dragging the custom time bar.
  487. - Multiple items can be selected using ctrl+click or shift+click.
  488. - Implemented functions `setWindow(start, end)` and `getWindow()`.
  489. - Fixed scroll to zoom not working on IE in standards mode.
  490. ### Graph
  491. - Editable nodes and edges: create, update, and remove them.
  492. - Support for smooth, curved edges (on by default).
  493. - Performance improvements.
  494. - Fixed scroll to zoom not working on IE in standards mode.
  495. - Added hierarchical layout option.
  496. - Overhauled physics system, now using Barnes-Hut simulation by default. Great
  497. performance gains.
  498. - Modified clustering system to give better results.
  499. - Adaptive performance system to increase visual performance (60fps target).
  500. ### DataSet
  501. - Renamed functions `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` to `on` and `off` respectively.
  502. ## 2014-01-31, version 0.4.0
  503. ### Timeline
  504. - Implemented functions `on` and `off` to create event listeners for events
  505. `rangechange`, `rangechanged`, and `select`.
  506. - Implemented function `select` to get and set the selected items.
  507. - Items can be selected by clicking them, muti-select by holding them.
  508. - Fixed non working `start` and `end` options.
  509. ### Graph
  510. - Fixed longstanding bug in the force calculation, increasing simulation
  511. stability and fluidity.
  512. - Reworked the calculation of the Graph, increasing performance for larger
  513. datasets (up to 10x!).
  514. - Support for automatic clustering in Graph to handle large (>50000) datasets
  515. without losing performance.
  516. - Added automatic initial zooming to Graph, to more easily view large amounts
  517. of data.
  518. - Added local declustering to Graph, freezing the simulation of nodes outside
  519. of the cluster.
  520. - Added support for key-bindings by including mouseTrap in Graph.
  521. - Added navigation controls.
  522. - Added keyboard navigation.
  523. - Implemented functions `on` and `off` to create event listeners for event
  524. `select`.
  525. ## 2014-01-14, version 0.3.0
  526. - Moved the generated library to folder `./dist`
  527. - Css stylesheet must be loaded explicitly now.
  528. - Implemented options `showCurrentTime` and `showCustomTime`. Thanks @fi0dor.
  529. - Implemented touch support for Timeline.
  530. - Fixed broken Timeline options `min` and `max`.
  531. - Fixed not being able to load vis.js in node.js.
  532. ## 2013-09-20, version 0.2.0
  533. - Implemented full touch support for Graph.
  534. - Fixed initial empty range in the Timeline in case of a single item.
  535. - Fixed field `className` not working for items.
  536. ## 2013-06-20, version 0.1.0
  537. - Added support for DataSet to Graph. Graph now uses an id based set of nodes
  538. and edges instead of a row based array internally. Methods getSelection and
  539. setSelection of Graph now accept a list with ids instead of rows.
  540. - Graph is now robust against edges pointing to non-existing nodes, which
  541. can occur easily while dynamically adding/removing nodes and edges.
  542. - Implemented basic support for groups in the Timeline.
  543. - Added documentation on DataSet and DataView.
  544. - Fixed selection of nodes in a Graph when the containing web page is scrolled.
  545. - Improved date conversion.
  546. - Renamed DataSet option `fieldTypes` to `convert`.
  547. - Renamed function `vis.util.cast` to `vis.util.convert`.
  548. ## 2013-06-07, version 0.0.9
  549. - First working version of the Graph imported from the old library.
  550. - Documentation added for both Timeline and Graph.
  551. ## 2013-05-03, version 0.0.8
  552. - Performance improvements: only visible items are rendered.
  553. - Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  554. ## 2013-04-25, version 0.0.7
  555. - Sanitized the published packages on npm and bower.
  556. ## 2013-04-25, version 0.0.6
  557. - Css is now packaged in the javascript file, and automatically loaded.
  558. - The library uses node style dependency management for modules now, used
  559. with Browserify.
  560. ## 2013-04-16, version 0.0.5
  561. - First working version of the Timeline.
  562. - Website created.