Jeffery Russell jrtechs
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jrtechs synced new reference dependabot/maven/org.json-json-20230227 to jrtechs/jrtechs-SteamFriendsGraph from mirror

8 months ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-SteamFriendsGraph from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced and deleted reference dependabot/maven/ at jrtechs/jrtechs-SteamFriendsGraph from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to sql-refactor at jrtechs/jrtechs-NodeJSBlog from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-NodeJSBlog from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-Club-Panda from mirror

  • 1eeeec9bc2 Replaced mysql dependency with sqlite

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-Club-Panda from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-Portfolio_Website from mirror

  • b73831188e Updated contact form to use centeralized service

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-NodeJSBlog from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to main at jrtechs/FOSSRIT-infrastructure from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced and deleted reference dependabot/pip/ansible-4.2.0 at jrtechs/FOSSRIT-infrastructure from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/ from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced and deleted reference dependabot/bundler/rexml-3.2.5 at jrtechs/ from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced and deleted reference dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3 at jrtechs/ from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced new reference dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3 to jrtechs/ from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced new reference sql-refactor to jrtechs/jrtechs-NodeJSBlog from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/jrtechs-bash_manager from mirror

2 years ago

jrtechs synced commits to master at jrtechs/ from mirror

  • d15f851f31 📦 ⬆️ Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 (#166)

2 years ago

jrtechs synced and deleted reference dependabot/bundler/addressable-2.8.0 at jrtechs/ from mirror

2 years ago