- Added fontSizeMin, fontSizeMax, fontSizeMaxVisible, scaleFontWithValue, fontDrawThreshold to Nodes.
- Added fade in of labels (on nodes) near the fontDrawThreshold.
- Added nodes option to zoomExtent to zoom in on specific set of nodes.
- Added stabilizationIterationsDone event which fires at the end of the internal stabilization run. Does not imply that the network is stabilized.
- Added setFreezeSimulation method.
- Added clusterByZoom option and increaseClusterLevel and decreaseClusterLevel methods.
Still clustering bug and need more documentation on new features
- Worked around hammer.js bug with multiple release listeners.
- Improved cleaning up after manipulation toolbar.
- Added getPositions() method to get the position of all nodes.
- Added getCenterCoordinates() method to get the x and y position in canvas space of the center of the view.
- Revamped the options system. You can globally set options (network.setOptions) to update
settings of nodes and edges that have not been specifically defined by the individual nodes and edges.
- Disabled inheritColor when color information is set on an edge.
- Tweaked examples.
- Removed the global length property for edges. The edgelength is part of the physics system. Therefore, you have to change
the springLength of the physics system to change the edge length. Individual edge lengths can still be defined.
- Removed global edge length definition form examples.