<td>This function will move the view to center on the specified node. An optional options object can submitted where you can define the animation properties. <br/>
The options that can be defined are:<br/>
<b><code>scale:Number</code></b><br/> - to zoom to that scale,<br/>
<b><code>offset:{x:Number, y:Number}</code></b><br/> - to offset the position from the center of the canvas (in DOM units),<br/>
<b><code>offset:{x:Number, y:Number}</code></b><br/> - to offset the position from the center of the canvas (in pixels),<br/>
<b><code>locked: boolean</code></b><br/> - if true, the view remains locked on this node until either another focusOnNode, moveTo, releaseNode or drag is done <br/>
<b><code>animation: Object || Boolean</code></b><br/> - to define the specifics of the animation. True is animated with default settings, false is not animated.<br/>