* Corrects usage of @static jsdoc annotation
* Correct unresolvable types
* Correct types in jsdoc and remove extraneous @class & @constructor jsdoc
* Remove incorrect @static jsdoc
* Adds missing jsdoc for param copyFromGlobals
* correct jsdoc in util
* Corrects casing on jsdocs
* Swaps @inheritDoc to @ignore for constructors where constructor args are documented in the class
* Instantiates Errors with `new`
* Addresses improperly defined @callback tags.
* Split callbacks out to separate jsdoc
* Moves constructor jsdocs back to constructor and drop @ignore.
* Enables require MethodDefinition for require-jsdoc lint rule and corrects 66% of missing Method Definitions
* Adds jsdoc for all remaining methods and corrects @class/@constructor documentation
* Define values more accurately
* Correct bugs that prevent jsdoc generation
* Makes network eslint compliant
Unused variables in private functions, who were never called internally with those arguments were removed.
lint rule was disabled for public functions, and in private functions which were called internally with those unused arguments
* Disables linting for unused args passed into DataSet and DataView
* replacing all ES6 imports with CJS require calls
used the following regex to apply the changes in lib:
s/import\s+(\w+)\s+from\s+(.*);\s*$/var $1 = require($2).default;/
s/import\s+(\w+)\s+from\s+(.*)\s*$/var $1 = require($2).default;/
* cleaning up inconsistencies