<td>Define the type of parametrizaion for the catmullRom interpolation. <ahref="../examples/graph2d/07_scrollingAndSorting.html">Example 7</a> shows the different parametrizations. The options are 'centripetal' (best results), 'chordal' and 'uniform'. Uniform is the computationally cheapest variant.
<td>Define the type of parametrizaion for the catmullRom interpolation. <ahref="../../examples/graph2d/07_scrollingAndSorting.html">Example 7</a> shows the different parametrizations. The options are 'centripetal' (best results), 'chordal' and 'uniform'. Uniform is the computationally cheapest variant.
If interpolation is disabled, linear interpolation is used.</td>
<td>This defines with which axis, left or right, the graph is coupled. <ahref="../examples/graph2d/05_bothAxis.html">Example 5</a> shows groups with different Y axis. If no groups are coupled
<td>This defines with which axis, left or right, the graph is coupled. <ahref="../../examples/graph2d/05_bothAxis.html">Example 5</a> shows groups with different Y axis. If no groups are coupled