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Updated graph2d docs for drawPoints & drawPoints.onRender

Manuel Schallar 9 years ago
1 changed files with 61 additions and 3 deletions
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+ 61
- 3
docs/graph2d/index.html View File

@ -546,15 +546,73 @@ function (value) {
<tr class='toggle collapsible' onclick="toggleTable('g2dOptions','drawPoints', this);">
<td class="greenField"><span parent="drawPoints" class="right-caret"></span> drawPoints</td>
<td>Boolean or Object</td>
<td>Boolean, Object or Function</td>
<td>Toggle the drawing of the datapoints with the default settings.</td>
<td>Defines rendering options for the datapoints.
Three different types of objects can be assigned to this property. See <a href="../../examples/graph2d/19_labels.html">Example 19</a> for an illustration.<br />
1. <code>Boolean</code>: When true is provided every datapoint will be drawn, false otherwise.<br />
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
drawPoints: true // or false
2. <code>Object</code> (the 'rendering' options): If an object is provided it may contain following properties which all can be optional: <code>onRender</code>, <code>className</code><code>size</code> and/or <code>style</code>. For more information check the property's documentation.<br />
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
drawPoints: {
size: 3,
style: 'square'
3. <code>Function</code>: If a function is provided it will be used as a callback. The function may return values from listing 1 or 2.<br />
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
drawPoints: function(item, group, graph2d) {
If a rendering property from the rendering option object is missing, the missing property will be fetched from the group's option.
<br />
All of these three options can be defined within the drawPoints properties separately as well.
<tr parent="drawPoints" class="hidden">
<td class="greenField indent">drawPoints.enabled</td>
<td>Toggle the drawing of the datapoints.</td>
<td>Toggles the drawing of the datapoints.</td>
<tr parent="drawPoints" class="hidden">
<td class="greenField indent">drawPoints.onRender</td>
<td>Defines a render function for every datapoint.
If a group has no <code>drawPoints.onRender</code> callback, the graph2d <code>drawPoints.onRender</code> callback will be used.
If neither is defined, the datapoint will be rendered according to the group setting of <code>drawPoints.enabled</code>.
This callback must return <code>true</code> if the datapoint should be rendered, otherwise <code>false</code>.
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
drawPoints: {
enabled: true,
onRender: function(item, group, graph2d) {
// only renders items with labels
return item.label != null;
This callback may also return an object containing a <code>size</code> and <code>style</code> property, both are optional, e.g.:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
onRender: function(item, group, graph2d) {
if (item.label == null) {
return false;
return {
style: 'circle',
size: 30
The properties <code>className</code>, <code>style</code> and <code>size</code> returned from the callback will be used for rendering the datapoint.
If a property is missing in the rendering option object, the missing property will be fetched from the group's option.
<tr parent="drawPoints" class="hidden">
<td class="greenField indent">drawPoints.size</td>
