- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Graph2d | Both Axis Example</title>
- <link href="../../dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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- body, html {
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- <h2>Graph2d | Both Axis Example</h2>
- <div style="width:700px; font-size:14px; text-align: justify;">
- This example shows the some of the graphs outlined on the right side using the <code>yAxisOrientation</code> option within the groups.
- We also show a few more custom styles for the graphs. Finally, the legend is manually positioned. Both the left and right axis
- have their own legend. If one of the axis is unused, the legend is not shown. The options for the legend have been split
- in a <code>left</code> and a <code>right</code> segment. The default position of the left axis has been changed.
- </div>
- <br />
- <div id="visualization"></div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // create a dataSet with groups
- var names = ['SquareShaded', 'Bar', 'Blank', 'CircleShaded'];
- var groups = new vis.DataSet();
- groups.add({
- id: 0,
- content: names[0],
- className: 'customStyle1',
- options: {
- drawPoints: {
- style: 'square' // square, circle
- },
- shaded: {
- orientation: 'bottom' // top, bottom
- }
- }});
- groups.add({
- id: 1,
- content: names[1],
- className: 'customStyle2',
- options: {
- style:'bar',
- drawPoints: {style: 'circle',
- size: 10
- }
- }});
- groups.add({
- id: 2,
- content: names[2],
- options: {
- yAxisOrientation: 'right', // right, left
- drawPoints: false
- }
- });
- groups.add({
- id: 3,
- content: names[3],
- className: 'customStyle3',
- options: {
- yAxisOrientation: 'right', // right, left
- drawPoints: {
- style: 'circle' // square, circle
- },
- shaded: {
- orientation: 'top' // top, bottom
- }
- }});
- var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
- var items = [
- {x: '2014-06-12', y: 0 , group: 0},
- {x: '2014-06-13', y: 30, group: 0},
- {x: '2014-06-14', y: 10, group: 0},
- {x: '2014-06-15', y: 15, group: 1},
- {x: '2014-06-16', y: 30, group: 1},
- {x: '2014-06-17', y: 10, group: 1},
- {x: '2014-06-18', y: 15, group: 1},
- {x: '2014-06-19', y: 52, group: 1},
- {x: '2014-06-20', y: 10, group: 1},
- {x: '2014-06-21', y: 20, group: 2},
- {x: '2014-06-22', y: 600, group: 2},
- {x: '2014-06-23', y: 100, group: 2},
- {x: '2014-06-24', y: 250, group: 2},
- {x: '2014-06-25', y: 300, group: 2},
- {x: '2014-06-26', y: 200, group: 3},
- {x: '2014-06-27', y: 600, group: 3},
- {x: '2014-06-28', y: 1000, group: 3},
- {x: '2014-06-29', y: 250, group: 3},
- {x: '2014-06-30', y: 300, group: 3}
- ];
- var dataset = new vis.DataSet(items);
- var options = {
- dataAxis: {showMinorLabels: false},
- legend: {left:{position:"bottom-left"}},
- start: '2014-06-09',
- end: '2014-07-03'
- };
- var graph2d = new vis.Graph2d(container, items, options, groups);
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>