@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ var util = require('../util'); |
var DataSet = require('../DataSet'); |
var DataView = require('../DataView'); |
var Range = require('./Range'); |
var Core = require('./Core'); |
var TimeAxis = require('./component/TimeAxis'); |
var CurrentTime = require('./component/CurrentTime'); |
var CustomTime = require('./component/CustomTime'); |
@ -17,6 +18,12 @@ var LineGraph = require('./component/LineGraph'); |
* @constructor |
*/ |
function Graph2d (container, items, options, groups) { |
for (var coreProp in Core.prototype) { |
if (Core.prototype.hasOwnProperty(coreProp) && !Graph2d.prototype.hasOwnProperty(coreProp)) { |
Graph2d.prototype[coreProp] = Core.prototype[coreProp]; |
} |
} |
var me = this; |
this.defaultOptions = { |
start: null, |
@ -100,168 +107,6 @@ function Graph2d (container, items, options, groups) { |
} |
} |
// turn Graph2d into an event emitter
Emitter(Graph2d.prototype); |
/** |
* Create the main DOM for the Graph2d: a root panel containing left, right, |
* top, bottom, content, and background panel. |
* @param {Element} container The container element where the Graph2d will |
* be attached. |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._create = function (container) { |
this.dom = {}; |
this.dom.root = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.background = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.backgroundVertical = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.centerContainer = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.leftContainer = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.rightContainer = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.backgroundHorizontal = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.center = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.left = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.right = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.top = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.bottom = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.shadowTop = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.shadowBottom = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.shadowTopLeft = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.shadowBottomLeft = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.shadowTopRight = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.shadowBottomRight = document.createElement('div'); |
this.dom.background.className = 'vispanel background'; |
this.dom.backgroundVertical.className = 'vispanel background vertical'; |
this.dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer.className = 'vispanel background horizontal'; |
this.dom.backgroundHorizontal.className = 'vispanel background horizontal'; |
this.dom.centerContainer.className = 'vispanel center'; |
this.dom.leftContainer.className = 'vispanel left'; |
this.dom.rightContainer.className = 'vispanel right'; |
this.dom.top.className = 'vispanel top'; |
this.dom.bottom.className = 'vispanel bottom'; |
this.dom.left.className = 'content'; |
this.dom.center.className = 'content'; |
this.dom.right.className = 'content'; |
this.dom.shadowTop.className = 'shadow top'; |
this.dom.shadowBottom.className = 'shadow bottom'; |
this.dom.shadowTopLeft.className = 'shadow top'; |
this.dom.shadowBottomLeft.className = 'shadow bottom'; |
this.dom.shadowTopRight.className = 'shadow top'; |
this.dom.shadowBottomRight.className = 'shadow bottom'; |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.background); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.backgroundVertical); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.centerContainer); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.leftContainer); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.rightContainer); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.top); |
this.dom.root.appendChild(this.dom.bottom); |
this.dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer.appendChild(this.dom.backgroundHorizontal); |
this.dom.centerContainer.appendChild(this.dom.center); |
this.dom.leftContainer.appendChild(this.dom.left); |
this.dom.rightContainer.appendChild(this.dom.right); |
this.dom.centerContainer.appendChild(this.dom.shadowTop); |
this.dom.centerContainer.appendChild(this.dom.shadowBottom); |
this.dom.leftContainer.appendChild(this.dom.shadowTopLeft); |
this.dom.leftContainer.appendChild(this.dom.shadowBottomLeft); |
this.dom.rightContainer.appendChild(this.dom.shadowTopRight); |
this.dom.rightContainer.appendChild(this.dom.shadowBottomRight); |
this.on('rangechange', this.redraw.bind(this)); |
this.on('change', this.redraw.bind(this)); |
this.on('touch', this._onTouch.bind(this)); |
this.on('pinch', this._onPinch.bind(this)); |
this.on('dragstart', this._onDragStart.bind(this)); |
this.on('drag', this._onDrag.bind(this)); |
// create event listeners for all interesting events, these events will be
// emitted via emitter
this.hammer = Hammer(this.dom.root, { |
prevent_default: true |
}); |
this.listeners = {}; |
var me = this; |
var events = [ |
'touch', 'pinch', |
'tap', 'doubletap', 'hold', |
'dragstart', 'drag', 'dragend', |
'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll' // DOMMouseScroll is needed for Firefox
]; |
events.forEach(function (event) { |
var listener = function () { |
var args = [event].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); |
me.emit.apply(me, args); |
}; |
me.hammer.on(event, listener); |
me.listeners[event] = listener; |
}); |
// size properties of each of the panels
this.props = { |
root: {}, |
background: {}, |
centerContainer: {}, |
leftContainer: {}, |
rightContainer: {}, |
center: {}, |
left: {}, |
right: {}, |
top: {}, |
bottom: {}, |
border: {}, |
scrollTop: 0, |
scrollTopMin: 0 |
}; |
this.touch = {}; // store state information needed for touch events
// attach the root panel to the provided container
if (!container) throw new Error('No container provided'); |
container.appendChild(this.dom.root); |
}; |
/** |
* Destroy the Graph2d, clean up all DOM elements and event listeners. |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.destroy = function () { |
// unbind datasets
this.clear(); |
// remove all event listeners
this.off(); |
// stop checking for changed size
this._stopAutoResize(); |
// remove from DOM
if (this.dom.root.parentNode) { |
this.dom.root.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.root); |
} |
this.dom = null; |
// cleanup hammer touch events
for (var event in this.listeners) { |
if (this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(event)) { |
delete this.listeners[event]; |
} |
} |
this.listeners = null; |
this.hammer = null; |
// give all components the opportunity to cleanup
this.components.forEach(function (component) { |
component.destroy(); |
}); |
this.body = null; |
}; |
/** |
* Set options. Options will be passed to all components loaded in the Graph2d. |
* @param {Object} [options] |
@ -311,29 +156,6 @@ Graph2d.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { |
this.redraw(); |
}; |
/** |
* Set a custom time bar |
* @param {Date} time |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.setCustomTime = function (time) { |
if (!this.customTime) { |
throw new Error('Cannot get custom time: Custom time bar is not enabled'); |
} |
this.customTime.setCustomTime(time); |
}; |
/** |
* Retrieve the current custom time. |
* @return {Date} customTime |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.getCustomTime = function() { |
if (!this.customTime) { |
throw new Error('Cannot get custom time: Custom time bar is not enabled'); |
} |
return this.customTime.getCustomTime(); |
}; |
/** |
* Set items |
@ -396,488 +218,5 @@ Graph2d.prototype.setGroups = function(groups) { |
this.linegraph.setGroups(newDataSet); |
}; |
/** |
* Clear the Graph2d. By Default, items, groups and options are cleared. |
* Example usage: |
* |
* timeline.clear(); // clear items, groups, and options
* timeline.clear({options: true}); // clear options only
* |
* @param {Object} [what] Optionally specify what to clear. By default: |
* {items: true, groups: true, options: true} |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.clear = function(what) { |
// clear items
if (!what || what.items) { |
this.setItems(null); |
} |
// clear groups
if (!what || what.groups) { |
this.setGroups(null); |
} |
// clear options of timeline and of each of the components
if (!what || what.options) { |
this.components.forEach(function (component) { |
component.setOptions(component.defaultOptions); |
}); |
this.setOptions(this.defaultOptions); // this will also do a redraw
} |
}; |
/** |
* Set Graph2d window such that it fits all items |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.fit = function() { |
// apply the data range as range
var dataRange = this.getItemRange(); |
// add 5% space on both sides
var start = dataRange.min; |
var end = dataRange.max; |
if (start != null && end != null) { |
var interval = (end.valueOf() - start.valueOf()); |
if (interval <= 0) { |
// prevent an empty interval
interval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 day
} |
start = new Date(start.valueOf() - interval * 0.05); |
end = new Date(end.valueOf() + interval * 0.05); |
} |
// skip range set if there is no start and end date
if (start === null && end === null) { |
return; |
} |
this.range.setRange(start, end); |
}; |
/** |
* Get the data range of the item set. |
* @returns {{min: Date, max: Date}} range A range with a start and end Date. |
* When no minimum is found, min==null |
* When no maximum is found, max==null |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.getItemRange = function() { |
// calculate min from start filed
var itemsData = this.itemsData, |
min = null, |
max = null; |
if (itemsData) { |
// calculate the minimum value of the field 'start'
var minItem = itemsData.min('start'); |
min = minItem ? util.convert(minItem.start, 'Date').valueOf() : null; |
// Note: we convert first to Date and then to number because else
// a conversion from ISODate to Number will fail
// calculate maximum value of fields 'start' and 'end'
var maxStartItem = itemsData.max('start'); |
if (maxStartItem) { |
max = util.convert(maxStartItem.start, 'Date').valueOf(); |
} |
var maxEndItem = itemsData.max('end'); |
if (maxEndItem) { |
if (max == null) { |
max = util.convert(maxEndItem.end, 'Date').valueOf(); |
} |
else { |
max = Math.max(max, util.convert(maxEndItem.end, 'Date').valueOf()); |
} |
} |
} |
return { |
min: (min != null) ? new Date(min) : null, |
max: (max != null) ? new Date(max) : null |
}; |
}; |
/** |
* Set the visible window. Both parameters are optional, you can change only |
* start or only end. Syntax: |
* |
* TimeLine.setWindow(start, end) |
* TimeLine.setWindow(range) |
* |
* Where start and end can be a Date, number, or string, and range is an |
* object with properties start and end. |
* |
* @param {Date | Number | String | Object} [start] Start date of visible window |
* @param {Date | Number | String} [end] End date of visible window |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.setWindow = function(start, end) { |
if (arguments.length == 1) { |
var range = arguments[0]; |
this.range.setRange(range.start, range.end); |
} |
else { |
this.range.setRange(start, end); |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Get the visible window |
* @return {{start: Date, end: Date}} Visible range |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.getWindow = function() { |
var range = this.range.getRange(); |
return { |
start: new Date(range.start), |
end: new Date(range.end) |
}; |
}; |
/** |
* Force a redraw of the Graph2d. Can be useful to manually redraw when |
* option autoResize=false |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype.redraw = function() { |
var resized = false, |
options = this.options, |
props = this.props, |
dom = this.dom; |
if (!dom) return; // when destroyed
// update class names
dom.root.className = 'vis timeline root ' + options.orientation; |
// update root width and height options
dom.root.style.maxHeight = util.option.asSize(options.maxHeight, ''); |
dom.root.style.minHeight = util.option.asSize(options.minHeight, ''); |
dom.root.style.width = util.option.asSize(options.width, ''); |
// calculate border widths
props.border.left = (dom.centerContainer.offsetWidth - dom.centerContainer.clientWidth) / 2; |
props.border.right = props.border.left; |
props.border.top = (dom.centerContainer.offsetHeight - dom.centerContainer.clientHeight) / 2; |
props.border.bottom = props.border.top; |
var borderRootHeight= dom.root.offsetHeight - dom.root.clientHeight; |
var borderRootWidth = dom.root.offsetWidth - dom.root.clientWidth; |
// calculate the heights. If any of the side panels is empty, we set the height to
// minus the border width, such that the border will be invisible
props.center.height = dom.center.offsetHeight; |
props.left.height = dom.left.offsetHeight; |
props.right.height = dom.right.offsetHeight; |
props.top.height = dom.top.clientHeight || -props.border.top; |
props.bottom.height = dom.bottom.clientHeight || -props.border.bottom; |
// TODO: compensate borders when any of the panels is empty.
// apply auto height
// TODO: only calculate autoHeight when needed (else we cause an extra reflow/repaint of the DOM)
var contentHeight = Math.max(props.left.height, props.center.height, props.right.height); |
var autoHeight = props.top.height + contentHeight + props.bottom.height + |
borderRootHeight + props.border.top + props.border.bottom; |
dom.root.style.height = util.option.asSize(options.height, autoHeight + 'px'); |
// calculate heights of the content panels
props.root.height = dom.root.offsetHeight; |
props.background.height = props.root.height - borderRootHeight; |
var containerHeight = props.root.height - props.top.height - props.bottom.height - |
borderRootHeight; |
props.centerContainer.height = containerHeight; |
props.leftContainer.height = containerHeight; |
props.rightContainer.height = props.leftContainer.height; |
// calculate the widths of the panels
props.root.width = dom.root.offsetWidth; |
props.background.width = props.root.width - borderRootWidth; |
props.left.width = dom.leftContainer.clientWidth || -props.border.left; |
props.leftContainer.width = props.left.width; |
props.right.width = dom.rightContainer.clientWidth || -props.border.right; |
props.rightContainer.width = props.right.width; |
var centerWidth = props.root.width - props.left.width - props.right.width - borderRootWidth; |
props.center.width = centerWidth; |
props.centerContainer.width = centerWidth; |
props.top.width = centerWidth; |
props.bottom.width = centerWidth; |
// resize the panels
dom.background.style.height = props.background.height + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundVertical.style.height = props.background.height + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer.style.height = props.centerContainer.height + 'px'; |
dom.centerContainer.style.height = props.centerContainer.height + 'px'; |
dom.leftContainer.style.height = props.leftContainer.height + 'px'; |
dom.rightContainer.style.height = props.rightContainer.height + 'px'; |
dom.background.style.width = props.background.width + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundVertical.style.width = props.centerContainer.width + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer.style.width = props.background.width + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontal.style.width = props.background.width + 'px'; |
dom.centerContainer.style.width = props.center.width + 'px'; |
dom.top.style.width = props.top.width + 'px'; |
dom.bottom.style.width = props.bottom.width + 'px'; |
// reposition the panels
dom.background.style.left = '0'; |
dom.background.style.top = '0'; |
dom.backgroundVertical.style.left = props.left.width + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundVertical.style.top = '0'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer.style.left = '0'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontalContainer.style.top = props.top.height + 'px'; |
dom.centerContainer.style.left = props.left.width + 'px'; |
dom.centerContainer.style.top = props.top.height + 'px'; |
dom.leftContainer.style.left = '0'; |
dom.leftContainer.style.top = props.top.height + 'px'; |
dom.rightContainer.style.left = (props.left.width + props.center.width) + 'px'; |
dom.rightContainer.style.top = props.top.height + 'px'; |
dom.top.style.left = props.left.width + 'px'; |
dom.top.style.top = '0'; |
dom.bottom.style.left = props.left.width + 'px'; |
dom.bottom.style.top = (props.top.height + props.centerContainer.height) + 'px'; |
// update the scrollTop, feasible range for the offset can be changed
// when the height of the Graph2d or of the contents of the center changed
this._updateScrollTop(); |
// reposition the scrollable contents
var offset = this.props.scrollTop; |
if (options.orientation == 'bottom') { |
offset += Math.max(this.props.centerContainer.height - this.props.center.height - |
this.props.border.top - this.props.border.bottom, 0); |
} |
dom.center.style.left = '0'; |
dom.center.style.top = offset + 'px'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontal.style.left = '0'; |
dom.backgroundHorizontal.style.top = offset + 'px'; |
dom.left.style.left = '0'; |
dom.left.style.top = offset + 'px'; |
dom.right.style.left = '0'; |
dom.right.style.top = offset + 'px'; |
// show shadows when vertical scrolling is available
var visibilityTop = this.props.scrollTop == 0 ? 'hidden' : ''; |
var visibilityBottom = this.props.scrollTop == this.props.scrollTopMin ? 'hidden' : ''; |
dom.shadowTop.style.visibility = visibilityTop; |
dom.shadowBottom.style.visibility = visibilityBottom; |
dom.shadowTopLeft.style.visibility = visibilityTop; |
dom.shadowBottomLeft.style.visibility = visibilityBottom; |
dom.shadowTopRight.style.visibility = visibilityTop; |
dom.shadowBottomRight.style.visibility = visibilityBottom; |
// redraw all components
this.components.forEach(function (component) { |
resized = component.redraw() || resized; |
}); |
if (resized) { |
// keep redrawing until all sizes are settled
this.redraw(); |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Convert a position on screen (pixels) to a datetime |
* @param {int} x Position on the screen in pixels |
* @return {Date} time The datetime the corresponds with given position x |
* @private |
*/ |
// TODO: move this function to Range
Graph2d.prototype._toTime = function(x) { |
var conversion = this.range.conversion(this.props.center.width); |
return new Date(x / conversion.scale + conversion.offset); |
}; |
/** |
* Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the root |
* This is used to get the pixel density estimate for the screen, not the center panel |
* @param {Date} time A date |
* @return {int} x The position on root in pixels which corresponds |
* with the given date. |
* @private |
*/ |
// TODO: move this function to Range
Graph2d.prototype._toGlobalTime = function(x) { |
var conversion = this.range.conversion(this.props.root.width); |
return new Date(x / conversion.scale + conversion.offset); |
}; |
/** |
* Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the screen |
* @param {Date} time A date |
* @return {int} x The position on the screen in pixels which corresponds |
* with the given date. |
* @private |
*/ |
// TODO: move this function to Range
Graph2d.prototype._toScreen = function(time) { |
var conversion = this.range.conversion(this.props.center.width); |
return (time.valueOf() - conversion.offset) * conversion.scale; |
}; |
/** |
* Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the root |
* This is used to get the pixel density estimate for the screen, not the center panel |
* @param {Date} time A date |
* @return {int} x The position on root in pixels which corresponds |
* with the given date. |
* @private |
*/ |
// TODO: move this function to Range
Graph2d.prototype._toGlobalScreen = function(time) { |
var conversion = this.range.conversion(this.props.root.width); |
return (time.valueOf() - conversion.offset) * conversion.scale; |
}; |
/** |
* Initialize watching when option autoResize is true |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._initAutoResize = function () { |
if (this.options.autoResize == true) { |
this._startAutoResize(); |
} |
else { |
this._stopAutoResize(); |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Watch for changes in the size of the container. On resize, the Panel will |
* automatically redraw itself. |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._startAutoResize = function () { |
var me = this; |
this._stopAutoResize(); |
this._onResize = function() { |
if (me.options.autoResize != true) { |
// stop watching when the option autoResize is changed to false
me._stopAutoResize(); |
return; |
} |
if (me.dom.root) { |
// check whether the frame is resized
if ((me.dom.root.clientWidth != me.props.lastWidth) || |
(me.dom.root.clientHeight != me.props.lastHeight)) { |
me.props.lastWidth = me.dom.root.clientWidth; |
me.props.lastHeight = me.dom.root.clientHeight; |
me.emit('change'); |
} |
} |
}; |
// add event listener to window resize
util.addEventListener(window, 'resize', this._onResize); |
this.watchTimer = setInterval(this._onResize, 1000); |
}; |
/** |
* Stop watching for a resize of the frame. |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._stopAutoResize = function () { |
if (this.watchTimer) { |
clearInterval(this.watchTimer); |
this.watchTimer = undefined; |
} |
// remove event listener on window.resize
util.removeEventListener(window, 'resize', this._onResize); |
this._onResize = null; |
}; |
/** |
* Start moving the timeline vertically |
* @param {Event} event |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._onTouch = function (event) { |
this.touch.allowDragging = true; |
}; |
/** |
* Start moving the timeline vertically |
* @param {Event} event |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._onPinch = function (event) { |
this.touch.allowDragging = false; |
}; |
/** |
* Start moving the timeline vertically |
* @param {Event} event |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._onDragStart = function (event) { |
this.touch.initialScrollTop = this.props.scrollTop; |
}; |
/** |
* Move the timeline vertically |
* @param {Event} event |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._onDrag = function (event) { |
// refuse to drag when we where pinching to prevent the timeline make a jump
// when releasing the fingers in opposite order from the touch screen
if (!this.touch.allowDragging) return; |
var delta = event.gesture.deltaY; |
var oldScrollTop = this._getScrollTop(); |
var newScrollTop = this._setScrollTop(this.touch.initialScrollTop + delta); |
if (newScrollTop != oldScrollTop) { |
this.redraw(); // TODO: this causes two redraws when dragging, the other is triggered by rangechange already
} |
}; |
/** |
* Apply a scrollTop |
* @param {Number} scrollTop |
* @returns {Number} scrollTop Returns the applied scrollTop |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._setScrollTop = function (scrollTop) { |
this.props.scrollTop = scrollTop; |
this._updateScrollTop(); |
return this.props.scrollTop; |
}; |
/** |
* Update the current scrollTop when the height of the containers has been changed |
* @returns {Number} scrollTop Returns the applied scrollTop |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._updateScrollTop = function () { |
// recalculate the scrollTopMin
var scrollTopMin = Math.min(this.props.centerContainer.height - this.props.center.height, 0); // is negative or zero
if (scrollTopMin != this.props.scrollTopMin) { |
// in case of bottom orientation, change the scrollTop such that the contents
// do not move relative to the time axis at the bottom
if (this.options.orientation == 'bottom') { |
this.props.scrollTop += (scrollTopMin - this.props.scrollTopMin); |
} |
this.props.scrollTopMin = scrollTopMin; |
} |
// limit the scrollTop to the feasible scroll range
if (this.props.scrollTop > 0) this.props.scrollTop = 0; |
if (this.props.scrollTop < scrollTopMin) this.props.scrollTop = scrollTopMin; |
return this.props.scrollTop; |
}; |
/** |
* Get the current scrollTop |
* @returns {number} scrollTop |
* @private |
*/ |
Graph2d.prototype._getScrollTop = function () { |
return this.props.scrollTop; |
}; |
module.exports = Graph2d; |