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  90. <h1>Network</h1>
  91. <p>As of 4.0, the network consists of individual modules which handle specific parts of the network. These modules
  92. have their own docs, options, methods and events which you can access
  93. by clicking on the modules in the list below.</p>
  94. <h3>Modules</h3>
  95. <table class="moduleTable">
  96. <tr>
  97. <td width="120px"><a href="./configure.html">configure</a></td>
  98. <td>Generates an interactive option editor with filtering.</td>
  99. </tr>
  100. <tr>
  101. <td><a href="./edges.html">edges</a></td>
  102. <td>Handles the creation and deletion of edges and contains the global edge options and styles.</td>
  103. </tr>
  104. <tr>
  105. <td><a href="./groups.html">groups</a></td>
  106. <td>Contains the groups and some options on how to handle nodes with non-existing groups.</td>
  107. </tr>
  108. <tr>
  109. <td><a href="./interaction.html">interaction</a></td>
  110. <td>Used for all user interaction with the network. Handles mouse and touch events and selection as well as
  111. the navigation
  112. buttons and the popups.
  113. </td>
  114. </tr>
  115. <tr>
  116. <td><a href="./layout.html">layout</a></td>
  117. <td>Governs the initial and hierarchical positioning.</td>
  118. </tr>
  119. <tr>
  120. <td><a href="./manipulation.html">manipulation</a></td>
  121. <td>Supplies an API and optional GUI to alter the data in the network.</td>
  122. </tr>
  123. <tr>
  124. <td><a href="./nodes.html">nodes</a></td>
  125. <td>Handles the creation and deletion of nodes and contains the global node options and styles.</td>
  126. </tr>
  127. <tr>
  128. <td><a href="./physics.html">physics</a></td>
  129. <td>Does all the simulation moving the nodes and edges to their final positions, also governs
  130. stabilization.
  131. </td>
  132. </tr>
  133. </table>
  134. <h3>Options</h3>
  135. <p>Click on the options shown to show how these options are supposed to be used.</p>
  136. <br>
  137. <pre class="prettyprint lang-js options">
  138. var options = {
  139. autoResize: true,
  140. height: '100%',
  141. width: '100%'
  142. locale: 'en',
  143. locales: locales,
  144. clickToUse: false,
  145. configure: {...}, // defined in the configure module.
  146. edges: {...}, // defined in the edges module.
  147. nodes: {...}, // defined in the nodes module.
  148. groups: {...}, // defined in the groups module.
  149. layout: {...}, // defined in the layout module.
  150. interaction: {...}, // defined in the interaction module.
  151. manipulation: {...}, // defined in the manipulation module.
  152. physics: {...}, // defined in the physics module.
  153. }
  154. network.setOptions(options);
  155. </pre>
  156. <p>The individual options are explained below. The ones referring to modules are explained in the corresponding
  157. module.</p>
  158. <table class="moduleTable">
  159. <tr class="header">
  160. <td>name</td>
  161. <td>type</td>
  162. <td>default</td>
  163. <td>description</td>
  164. </tr>
  165. <tr>
  166. <td>autoResize</td>
  167. <td class="mid">Boolean</td>
  168. <td class="mid"><code>true</code></td>
  169. <td>If true, the Network will automatically detect when its container is resized, and redraw itself
  170. accordingly. If false, the Network can be forced to repaint after its container has been resized
  171. using the function redraw() and setSize().
  172. </td>
  173. </tr>
  174. <tr>
  175. <td>width</td>
  176. <td class="mid">String</td>
  177. <td class="mid"><code>'100%'</code></td>
  178. <td>the width of the canvas. Can be in percentages or pixels (ie. <code>'400px'</code>).</td>
  179. </tr>
  180. <tr>
  181. <td>height</td>
  182. <td class="mid">String</td>
  183. <td class="mid"><code>'100%'</code></td>
  184. <td>the height of the canvas. Can be in percentages or pixels (ie. <code>'400px'</code>).</td>
  185. </tr>
  186. <tr>
  187. <td>locale</td>
  188. <td class="mid">String</td>
  189. <td class="mid"><code>'en'</code></td>
  190. <td>Select the locale. By default, the language is English. If you want to use another language, you will
  191. need to define your own locale and refer to it here.
  192. </td>
  193. </tr>
  194. <tr>
  195. <td>locales</td>
  196. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  197. <td class="mid">defaultLocales</td>
  198. <td>Locales object. By default only <code>'en'</code> and <code>'nl'</code> are supported. Take a look at
  199. the <a href="#locales" data-scroll="" data-options="{ &quot;easing&quot;: &quot;easeInCubic&quot; }">locales
  200. section below</a> for more explaination on how to customize this.
  201. </td>
  202. </tr>
  203. <tr>
  204. <td>clickToUse</td>
  205. <td class="mid">Boolean</td>
  206. <td class="mid">false</td>
  207. <td>Locales object. By default only <code>'en'</code> and <code>'nl'</code> are supported. Take a look at
  208. the <a href="#locales" data-scroll="" data-options="{ &quot;easing&quot;: &quot;easeInCubic&quot; }">locales
  209. section below</a> for more explaination on how to customize this.
  210. </td>
  211. </tr>
  212. </table>
  213. <br>
  214. <br>
  215. <h3>All Methods</h3>
  216. <p>This is a list of all the methods in the public API. They have been grouped by category, which correspond to the
  217. modules listed above.</p>
  218. <table class="moduleTable">
  219. <tr class="header">
  220. <td class="methodName">name</td>
  221. <td>returns</td>
  222. <td>description</td>
  223. </tr>
  224. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  225. <td colspan="3">Global methods for the network.</td>
  226. </tr>
  227. <tr class="evenRow">
  228. <td>destroy()</td>
  229. <td class="mid">none</td>
  230. <td>Remove the network from the DOM and remove all Hammer bindings and references.</td>
  231. </tr>
  232. <tr class="evenRow">
  233. <td>setData({<br><code><i>nodes: vis DataSet/Array</i></code>,<br><code><i>edges: vis
  234. DataSet/Arary</i></code><br>})
  235. </td>
  236. <td class="mid">none</td>
  237. <td>Override all the data in the network. If stabilization is enabled in the <a href="physics.html">physics
  238. module</a>, the network will stabilize again. This method is also performed when first initializing the
  239. network.
  240. </td>
  241. </tr>
  242. <tr class="evenRow">
  243. <td>setOptions(<code>Object options</code>)</td>
  244. <td class="mid">none</td>
  245. <td>Set the options. All available options can be found in the modules above. Each module requires it's own
  246. container with the module name to contain its options.
  247. </td>
  248. </tr>
  249. <tr class="subHeader oddRow">
  250. <td colspan="3">Methods related to the canvas.</td>
  251. </tr>
  252. <tr class="oddRow">
  253. <td>canvasToDOM({<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>x: Number</i></code>,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>y:
  254. Number</i></code><br>})
  255. </td>
  256. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  257. <td>This function converts canvas coordinates to coordinates on the DOM. Input and output are in the form of
  258. <code>{x:Number,y:Number}</code>. The DOM values are relative to the network container.
  259. </td>
  260. </tr>
  261. <tr class="oddRow">
  262. <td>DOMtoCanvas({<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>x: Number</i></code>,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>y:
  263. Number</i></code><br>})
  264. </td>
  265. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  266. <td>This function converts DOM coordinates to coordinates on the canvas. Input and output are in the form of
  267. <code>{x:Number,y:Number}</code>. The DOM values are relative to the network container.
  268. </td>
  269. </tr>
  270. <tr class="oddRow"><td>redraw()</td><td class="mid">none</td><td>Redraw the network.</td></tr>
  271. <tr class="oddRow">
  272. <td>setSize(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>String width</i></code>,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>String
  273. height</i></code><br>)
  274. </td>
  275. <td class="mid">none</td>
  276. <td>Set the size of the canvas. This is automatically done on a window resize.</td>
  277. </tr>
  278. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  279. <td colspan="3">Clustering</td>
  280. </tr>
  281. <tr class="evenRow">
  282. <td>cluster(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  283. <code>Object options</code><br>)
  284. </td>
  285. <td class="mid">none</td>
  286. <td>The options object is explained in full <a data-scroll=""
  287. data-options="{ &quot;easing&quot;: &quot;easeInCubic&quot; }"
  288. href="#optionsObject">below</a>. The joinCondition function
  289. is presented with all nodes.
  290. </td>
  291. </tr>
  292. <tr class="evenRow">
  293. <td>clusterByConnection(<br>
  294. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>String nodeId</code>,<br>
  295. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[Object options]</code><br>
  296. )
  297. </td>
  298. <td class="mid">none</td>
  299. <td>This method looks at the provided node and makes a cluster of it and all it's connected nodes. The
  300. behaviour can be customized by proving the options object. All options of this object are explained <a
  301. data-scroll="" data-options="{ &quot;easing&quot;: &quot;easeInCubic&quot; }"
  302. href="#optionsObject">below</a>. The joinCondition is only presented with the connected nodes.
  303. </td>
  304. </tr>
  305. <tr class="evenRow">
  306. <td>clusterByHubsize(<br>
  307. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>Number hubsize</code>,<br>
  308. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[Object options]</code><br>)
  309. </td>
  310. <td class="mid">none</td>
  311. <td>This method checks all nodes in the network and those with a equal or higher amount of edges than
  312. specified with the <code>hubsize</code> qualify. Cluster by connection is performed on each of them. The
  313. options object is described for <code>clusterByConnection</code> and does the same here.
  314. </td>
  315. </tr>
  316. <tr class="evenRow">
  317. <td>clusterOutliers(<br>
  318. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[Object options]</code><br>)
  319. </td>
  320. <td class="mid">none</td>
  321. <td>This method will cluster all nodes with 1 edge with their respective connected node.</td>
  322. </tr>
  323. <tr class="evenRow">
  324. <td>findNode(<br>
  325. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>String nodeId</code><br>)
  326. </td>
  327. <td class="mid">Array</td>
  328. <td>Nodes can be in clusters. Clusters can also be in clusters. This function returns and array of nodeIds
  329. showing where the node is. Example: <br>
  330. cluster 'A' contains cluster 'B',<br>
  331. cluster 'B' contains cluster 'C',<br>
  332. cluster 'C' contains node 'fred'.<br>
  333. <code>network.clustering.findNode('fred')</code> will return <code>['A','B','C','fred']</code>.
  334. </td>
  335. </tr>
  336. <tr class="evenRow">
  337. <td>isCluster(<br>
  338. &nbsp;&nbsp;<code>String nodeId</code><br>)
  339. </td>
  340. <td class="mid">Boolean</td>
  341. <td>Returns true if the node whose ID has been supplied is a cluster.</td>
  342. </tr>
  343. <tr class="evenRow">
  344. <td>openCluster(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  345. <code>String nodeId</code><br>)
  346. </td>
  347. <td class="mid">none</td>
  348. <td>Opens the cluster, releases the contained nodes and edges, removing the cluster node and cluster
  349. edges.
  350. </td>
  351. </tr>
  352. <tr class="subHeader oddRow">
  353. <td colspan="3">Layout</td>
  354. </tr>
  355. <tr class="oddRow">
  356. <td>getSeed()</td>
  357. <td class="mid">Number</td>
  358. <td>If you like the layout of your network and would like it to start in the same way next time, ask for the
  359. seed using this method and put it in the <code>randomSeed</code> option.
  360. </td>
  361. </tr>
  362. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  363. <td colspan="3">Manipulation methods to use the manipulation system without GUI.</td>
  364. </tr>
  365. <tr class="evenRow">
  366. <td>enableEditMode()</td>
  367. <td class="mid">none</td>
  368. <td>Programatically enable the edit mode. Similar effect to pressing the edit button.</td>
  369. </tr>
  370. <tr class="evenRow">
  371. <td>disableEditMode()</td>
  372. <td class="mid">none</td>
  373. <td>Programatically disable the edit mode. Similar effect to pressing the close icon (small cross in the
  374. corner of the toolbar).
  375. </td>
  376. </tr>
  377. <tr class="evenRow">
  378. <td>addNodeMode()</td>
  379. <td class="mid">none</td>
  380. <td>Go into addNode mode. Having edit mode or manipulation enabled is not required. To get out of this mode,
  381. call <code>disableEditMode()</code>. The callback functions defined in <code>handlerFunctions</code>
  382. still apply. To use these methods without having the manipulation GUI, make sure you set
  383. <code>enabled</code> to false.
  384. </td>
  385. </tr>
  386. <tr class="evenRow">
  387. <td>editNodeMode()</td>
  388. <td class="mid">none</td>
  389. <td>Go into editNode mode. The explaination from <code>addNodeMode</code> applies here as well.</td>
  390. </tr>
  391. <tr class="evenRow">
  392. <td>addEdgeMode()</td>
  393. <td class="mid">none</td>
  394. <td>Go into addEdge mode. The explaination from <code>addNodeMode</code> applies here as well.</td>
  395. </tr>
  396. <tr class="evenRow">
  397. <td>editEdgeMode()</td>
  398. <td class="mid">none</td>
  399. <td>Go into editEdge mode. The explaination from <code>addNodeMode</code> applies here as well.</td>
  400. </tr>
  401. <tr class="evenRow">
  402. <td>deleteSelected()</td>
  403. <td class="mid">none</td>
  404. <td>Delete selected. Having edit mode or manipulation enabled is not required.</td>
  405. </tr>
  406. <tr class="subHeader oddRow">
  407. <td colspan="3">Methods to get information on nodes.</td>
  408. </tr>
  409. <tr class="oddRow">
  410. <td>getPositions(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>[Array of nodeIds]</i></code><br>)</td>
  411. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  412. <td>Returns the x y positions in canvas space of the nodes with the supplied nodeIds as an object:
  413. <pre class="code">
  414. {
  415. nodeId1: {x: xValue, y:yValue},
  416. nodeId2: {x: xValue, y:yValue},
  417. ...
  418. }
  419. </pre>
  420. Alternative inputs are a String containing a nodeId or nothing. When a String is supplied, the position
  421. of the node corresponding to the ID is returned. When nothing is supplied, the positions of all nodes
  422. are returned.
  423. </td>
  424. </tr>
  425. <tr class="oddRow">
  426. <td>storePositions()</td>
  427. <td class="mid">none</td>
  428. <td>When using the vis.DataSet to load your nodes into the network, this method will put the X and Y
  429. positions of all nodes into that dataset. <br><br> If you're loading your nodes from a database and have
  430. this dynamically coupled with
  431. the DataSet, you can
  432. use this to stablize your network once, then save the positions in that database through the DataSet so
  433. the next
  434. time you load the nodes, stabilization will be near instantaneous.<br><br>
  435. If the nodes are still moving and you're using dynamic smooth edges (which is on by default), you can
  436. use the option <code>stabilization.onlyDynamicEdges</code> in the <a href="physics.html">physics
  437. module</a>
  438. to improve initialization time.
  439. <br><br>
  440. <b>This method does not support clustering. At the moment it is not possible to cache
  441. positions when using clusters since they cannot be correctly initialized from just the
  442. positions.</b>
  443. </td>
  444. </tr>
  445. <tr class="oddRow">
  446. <td>getBoundingBox(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>String nodeId</i></code><br>)</td>
  447. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  448. <td> Returns a bounding box for the node including label in the format:
  449. <pre class="code">
  450. {
  451. top: Number,
  452. left: Number,
  453. right: Number,
  454. bottom: Number
  455. }
  456. </pre>
  457. These values are in canvas space.
  458. </td>
  459. </tr>
  460. <tr class="oddRow">
  461. <td>getConnectedNodes(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>String nodeId</i></code><br>)</td>
  462. <td class="mid">Array</td>
  463. <td>Returns an array of nodeIds of the all the nodes that are directly connected to this node.</td>
  464. </tr>
  465. <tr class="oddRow">
  466. <td>getEdges(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>String nodeId</i></code><br>)</td>
  467. <td class="mid">Array</td>
  468. <td>Returns an array of edgeIds of the edges connected to this node.</td>
  469. </tr>
  470. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  471. <td colspan="3">Physics methods to control when the simulation should run.</td>
  472. </tr>
  473. <tr class="evenRow">
  474. <td>startSimulation()</td>
  475. <td class="mid">none</td>
  476. <td>Start the physics simulation. This is normally done whenever needed and is only really useful if you
  477. stop the simulation yourself and wish to continue it afterwards.
  478. </td>
  479. .</td></tr>
  480. <tr class="evenRow">
  481. <td>stopSimulation()</td>
  482. <td class="mid">none</td>
  483. <td>This stops the physics simulation and triggers a <code>stabilized</code> event. It can be restarted by
  484. dragging a node, altering the dataset or calling <code>startSimulation()</code>.
  485. </td>
  486. </tr>
  487. <tr class="evenRow">
  488. <td>stabilize()</td>
  489. <td class="mid">none</td>
  490. <td>You can manually call stabilize at any time. All the stabilization options above are used.</td>
  491. </tr>
  492. <tr class="subHeader oddRow">
  493. <td colspan="3">Selection methods for nodes and edges.</td>
  494. </tr>
  495. <tr class="oddRow">
  496. <td>getSelection()</td>
  497. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  498. <td>Returns an object with selected nodes and edges ids like this:
  499. <pre class="code">
  500. {
  501. nodes: [Array of selected nodeIds],
  502. edges: [Array of selected edgeIds]
  503. }</pre>
  504. </td>
  505. </tr>
  506. <tr class="oddRow">
  507. <td>getSelectedNodes()</td>
  508. <td class="mid">Array</td>
  509. <td>Returns an array of selected node ids like so:
  510. <code>[nodeId1, nodeId2, ..]</code>.
  511. </td>
  512. </tr>
  513. <tr class="oddRow">
  514. <td>getSelectedEdges()</td>
  515. <td class="mid">Array</td>
  516. <td>Returns an array of selected edge ids like so: <code>[edgeId1, edgeId2, ..]</code>.</td>
  517. </tr>
  518. <tr class="oddRow">
  519. <td>getNodeAt(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>{x: xPosition DOM,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; y: yPosition DOM}</i></code><br>)
  520. </td>
  521. <td class="mid">String</td>
  522. <td>Returns a nodeId or undefined. The DOM positions are expected to be in pixels from the top left corner
  523. of the canvas.
  524. </td>
  525. </tr>
  526. <tr class="oddRow">
  527. <td>getEdgeAt(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>{x: xPosition DOM,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; y: yPosition DOM}</i></code><br>)
  528. </td>
  529. <td class="mid">String</code></td>
  530. <td>Returns a edgeId or undefined. The DOM positions are expected to be in pixels from the top left corner
  531. of the canvas..
  532. </td>
  533. </tr>
  534. <tr class="oddRow">
  535. <td>selectNodes(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>Array with nodeIds</i></code>,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>[Boolean
  536. highlightEdges]</i></code><br>)
  537. </td>
  538. <td class="mid">none</td>
  539. <td>Selects the nodes corresponding to the id's in the input array. If highlightEdges is true or undefined,
  540. the neighbouring edges will also be selected. This method unselects all other objects before selecting
  541. its own objects. <i>Does not fire events</i>.
  542. </td>
  543. </tr>
  544. <tr class="oddRow">
  545. <td>selectEdges(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code><i>Array with edgeIds</i></code><br>)</td>
  546. <td class="mid">none</td>
  547. <td>Selects the edges corresponding to the id's in the input array. This method unselects all other objects
  548. before selecting its own objects. <i>Does not fire events</i>.
  549. </td>
  550. </tr>
  551. <tr class="oddRow">
  552. <td>unselectAll()</td>
  553. <td class="mid">none</td>
  554. <td>Unselect all objects. <i>Does not fire events</i>.</td>
  555. </tr>
  556. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  557. <td colspan="3">Methods to control the viewport for zoom and animation.</td>
  558. </tr>
  559. <tr class="evenRow">
  560. <td>getScale()</td>
  561. <td class="mid">Number</td>
  562. <td>Returns the current scale of the network. 1.0 is comparible to 100%, 0 is zoomed out infinitely.</td>
  563. </tr>
  564. <tr class="evenRow">
  565. <td>getPosition()</td>
  566. <td class="mid">Number</td>
  567. <td>Returns the current central focus point of the camera.</td>
  568. </tr>
  569. <tr class="evenRow">
  570. <td>fit(<code>[Object options]</code>)</td>
  571. <td class="mid">none</td>
  572. <td>Zooms out so all nodes fit on the canvas. You can supply options to customize this:
  573. <pre class="code">
  574. {
  575. nodes:[Array of nodeIds],
  576. animation: { // -------------------> can be a boolean too!
  577. duration: Number
  578. easingFunction: String
  579. }
  580. }
  581. </pre>
  582. The nodes can be used to zoom to fit only specific nodes in the view. <br/><br/>
  583. The other options are explained in the <code>moveTo()</code> description below.
  584. All options are optional for the fit method.
  585. </td>
  586. </tr>
  587. <tr class="evenRow">
  588. <td>focus(<br>
  589. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>String nodeId</code>,<br>
  590. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[Object options]</code><br>)
  591. </td>
  592. <td class="mid">none</td>
  593. <td>You can focus on a node with this function. What that means is the view will lock onto that node, if it
  594. is moving, the view will also move accordingly. If the view is dragged by the user, the focus is broken.
  595. You can supply options to customize the effect:
  596. <pre class="code">
  597. {
  598. scale: Number,
  599. offset: {x:Number, y:Number}
  600. locked: boolean
  601. animation: { // -------------------> can be a boolean too!
  602. duration: Number
  603. easingFunction: String
  604. }
  605. }
  606. </pre>
  607. All options except for locked are explained in the <code>moveTo()</code> description below. Locked
  608. denotes whether or not the view remains locked to the node once the zoom-in animation is finished.
  609. Default value is true. The options object is optional in the focus method.
  610. </td>
  611. </tr>
  612. <tr class="evenRow">
  613. <td>moveTo(<code>Object options</code>)</td>
  614. <td class="mid">none</td>
  615. <td>You can animate or move the camera using the moveTo method. Options are:
  616. <pre class="code">
  617. {
  618. position: {x:Number, y:Number},
  619. scale: Number,
  620. offset: {x:Number, y:Number}
  621. animation: { // -------------------> can be a boolean too!
  622. duration: Number
  623. easingFunction: String
  624. }
  625. }
  626. </pre>
  627. The position (in canvas units!) is the position of the central focus point of the camera. <br><br>
  628. The scale is the target zoomlevel. Default value is 1.0. <br><br>
  629. The offset (in DOM units) is how many pixels from the center the view is focussed. Default value is
  630. {x:0,y:0}.<br><br>
  631. For animation you can either use a Boolean to use it with the default options or disable it or you can
  632. define the duration (in milliseconds) and easing function manually. Available are:
  633. <code>linear, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic,
  634. easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart, easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint</code>.
  635. <br><br>
  636. <i>You will have to define at least a scale or a position. Otherwise, there is nothing to move to.</i>
  637. </td>
  638. </tr>
  639. <tr class="evenRow">
  640. <td>releaseNode()</td>
  641. <td class="mid">none</td>
  642. <td>Programatically release the focussed node.</td>
  643. </tr>
  644. </table>
  645. <br>
  646. <br>
  647. <br>
  648. <br>
  649. <h4 id="optionsObject">Cluster options object</h4>
  650. <p>The options object supplied to the cluster functions can contain these properties:</p>
  651. <table class="moduleTable">
  652. <tr class="header">
  653. <td class="name">name</td>
  654. <td>Type</td>
  655. <td>description</td>
  656. </tr>
  657. <tr>
  658. <td>joinCondition(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>Object nodeOptions</code><br>)</td>
  659. <td class="mid">Function</td>
  660. <td><i>Optional for all but the cluster method. </i> The cluster module loops over all nodes that are
  661. selected to be in the cluster and calls this function with their data as argument.
  662. If this function returns true, this node will be added to the cluster. You have access to all options
  663. (including the default)
  664. as well as any custom fields you may have added to the node to determine whether or not to include it in
  665. the cluster. Example:
  666. <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
  667. var nodes = [
  668. {id: 4, label: 'Node 4'},
  669. {id: 5, label: 'Node 5'},
  670. {id: 6, label: 'Node 6', cid:1},
  671. {id: 7, label: 'Node 7', cid:1}
  672. ]
  673. var options = {
  674. joinCondition:function(nodeOptions) {
  675. return nodeOptions.cid === 1;
  676. }
  677. }
  678. network.clustering.cluster(options);
  679. </pre>
  680. </td>
  681. </tr>
  682. <tr>
  683. <td>processProperties(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>Object nodeOptions</code><br>)</td>
  684. <td class="mid">Function</td>
  685. <td><i>Optional. </i> Before creating the new cluster node, this (optional) function will be called with the
  686. properties supplied by you (<code>clusterNodeProperties</code>), all contained nodes and all contained
  687. edges. You can use this to update the
  688. properties of the cluster based on which items it contains. The function should return the properties to
  689. create the cluster node. In the example below, we ensure preservation of mass and value when forming the
  690. cluster:
  691. <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
  692. var options = {
  693. processProperties: function (clusterOptions, childNodes, childEdges) {
  694. var totalMass = 0;
  695. var totalValue = 0;
  696. for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
  697. totalMass += childNodes[i].mass;
  698. totalValue = childNodes[i].value ? totalValue + childNodes[i].value : totalValue;
  699. }
  700. clusterOptions.mass = totalMass;
  701. if (totalValue > 0) {
  702. clusterOptions.value = totalValue;
  703. }
  704. return clusterOptions;
  705. },
  706. }
  707. </pre>
  708. </td>
  709. </tr>
  710. <tr>
  711. <td>clusterNodeProperties</td>
  712. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  713. <td><i>Optional. </i> This is an object containing the options for the cluster node. All options described
  714. in the <a href="./nodes.html">nodes module</a> are allowed. This allows you to style your cluster node
  715. any way you want. This is also the style object that is provided in the processProperties function for
  716. fine tuning. If undefined, default node options will be used.
  717. </td>
  718. </tr>
  719. <tr>
  720. <td>clusterEdgeProperties</td>
  721. <td class="mid">Object</td>
  722. <td><i>Optional. </i> This is an object containing the options for the edges connected to the cluster. All
  723. options described in the <a href="./edges.html">edges module</a> are allowed. Using this, you can style
  724. the edges connecting to the cluster any way you want. If none are provided, the optoins from the edges
  725. that are replaced are used. If undefined, default edge options will be used.
  726. </td>
  727. </tr>
  728. </table>
  729. <h4 id="locales">Locales</h4>
  730. <p>The locales object has the following format:</p>
  731. <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
  732. var locales = {
  733. en: {
  734. edit: 'Edit',
  735. del: 'Delete selected',
  736. back: 'Back',
  737. addNode: 'Add Node',
  738. addEdge: 'Add Edge',
  739. editNode: 'Edit Node',
  740. editEdge: 'Edit Edge',
  741. addDescription: 'Click in an empty space to place a new node.',
  742. edgeDescription: 'Click on a node and drag the edge to another node to connect them.',
  743. editEdgeDescription: 'Click on the control points and drag them to a node to connect to it.',
  744. createEdgeError: 'Cannot link edges to a cluster.',
  745. deleteClusterError: 'Clusters cannot be deleted.',
  746. editClusterError: 'Clusters cannot be edited.'
  747. }
  748. }</pre>
  749. <p>If you want to define your own locale, you can change the key ('en' here) and change all the string. You can then
  750. use your new key in the locale option.</p>
  751. <br>
  752. <br>
  753. <br>
  754. <br>
  755. <br>
  756. <h3>All Events</h3>
  757. <p>This is a list of all the events in the public API. They are collected here from all individual modules.</p>
  758. <p>These events are fired by the interaction module. They are related to user input.</p>
  759. <table class="moduleTable">
  760. <tr class="header">
  761. <td class="eventName">name</td>
  762. <td class="eventProperties">properties</td>
  763. <td>description</td>
  764. </tr>
  765. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  766. <td colspan="3">Events triggered by human interaction, selection, dragging etc.</td>
  767. </tr>
  768. <tr class="evenRow">
  769. <td>click</td>
  770. <td class="mid">
  771. <pre class="code">
  772. {
  773. nodes: [Array of selected nodeIds],
  774. edges: [Array of selected edgeIds],
  775. event: [Object] original click event,
  776. pointer: {
  777. DOM: {x:pointer_x, y:pointer_y},
  778. canvas: {x:canvas_x, y:canvas_y}
  779. }
  780. }
  781. </pre>
  782. </td>
  783. <td>Fired when the user clicks the mouse or taps on a touchscreen device.</td>
  784. </tr>
  785. <tr class="evenRow">
  786. <td>doubleClick</td>
  787. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  788. <td>Fired when the user double clicks the mouse or double taps on a touchscreen device. Since a double click
  789. is in fact 2 clicks, 2 click events are fired, followed by a double click event. If you do not want to
  790. use the click events if a double click event is fired, just check the time between click events before
  791. processing them.
  792. </td>
  793. </tr>
  794. <tr class="evenRow">
  795. <td>oncontext</td>
  796. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  797. <td>Fired when the user click on the canvas with the right mouse button. The right mouse button does not
  798. select by default. You can use <a href="./selection.html">getNodeAt</a> to select the node if you want.
  799. </td>
  800. </tr>
  801. <tr class="evenRow">
  802. <td>hold</td>
  803. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  804. <td>Fired when the user clicks and holds the mouse or taps and holds on a touchscreen device. A click event
  805. is also fired in this case.
  806. </td>
  807. </tr>
  808. <tr class="evenRow">
  809. <td>release</td>
  810. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  811. <td>Fired after drawing on the canvas has been completed. Can be used to draw on top of the network.</td>
  812. </tr>
  813. <tr class="evenRow">
  814. <td>select</td>
  815. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  816. <td>Fired when the selection has changed by user action. This means a node or edge has been selected, added
  817. to the selection or deselected. <b>All select events are only triggerd on click and hold</b>.
  818. </td>
  819. </tr>
  820. <tr class="evenRow">
  821. <td>selectNode</td>
  822. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  823. <td>Fired when a node has been selected by the user.</td>
  824. </tr>
  825. <tr class="evenRow">
  826. <td>selectEdge</td>
  827. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  828. <td>Fired when a edge has been selected by the user.</td>
  829. </tr>
  830. <tr class="evenRow">
  831. <td>deselectNode</td>
  832. <td class="mid"><pre class="code">
  833. {
  834. nodes: [Array of selected nodeIds],
  835. edges: [Array of selected edgeIds],
  836. event: [Object] original click event,
  837. pointer: {
  838. DOM: {x:pointer_x, y:pointer_y},
  839. canvas: {x:canvas_x, y:canvas_y}
  840. }
  841. },
  842. previousSelection: {
  843. nodes: [Array of previously selected nodeIds],
  844. edges: [Array of previously selected edgeIds]
  845. }
  846. }
  847. </pre>
  848. </td>
  849. <td>Fired when a node (or nodes) has (or have) been deselected by the user. The previous selection is the
  850. list of nodes and edges that were selected before the last user event.
  851. </td>
  852. </tr>
  853. <tr class="evenRow">
  854. <td>deselectEdge</td>
  855. <td class="mid">same as <code>deselectNode</code>.</td>
  856. <td>Fired when a edge (or edges) has (or have) been deselected by the user. The previous selection is the
  857. list of nodes and edges that were selected before the last user event.
  858. </td>
  859. </tr>
  860. <tr class="evenRow">
  861. <td>dragStart</td>
  862. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  863. <td>Fired when starting a drag.</td>
  864. </tr>
  865. <tr class="evenRow">
  866. <td>dragging</td>
  867. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  868. <td>Fired when dragging node(s) or the view.</td>
  869. </tr>
  870. <tr class="evenRow">
  871. <td>dragEnd</td>
  872. <td class="mid">same as <code>click</code>.</td>
  873. <td>Fired when the drag has finished.</td>
  874. </tr>
  875. <tr class="evenRow">
  876. <td>zoom</td>
  877. <td class="mid"><code>{direction:'+'/'-'}</code></td>
  878. <td>Fired when the user zooms in or out. The properties tell you which direction the zoom is in.</td>
  879. </tr>
  880. <tr class="evenRow">
  881. <td>showPopup</td>
  882. <td class="mid"><code>id of item corresponding to popup</code></td>
  883. <td>Fired when the popup is shown.</td>
  884. </tr>
  885. <tr class="evenRow">
  886. <td>hidePopup</td>
  887. <td class="mid">none</td>
  888. <td>Fired when the popup is hidden.</td>
  889. </tr>
  890. <tr class="subHeader oddRow">
  891. <td colspan="3">Events triggered the physics simulation. Can be used to trigger GUI updates.</td>
  892. </tr>
  893. <tr class="oddRow">
  894. <td>startStabilizing</td>
  895. <td class="mid">none</td>
  896. <td>Fired when stabilization starts. This is also the case when you drag a node and the physics simulation
  897. restarts to stabilize again. Stabilization does not neccesarily imply 'without showing'.
  898. </td>
  899. <tr class="oddRow">
  900. <td>stabilizationProgress</td>
  901. <td class="mid">
  902. <pre class="code">
  903. {
  904. iterations: Number // iterations so far,
  905. total: Number // total iterations in options
  906. }
  907. </pre>
  908. </td>
  909. <td>Fired when a multiple of the <code>updateInterval</code> number of iterations is reached. This only
  910. occurs in the 'hidden' stabilization.
  911. </td>
  912. </tr>
  913. <tr class="oddRow">
  914. <td>stabilizationIterationsDone</td>
  915. <td class="mid">none</td>
  916. <td>Fired when the 'hidden' stabilization finishes. This does not necessarily mean the network is
  917. stabilized; it could also mean that the amount of iterations defined in the options has been reached.
  918. </td>
  919. <tr class="oddRow">
  920. <td>stabilized</td>
  921. <td class="mid">
  922. <pre class="code">
  923. {
  924. iterations: Number // iterations it took
  925. }
  926. </pre>
  927. </td>
  928. <td>Fired when the network has stabilized or when the <code>stopSimulation()</code> has been called. The
  929. amount of iterations it took could be used to tweak the maximum amount of iterations needed to stabilize
  930. the network.
  931. </td>
  932. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  933. <td colspan="3">Event triggered by the canvas.</td>
  934. </tr>
  935. <tr class="evenRow">
  936. <td>resize</td>
  937. <td class="mid">
  938. <pre class="code">
  939. {
  940. width: Number // the new width of the canvas
  941. height: Number // the new height of the canvas
  942. oldWidth: Number // the old width of the canvas
  943. oldHeight: Number // the old height of the canvas
  944. }
  945. </pre>
  946. <ul>
  947. </ul>
  948. </td>
  949. <td>Fired when the size of the canvas has been resized, either by a redraw call when the container div has
  950. changed in size, a setSize() call with new values or a setOptions() with new width and/or height values.
  951. </td>
  952. </tr>
  953. <tr class="subHeader oddRow">
  954. <td colspan="3">Events triggered by the rendering module. Can be used to draw custom elements on the canvas.</td>
  955. </tr>
  956. <tr class="oddRow">
  957. <td>initRedraw</td>
  958. <td class="mid">none</td>
  959. <td>Fired before the redrawing begins. The simulation step has completed at this point. Can be used to move
  960. custom elements before starting drawing the new frame.
  961. </td>
  962. <tr class="oddRow">
  963. <td>beforeDrawing</td>
  964. <td class="mid"><code>canvas context</code></td>
  965. <td>Fired after the canvas has been cleared, scaled and translated to the viewing position but before all
  966. edges and nodes are drawn. Can be used to draw behind the network.
  967. </td>
  968. <tr class="oddRow">
  969. <td>afterDrawing</td>
  970. <td class="mid"><code>canvas context</code></td>
  971. <td>Fired after drawing on the canvas has been completed. Can be used to draw on top of the network.</td>
  972. </tr>
  973. <tr class="subHeader evenRow">
  974. <td colspan="3">Event triggered by the view module.</td>
  975. </tr>
  976. <tr class="evenRow">
  977. <td>animationFinished</td>
  978. <td class="mid">none</td>
  979. <td>Fired when an animation is finished.</td>
  980. </table>
  981. <br>
  982. <br>
  983. <br>
  984. <br>
  985. <br>
  986. <br>
  987. <br>
  988. <br>
  989. <br>
  990. <br>
  991. </div>
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  995. <script src="../js/jquery.min.js"></script>
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