- var util = require('../../../util');
- var Hammer = require('../../../module/hammer');
- var hammerUtil = require('../../../hammerUtil');
- var keycharm = require('keycharm');
- class NavigationHandler {
- constructor(body, canvas) {
- this.body = body;
- this.canvas = canvas;
- this.iconsCreated = false;
- this.navigationHammers = [];
- this.boundFunctions = {};
- this.touchTime = 0;
- this.activated = false;
- this.body.emitter.on("release", this._stopMovement.bind(this));
- this.body.emitter.on("activate", () => {this.activated = true; this.configureKeyboardBindings();});
- this.body.emitter.on("deactivate", () => {this.activated = false; this.configureKeyboardBindings();});
- this.body.emitter.on("destroy", () => {if (this.keycharm !== undefined) {this.keycharm.destroy();}});
- this.options = {}
- }
- setOptions(options) {
- if (options !== undefined) {
- this.options = options;
- this.create();
- }
- }
- create() {
- if (this.options.showNavigationIcons === true) {
- if (this.iconsCreated === false) {
- this.loadNavigationElements();
- }
- }
- else if (this.iconsCreated === true) {
- this.cleanNavigation();
- }
- this.configureKeyboardBindings();
- }
- cleanNavigation() {
- // clean hammer bindings
- if (this.navigationHammers.length != 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.navigationHammers.length; i++) {
- this.navigationHammers[i].destroy();
- }
- this.navigationHammers = [];
- }
- this._navigationReleaseOverload = function() {};
- // clean up previous navigation items
- if (this.navigationDOM && this.navigationDOM['wrapper'] && this.navigationDOM['wrapper'].parentNode) {
- this.navigationDOM['wrapper'].parentNode.removeChild(this.navigationDOM['wrapper']);
- }
- this.iconsCreated = false;
- }
- /**
- * Creation of the navigation controls nodes. They are drawn over the rest of the nodes and are not affected by scale and translation
- * they have a triggerFunction which is called on click. If the position of the navigation controls is dependent
- * on this.frame.canvas.clientWidth or this.frame.canvas.clientHeight, we flag horizontalAlignLeft and verticalAlignTop false.
- * This means that the location will be corrected by the _relocateNavigation function on a size change of the canvas.
- *
- * @private
- */
- loadNavigationElements() {
- this.cleanNavigation();
- this.navigationDOM = {};
- var navigationDivs = ['up','down','left','right','zoomIn','zoomOut','zoomExtends'];
- var navigationDivActions = ['_moveUp','_moveDown','_moveLeft','_moveRight','_zoomIn','_zoomOut','_zoomExtent'];
- this.navigationDOM['wrapper'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.navigationDOM['wrapper'].className = 'vis-navigation';
- this.canvas.frame.appendChild(this.navigationDOM['wrapper']);
- for (var i = 0; i < navigationDivs.length; i++) {
- this.navigationDOM[navigationDivs[i]] = document.createElement('div');
- this.navigationDOM[navigationDivs[i]].className = 'vis-button vis-' + navigationDivs[i];
- this.navigationDOM['wrapper'].appendChild(this.navigationDOM[navigationDivs[i]]);
- var hammer = new Hammer(this.navigationDOM[navigationDivs[i]]);
- if (navigationDivActions[i] === "_zoomExtent") {
- hammerUtil.onTouch(hammer, this._zoomExtent.bind(this));
- }
- else {
- hammerUtil.onTouch(hammer, this.bindToRedraw.bind(this,navigationDivActions[i]));
- }
- this.navigationHammers.push(hammer);
- }
- this.iconsCreated = true;
- }
- bindToRedraw(action) {
- if (this.boundFunctions[action] === undefined) {
- this.boundFunctions[action] = this[action].bind(this);
- this.body.emitter.on("initRedraw", this.boundFunctions[action]);
- this.body.emitter.emit("_startRendering");
- }
- }
- unbindFromRedraw(action) {
- if (this.boundFunctions[action] !== undefined) {
- this.body.emitter.off("initRedraw", this.boundFunctions[action]);
- this.body.emitter.emit("_stopRendering");
- delete this.boundFunctions[action];
- }
- }
- /**
- * this stops all movement induced by the navigation buttons
- *
- * @private
- */
- _zoomExtent() {
- if (new Date().valueOf() - this.touchTime > 700) { // TODO: fix ugly hack to avoid hammer's double fireing of event (because we use release?)
- this.body.emitter.emit("zoomExtent", {duration: 700});
- this.touchTime = new Date().valueOf();
- }
- }
- /**
- * this stops all movement induced by the navigation buttons
- *
- * @private
- */
- _stopMovement() {
- for (let boundAction in this.boundFunctions) {
- if (this.boundFunctions.hasOwnProperty(boundAction)) {
- this.body.emitter.off("initRedraw", this.boundFunctions[boundAction]);
- this.body.emitter.emit("_stopRendering");
- }
- }
- this.boundFunctions = {};
- }
- _moveUp() {this.body.view.translation.y += this.options.keyboard.speed.y;}
- _moveDown() {this.body.view.translation.y -= this.options.keyboard.speed.y;}
- _moveLeft() {this.body.view.translation.x += this.options.keyboard.speed.x;}
- _moveRight(){this.body.view.translation.x -= this.options.keyboard.speed.x;}
- _zoomIn() {this.body.view.scale += this.options.keyboard.speed.zoom;}
- _zoomOut() {this.body.view.scale -= this.options.keyboard.speed.zoom;}
- /**
- * bind all keys using keycharm.
- */
- configureKeyboardBindings() {
- if (this.keycharm !== undefined) {
- this.keycharm.destroy();
- }
- if (this.options.keyboard.enabled === true) {
- if (this.options.keyboard.bindToWindow === true) {
- this.keycharm = keycharm({container: window, preventDefault: false});
- }
- else {
- this.keycharm = keycharm({container: this.canvas.frame, preventDefault: false});
- }
- this.keycharm.reset();
- if (this.activated === true) {
- this.keycharm.bind("up", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_moveUp"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("down", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_moveDown"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("left", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_moveLeft"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("right", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_moveRight"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("=", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("num+", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("num-", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("-", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("[", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("]", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("pageup", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("pagedown", this.bindToRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keydown");
- this.keycharm.bind("up", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_moveUp"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("down", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_moveDown"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("left", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_moveLeft"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("right", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_moveRight"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("=", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("num+", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("num-", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("-", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("[", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("]", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("pageup", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomIn"), "keyup");
- this.keycharm.bind("pagedown", this.unbindFromRedraw.bind(this, "_zoomOut"), "keyup");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- export default NavigationHandler;