3 years ago | |
doc | 6 years ago | |
server | 3 years ago | |
.gitignore | 5 years ago | |
Dockerfile | 5 years ago | |
LICENSE | 6 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago | |
docker-compose.yml | 5 years ago |
Website for visualizing a persons github network.
If you are lucky, you can find the site live here.
The easiest way to get started with Github-Graphs is to fork this repository and follow the instructions below.
The objective of creating an app under your github account is to access an endpoint through the GitHub API and obtain credentials to set your environment file. For more information on how to create a new OAuth app, consult the corresponding Github developer documentation here.
After forking this repository, run the command cd server/
. Inside that folder,
setup your environment credentials by creating a .env file
with the code below filled in.
CLIENT_ID = <your_client_ID_from_oauth_app>
CLIENT_SECRET = <your_generated_personal_access_from_oauth_app>
SESSION_SECRET = <any_string_you_want>
PORT = <any_number>
The creation of your OAuth app and the .env file are required steps, irrespective of your desired deployment environment. For specific directions, continue by following the steps specified below.
Dependencies are installed using npm
. Therefore, please install the package manager
before proceeding. If you already have npm
installed, run the command below inside
in order to install the dependencies in the package directory.
npm install
Inside server/
, run the following command to start the program, and in your
browser, check localhost:8000
to visualize your Github network.
node server.js
Github-graphs can also be deployed inside a docker container and displayed in your browser through port mapping. To get started run the following commands inside your forked repository.
The easiest way to deploy in a docker container is through the use of our proposed
file. If you choose this methodology, make sure the port numbers
in your .env
file matches the docker-compose file. Note that this approach will work
only on systems which have Docker and Docker-compose both installed.
Considering the example provided in our provided docker-compose,
the port number of the .env file should be PORT= 8000
. Therefore, you could
visualize the Github-Graphs page at localhost:8080
after running:
docker-compose up -d --build
In order to clean the environment, you can run the following command.
docker-compose down --rmi all
Besides the use of docker-compose, deployment with just docker is possible with the following commands:\
docker build -t <choose_name_for_image> .
docker run -d --name <choose_name_for_container> -p <local_port_num>:<port_num_from_env_file> <name_of_image>
For instance, assume I name my image graph-app
, my container github-graphs
and set the port number in my .env file to 8000
, I can decide to listen on my localhost at port 8080
Therefore, my commands are:
docker build -t graph-app .
docker run -d --name github-graphs -p 8080:8000 graph-app
If you are willing to read the debugging statement on the CLI, do not add -d
to the docker run
At this step, you can now visualize Github graphs at localhost:<local_port_num>
We are very open to new contributors. If you want to contribute to this project, and don't know where to start, look at the open issues. Once you know what you want to work on, comment on the issue and file a pull request.
GET https://github-graphs.com/api/friends/<username>
Fetches https://api.github.com/users/<username>/followers
(GitHub Reference)
and https://api.github.com/users/<username>/following
(GitHub Reference)
to generate an array of users following <username>
and that <username>
follows each with values login
and avatar_url
Example result:
"login": "jrtechs",
"avatar_url": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/13894625?s=460&v=4"
GET https://github-graphs.com/api/repositories/<username>
Fetches https://api.github.com/users/<username>/repos
and returns an array of the repositories <username>
Example result:
"name": "bash_manager",
"created_at": "2017-09-27T14:38:01Z",
"homepage": "",
"description": "Python scripts I use to manage my ssh connections, drive mounts, and other bash related things. ",
"language": "Python",
"forks": 26,
"watchers": 4,
"open_issues_count": 7,
"license": {
"key": "mpl-2.0",
"name": "Mozilla Public License 2.0",
"spdx_id": "MPL-2.0",
"url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mpl-2.0",
"node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE0"
"html_url": "https://github.com/jrtechs/bash_manager"
GET https://github-graphs.com/api/org/users/<organization_name>
Fetches https://api.github.com/orgs/<organization_name>/members
(GitHub Reference)
to generate an array of users that are in <organization_name>
each with values login
and avatar_url
Example result:
"login": "jrtechs",
"avatar_url": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/13894625?s=460&v=4"
GET https://github-graphs.com/api/org/repositories/<organization_name>
Fetches https://api.github.com/orgs/<organization_name>/repos
(GitHub Reference)
to return an array of repositories <organization_name>
Example result:
"name": "vue",
"created_at": "2013-07-29T03:24:51Z",
"homepage": "http://vuejs.org",
"description": "🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.",
"language": "JavaScript",
"forks": 23228,
"watchers": 154891,
"open_issues_count": 419,
"license": {
"key": "mit",
"name": "MIT License",
"spdx_id": "MIT",
"url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit",
"node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz"
"html_url": "https://github.com/vuejs/vue"