CS224W Course Notes
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  1. ---
  2. layout: post
  3. title: Outbreak Detection in Networks
  4. ---
  5. ## Introduction
  6. The general goal of outbreak detection in networks is that given a dynamic process spreading over a network, we want to select a set of nodes to detect the process efficiently. Outbreak detection in networks has many applications in real life. For example, where should we place sensors to quickly detect contaminations in a water distribution network? Which person should we follow on Twitter to avoid missing important stories?
  7. The following figure shows the different effects of placing sensors at two different locations in a network:
  8. ![sensor_placement](../assets/img/outbreak_detection_sensor_placement.png?style=centerme)
  9. *(A) The given network. (B) An outbreak $$i$$ starts and spreads as shown. (C) Placing a sensor at the blue position saves more people and also detects earlier than placing a sensor at the green position, though costs more.*
  10. ## Problem Setup
  11. The outbreak detection problem is defined as below:
  12. - Given: a graph $$G(V,E)$$ and data on how outbreaks spread over this $$G$$ (for each outbreak $$i$$, we knew the time $$T(u,i)$$ when the outbreak $$i$$ contaminates node $$u$$).
  13. - Goal: select a subset of nodes $$S$$ that maximize the expected reward:
  14. $$
  15. \max_{S\subseteq U}f(S)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)
  16. $$
  17. $$
  18. \text{subject to cost }c(S)\leq B
  19. $$
  20. where
  21. - $$p(i)$$: probability of outbreak $$i$$ occurring
  22. - $$f_{i}(S)$$: rewarding for detecting outbreak $$i$$ using "sensors" $$S$${% include sidenote.html id='note-outbreak-detection-problem-setup' note='It is obvious that $$p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)$$ is the expected reward for detecting the outbreak $$i$$' %}
  23. - $$B$$: total budget of placing "sensors"
  24. **The Reward** can be one of the following three:
  25. - Minimize the time to detection
  26. - Maximize the number of detected propagations
  27. - Minimize the number of infected people
  28. **The Cost** is context-dependent. Examples are:
  29. - Reading big blogs is more time consuming
  30. - Placing a sensor in a remote location is more expensive
  31. ## Outbreak Detection Formalization
  32. ### Objective Function for Sensor Placements
  33. Define the **penalty $$\pi_{i}(t)$$** for detecting outbreak $$i$$ at time $$t$$, which can be one of the following:{% include sidenote.html id='note-outbreak-detection-penalty-note' note='Notice: in all the three cases detecting sooner does not hurt! Formally, this means, for all three cases, $$\pi_{i}(t)$$ is monotonically nondecreasing in $$t$$.'%}
  34. - **Time to Detection (DT)**
  35. - How long does it take to detect an outbreak?
  36. - Penalty for detecting at time $$t$$: $$\pi_{i}(t)=t$$
  37. - **Detection Likelihood (DL)**
  38. - How many outbreaks do we detect?
  39. - Penalty for detecting at time $$t$$: $$\pi_{i}(0)=0$$, $$\pi_{i}(\infty)=1$${% include sidenote.html id='note-penalty-dl' note='this is a binary outcome: $$\pi_{i}(0)=0$$ means we detect the outbreak and we pay 0 penalty, while $$\pi_{i}(\infty)=1$$ means we fail to detect the outbreak and we pay 1 penalty. That is we do not incur any penalty if we detect the outbreak in finite time, otherwise we incur penalty 1.'%}
  40. - **Population Affected (PA)**
  41. - How many people/nodes get infected during an outbreak?
  42. - Penalty for detecting at time $$t$$: $$\pi_{i}(t)=$$ number of infected nodes in the outbreak $$i$$ by time $$t$$
  43. The objective **reward function $$f_{i}(S)$$ of a sensor placement $$S$$** is defined as penalty reduction:
  44. $$
  45. f_{i}(S)=\pi_{i}(\infty)-\pi_{i}(T(S,i))
  46. $$
  47. where $$T(S,i)$$ is the time when the set of "sensors" $$S$$ detects the outbreak $$i$$.
  48. ### Claim 1: $$f(S)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)$$ is monotone{% include sidenote.html id='note-monotone' note='For the definition of monotone, see [Influence Maximization](influence-maximization)' %}
  49. Firstly, we do not reduce the penalty, if we do not place any sensors. Therefore, $$f_{i}(\emptyset)=0$$ and $$f(\emptyset)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(\emptyset)=0$$.
  50. Secondly, for all $$A\subseteq B\subseteq V$$ ($$V$$ is all the nodes in $$G$$), $$T(A,i)\geq T(B,i)$$, and
  51. $$
  52. \begin{align*}
  53. f_{i}(A)-f_{i}(B)&=\pi_{i}(\infty)-\pi_{i}(T(A,i))-[\pi_{i}(\infty)-\pi_{i}(T(B,i))]\\
  54. &=\pi_{i}(T(B,i))-\pi_{i}(T(A,i))
  55. \end{align*}
  56. $$
  57. Because $$\pi_{i}(t)$$ is monotonically nondecreasing in $$t$$ (see sidenote 2), $$f_{i}(A)-f_{i}(B)<0$$. Therefore, $$f_{i}(S)$$ is nondecreasing. It is obvious that $$f(S)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)$$ is also nondecreasing, since $$p(i)\geq 0$$.
  58. Hence, $$f(S)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)$$ is monotone.
  59. ### Claim 2: $$f(S)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)$$ is submodular{% include sidenote.html id='note-submodular' note='For the definition of submodular, see [Influence Maximization](influence-maximization)' %}
  60. This is to proof for all $$A\subseteq B\subseteq V$$ $$x\in V \setminus B$$:
  61. $$
  62. f(A\cup \{x\})-f(A)\geq f(B\cup\{x\})-f(B)
  63. $$
  64. There are three cases when sensor $$x$$ detects the outbreak $$i$$:
  65. 1. $$T(B,i)\leq T(A, i)<T(x,i)$$ ($$x$$ detects late): nobody benefits. That is $$f_{i}(A\cup\{x\})=f_{i}(A)$$ and $$f_{i}(B\cup\{x\})=f_{i}(B)$$. Therefore, $$f(A\cup \{x\})-f(A)=0= f(B\cup\{x\})-f(B)$$
  66. 2. $$T(B, i)\leq T(x, i)<T(A,i)$$ ($$x$$ detects after $$B$$ but before $$A$$): $$x$$ only helps to improve the solution of $$A$$ but not $$B$$. Therefore, $$f(A\cup \{x\})-f(A)\geq 0 = f(B\cup\{x\})-f(B)$$
  67. 3. $$T(x, i)<T(B,i)\leq T(A,i)$$ ($$x$$ detects early): $$f(A\cup \{x\})-f(A)=[\pi_{i}(\infty)-\pi_{i}(T(x,t))]-f_{i}(A)$$$$ \geq [\pi_{i}(\infty)-\pi_{i}(T(x,t))]-f_{i}(B) = f(B\cup\{x\})-f(B)$${% include sidenote.html id='note-submodularity-proof1' note='Inequality is due to the nondecreasingness of $$f_{i}(\cdot)$$, i.e. $$f_{i}(A)\leq f_{i}(B)$$ (see Claim 1).'%}
  68. Therefore, $$f_{i}(S)$$ is submodular. Because $$p(i)\geq 0$$, $$f(S)=\sum_{i}p(i)\cdot f_{i}(S)$$ is also submodular.{% include sidenote.html id='note-submodularity-proof1' note='Fact: a non-negative linear combination of submodular functions is a submodular function.'%}
  69. We know that the Hill Climbing algorithm works for optimizing problems with nondecreasing submodular objectives. However, it does not work well in this problem:
  70. - Hill Climbing only works for the cases that each sensor costs the same. For this problem, each sensor has cost $$c(s)$$.
  71. - Hill Climbing is also slow: at each iteration, we need to re-evaluate marginal gains of all nodes. The run time is $$O(\mid V\mid\cdot k)$$ for placing $$k$$ sensors.
  72. Hence, we need a new fast algorithm that can handle cost constraints.
  73. ## CELF: Algorithm for Optimziating Submodular Functions Under Cost Constraints
  74. ### Bad Algorithm 1: Hill Climbing that ignores the cost
  75. **Algorithm**
  76. - Ignore sensor cost $$c(s)$$
  77. - Repeatedly select sensor with highest marginal gain
  78. - Do this until the budget is exhausted
  79. **This can fail arbitrarily bad!** Example:
  80. - Given $$n$$ sensors and a budget $$B$$
  81. - $$s_{1}$$: reward $$r$$, cost $$B$$
  82. - $$s_{2}$$,..., $$s_{n}$$: reward $$r-\epsilon$$, cost $$\epsilon$$ ($$\epsilon$$ is an arbitrary positive small number)
  83. - Hill Climbing always prefers $$s_{1}$$ to other cheaper sensors, resulting in an arbitrarily bad solution with reward $$r$$ instead of the optimal solution with reward $$\frac{B(r-\epsilon)}{\epsilon}$$, when $$\epsilon \rightarrow 0$$.
  84. ### Bad Algorithm 2: optimization using benefit-cost ratio
  85. **Algorithm**
  86. - Greedily pick the sensor $$s_{i}$$ that maximizes the benefit to cost ratio until the budget runs out, i.e. always pick
  87. $$
  88. s_{i}=\arg\max_{s\in(V\setminus A_{i-1})}\frac{f(A_{i-1}\cup\{s\})-f(A_{i-1})}{c(s)}
  89. $$
  90. **This can fail arbitrarily bad!** Example:
  91. - Given 2 sensors and a budget $$B$$
  92. - $$s_{1}$$: reward $$2\epsilon$$, cost $$\epsilon$$
  93. - $$s_{2}$$: reward $$B$$, cost $$B$$
  94. - Then the benefit ratios for the first selection are: 2 and 1, respectively
  95. - This algorithm will pick $$s_{1}$$ and then cannot afford $$s_{2}$$, resulting in an arbitrarily bad solution with reward $$2\epsilon$$ instead of the optimal solution $$B$$, when $$\epsilon \rightarrow 0$$.
  96. ### Solution: CELF (Cost-Effective Lazy Forward-selection)
  97. **CELF** is a two-pass greedy algorithm [[Leskovec et al. 2007]](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jure/pubs/detect-kdd07.pdf):
  98. - Get solution $$S'$$ using unit-cost greedy (Bad Algorithm 1)
  99. - Get solution $$S''$$ using benefit-cost greedy (Bad Algorithm 2)
  100. - Final solution $$S=\arg\max[f(S'), f(S'')]$$
  101. **Approximation Guarantee**
  102. - CELF achieves $$\frac{1}{2}(1-\frac{1}{e})$$ factor approximation.
  103. CELF also uses a lazy evaluation of $$f(S)$$ (see below) to speedup Hill Climbing.
  104. ## Lazy Hill Climbing: Speedup Hill Climbing
  105. ### Intuition
  106. - In Hill Climbing, in round $$i+1$$, we have picked $$S_{i}=\{S_{1},...,S_{i}\}$$ sensors. Now, pick $$s_{i+1}=\arg\max_{u}f(S_{i}\cup \{u\})-f(S_{i})$$
  107. - By submodularity $$f(S_{i}\cup\{u\})-f(S_{i})\geq f(S_{j}\cup\{u\})-f(S_{j})$$ for $$i<j$$.
  108. - Let $$\delta_{i}(u)=f(S_{i}\cup\{u\})-f(S_{i})$$ and $$\delta_{j}(u)=f(S_{j}\cup\{u\})-f(S_{j})$$ be the marginal gains. Then, we can use $$\delta_{i}$$ as upper bound on $$\delta_{j}$$ for ($$j>i$$)
  109. ### Lazy Hill Climbing Algorithm:
  110. - Keep an ordered list of marginal benefits $$\delta_{i-1}$$ from previous iteration
  111. - Re-evaluate $$\delta_{i}$$ only for the top nodes
  112. - Reorder and prune from the top nodes
  113. The following figure show the process.
  114. ![lazy_evaluation](../assets/img/outbreak_detection_lazy_evaluation.png?style=centerme)
  115. *(A) Evaluate and pick the node with the largest marginal gain $$\delta$$. (B) reorder the marginal gain for each sensor in decreasing order. (C) Re-evaluate the $$\delta$$s in order and pick the possible best one by using previous $$\delta$$s as upper bounds. (D) Reorder and repeat.*
  116. Note: the worst case of Lazy Hill Climbing has the same time complexity as normal Hill Climbing. However, it is on average much faster in practice.
  117. ## Data-Dependent Bound on the Solution Quality
  118. ### Introduction
  119. - Value of the bound depends on the input data
  120. - On "easy data", Hill Climbing may do better than the $$(1-\frac{1}{e})$$ bound for submodular functions
  121. ### Data-Dependent Bound
  122. Suppose $$S$$ is some solution to $$f(S)$$ subjected to $$\mid S \mid\leq k$$, and $$f(S)$$ is monotone and submodular.
  123. - Let $$OPT={t_{i},...,t_{k}}$$ be the optimal solution
  124. - For each $$u$$ let $$\delta(u)=f(S\cup\{u\})-f(S)$$
  125. - Order $$\delta(u)$$ so that $$\delta(1)\geq \delta(2)\geq...$$
  126. - Then, the **data-dependent bound** is $$f(OPT)\leq f(S)+\sum^{k}_{i=1}\delta(i)$$
  127. Proof:{% include sidenote.html id='note-data-dependent-bound-proof' note='For the first inequality, see [the lemma in 3.4.1 of this handout](http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224w/handouts/CS224W_Influence_Maximization_Handout.pdf). For the last inequality in the proof: instead of taking $$t_{i}\in OPT$$ of benefit $$\delta(t_{i})$$, we take the best possible element $$\delta(i)$$, because we do not know $$t_{i}$$.'%}
  128. $$
  129. \begin{align*}
  130. f(OPT)&\leq f(OPT\cup S)\\
  131. &=f(S)+f(OPT\cup S)-f(S)\\
  132. &\leq f(S)+\sum^{k}_{i=1}[f(S\cup\{t_{i}\})-f(S)]\\
  133. &=f(S)+\sum^{k}_{i=1}\delta(t_{i})\\
  134. &\leq f(S)+\sum^{k}_{i=1}\delta(i)
  135. \end{align*}
  136. $$
  137. Note:
  138. - This bound hold for the solution $$S$$ (subjected to $$\mid S \mid\leq k$$) of any algorithm having the objective function $$f(S)$$ monotone and submodular.
  139. - The bound is data-dependent, and for some inputs it can be very "loose" (worse than $$(1-\frac{1}{e})$$)