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Graph algorithms!!! |
Working with graphs can be a great deal of fun, but, sometimes we just want some cold hard vectors to do some good old fashion machine learning. |
This post looks at the famous [node2vec](https://cs.stanford.edu/~jure/pubs/node2vec-kdd16.pdf) algorithm used to quantize graph data. |
The example I'm giving in this blog post uses data from my recently resurrected [steam graph project](https://jrtechs.net/projects/steam-friends-graph). |
If you live under a rock, [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/) is a platform where users can purchase, manage, and play games with friends. |
Although there is a ton of data within the Steam network, I am only interested in the graphs formed connecting users, friends, and games. |
My updated visualization to show a friendship network looks like this: |
I'm also working on visualizations to show both friends and their games. |
The issue that I'm currently running into is that these graphs quickly become egregiously large. Players on Steam frequently have 100+ friends and own over 50 games-- one person I indexed somehow had over 400 games! |
The size of this graph balloons exponentially with traversal depth. |
The sheer scale of the graph data makes it challenging to visualize concisely. |
Visualization of graph data brings us to our topic today: |
# Node2Vec |
Node2Vec is an embedding algorithm inspired by [word2vec](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/word-embeddings). |
The goal of this algorithm is to covert every node in a graph into a vectorized output where points close in the latent space correspond to related nodes. |
Simplifying a few things: node2vec uses the notion of a biased random walk through the graph. |
Two parameters -P and Q- defines whether we want to favor a BFS vs. a DFS traversal. A BFS search will give us a better local view of the network where a DFS traversal will provide us with a more global view of the graph. Applying some maths to the random walker outputs, distance in this embedding space is correlated to the probability that two nodes co-occur on the same random walk over the network. |
If you have the time, I urge you to watch [Jure Leskovec's](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Q_kKkIUAAAAJ&hl=en) lectures on graph learning on Youtube: |
<youtube src="YrhBZUtgG4E" /> |
Additionally, if you want to dive deeper into graph learning, I suggest that you dig through the Stanford [CS-224 course page](https://github.com/jrtechs/cs224w-notes). |
# Python Node2Vec Code |
I'm using a simple implementation of Node2Vec that I found on GitHub: [aditya-grover/node2vec](https://github.com/aditya-grover/node2vec). |
I'm using this package because it is a faithful implementation to the original paper and doesn't require you to install a lot of dependencies. This was written in Python 2, so to get Python 3 support, you will need to merge in changes from someone's fork because the maintainer is not reviewing any of the pull requests. |
``` |
git clone https://github.com/aditya-grover/node2vec |
git remote add python3 https://github.com/mcwehner/node2vec |
git pull python3 master |
git pull python3 updated_requirements |
``` |
Pip makes installing the dependencies easy using a requirements file. |
```python |
!pip install -r node2vec/requirements.txt |
``` |
Before we run this algorithm, we need to generate some data. |
An example edge list is in the [git repo](https://github.com/aditya-grover/node2vec/blob/master/graph/karate.edgelist). |
Using the JanusGraph database I'm using for the [Steam graphs project](https://github.com/jrtechs/SteamFriendsGraph), I generated an edge list for a single player's network. |
The code is straightforward; first, I pull the steam ids of the people that I want in my embedding graph. |
Second, I pull all the friend connections for the people that I want in the graph, and I filter out any players that are not already in the network. |
Finally, I take all the friend relationships and generate the edge pairs and save it to a file. If you are not familiar with data streaming in Java, I suggest that you check out my [last blog post](https://jrtechs.net/java/fun-with-functional-java). |
```java |
Set<String> importantEdges = graph |
.getPlayer(baseID) |
.getFriends() |
.parallelStream() |
.map(Player::getId) |
.collect(Collectors.toSet()); |
Map<String, Set<String>> edgeList = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>() |
{{ |
importantEdges.forEach(f -> |
put(f, |
graph.getPlayer(f) |
.getFriends() |
.parallelStream() |
.map(Player::getId) |
.filter(importantEdges::contains) |
.collect(Collectors.toSet())) |
); |
}}; |
List<String> edges = edgeList.keySet() |
.parallelStream().map(k -> |
edgeList.get(k) |
.stream() |
.map(k2 -> k + " " + k2) |
.collect(Collectors.toList())) |
.flatMap(Collection::stream) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); |
WrappedFileWriter.writeToFileFromList(edges, outFile); |
``` |
Using the edge list generated in the prior script, I feed it into the node2vec program. |
```python |
!python node2vec/src/main.py --input jrtechs.edgelist --output output/jrtechs2.emd --num-walks=40 --dimensions=50 |
output: |
Walk iteration: |
1 / 40 |
... |
40 / 40 |
``` |
Once we have our embedding file, we can load it into Python to do machine learning or visualization. |
The output of the node2vec algorithm is a sequence of lines where each line starts with the node label, and the rest of the line is the embedding vector. |
```python |
labels=[] |
vectors=[] |
with open("output/jrtechs2.emd") as fp: |
for line in fp: |
l_list = list(map(float, line.split())) |
vectors.append(l_list[1::]) |
labels.append(line.split()[0]) |
``` |
Right now, I am interested in visualizing the output. However, that is impractical since it has 50 dimensions! Using the TSNE method, we can reduce the dimensionality so that we can visualize it. |
```python |
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA # inital reduction |
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE # final reduction |
import numpy as np |
def reduce_dimensions(labels, vectors, num_dimensions=2): |
# convert both lists into numpy vectors for reduction |
vectors = np.asarray(vectors) |
labels = np.asarray(labels) |
# reduce using t-SNE |
vectors = np.asarray(vectors) |
tsne = TSNE(n_components=num_dimensions, random_state=0) |
vectors = tsne.fit_transform(vectors) |
x_vals = [v[0] for v in vectors] |
y_vals = [v[1] for v in vectors] |
return x_vals, y_vals, labels |
x_vals, y_vals, labels = reduce_dimensions(labels, vectors) |
``` |
Before we visualize our data, we will want to grab the name of the steam users because right now, all we have is their steam id, which is just a unique number. |
Back in our JanusGraph, we can quickly export the steam ids mapped to the players' names. |
```java |
Player player = graph.getPlayer(id); |
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>() |
{{ |
add(id + " " + player.getName()); |
addAll( |
player.getFriends() |
.stream() |
.map(p -> p.getId() + " " + p.getName()) |
.collect(Collectors.toList()) |
); |
}}; |
WrappedFileWriter.writeToFileFromList(names, "friendsMap.map"); |
``` |
We then just create a map in Python linking the steam id to the player ID. |
```python |
name_map = {} |
with open("friendsMap.map") as fp: |
for line in fp: |
name_map[line.split()[0]] = line.split()[1] |
``` |
```python |
name_map |
{'76561198188400721': 'jrtechs', |
'76561198049526995': 'Noosh', |
... |
'76561198065642391': 'Therefore', |
'76561198121369685': 'DataFrogman'} |
``` |
Using the output from the TSNE dimensionality reduction, we can view all the nodes on a single plot. To make the graph look more delightful, we only label a fraction of the nodes. |
```python |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import random |
def plot_with_matplotlib(x_vals, y_vals, labels, num_to_label): |
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) |
plt.scatter(x_vals, y_vals) |
plt.title("Embedding Space") |
indices = list(range(len(labels))) |
selected_indices = random.sample(indices, num_to_label) |
for i in selected_indices: |
plt.annotate(name_map[labels[i]], (x_vals[i], y_vals[i])) |
plt.savefig('ex.png') |
plot_with_matplotlib(x_vals, y_vals, labels, 12) |
``` |
This graph may not look exciting, but I assure you that it is. |
Just eyeballing it, I can notice that my high school friends and college friends are in different regions of the graph. |
Moving forward with this, I plan on incorporating game data. |
With the graph data vectorized in this fashion, it becomes possible to start employing classification and link prediction algorithms. |
Some examples for the steam network could be a friend or game recommendation system, or even a community detection algorithm. |