@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ |
This post looks at how you can aggregate and visualize Fitbit GPS data since there is no built-in functionality to do this on the Fitbit website. |
Before you read this post, check out my two other posts on using Fitbit data: |
- [A Closer Look at Fitbit Data](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/a-closer-look-at-fitbit-data) |
- [Graphing my Life with Matplotlib](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/graphing-my-life-with-matplotlib) |
# Getting the Data |
There are two options that we can use to fetch data from Fitbit: |
- Fitbit's Data Export Tool |
- Fitbit's API |
## Exporting from the Website |
The easiest way to export data from Fitbit is to use the data export tool on the website. |
The Fitbit data archive is very organized and has all information relating to your account. |
The data is organized in separate JSON files labeled by date. Fitbit keeps around 1MB of data on you per day; most of this data is from the heart rate sensors. |
Although 1MB of data may sound like a ton of data, it is probably a lot less if you store it in a more compact format than JSON. |
The problem with the data export is that it can take a while to export and that it doesn't include the GPS data in [TCX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Training_Center_XML) format. |
In the exercise.json files, we can view all activities with logged GPS data, but the data archives themselves don't include the TCX data-- only a link to it on the website. |
```json |
},{ |
"logId" : 384529004, |
"activityName" : "Run", |
"activityTypeId" : 90009, |
"activityLevel" : [{ |
"minutes" : 0, |
"name" : "sedentary" |
},{ |
"minutes" : 0, |
"name" : "lightly" |
},{ |
"minutes" : 0, |
"name" : "fairly" |
},{ |
"minutes" : 17, |
"name" : "very" |
}], |
"calories" : 184, |
"distance" : 1.872894, |
"distanceUnit" : "Mile", |
"duration" : 1077000, |
"activeDuration" : 1077000, |
"steps" : 2605, |
"source" : { |
"type" : "app", |
"name" : "Fitbit for Android", |
"id" : "228VSR", |
"url" : "https://www.fitbit.com/android", |
"trackerFeatures" : ["GPS","STEPS","CALORIES","PACE","DISTANCE"] |
}, |
"logType" : "mobile_run", |
"manualValuesSpecified" : { |
"calories" : false, |
"distance" : false, |
"steps" : false |
}, |
"tcxLink" : "https://www.fitbit.com/activities/exercise/384529004?export=tcx", |
"speed" : 6.26036991643454, |
"pace" : 575.0458915453837, |
"lastModified" : "03/22/21 21:22:03", |
"startTime" : "03/22/21 21:04:02", |
"originalStartTime" : "03/22/21 21:04:02", |
"originalDuration" : 1077000, |
"hasGps" : true, |
"shouldFetchDetails" : true, |
"hasActiveZoneMinutes" : false |
},{ |
``` |
## API |
Since the data export doesn't include the TCX data we desire, we need to use the Fitbit API. |
First, you need to register a Fitbit [developer account](https://dev.fitbit.com/apps) and then register an app. |
For the redirect URL, put "http://localhost:9000/auth/fitbit/callback". |
To authenticate with the application, you will need to OAuth 2 client ID and the client secret. |
Check out my first post on Fitbit to learn more about how to set up an [applicatoin with Fitbit](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/a-closer-look-at-fitbit-data), and check out the code for this project on my [Github](https://github.com/jrtechs/HomePage). |
# Downloading All GPS Logs |
Within the Fitbit API, there is no place to download all of your activities -- since that would return a lot of data. |
Instead, Fitbit allows you to download a maximum of 100 events from a time, and you can specify a start and end range for your query. |
```javascript |
function fetchActivities(result, startTime) |
{ |
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> |
{ |
queryAPI(result, 'https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/list.json?beforeDate=' + startTime + '&sort=desc&offset=0&limit=100').then((data)=> |
{ |
if(data != false) |
{ |
resolve(data.activities); |
} |
reject("Error with API, are you authenticated") |
}); |
}); |
} |
``` |
I wrote a helper function to fetch all the "mobile_runs" events recursively. |
In my case, since I have the Fitbit Altra, so the only way for me to get GPS data is to tether my Fitbit to my phone and log the start/end. |
With the Fitbits that have built-in GPS, other events have GPS TCX data associated with them. |
```javascript |
function fetchAllRuns(result, startTime) |
{ |
var runs = []; |
console.log(startTime); |
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> |
{ |
fetchActivities(result, startTime).then((events)=> |
{ |
if(events.length < 10) |
{ |
resolve(runs); |
} |
else |
{ |
for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) |
{ |
if(events[i].logType === "mobile_run") |
{ |
console.log(events[i]); |
runs.push(events[i]); |
} |
} |
var newStart = events[events.length -1].startTime.slice(0, -10); |
fetchAllRuns(result, newStart).then((run_rec)=> |
{ |
resolve(runs.concat(run_rec)); |
}).catch((err)=> |
{ |
reject(err); |
}); |
} |
}).catch((error)=> |
{ |
reject(error); |
}); |
}); |
} |
``` |
After we have a list of our TCX data, we can simply write it to disk for later use. |
```javascript |
function saveTCX(result, tcxID) |
{ |
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> |
{ |
fetchTCX(result, tcxID).then((tcx)=> |
{ |
utils.saveFile(tcxID + ".tcx", tcx); |
resolve(); |
}).catch((err)=> |
{ |
reject(err); |
}) |
}); |
} |
``` |
I have this process invoked via an endpoint call to enable me to use Fitbit's OAuth2 authentication. |
```javascript |
app.get('/save-all-tcx', (request, result)=> |
{ |
var tcxID = request.params.id; |
var startTime = '2030-06-01T00:00:00'; |
fetchAllRuns(result, startTime).then((data)=> |
{ |
var promises = []; |
for(var i =0; i < data.length; i++) |
{ |
promises.push(saveTCX(result, data[i].logId)); |
} |
Promise.all(promises).then(function(content) |
{ |
result.write("All events saved"); |
result.end(); |
}).catch(function(err) |
{ |
console.log(err); |
throw err; |
}); |
}).catch((error)=> |
{ |
console.log(error); |
result.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'text/json'}); |
result.end(); |
}); |
}); |
``` |
# Visualizing GPS Data as KML |
Now that we have all of our TCX data saved, we can parse the data to aggregate it into a single file. |
TCX data is simply XML data that is easy to parse with several different packages. |
In my case, I am [Beautiful Soup](https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/) in Python to parse the XML. |
```xml |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> |
<TrainingCenterDatabase xmlns="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrainingCenterDatabase/v2"> |
<Activities> |
<Activity Sport="Running"> |
<Id>2019-09-03T16:52:50.000-04:00</Id> |
<Lap StartTime="2019-09-03T16:52:50.000-04:00"> |
<TotalTimeSeconds>1313.0</TotalTimeSeconds> |
<DistanceMeters>4618.291573209821</DistanceMeters> |
<Calories>265</Calories> |
<Intensity>Active</Intensity> |
<TriggerMethod>Manual</TriggerMethod> |
<Track> |
<Trackpoint> |
<Time>2019-09-03T16:52:50.000-04:00</Time> |
<Position> |
<LatitudeDegrees>43.0</LatitudeDegrees> |
<LongitudeDegrees>-77.6</LongitudeDegrees> |
</Position> |
<AltitudeMeters>123.4</AltitudeMeters> |
<DistanceMeters>0.0</DistanceMeters> |
</Trackpoint> |
<Trackpoint> |
<Time>2019-09-03T16:52:51.000-04:00</Time> |
<Position> |
<LatitudeDegrees>43.0</LatitudeDegrees> |
<LongitudeDegrees>-77.6</LongitudeDegrees> |
</Position> |
<AltitudeMeters>123.4</AltitudeMeters> |
<DistanceMeters>0.28944606511402504</DistanceMeters> |
</Trackpoint> |
``` |
A quick note on the data that I am showing: it is all out of date, and I no longer live in these neighborhoods. |
Additionally, for the TCX example, I truncated the longitude/latitude results, but, from Fitbit, the TSV data has fifteen decimal places. |
Using Beautiful Soup, it is straightforward to open a TCX file and get all the longitude/latitude values. |
```Python |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
import glob |
import os.path |
def parseTCX(filename): |
file = open(filename) |
xml_file = file.read() |
soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_file, 'lxml') |
id = soup.find("id").text # gets the UTC timestamp |
lats = [] |
longs = [] |
for tag in soup.find_all("trackpoint"): |
lats.append(tag.find("latitudedegrees").text) |
longs.append(tag.find("longitudedegrees").text) |
return id[:-10], lats, longs |
``` |
I am converting all the TCX files into a single [KML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language) file to make it possible for me to visualize with various GEO tools. |
```python |
def single_run(id, lats, longs): |
locString = "" |
for i in range(0, len(lats)): |
locString += longs[i] + "," + lats[i] + " " |
value = """ |
<Placemark> |
<name>{0}</name> |
<description>xx Miles</description> |
<Style> |
<LineStyle> |
<color>ff0000e6</color> |
<width>4</width> |
</LineStyle> |
</Style> |
<LineString> |
<tessellate>1</tessellate> |
<altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode> |
<coordinates>{1}</coordinates> |
</LineString> |
</Placemark> |
""" |
return value.format(id, locString) |
def convertToKML(): |
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
files = glob.glob(base_path + "/tcx/*.tcx") |
header = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> |
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"> |
<Document> |
<name><![CDATA[38415617200]]></name> |
<visibility>1</visibility> |
<open>1</open> |
<Folder id="Runs"> |
<name>Tracks</name> |
<visibility>1</visibility> |
<open>0</open> |
""" |
footer = """ |
</Folder> |
</Document> |
</kml> |
""" |
o_file = open("outputKML.kml", "w") |
o_file.write(header) |
for file in files: |
id, lats, longs = parseTCX(file) |
o_file.write(single_run(id, lats, longs)) |
print(files) |
o_file.write(footer) |
o_file.close() |
``` |
Now that we have a single KML file with all of our running data coordinates, we can visualize it with google maps -- or any number of other KML tools. |
This visualization is nifty since it lets you see every place that you have run. |
As accurate as GPS may appear on our phones, we can start to see inaccuracies in our data when looking at the aggregate plot. |
For example, occasionally, the GPS will drop and result in a plot that has "random teleportation." |
Additionally, GPS on our phones is not pinpoint accurate. |
By interpolating the data as we go, each track individually appears smooth. However, the overall route is not all that accurate. |
In the following image, we see that although I stay strictly to the sidewalk and make a sharp turn, it puts me all over the road and in the yard. |
# Future Work for Project |
In the future, I want to transfer more metadata from the TCV files and include it in the KML files like total distance, average speed, mile markers. |
Additionally, visualizing this on a website that auto-pulls new TCX data and updates an embedded map would be interesting. |
The end goal is to do clustering on my TCX data to identify unique running routes that I have taken so that I can either plan new running routes or select a course that is the desired length. |