- I occasionally cooked during High School, however, college was my
- first real experience cooking on a daily basis. Since I have lived to
- tell the tail, I want to share some of the recipes that I
- created/modified which got me through my first two years of college.
- # Level 1: Cooking in the Dorms
- Being stuck in a dorm room you are limited to only being able to use
- the microwave. Desperate times calls for depraved cooking solutions.
- ## Ramen Pizza
- This recipe surprised me as to how it turned out. You start making
- this by microwaving ramen noodles for about a third of the instructed
- time in a bowl of water. When you place the noodles in the bowl, make
- sure to not break them apart. After cooking, take the romen noodles
- out of the bowl, dry, and place on a plate. Next, you slather the
- ramen noodles with your desired pizza toppings and place in the
- microwave for around 2 minutes.
- ### Ingredients
- - Ramen Noodles
- - Pasta or Pizza Sauce
- - Shreaded Cheese
- - Pizza Toppings
- ## Omelet In a Mug
- Life hack: you can cook scrambled eggs in a microwave using a coffee
- mug. The resulting eggs are abnormally fluffy and taste a little
- strange, but, it makes for a quick meal. It just so happens that you
- can also cook hot dogs in the microwave.
- When I stumbled upon this recipe, I clung to it since it was fast,
- cheep, and most of the dinning places on campus were closed by the
- time I got out of work. To make this, you crack and mix two eggs in a
- coffee cup. You then microwave the coffee mug, mixing the eggs every
- 30 seconds. Half way through cooking the eggs, you add a diced hotdog
- and some shredded cheese. Once your eggs have all cooked, you can add
- a healthy dosage of salsa. Voila, you have an omelet which can compete
- with whatever they are serving at the dinning hall.
- ## Ingredients
- - 1-2 Eggs
- - 1 Hotdog
- - Cheese
- - Salsa
- # Level 2: Cooking With no Time
- Time is *very* scarce as a college student, I found the following
- recipes to be fast and easy. These recipes are very forgiving in the
- sense that you can change the directions and ingredients and still end
- up with something resembling food.
- ## Chili
- It is *very* hard to make a bad chili. All you essentially have to do
- is gather/prep all the ingredients and plop them in a crock pot and
- cook for 6-8 hours on low. You don't have to cook this in a crock pop,
- however, it takes more time to prepare on the stove since you have to
- monitor it while it cooks for an hour on medium heat. I usually saute
- the onions while I cook the ground beef so that it cooks in the grease
- of the beef. The average prep time for this recipe is around 20-30
- minutes. However, if you made this vegetarian you can probably cut
- the prep time down to a mere 10 minutes.
- ### Ingredients
- **Recommended**
- - 1 Sauteed Sweet Onion
- - 1/4-1/2 lbs Browned Ground Beef
- - 2-3 Cans of Beans (Chili and Baked Beans go Well Together)
- - Can of Diced Tomatoes
- **Optional**
- - Can of Corn
- - Diced Pepper
- - Minced Garlic
- - Mustard
- - Ketchup
- - Chili Powder
- - Pepper Flakes
- - Brown Sugar
- ## Poor Man's Chicken Parmesan
- I call this poor man's chicken parmesan only because it uses chicken
- patties, this actually tastes really good. To prepare this you slather
- chicken patties with pasta sauce and cheese and then cook normally in
- the oven. While the chicken patties bake, you can cook your normal
- pasta noodles and sauce. You serve the pasta noodles with the sauce
- topped with the cheesy chicken pattie.
- ### Ingredients
- - Chicken Patties
- - Pasta Sauce
- - Pasta Noodles
- - Cheddar Cheese
- ## Soup
- This is an easy recipe which has *so* many combinations. I usually
- make some form of chicken soup, the rest of the ingredients are
- entirely dependent on what I have in the kitchen. You will have to
- play around with my recommenced ingredient list to find the perfect
- combination for you, however, I have not found a combination which did
- not work with me-- yet. Similar to chili, you just put all the
- ingredients in a crock pot and let simmer on low for 6-8 hours. I
- would recommend putting in spices like garlic and basil during the
- last hour of cooking to keep their flavors sharp. You want to add the
- salt and pepper to the soup in the beginning.
- ### Ingredients
- - Bag of Frozen Chicken Strips
- - 3-4 Diced Potatoes
- - Chicken Stock
- **Whatever of these you have**
- - Diced Carrots
- - Diced Onions
- - Can of Diced Tomatoes
- - Can of Tomato Soup
- - Can of Corn
- - Diced Peppers
- - Stalks of Celery
- - Mushrooms
- - Minced Garlic
- - Basil
- - Salt
- - Pepper
- - Brown Sugar
- ## Potato Casserole
- For this recipe you cut all the vegetables and place them in a large
- baking pan with the chicken strips. If you want, you can also mix in
- some seasonings like salt, garlic, pepper, and basil. You then then
- mix everything together with some canola or vegetable oil. Cook this
- casserole in a 350 degrease oven for around 30 minutes. Briefly take
- this out of the oven and top with cheese and ranch dressing and place
- back in oven for another 10-15 minutes. If you are really cheap, you
- can make this with hot dogs rather than pre-cooked chicken strips.
- ### Ingredients
- - 4-6 Peeled and Cubed Potatoes
- - 1-2 Diced Onions
- - Bag of Chicken Strips
- - Minced Garlic
- - Chopped Carrots
- - Canola or Vegetable Oil
- - Ranch Dressing
- - Sour Cream
- - Cheeses
- # Level 3 Cooking
- Once you master the art of sauteing onions and making soups, you are
- ready to advance to level three. Nothing I will present is incredibly
- difficult, but, there is more room for mistakes and takes longer to
- prepare.
- ## Fried Rice
- The challenging part of this recipe is getting the correct timing. To
- finish this dish in 40 minutes, you want to cook 2 cups of rice, brown
- ground beef with onions and cook 3 scrambled eggs all simultaneously.
- You then combine all these ingredients in a large fry pan with
- vegetables and soy sauce. If you want to prevent the dish from turning
- out sticky, you should use left over rice. Or, cook the rice first
- and then let if cool in the fridge for a few hours.
- ### Ingredients
- - 1-2 Cups of Rice
- - 1/2 lbs of Ground Beef
- - 1 Onion
- - Broccoli or Peas
- - Soy Sauce
- ## Chicken
- Cooking raw chicken is definitely not on the syllabus for most college
- students. When cooking the chicken I would strongly recommend using a
- meat thermometer to make sure that the chicken reaches 165 degrease.
- Either buy chicken breasts or cut a whole chicken-- use the left over
- chicken spine and wings for chicken stock. On a baking pan lather the
- chicken in the marinara sauce that you just mixed (ingredients below)
- and sprinkle some salt and pepper on the chicken. Let the chicken cook
- for around 30 minutes in a oven that is 400 degrease (until the
- chicken reaches 165). After the chicken comes out of the oven, sear it
- on a ripping hot skillet with some more of the marinara sauce. Cooking
- the chicken this way will keep the chicken juicy and the skin crispy.
- ### Marinara Sauce Ingredients
- - 4 TBSP Oil
- - 3 TBSP Honey
- - Minced Garlic
- - 2 TBSP Lemon Juice
- - 1/2 TSP Paprika
- ## Chicken Stock
- If you happen to cook with a whole chicken and end up with some
- chicken bones, you are in the perfect position to make chicken stock.
- Essentially all you need to do is put your chicken bones, onions,
- carrots, and basil in a crock pot cook for 8-12 hours on low.
- Periodically you should skim off the fat that surfaces to the top. At
- the end of the 12 hours you use a fine mesh skimmer to filter out all
- the chicken and vegetables. If you want a darker flavor to the stock,
- roast the chicken parts and vegetables in the oven before adding them
- to the crock pot.
- ### Ingredients
- - Chicken Bones
- - 1-2 Quartered Onions
- - 2-3 Carrots
- **Optional**
- - Celery
- - 1 TBSP Soy Sauce
- - Basil
- ## Chicken and Rice
- My version of chicken and rice may not be orthodox. This recipe came
- into existence because I needed something to make which shared
- ingredients with the other dishes that I frequently make.
- Essentially, you make rice and put a thick red sauce with chicken,
- onions, peppers over it. You prepare the rice like normal. In a large
- sauce pan you saute onions and peppers. Once the onions start to
- brown, you add diced tomatoes, corn, minced garlic, basil, brown
- sugar, frozen chicken strips and mustard. Once the chicken has thawed,
- you are ready to serve this dish.
- ### Ingredients
- - 2 Cups Rice
- - Bag of Grilled Chicken Strips
- - 1-2 Onions
- - 1-2 Peppers
- - 1 Can Diced Tomatoes
- - 1 Jar Pasta Sauce
- - 1 Can Corn
- - Minced Garlic
- - Brown Sugar
- - Basil