- This is my submission for RIT's
- [HFOSS](https://github.com/ritjoe/hfoss) Community architecture
- project. Due to the COVID situation, several changes have been made
- since I drafted the [project
- proposal](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/community-architecture-proposal).
- First, this is no-longer a group project. Second, this project is now
- more focused on comparing the project architectures of two communities
- rather than running analytics like git by a bus.
- Exploring what works and what does not work for different projects can
- give us valuable insight into trying to create new communities. This
- is what is truly beautiful about open-source software in its openness
- giving us the ability to learn from it.
- # Project Introduction
- This report covers two open-source projects: on-my-zsh and RITlug's
- website.
- ## Oh-my-zsh
- On-my-zsh is an open-source, community-driven framework for managing
- ZSH configurations. It includes many functions, helpers, plugins, and
- themes.
- Oh-my-zsh was written almost entirely in a shell script which makes
- sense because it is a command-line utility. The primary audience of
- this project is ZSH enthusiasts.
- ### Links
- - [github](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh)
- - [website](https://ohmyz.sh/)
- - [wiki](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki)
- - [issue tracker](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/issues)
- ## Ritlug's Website
- The RIT Linux Users group (RITlug) main website is an open-source
- project. RITlug is a student-led organization at RIT that aims to
- engage students in Linux and open source. The website is written using
- Jekyll which is a ruby project for static website generation. The
- website itself is hosted on [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/)
- Jekyll is nice because it enables you to do templating and write
- content for the website in [markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/).
- This is also the project that I chose to do my HFOSS [bug
- fix](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/ritlug-bugfix).
- ### Links
- - [github](https://github.com/RITlug/ritlug.github.io)
- - [website](https://ritlug.com/)
- - [issue tracker](https://github.com/RITlug/ritlug.github.io/issues)
- # Differences
- This section explores the differences between the two projects. It is
- important to note that there is not a once size fits all for
- open-source projects. Just because one project has more/less of
- something does not necessarily mean that one is better than the other.
- The beauty of open-source is the ability of a project to take many
- shapes/sizes/forms.
- ## Scope
- There is no denying that on-my-zsh is a massive open-source project.
- On-my-zsh is highly praised and recommended by people wanting to
- "rice" their terminal setup. This project has 19k forks and 1.5k
- contributors... that is big.
- Although there are a large number of contributors, most people don't
- have a huge role in the project. A lot of the contributors are adding
- themes to on-my-zsh and doing minor bug fixes. Dispute not holding big
- roles, the large number of contributors suggests that it is relatively
- easy to become a part of this community. On-my-zsh has received so
- many PR's for new themes that they asked people to [stop
- submitting](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/External-themes)
- them and to create them as separate git repos with a specific naming
- convention so they are easy to search for.
- In contrast on on-my-zsh, the RITlug website project is relatively
- small with 16 total contributors. The contributors are largely limited
- to members of RITlug's eboard (leadership board) with little activity
- from the community at large. Members through this project tend to
- cycle through every few years as they roll through RITlug's eboard.
- ## Maturity
- The on-my-zsh project is a decade old and still kicking strong! This
- project is well developed and has very robust documentation in their
- wiki for people looking to contribute to this project and for those
- looking to use it.
- RITlug's website project is relatively new at 4 years old, but, like
- oh-my-zsh has remained active for its entire duration.
- ## Governance
- ### Leadership
- Determining the leadership is often hard for a project in the medium
- to small scale. The issue isn't that there is absolutely no
- leadership, the issue is that the leadership often isn't documented or
- is on such a small scale that it is trivial. Larger projects like
- Fedora and Ubuntu have well-defined roles, etc for their project.
- Smaller projects often don't have these levels of leadership and
- transparency. I fall victim to this for all my projects on GitHub, the
- leadership is quite literally "me" and I'm making all the calls and
- I'm just managing the dozen or so people that I manage to get to work
- on my project. Having this type of leadership is often bad because
- once the main contributor leaves, the project may die or fall apart.
- As the current president of RITlug, I have particular insight into how
- RITlug operates its open-source project. The leadership of the project
- shifts every year after public (to RIT students) elections. There are
- typically between 4-6 eboard members per year. It requires two members
- of eboard to approve a pull request for the website. There is a
- special eboard role for managing projects, however, that role is often
- vacant and is just filled in my eboard members that have a familiarity
- for that project. If the project is large enough like
- [TeleIRC](https://github.com/RITlug/teleirc), we allow that one to
- manage itself as a "team" with loose oversight from the eboard. The
- RITlug website is solely maintained by the RITlug Eboard for
- administrative tasks such as weekly emails and posting talks. Although
- we don't ever explicitly document the leadership of the project, it
- would be possible to figure out by reading the RITlug
- [runbook](http://runbook.ritlug.com/).
- Opposed to RITlug which has a quasi-public leadership board, the upper
- leaderships for on-my-zsh can be traced back to the company Planet
- Argon. This company is located in Portland and focuses on Ruby on
- Rails development as a consultant for commercial companies. Like many
- companies, this company has a large footprint in [open-source
- projects](https://www.planetargon.com/open-source). From public
- documentation, it is not clear how the on-my-zsh project is run. Based
- on other projects, we can assume that the company appoints certain
- people to manage the project.
- ### License
- The code for both projects falls under the MIT license which is a
- permissive open source license. The RITlug website is more unique in
- that it has a creative commons license for
- # Takeaways
- When it comes to projects, no one size fits all. In both projects that
- I looked at they had backing from a more established institution such
- as a student club or a company. Future research in community
- architecture could dive deeper into how most open source communities
- layout their upper leadership and who funds the projects. It is
- becoming more and more common to find open-source projects with large
- commercial backers.