@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
This is my submission for RIT's [HFOSS](https://github.com/ritjoe/hfoss) Community |
architecture project. Due to the COVID situation, several changes have been |
made since I drafted the [project proposal](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/community-architecture-proposal). |
First, this is no-longer a group project. |
Second, this project is now more focused on comparing the project architectures of |
two communities rather than running analytics like git by a bus. |
Exploring what works and what does not work for different projects can give us |
valuable insight in trying to create new communities. |
This is what is truly beautiful about open source software in it's openness giving |
us the ability to learn from it. |
# Project Introduction |
This report covers two open-source projects: on-my-zsh and RITlug's website. |
## Oh-my-zsh |
//image |
On-my-zsh is an open-source, community-driven framework for managing ZSH configurations. |
It includes many functions, helpers, plugins, and themes. |
Oh-my-zsh was written almost entirely in shell script which makes sense because it |
is a command line utility. The primary audience of this project is ZSH enthusiasts. |
### Links |
- [github](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh) |
- [website](https://ohmyz.sh/) |
- [wiki](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki) |
- [issue tracker](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/issues) |
## ritlug.com |
// image |
The RIT Linux Users group (RITlug) main website is an open source project. |
RITlug is a student-led organization at RIT that aims to engage students in Linux and |
open source. |
The website is written using Jekyll which is a ruby project for static website generation. |
The website itself is hosted on [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) |
Jekyll is nice because it enables you to do templating and write content for the |
website in [markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/). |
This is also the project that I chose to do my HFOSS [bug fix](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/ritlug-bugfix) with. |
### Links |
- [github](https://github.com/RITlug/ritlug.github.io) |
- [website](https://ritlug.com/) |
- [issue tracker](https://github.com/RITlug/ritlug.github.io/issues) |
# Differences |
This section explores the differences between the two projects. |
It is important to note that there is not a once size fits all for open-source projects. |
Just because one project has more/less of something does not necessarily mean that |
one is better than the other. |
The beauty of open-source is the ability for a project to take many shapes/sizes/forms. |
## Scope |
// contributors |
// screen grabs from GH |
## Maturity |
//how old |
## Governance |
//who has access to it |
// license |
# Takeaways |
// no one size fits all |