- I worked on this project during Dr. Homans's RIT CSCI-331 class.
- # Introduction
- This project explores the beautiful and frustrating ways in which we
- can use AI to develop systems to solve problems. Asteroids is a
- perfect example of a fun learning AI problem because Asteroids is
- difficult for humans to play and has open-source frameworks that can
- emulate the environment. Using the Open AI gym framework we developed
- different AI agents to play Asteroids using various heuristics and ML
- techniques. We then created a testbed to run experiments that
- determine statistically whether our custom agents out-performs the
- random agent.
- # Methods and Results
- Three agents were developed to play Asteroids. This report is broken
- into segments where each agent is explained and its performance is
- analyzed.
- # Random Agent
- The random agent simple takes a random action defined by the action
- space. The resulting agent will randomly spin around and shoot
- asteroids. Although this random agent is easy to implement, it is
- ineffective because moving spastically will cause you to crash into
- asteroids. Using this as the baseline for our performance, we can use
- this random agent to access whether our agents are better than random
- key smashing -- which is my strategy for playing Smash.
- ```python
- """
- 0: "NOOP",
- 1: "FIRE",
- 2: "UP",
- 3: "RIGHT",
- 4: "LEFT",
- 5: "DOWN",
- 6: "UPRIGHT",
- 7: "UPLEFT",
- 9: "DOWNLEFT",
- 10: "UPFIRE",
- 11: "RIGHTFIRE",
- 12: "LEFTFIRE",
- 13: "DOWNFIRE",
- }
- """
- def act(self, observation, reward, done):
- return self.action_space.sample()
- ```
- ## Test on the Environment Seed
- It is always important to know how randomness affects the results of
- your experiment. In this agent, there are two sources of
- randomness, the first being the seed given for the Gym environment and
- the other is in the random function used to select a random action. By
- default, the seed of the Gym library is set to zero. This is useful
- for testing because if your agent is deterministic, you will always
- get the same results. We can seed the environment with the current
- time to add more randomness. However, this begs the question: to what
- extent does the added randomness change the scores of the game.
- Certain seeds in the Gym environment may make the game much
- easier/harder to play thus altering the distribution of the score.
- A test was derived to compare the scores of the environment in both a
- fixed seed and a time set seed. 300 trials of the random agent were ran
- in both types of seeded environments.
- ```
- Random Agent Time Seed:
- mean:1005.6333333333333
- max:3220.0
- min:110.0
- sd:478.32548077178114
- median:980.0 n:300
- Random Agent Fixed Seed:
- mean:1049.3666666666666
- max:3320.0
- min:110.0
- sd:485.90321281323327
- median:1080.0
- n:300
- ```
- What is astonishing is that both distributions are nearly identical in
- every way. Although the means are slightly different, there appears to
- be no apparent difference between the distributions of scores. One
- might expect that having more randomness would at least change the
- variance of the scores, but none of that has happened.
- ```
- Random agent vs Random fixed seed
- F_onewayResult(
- statistic=1.2300971733588375,
- pvalue=0.2678339696597312
- )
- ```
- With such a high p-value we can not reject the null hypothesis that
- these distributions are statistically different. This is a powerful
- conclusion to come to because it allows us to run future experiments
- understanding that a specific seed on average will not have a
- statistically significant impact on the performance of a random agent.
- However, this finding does not help us understand the impact that the
- seed has on a fully deterministic agent. It is still possible that a
- fully deterministic system will have varying scores on different
- environment seeds.
- # Reflex Agent
- Our reflex agent observes the environment and decides what to do based
- on a simple rule set. The reflex agent is broken into three sections:
- feature extraction, reflex rules, and performance.
- ## Feature Extraction
- The largest part of this agent was devoted to parsing the environment
- into a more usable form. The feature extraction for this project was
- rather difficult since the environment was given as a pixel array and
- the screen flashed the asteroids and then the player. Trying to
- achieve the best performance with the minimal amount of algorithmic
- engineering, this reflex agent parsed 3 things from the environment:
- position, direction, closest asteroid.
- ### 1: Player Position
- Finding the position of the player was relatively easy since you only
- had to scan the environment to find pixels of certain RGB values. To
- account for the flashing environment, you would just store the
- position in the fields of the class so that it is persistent between
- action loops. The position of the player would only be updated if a
- new player is observed.
- ```python
- AGENT_RGB = [240, 128, 128]
- ```
- ### 2: Player Direction
- Detecting the position of the player could be made difficult if you
- were only going off the RGB values of the player. Although when the
- player is upright, it is straight forward, when the player is sideways
- things get super difficult.
- ```python
- action_sequence = [3,3,3,3,3,0, 0,0]
- class Agent(object):
- def __init__(self, action_space):
- self.action_space = action_space
- # Defines how the agent should act
- def act(self, observation, reward, done):
- if len(action_sequence) > 0:
- action = action_sequence[0]
- action_sequence.remove(action)
- return action
- return 0
- ```
- We created a basic script to observe what the player does when given a
- specific sequence of actions. I was pleased to notice that exactly 5
- turns to the left/right correlated to a perfect 90 degrees. By keeping
- track of our current rotation according to the actions that we have
- taken, we can precisely keep track of our current rotational direction
- without parsing the horrendous pixel array when the player is
- sideways.
- ### 3: Position of Closest Asteroid
- Asteroids were detected as being any pixel that was not empty (0,0,0)
- and not the player (240, 128, 128). Using a simple single pass through
- the environment matrix, we were able to detect the closest asteroid to
- the latest known position of the player.
- ## Agent Reflex
- Based on my actual strategy for asteroids, this agent stays in the
- middle of the screen and shoots at the closest asteroid to it.
- ```python
- def act(self, observation, reward, done):
- observation = np.array(observation)
- self.updateState(observation)
- dirOfAstroid = math.atan2(self.closestRow-self.row, self.closestCol- self.col)
- dirOfAstroid = self.deWarpAngle(dirOfAstroid)
- self.shotLast = not self.shotLast
- if self.shotLast:
- return 1 # fire
- if self.currentDirection - dirOfAstroid < 0:
- self.updateDirection(math.pi/10)
- if self.shotLast:
- return 12 # left fire
- return 4 # left
- else:
- self.updateDirection(-1*math.pi/10)
- return 3 # right
- ```
- Despite being a simple agent, this performs well since it can shoot at asteroids before it hits them.
- ## Results of Reflex Agent
- In this trial, 200 tests of both the random agent and the reflex agent
- were observed while setting the seed of the environment to the current
- time. The seed was randomly set in this scenario since the reflex
- agent is fully deterministic and would perform identically in each trial
- otherwise.
- The histogram depicts that the reflex agent on average performs
- significantly better than the random agent. What is fascinating to
- note is that even though the agent's actions are deterministic, the
- seed of the environment created a large amount of variance in the
- scores observed. It is arguably misleading to only provide a single
- score for an agent as its performance because the environment seed has
- a large impact on the non-random agent's scores.
- ```
- Reflex Agent:
- mean:2385.25
- max:8110.0
- min:530.0
- sd:1066.217115553863
- median:2250.0
- n:200
- Random Agent:
- mean:976.15
- max:2030.0
- min:110.0
- sd:425.2712987023695
- median:980.0
- n:200
- ```
- One thing that is interesting about comparing the two distributions is
- that the reflex agent has a much larger standard deviation in its
- scores than the random agent. It is also interesting to note that the
- reflex agent's worst performance was significantly better than the
- random agent's worst performance. Also, the best performance of the
- reflex agent shatters the best performance of the random agent.
- ```
- Random agent vs reflex
- F_onewayResult(
- statistic=299.86689786081956,
- pvalue=1.777062051091977e-50
- )
- ```
- Since we took such a sample size of two hundred, and the populations
- were significantly different, we got a p score of nearly zero
- (1.77e-50). With a p-value like this, we can say with nearly 100%
- confidence (with rounding) that these two populations are different
- and that the reflex agent out-performs the random agent.
- # Genetic Algorithm
- Genetic algorithms employ the same tactics used in natural selection
- to find an optimal solution to an optimization problem. Genetic
- algorithms are often used in high dimensional problems where the
- optimal solutions are not apparent. Genetic algorithms are commonly
- used to tune the hyper-parameters of a program. However, this
- algorithm can be used in any scenario where you have a function that
- defines how well a solution is.
- In the scenario of asteroids, we can employ genetic algorithms to find
- the optimal sequence of moves to make to achieve the highest score
- possible. The chromosomes are well defined as the sequence of actions
- to loop through and the fitness function is simply the score that the
- agent achieves.
- ## Algorithm Implementation
- The actual implementation of the genetic algorithm was pretty straight
- forward, the agent simply looped through a sequence of events where
- each event represents a gene on the chromosome.
- ```python
- class Agent(object):
- """Very Basic GA Agent"""
- def __init__(self, action_space, chromosome):
- self.action_space = action_space
- self.chromosome = chromosome
- self.index = 0
- # You should modify this function
- def act(self, observation, reward, done):
- if self.index >= len(self.chromosome)-1:
- self.index = 0
- else:
- self.index = self.index + 1
- return self.chromosome[self.index]
- ```
- Rather than using a library, a simple home-brewed genetic algorithm
- was created from scratch. The basic algorithm essentially is in a loop
- that runs functions necessary to iterate through each generation.
- Each generation can be broken apart into a few steps:
- - selection: removes the worst-performing chromosomes
- - mating: uses crossover to create new chromosomes
- - mutation: adds randomness to the chromosome
- - fitness: evaluates the performance of each chromosome
- In roughly 100 lines of python, a basic genetic algorithm was crafted.
- ```python
- AVAILABLE_COMMANDS = [0,1,2,3,4]
- def generateRandomChromosome(chromosomeLength):
- chrom = []
- for i in range(0, chromosomeLength):
- chrom.append(choice(AVAILABLE_COMMANDS))
- return chrom
- """
- creates a random population
- """
- def createPopulation(populationSize, chromosomeLength):
- pop = []
- for i in range(0, populationSize):
- pop.append((0,generateRandomChromosome(chromosomeLength)))
- return pop
- """
- computes fitness of population and sorts the array based
- on fitness
- """
- def computeFitness(population):
- for i in range(0, len(population)):
- population[i] = (calculatePerformance(population[i][1]), population[i][1])
- population.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True) # sorts population in place
- """
- kills the weakest portion of the population
- """
- def selection(population, keep):
- origSize = len(population)
- for i in range(keep, origSize):
- population.remove(population[keep])
- """
- Uses crossover to mate two chromosomes together.
- """
- def mateBois(chrom1, chrom2):
- pivotPoint = randrange(len(chrom1))
- bb = []
- for i in range(0, pivotPoint):
- bb.append(chrom1[i])
- for i in range(pivotPoint, len(chrom2)):
- bb.append(chrom1[i])
- return (0, bb)
- """
- brings population back up to desired size of population
- using crossover mating
- """
- def mating(population, populationSize):
- newBlood = populationSize - len(population)
- newbies = []
- for i in range(0, newBlood):
- newbies.append(mateBois(choice(population)[1],
- choice(population)[1]))
- population.extend(newbies)
- """
- Randomly mutates x chromosomes -- excluding best chromosome
- """
- def mutation(population, mutationRate):
- changes = random() * mutationRate * len(population) * len(population[0][1])
- for i in range(0, int(changes)):
- ind = randrange(len(population) -1) + 1
- chrom = randrange(len(population[0][1]))
- population[ind][1][chrom] = choice(AVAILABLE_COMMANDS)
- """
- Computes average score of population
- """
- def computeAverageScore(population):
- total = 0.0
- for c in population:
- total = total + c[0]
- return total/len(population)
- def runGeneration(population, populationSize, keep, mutationRate):
- selection(population, keep)
- mating(population, populationSize)
- mutation(population, mutationRate)
- computeFitness(population)
- """
- Runs the genetic algorithm
- """
- def runGeneticAlgorithm(populationSize, maxGenerations,
- chromosomeLength, keep, mutationRate):
- population = createPopulation(populationSize, chromosomeLength)
- best = []
- average = []
- generations = range(1, maxGenerations + 1)
- for i in range(1, maxGenerations + 1):
- print("Generation: " + str(i))
- runGeneration(population, populationSize, keep, mutationRate)
- a = computeAverageScore(population)
- average.append(a)
- best.append(population[0][0])
- print("Best Score: " + str(population[0][0]))
- print("Average Score: " + str(a))
- print("Best chromosome: " + str(population[0][1]))
- print()
- pyplot.plot(generations, best, color='g', label='Best')
- pyplot.plot(generations, average, color='orange', label='Average')
- pyplot.xlabel("Generations")
- pyplot.ylabel("Score")
- pyplot.title("Training GA Algorithm")
- pyplot.legend()
- pyplot.show()
- ```
- ## Results
- ```
- Generation: 200
- Best Score: 8090.0
- Average Score: 2492.6666666666665
- Best chromosome: [1, 4, 1, 4, 4, 1, 0, 4, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 0, 4, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 0, 4, 3, 3, 0]
- ```
- It is impressive that a simple genetic algorithm can learn how
- to perform well when the seed is fixed. When compared to the
- random agent which had a max score of 3320 with a fixed seed, the
- optimized genetic algorithm shattered the random agents' best
- performance by a factor of 2.5.
- Since we trained an optimized set of actions to take to achieve a high
- score on a specific seed, what would happen if we randomized the seed?
- A test was conducted to compare the trained GA agent with 200
- generations against the random agent. For both agents, the seed was
- randomized by setting it to the current time.
- ```
- GA Performance Trained on Fixed Seed:
- mean:2257.9
- max:5600.0
- min:530.0
- sd:1018.4363455808125
- median:2020.0
- n:200
- ```
- ```
- Random Random Seed:
- mean:1079.45
- max:2800.0
- min:110.0
- sd:498.9340612746338
- median:1080.0
- n:200
- ```
- ```
- F_onewayResult(
- statistic=214.87432376234608,
- pvalue=3.289638100969386e-39
- )
- ```
- As expected, the GA agent did not perform as well on random seeds as
- it did on the fixed seed that it was trained on. However, the GA was
- able to find an action sequence that statistically beat the random
- agent as observed in the score distributions above and the extremely
- small p-value. Although luck was a part of getting the agent to get a
- score of 8k on the seed of zero, the skill that it learned was
- somewhat applicable to other seeds. After replaying the video of the
- agent play, it just slowly drifts around the screen and shoots at
- asteroids in front of it. This has a major advantage over the random
- agent since the random agent tends to move very fast and rotate
- spastically.
- ## Future Work
- This algorithm was more or less a last-minute hack to see if I can
- make a cool video of a high scoring asteroids agent. Future agents
- using genetic algorithms would incorporate reflex to dynamically
- respond to the environment. Based on which direction asteroids are in
- proximity to the player, the agent could select a different chromosome
- of actions to execute. This would potentially yield scores above ten thousand if trained and implemented correctly. Future training
- should also incorporate randomness to the seed so that the skills
- learned are the most transferable to other random environments.
- # Deep Q-Learning Agent
- ## Introduction:
- The inspiration behind attempting a reinforcement learning agent for
- this problem scope is the original DQN paper that came out from
- Deepmind, “Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning.” This paper
- showed the potential of utilizing this Deep Q-learning methodology on
- a variety of simulated Atari games using one standardized architecture
- across all. Reinforcement learning has always been of interest and to
- have the opportunity to spend time learning about it while applying
- for a class setting was exciting, even if it is out of the scope of
- the class presently. It has been an exciting challenge to read through
- and implement a research paper to get similar results.
- Deep Q-Learning is an extension of the standard Q-Learning algorithm
- in which a neural network is used to approximate the optimal
- action-value function, Q\*(s,a). The action-value function is the
- function that outputs the expected maximum reward given a state and a
- policy mapping to actions or distributions of actions. Logically, this
- works as the Q function follows the Bellman equation identity, which
- states that if the optimal action for the next step state is known,
- then the optimal output given an action a’ follows by maximizing the
- expected reward of the equation, r+Q*(s',a'). Thus, the reinforcement
- learning part comes in the form of a neural network approximating the
- optimal action-value function by using the Bellman equation identity
- as an iterative update at every time step.
- ## Agent architecture:
- The basis of the network architecture is a basic convolutional network
- with 2 conv layers, a fully connected layer, and then an output layer
- of 14 classes with each representing an individual action. The first
- layer consists of 16 8x8 filters and takes a stride 4 while the second
- has 32 4x4 filters and only takes a stride of 2. Following this layer,
- the filters are compressed into a 1-D representation vector of size
- 12,672 that’s passed through a fully connected layer of 256 nodes.
- All layers sans the output layer are activated using the ReLU function.
- The optimization algorithm of choice was the Adam optimizer, using a
- learning rate equal to .0001 and default betas of [.9, .99]. The
- discount factor, or gamma, related to future expected rewards was set
- at .99 and the probability of taking a random action per action step
- was linearly annealed from 1.0 down to a fixed .1 after one million
- seen frames.
- ## Experience Replay:
- One of the main points within the original paper that significantly
- helped the training of this network is the introduction of a Replay
- Buffer that is used during the training. To break all the
- temporal correlation between sequential frames and biasing the
- training of a network-based off certain chains of situations, a
- historical buffer of transitions is used to sample mini-batches to
- train on per time step. Every time an action is made, a tuple
- consisting of the current state, the action is taken, the reward gained, and
- the subsequent state (s, a, r, s’) is stored into the buffer. And at
- every training step, a mini-batch is sampled from the buffer and used
- to train the network. This allows the network to be trained in
- non-correlated transitions and hopefully train in a more generalized
- way to the environment rather than biased to a string of similar
- actions.
- ## Preprocessing:
- One of the first issues that had to be tackled was the issue of the
- high dimensionality of the input image and how that information was
- duplicated stored in the Replay Buffer. Each observation given from
- the environment is a matrix of (210, 160, 3) pixels representing the
- RGB pixels within the frame. For time and being
- computationally efficient, it was needed to preprocess and reduce the
- dimensionality of the observations as a single frame stack (of which
- there are two per transition) consists of (4, 3, 210, 160) or 403,000
- input features that would have to be dealt with.
- Firstly, images are converted into a grayscale image and the
- reward/number lives section at the top of the screen is cut out since
- it is irrelevant to the network’s vision. Furthermore, the now (4,
- 192, 160) matrix was downsampled by taking every other pixel to (4,
- 96, 80), resulting in a change from 403,000 input features to only
- 30,720 - a substantial reduction in the calculations needed while
- maintaining strong input information for the network.
- ## Training:
- Training for the bot was conducted by modifying the main function to
- allow games to immediately start after one was finished, to
- make continuous training of the agent easier. All the environment
- parameters were reset and the temporary attributes of the agent (ie.
- current state/next state) were flushed. For the first four frames of a
- game, the bot just gathered a stack of frames. And following that, at
- every time the next state was compiled and the transition tuple pushed
- onto the buffer, as well as a training step for the agent. For the
- training step, a random batch was grabbed from the replay buffer and
- used to calculate the loss function between actual and expected
- Q-values. This was used to calculate the gradients for the
- backpropagation of the network.
- ## Outcome:
- Unfortunately, the result of 48 hours of continuous training, 950
- games played, and roughly 1.3 million frames of game footage seen, was
- that the agent converged to a suicidal policy that resulted in a
- consistent garbage performance.
- The model transitioned to the fixed 90% model action chance around
- episode 700, which is exactly where the agent starts to go awry. The
- strange part about this is since the random action chance is linearly
- annealed over the first million frames, if the agent had continuously
- been following a garbage policy, it would’ve been expected that the
- rewards would steadily decrease over time as the network takes more
- control.
- Up until that point, the projection of the reward trendline was a
- steady rise per the number of episodes. Expanding this out until
- 10,000 frames (approximately 10 million frames seen, the same amount
- of time the original Deepmind paper trained these bots for), the
- projected score is in the realms of 2,400 to 2,500 - which matches up
- closely to the well-tuned reflex agent and the GA agent on a random
- seed.
- It would’ve been exciting to see how the model compared to
- our reflex agent had it been able to train consistently up until the
- end.
- ## Limitations:
- There were a fair number of limitations that were present within the
- execution and training of this model that possibly contributed to the
- slow and unstable training of the network. Differences in the
- algorithm from the original paper is that the optimization function
- utilized was the Adam optimizer instead of RMSProp and the replay
- buffer only took into consideration the previous 50k frames, not the
- past one million. It might be possible that the weaker replay buffer
- was to blame as the model was continuously fed a sub-optimal within
- its past 50,000 frames that caused it to diverge so heavily near the
- end.
- One issue in preprocessing that might've led the bot astray is using
- not using the max pixelwise combination between sequential frames in
- order to have each frame include both the asteroids and the player.
- Since the Atari (and by extension, this environment simulation)
- doesn't render the asteroids and the player sprite all in the same
- frame, it is possible that the network was unable to extract any
- coherent connection between the alternating frames.
- Regarding optimizations built on the DQN algorithm past the original
- Deepmind paper, we did not use a policy and a target network in
- training. In the original algorithm, the estimation and attempt at
- converging to the target policy is unstable due to the target
- network’s weights continuously shifting during training. For the
- network, it’s hard to converge to something that’s continually
- shifting at every time step and leads to very noisy and unstable
- training. One optimization that has been proposed for DQN is to have a
- policy and target network. At every timestep, the policy network’s
- weights are updated with the calculated gradients while the target
- network is maintained for a number of steps. This lets the target
- policy be still for a few time steps while the network is converging
- to it and leads to more stable and guided training.
- Perhaps the largest limitation in training was the computational power
- used for training. The network was trained on a single GTX1060ti GPU,
- which led to just single episodes taking a few minutes to complete. It
- would’ve taken an incredibly long time to hit 10 million seen frames
- as even just 1.3 million took approximately 48 hours. It’s probable
- that our implementation is inefficient in its calculations, however it
- is a well known limitation of RL that it is time and computationally
- intensive.
- ## Deep Q Conclusions:
- This was a fun agent and algorithm to implement, even if at present it
- has given little to no results back in terms of performance. The plan
- is to continue testing and training the agent, even after the
- deadline. Reinforcement learning is a complicated and hard to debug
- environment, but similarly an exciting challenge due to its potential
- for solving and overcoming problems.
- # Conclusion
- This project demonstrated how fun it can be to train AI agents to play
- video games. Although none of our agents are earth-shatteringly
- amazing, we were able to use statistical measures to determine that
- the reflex and GA agents outperformed the random agent. The GA agent
- and the convolutional neural network show very promising and future
- work can be used to drastically improve their results.