- # Ch 4: Iterative improvement
- ## Simulated annealing
- Idea: escape local maxima by allowing some bad moves but gradually decrease their size and frequency.
- This is similar to gradient descent.
- Idea comes from making glass where you start very hot and then slowly cool down the temperature.
- ## Beam search
- Idea: keep k states instead of 1; choose top k of their successors.
- Problem: quite often all k states end up on same local hill. This can somewhat be overcome by randomly choosing k states but, favoring the good ones.
- ## Genetic algorithms
- Inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
- The algorithm is an extension of local beam search with successors generated from pairs of individuals rather than a successor function.
- # Ch 6: Constraint satisfaction problems
- Ex CSP problems:
- - assignment
- - timetabling
- - hardware configuration
- - spreadsheets
- - factory scheduling
- - Floor-planning
- ## Problem formulation
- ### Variables
- Elements in the problem.
- ### Domains
- Possible values from domain $D_i$, try to be mathematical when formulating.
- ### Constraints
- Constraints on the variables specifying what values from the domain they may have.
- Types of constraints:
- - Unary: Constraints involving single variable
- - Binary: Constraints involving pairs of variables
- - Higher-order: Constraints involving 3 or more variables
- - Preferences: Where you favor one value in the domain more than another. This is mostly used for constrained optimization problems.
- ## Constraint graphs
- Nodes in graph are variables, arcs show constraints
- ## Backtracking
- ### Minimum remaining value
- Choose the variable wit the fewest legal values left.
- ### Degree heuristic
- Tie-breaker for minimum remaining value heuristic.
- Choose the variable with the most constraints on remaining variables.
- ### Least constraining value
- Choose the least constraining value: one that rules out fewest values in remaining variables.
- ### Forward checking
- Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables and terminate search when any variable has no legal values left.
- This will help reduce how many nodes in the tree you have to expand.
- ### Constraint propagation
- ### Arc consistency
- ### Tree structured CSPs
- Theorem: if constraint graph has no loops, the CSP ca be solved in $O(n*d^2)$ time.
- General CSP is $O(d^n)$
- ## Connections to tree search, iterative improvement
- To apply this to hill-climbing, you select any conflicted variable and then use a min-conflicts heuristic
- to choose a value that violates the fewest constraints.
- # CH 13: Uncertainty
- ## Basic theory and terminology
- ### Probability space
- The probability space $\Omega$ is all possible outcomes.
- A dice roll has 6 possible outcomes.
- ### Atomic Event
- An atomic event w is a single element from the probability space.
- $w \in \Omega$
- Ex: rolling a dice of 4
- The probability of w is between [0,1].
- ### Event
- An event A is any subset of the probability space $\Omega$
- The probability of an event is the sum of the probabilities of the atom events in the event.
- Ex: probability of rolling a even number dice is 1/2.
- ```
- P(die roll odd) = P(1)+P(2)+3P(5) = 1/6+1/6+1/6 = 1/2
- ```
- ### Random variable
- Is a function from some sample points to some range. eg reals or booleans.
- eg: P(Even = true)
- ## Prior probability
- Probabilities based given one or more events.
- Ex: probability cloudy and fall = 0.72.
- Given two variables with two possible assignments, we could represent all the information in a 2x2 matrix.
- ## Conditional Probability
- Probabilities based within a event.
- Eg: P(tired | monday) = .9.
- ## Bayes rule
- ## Independence