vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
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var DOMutil = require('../../../DOMutil');
var Points = require('./points');
* @param {} groupId
* @param {Object} options // TODO: Describe options
* @constructor Bargraph
function Bargraph(groupId, options) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
Bargraph.drawIcon = function (group, x, y, iconWidth, iconHeight, framework) {
var fillHeight = iconHeight * 0.5;
var outline = DOMutil.getSVGElement("rect", framework.svgElements, framework.svg);
outline.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
outline.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y - fillHeight);
outline.setAttributeNS(null, "width", iconWidth);
outline.setAttributeNS(null, "height", 2 * fillHeight);
outline.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "vis-outline");
var barWidth = Math.round(0.3 * iconWidth);
var originalWidth = group.options.barChart.width;
var scale = originalWidth / barWidth;
var bar1Height = Math.round(0.4 * iconHeight);
var bar2Height = Math.round(0.75 * iconHeight);
var offset = Math.round((iconWidth - (2 * barWidth)) / 3);
DOMutil.drawBar(x + 0.5 * barWidth + offset, y + fillHeight - bar1Height - 1, barWidth, bar1Height, group.className + ' vis-bar', framework.svgElements, framework.svg,;
DOMutil.drawBar(x + 1.5 * barWidth + offset + 2, y + fillHeight - bar2Height - 1, barWidth, bar2Height, group.className + ' vis-bar', framework.svgElements, framework.svg,;
if (group.options.drawPoints.enabled == true) {
var groupTemplate = {
styles: group.options.drawPoints.styles,
size: (group.options.drawPoints.size / scale),
className: group.className
DOMutil.drawPoint(x + 0.5 * barWidth + offset, y + fillHeight - bar1Height - 1, groupTemplate, framework.svgElements, framework.svg);
DOMutil.drawPoint(x + 1.5 * barWidth + offset + 2, y + fillHeight - bar2Height - 1, groupTemplate, framework.svgElements, framework.svg);
* draw a bar graph
* @param {Array.<>} groupIds
* @param {Object} processedGroupData
* @param {{svg: Object, svgElements: Array.<Object>, options: Object, groups: Array.<vis.Group>}} framework
Bargraph.draw = function (groupIds, processedGroupData, framework) {
var combinedData = [];
var intersections = {};
var coreDistance;
var key, drawData;
var group;
var i, j;
var barPoints = 0;
// combine all barchart data
for (i = 0; i < groupIds.length; i++) {
group = framework.groups[groupIds[i]];
if ( === 'bar') {
if (group.visible === true && (framework.options.groups.visibility[groupIds[i]] === undefined || framework.options.groups.visibility[groupIds[i]] === true)) {
for (j = 0; j < processedGroupData[groupIds[i]].length; j++) {
screen_x: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].screen_x,
screen_end: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].screen_end,
screen_y: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].screen_y,
x: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].x,
end: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].end,
y: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].y,
groupId: groupIds[i],
label: processedGroupData[groupIds[i]][j].label
barPoints += 1;
if (barPoints === 0) {
// sort by time and by group
combinedData.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.screen_x === b.screen_x) {
return a.groupId < b.groupId ? -1 : 1;
else {
return a.screen_x - b.screen_x;
// get intersections
Bargraph._getDataIntersections(intersections, combinedData);
// plot barchart
for (i = 0; i < combinedData.length; i++) {
group = framework.groups[combinedData[i].groupId];
var minWidth = group.options.barChart.minWidth != undefined ? group.options.barChart.minWidth : 0.1 * group.options.barChart.width;
key = combinedData[i].screen_x;
var heightOffset = 0;
if (intersections[key] === undefined) {
if (i + 1 < combinedData.length) {
coreDistance = Math.abs(combinedData[i + 1].screen_x - key);
drawData = Bargraph._getSafeDrawData(coreDistance, group, minWidth);
else {
var nextKey = i + (intersections[key].amount - intersections[key].resolved);
if (nextKey < combinedData.length) {
coreDistance = Math.abs(combinedData[nextKey].screen_x - key);
drawData = Bargraph._getSafeDrawData(coreDistance, group, minWidth);
intersections[key].resolved += 1;
if (group.options.stack === true && group.options.excludeFromStacking !== true) {
if (combinedData[i].screen_y < group.zeroPosition) {
heightOffset = intersections[key].accumulatedNegative;
intersections[key].accumulatedNegative += group.zeroPosition - combinedData[i].screen_y;
else {
heightOffset = intersections[key].accumulatedPositive;
intersections[key].accumulatedPositive += group.zeroPosition - combinedData[i].screen_y;
else if (group.options.barChart.sideBySide === true) {
drawData.width = drawData.width / intersections[key].amount;
drawData.offset += (intersections[key].resolved) * drawData.width - (0.5 * drawData.width * (intersections[key].amount + 1));
let dataWidth = drawData.width;
let start = combinedData[i].screen_x;
// are we drawing explicit boxes? (we supplied an end value)
if (combinedData[i].screen_end != undefined){
dataWidth = combinedData[i].screen_end - combinedData[i].screen_x;
start += (dataWidth * 0.5);
else {
start += drawData.offset
DOMutil.drawBar(start, combinedData[i].screen_y - heightOffset, dataWidth, group.zeroPosition - combinedData[i].screen_y, group.className + ' vis-bar', framework.svgElements, framework.svg,;
// draw points
if (group.options.drawPoints.enabled === true) {
let pointData = {
screen_x: combinedData[i].screen_x,
screen_y: combinedData[i].screen_y - heightOffset,
x: combinedData[i].x,
y: combinedData[i].y,
groupId: combinedData[i].groupId,
label: combinedData[i].label
Points.draw([pointData], group, framework, drawData.offset);
//DOMutil.drawPoint(combinedData[i].x + drawData.offset, combinedData[i].y, group, framework.svgElements, framework.svg);
* Fill the intersections object with counters of how many datapoints share the same x coordinates
* @param {Object} intersections
* @param {Array.<Object>} combinedData
* @private
Bargraph._getDataIntersections = function (intersections, combinedData) {
// get intersections
var coreDistance;
for (var i = 0; i < combinedData.length; i++) {
if (i + 1 < combinedData.length) {
coreDistance = Math.abs(combinedData[i + 1].screen_x - combinedData[i].screen_x);
if (i > 0) {
coreDistance = Math.min(coreDistance, Math.abs(combinedData[i - 1].screen_x - combinedData[i].screen_x));
if (coreDistance === 0) {
if (intersections[combinedData[i].screen_x] === undefined) {
intersections[combinedData[i].screen_x] = {
amount: 0,
resolved: 0,
accumulatedPositive: 0,
accumulatedNegative: 0
intersections[combinedData[i].screen_x].amount += 1;
* Get the width and offset for bargraphs based on the coredistance between datapoints
* @param {number} coreDistance
* @param {vis.Group} group
* @param {number} minWidth
* @returns {{width: number, offset: number}}
* @private
Bargraph._getSafeDrawData = function (coreDistance, group, minWidth) {
var width, offset;
if (coreDistance < group.options.barChart.width && coreDistance > 0) {
width = coreDistance < minWidth ? minWidth : coreDistance
offset = 0; // recalculate offset with the new width;
if (group.options.barChart.align === 'left') {
offset -= 0.5 * coreDistance;
else if (group.options.barChart.align === 'right') {
offset += 0.5 * coreDistance;
else {
// default settings
width = group.options.barChart.width;
offset = 0;
if (group.options.barChart.align === 'left') {
offset -= 0.5 * group.options.barChart.width;
else if (group.options.barChart.align === 'right') {
offset += 0.5 * group.options.barChart.width;
return {width: width, offset: offset};
Bargraph.getStackedYRange = function (combinedData, groupRanges, groupIds, groupLabel, orientation) {
if (combinedData.length > 0) {
// sort by time and by group
combinedData.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.screen_x === b.screen_x) {
return a.groupId < b.groupId ? -1 : 1;
else {
return a.screen_x - b.screen_x;
var intersections = {};
Bargraph._getDataIntersections(intersections, combinedData);
groupRanges[groupLabel] = Bargraph._getStackedYRange(intersections, combinedData);
groupRanges[groupLabel].yAxisOrientation = orientation;
Bargraph._getStackedYRange = function (intersections, combinedData) {
var key;
var yMin = combinedData[0].screen_y;
var yMax = combinedData[0].screen_y;
for (var i = 0; i < combinedData.length; i++) {
key = combinedData[i].screen_x;
if (intersections[key] === undefined) {
yMin = yMin > combinedData[i].screen_y ? combinedData[i].screen_y : yMin;
yMax = yMax < combinedData[i].screen_y ? combinedData[i].screen_y : yMax;
else {
if (combinedData[i].screen_y < 0) {
intersections[key].accumulatedNegative += combinedData[i].screen_y;
else {
intersections[key].accumulatedPositive += combinedData[i].screen_y;
for (var xpos in intersections) {
if (intersections.hasOwnProperty(xpos)) {
yMin = yMin > intersections[xpos].accumulatedNegative ? intersections[xpos].accumulatedNegative : yMin;
yMin = yMin > intersections[xpos].accumulatedPositive ? intersections[xpos].accumulatedPositive : yMin;
yMax = yMax < intersections[xpos].accumulatedNegative ? intersections[xpos].accumulatedNegative : yMax;
yMax = yMax < intersections[xpos].accumulatedPositive ? intersections[xpos].accumulatedPositive : yMax;
return {min: yMin, max: yMax};
module.exports = Bargraph;