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'use strict';
function JobAgent(id) {
// execute super constructor, id);
this.rpc = this.loadModule('rpc', this.rpcFunctions);
this.connect(eve.system.transports.getAll()); = id;
this.type ='job_','');
this.globalStats = new DurationStats();
this.agentStats = {};
this.allJobs = {}; // used to quickly look up a job ID
this.openJobs = {}; // used to check if there is a watcher to
this.closedJobs = {};// keeps a list of agentIds containing jobs, used for stats collection
// optimization would be nice with running averages, but N samples are needed, wait for demo data.
this.watchers = {};
// extend the eve.Agent prototype
JobAgent.prototype = Object.create(eve.Agent.prototype);
JobAgent.prototype.constructor = JobAgent;
// define RPC functions, preferably in a separated object to clearly distinct
// exposed functions from local functions.
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions = {};
JobAgent.prototype.expandPrerequisites = function(prerequisites) {
var expanded = [];
if (prerequisites !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < prerequisites.length; i++) {
var prereq = prerequisites[i];
if (typeof prereq == 'string') {
jobId: prereq,
uuid: uuid(),
times : new DurationData(),
stats: new DurationStats()
else if (typeof prereq == 'object' && prereq.type !== undefined) { //&& prereq.agentId !== undefined not needed since the same items will be added when only type exists
prereq.uuid = uuid();
prereq.times = new DurationData();
prereq.stats = new DurationStats();
else {
console.log('ERROR: cannot use the prerequisites! Not in array of strings or array of objects with correct fields format.');
throw new Error('ERROR: cannot use the prerequisites! Not in array of strings or array of objects with correct fields format.');
return expanded;
* Create new Job for agent
* @param params
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.add = function(params) {
var agentId = params.agentId;
var jobId = params.jobId;
// create stats if not yet exits
if (this.agentStats[agentId] === undefined) {
this.agentStats[agentId] = new DurationStats();
// create open job
if (this.openJobs[agentId] === undefined) {
this.openJobs[agentId] = {};
if (this.openJobs[agentId][jobId] !== undefined) {
console.log('cannot start new job, jobId:', jobId, ' already exists!');
throw new Error('cannot start new job, jobId:' + jobId + ' already exists!');
var prerequisites = this.expandPrerequisites(params.prerequisites);
this.openJobs[agentId][jobId] = new Job(jobId,, params.time, agentId, prerequisites);
this.allJobs[jobId] = this.openJobs[agentId][jobId];
this.addWatchers(jobId, prerequisites);
// return prediction
var statsData;
if (this.agentStats[agentId].duration.mean == 0) {
statsData = this.globalStats.getData();
else {
statsData = this.agentStats[agentId].getData();
return statsData;
* finish the job of an agent
* @param params
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.finish = function(params) {
var agentId = params.agentId;
var jobId = params.jobId;
var job = this.openJobs[agentId][jobId];
// finish job
// notify watchers that a job is finished.
if (this.watchers[jobId] !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.watchers[jobId].length; i++) {
var val = this.watchers[jobId][i];
var address = val.address;
var parentJobId = val.parentJobId;
var uuid = val.uuid;
this.rpc.request(address, {method:'watchedJobFinished', params:{
uuid: uuid,
parentJobId: parentJobId,
duration: job.duration.getData()
// cleanup watchers
delete this.watchers[jobId];
// move from open to closed jobs.
if (this.closedJobs[agentId] === undefined) {
this.closedJobs[agentId] = {};
if (this.closedJobs[agentId][jobId] !== undefined) {
console.log('cannot close job, jobId:', jobId, ' already exists!');
throw new Error('cannot close job, jobId:' + jobId + ' already exists!');
this.closedJobs[agentId][jobId] = this.openJobs[agentId][jobId];
delete this.openJobs[agentId][jobId];
return {
elapsedTime: this.closedJobs[agentId][jobId].elapsedTime,
elapsedTimeWithPause: this.closedJobs[agentId][jobId].elapsedTimeWithPause,
duration: this.closedJobs[agentId][jobId].duration.getData(),
prediction: this.globalStats.getData()
* update the job of an agent
* @param params
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.update = function(params) {
var agentId = params.agentId;
var jobId = params.jobId;
var job = this.openJobs[agentId][jobId];
var operation = params.operation;
switch (operation) {
case 'pause':
job.pause(params.time, false);
case 'endOfDay':
job.pause(params.time, true);
case 'startOfDay':
job.resume(params.time, true);
case 'resume':
job.resume(params.time, false);
return {jobId: jobId, type: this.type, elapsedTime: job.elapsedTime, elapsedTimeWithPause: job.elapsedTimeWithPause};
* return agent stats
* @param params
* @returns {*}
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.getAgentStats = function(params) {
return this.agentStats[params.agentId];
* return global stats
* @param params
* @returns {{mean: number, std: number}|*}
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.getGlobalStats = function(params) {
return this.globalStats;
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.watchedJobFinished = function(params) {
var jobId = params.parentJobId;
* @param params
* @param sender
* @returns {*}
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.addWatcherOnJobId = function(params, sender) {
var jobId = params.jobId;
var uuid = params.uuid;
var parentJobId = params.parentJobId;
var job = this.allJobs[jobId];
// if the job is already finished, call the finished callback
if (job.finished == true) {
this.rpc.request(sender, {method:'watchedJobFinished', params:{
uuid: uuid,
parentJobId: parentJobId,
duration: job.duration.getData() // we need the pure json data, not the class
else {
// we will create a watcher on a job which will alert the watcher when the job is finished with all the times.
if (this.watchers[jobId] === undefined) {
this.watchers[jobId] = [];
this.watchers[jobId].push({address: params.address, uuid: uuid});
// return the best prediction we have
if (this.agentStats[job.agentId].mean == 0) {
return this.globalStats.getData(); // we need the pure json data, not the class
return this.agentStats[job.agentId].getData(); // we need the pure json data, not the class
* @param params
* @param sender
* @returns {*}
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.addWatcherByAgentID = function(params, sender) {
var agentId = params.agentId;
var parentJobId = params.parentJobId;
var jobId = null;
var uuid = params.uuid;
var returnStats;
// see which statistics collection we will need to return.
if (this.agentStats[agentId].duration.mean == 0) {
returnStats = this.globalStats;
else {
returnStats = this.agentStats[agentId];
// see if we have an open job with that agent of this type
if (this.openJobs[agentId] !== undefined) {
for (var jId in this.openJobs[agentId]) {
if (this.openJobs[agentId].hasOwnProperty(jId)) {
jobId = jId;
// there is no open job from supplied agent of this type. return the mean of the return stats
if (jobId === null) {
this.rpc.request(params.address, {method:'watchedJobFinished', params:{
uuid: uuid,
parentJobId: parentJobId,
duration: returnStats.getMeanData(), // we need the pure json data, not the class
oldData: true
else {
params.jobId = jobId;, params, sender);
// return the best prediction we have
return returnStats.getData(); // we need the pure json data, not the class
* @param params
* @param sender
* @returns {*}
JobAgent.prototype.rpcFunctions.addWatcherByType = function(params, sender) {
// since we cannot watch a global type, we return the global stats at that point.
this.rpc.request(params.address, {method:'watchedJobFinished', params:{
uuid: params.uuid,
parentJobId: params.parentJobId,
duration: this.globalStats.getMeanData(), // we need the pure json data, not the class
oldData: true
return this.globalStats.getData(); // we need the pure json data, not the class
* @param parentJobId | ID from the job that wants to WATCH other jobs
* @param prerequisites
JobAgent.prototype.addWatchers = function(parentJobId, prerequisites) {
for (var i = 0; i < prerequisites.length; i++) {
var prereq = prerequisites[i];
var params = {
uuid: prereq.uuid,
address:, // this is the callback address
parentJobId: parentJobId// this is the job that wants to watch the other one.
var me = this;
if (prereq.jobId !== undefined) {
// we now have a parentJobId to watch
// we first need to find the type of job this belongs to.
this.rpc.request('JobAgentGenerator', {method: 'returnJobAddress', params: {jobId: prereq.jobId}})
// now that we have an address, set a watcher on the job id
.done(function (address) {
if (address != 'doesNotExist') {
params.jobId = prereq.jobId; // this is the job we want to watch
me.rpc.request(address, {method: 'addWatcherOnJobId', params: params})
.done(function (preliminaryStats) {
me.allJobs[parentJobId].watchingPrerequisite(preliminaryStats, prereq.uuid);
else {
console.log('ERROR: watch job does not exist.');
throw new Error('ERROR: watch job does not exist.');
else if (prereq.agentId !== undefined && prereq.type !== undefined) {
// we now have an agentId and a jobType to watch.
params.agentId = prereq.agentId; // this is the job we want to watch
this.rpc.request(prereq.type, {method: 'addWatcherByAgentID', params: params})
.done(function (preliminaryStats) {
me.allJobs[parentJobId].watchingPrerequisite(preliminaryStats, prereq.uuid);
else if (prereq.type !== undefined) {
this.rpc.request(prereq.type, {method: 'addWatcherByType', params: params})
.done(function (preliminaryStats) {
me.allJobs[parentJobId].watchingPrerequisite(preliminaryStats, prereq.uuid);
JobAgent.prototype.updatePredictedStartup = function(jobId, prediction) {
var jobPrediction = this.allJobs[jobId].predictedStartupTime;
jobPrediction.mean = Math.max(jobPrediction.mean, prediction.mean);
jobPrediction.std = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(jobPrediction.std,2) + Math.pow(prediction.std,2));
this.allJobs[jobId].prerequisitesCount += 1;
* Update all statistics
JobAgent.prototype.updateStats = function() {
var count = 0;
for (var agentId in this.closedJobs) {
if (this.closedJobs.hasOwnProperty(agentId)) {
var collection = this.closedJobs[agentId];
// could be optimised with rolling average for efficient memory management
count += 1;
* @param collection
* @returns {{duration: *, durationWithPause: *, durationWithStartup: *, durationWithBoth: *}}
JobAgent.prototype.updateStatsIn = function(collection) {
var stats = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.globalStats.fields.length; i++) {
var field = this.globalStats.fields[i];
stats[field] = this.collectStatsIn(collection, field);
return stats;
JobAgent.prototype.collectStatsIn = function(collection, field) {
var total = 0;
var mean = 0;
var std = 0;
var minVal = 1e16;
var maxVal = 0;
var count = 0;
for (var jobId in collection) {
if (collection.hasOwnProperty(jobId)) {
var value = collection[jobId].duration[field];
maxVal = value > maxVal ? value : maxVal;
minVal = value < minVal ? value : minVal;
total += collection[jobId].duration[field];
count += 1;
if (count > 0) {
mean = total / count;
for (var jobId in collection) {
if (collection.hasOwnProperty(jobId)) {
std += Math.pow(collection[jobId].duration[field] - mean,2);
std = Math.sqrt(std/count);
return {mean: mean, std: std, min: minVal, max: maxVal};
else {
return {mean: 0, std: 0, min: 0, max: 0};
JobAgent.prototype.hasJob = function(params) {
return this.allJobs[params.jobId] !== undefined;