vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library

67 lines
5.0 KiB

<style type="text/css">
#mynetwork {
width: 900px;
height: 850px;
border: 1px solid lightgray;
<link href="../../../dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="../../../dist/vis.js"></script>
<p>Use VisJS to diagram the Control-Flow-Graph (CFG) of a function from
a program you wish to analyze.</p>
<p><div id="mynetwork"></div><br /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var opts = {
manipulation: false,
height: '90%',
layout: {
hierarchical: {
enabled: true,
levelSeparation: 300
physics: {
hierarchicalRepulsion: {
nodeDistance: 300
nodes = [
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a2e', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a2e:\nmov DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x000000b0], 0x00000002\nmov DWORD PTR ss:[ebp + 0x00], esi\ntest bl, 0x02\nje 0x00405a49<<Insn>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a49', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a49:\ntest bl, 0x01\nje 0x00405a62<<Insn>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a55', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a55:\nmov ecx, DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x1c]\npush ecx\ncall 0x004095c6<<Func>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a62', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a62:\nmov eax, 0x00000002\nmov ecx, DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x000000a8]\nmov DWORD PTR fs:[0x00000000], ecx\npop ecx\npop esi\npop ebp\npop ebx\nadd esp, 0x000000a4\nret\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x004095c6', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x004095c6:\nmov edi, edi\npush ebp\nmov ebp, esp\npop ebp\njmp 0x00417563<<Func>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a39', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a39:\nand ebx, 0xfd<-0x03>\nlea ecx, [esp + 0x34]\nmov DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x10], ebx\ncall 0x00403450<<Func>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00403450', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00403450:\npush 0xff<-0x01>\npush 0x0042fa64\nmov eax, DWORD PTR fs:[0x00000000]\npush eax\npush ecx\npush ebx\npush ebp\npush esi\npush edi\nmov eax, DWORD PTR ds:[0x0043dff0<.data+0x0ff0>]\nxor eax, esp\npush eax\nlea eax, [esp + 0x18]\nmov DWORD PTR fs:[0x00000000], eax\nmov esi, ecx\nmov DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x14], esi\npush esi\nmov DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x24], 0x00000004\ncall 0x0042f03f<<Func>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a4e', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a4e:\ncmp DWORD PTR ss:[esp + 0x30], 0x10\njb 0x00405a62<<Insn>>\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
{'id': 'cfg_0x00405a5f', 'size': 150, 'label': "0x00405a5f:\nadd esp, 0x04\n", 'color': "#FFCFCF", 'shape': 'box', 'font': {'face': 'monospace', 'align': 'left'}},
edges = [
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a2e", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a39", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a2e", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a49", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a49", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a4e", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a49", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a62", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a55", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a5f", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a55", 'to': "cfg_0x004095c6", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x004095c6", 'to': "cfg_0x00417563", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a39", 'to': "cfg_0x00403450", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a39", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a49", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00403450", 'to': "cfg_0x00403489", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00403450", 'to': "cfg_0x0042f03f", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a4e", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a55", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a4e", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a62", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
{'from': "cfg_0x00405a5f", 'to': "cfg_0x00405a62", 'arrows': 'to', 'physics': false, 'smooth': {'type': 'cubicBezier'}},
var container = document.getElementById('mynetwork');
var data = {'nodes': nodes, 'edges': edges}
var gph = new vis.Network(container, data, opts);