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var jsdom_global = require('jsdom-global');
var assert = require('assert');
var util = require('../lib/util');
var moment = require('../lib//module/moment');
var ASPDateRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;
describe('util', function () {
* Tests for copy and extend methods.
* Goal: to cover all possible paths within the tested method(s)
* **NOTES**
* - All these methods have the inherent flaw that it's possible to define properties
* on an object with value 'undefined'. e.g. in `node`:
* > a = { b:undefined }
* > a.hasOwnProperty('b')
* true
* The logic for handling this in the code is minimal and accidental. For the time being,
* this flaw is ignored.
describe('extend routines', function () {
* Check if values have been copied over from b to a as intended
function checkExtended(a, b, checkCopyTarget = false) {
var result = {
color: 'green',
sub: {
enabled: false,
sub2: {
font: 'awesome'
assert(a.color !== undefined && a.color === result.color);
assert(a.notInSource === true);
if (checkCopyTarget) {
assert(a.notInTarget === true);
} else {
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined);
var sub = a.sub;
assert(sub !== undefined);
assert(sub.enabled !== undefined && sub.enabled === result.sub.enabled);
assert(sub.notInSource === true);
if (checkCopyTarget) {
assert(sub.notInTarget === true);
} else {
assert(sub.notInTarget === undefined);
sub = a.sub.sub2;
assert(sub !== undefined);
assert(sub !== undefined && sub.font !== undefined && sub.font === result.sub.sub2.font);
assert(sub.notInSource === true);
assert(a.subNotInSource !== undefined);
if (checkCopyTarget) {
assert(a.subNotInTarget.enabled === true);
assert(sub.notInTarget === true);
} else {
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined);
assert(sub.notInTarget === undefined);
* Spot check on values of a unchanged as intended
function testAUnchanged(a) {
var sub = a.sub;
assert(sub !== undefined);
assert(sub.enabled !== undefined && sub.enabled === true);
assert(sub.notInSource === true);
assert(sub.notInTarget === undefined);
assert(sub.deleteThis === true);
sub = a.sub.sub2;
assert(sub !== undefined);
assert(sub !== undefined && sub.font !== undefined && sub.font === 'arial');
assert(sub.notInSource === true);
assert(sub.notInTarget === undefined);
assert(a.subNotInSource !== undefined);
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined);
function initA() {
return {
color: 'red',
notInSource: true,
sub: {
enabled: true,
notInSource: true,
sub2: {
font: 'arial',
notInSource: true,
deleteThis: true,
subNotInSource: {
enabled: true,
deleteThis: true,
subDeleteThis: {
enabled: true,
beforeEach(function() {
this.a = initA();
this.b = {
color: 'green',
notInTarget: true,
sub: {
enabled: false,
notInTarget: true,
sub2: {
font: 'awesome',
notInTarget: true,
deleteThis: null,
subNotInTarget: {
enabled: true,
deleteThis: null,
subDeleteThis: null
it('performs fillIfDefined() as advertized', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
util.fillIfDefined(a, b);
checkExtended(a, b);
// NOTE: if allowDeletion === false, null values are copied over!
// This is due to existing logic; it might not be the intention and hence a bug
assert(a.sub.deleteThis === null);
assert(a.deleteThis === null);
assert(a.subDeleteThis === null);
it('performs fillIfDefined() as advertized with deletion', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
util.fillIfDefined(a, b, true); // thrid param: allowDeletion
checkExtended(a, b);
// Following should be removed now
assert(a.sub.deleteThis === undefined);
assert(a.deleteThis === undefined);
assert(a.subDeleteThis === undefined);
it('performs selectiveDeepExtend() as advertized', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
// pedantic: copy nothing
util.selectiveDeepExtend([], a, b);
assert(a.color !== undefined && a.color === 'red');
assert(a.notInSource === true);
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined);
// pedantic: copy nonexistent property (nothing happens)
assert(b.iDontExist === undefined);
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['iDontExist'], a, b, true);
assert(a.iDontExist === undefined);
// At this point nothing should have changed yet.
// Copy one property
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['color'], a, b);
assert(a.color !== undefined && a.color === 'green');
// Copy property Object
var sub = a.sub;
assert(sub.deleteThis === true); // pre
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['sub'], a, b);
assert(sub !== undefined);
assert(sub.enabled !== undefined && sub.enabled === false);
assert(sub.notInSource === true);
assert(sub.notInTarget === true);
assert(sub.deleteThis === null);
// Copy new Objects
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined); // pre
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined); // pre
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['notInTarget', 'subNotInTarget'], a, b);
assert(a.notInTarget === true);
assert(a.subNotInTarget.enabled === true);
// Copy null objects
assert(a.deleteThis !== null); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis !== null); // pre
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['deleteThis', 'subDeleteThis'], a, b);
// NOTE: if allowDeletion === false, null values are copied over!
// This is due to existing logic; it might not be the intention and hence a bug
assert(a.deleteThis === null);
assert(a.subDeleteThis === null);
it('performs selectiveDeepExtend() as advertized with deletion', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
// Only test expected differences here with test allowDeletion === false
// Copy object property with properties to be deleted
var sub = a.sub;
assert(sub.deleteThis === true); // pre
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['sub'], a, b, true);
assert(sub.deleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
// Spot check on rest of properties in `a.sub` - there should have been copied
sub = a.sub;
assert(sub !== undefined);
assert(sub.enabled !== undefined && sub.enabled === false);
assert(sub.notInSource === true);
assert(sub.notInTarget === true);
// Copy null objects
assert(a.deleteThis === true); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis !== undefined); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis.enabled === true); // pre
util.selectiveDeepExtend(['deleteThis', 'subDeleteThis'], a, b, true);
assert(a.deleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
assert(a.subDeleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
it('performs selectiveNotDeepExtend() as advertized', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
// Exclude all properties, nothing copied
util.selectiveNotDeepExtend(Object.keys(b), a, b);
// Exclude nothing, everything copied
util.selectiveNotDeepExtend([], a, b);
checkExtended(a, b, true);
// Exclude some
a = initA();
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined); // pre
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined); // pre
util.selectiveNotDeepExtend(['notInTarget', 'subNotInTarget'], a, b);
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined); // not copied
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined); // not copied
assert(a.sub.notInTarget === true); // copied!
it('performs selectiveNotDeepExtend() as advertized with deletion', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
// Exclude all properties, nothing copied
util.selectiveNotDeepExtend(Object.keys(b), a, b, true);
// Exclude nothing, everything copied and some deleted
util.selectiveNotDeepExtend([], a, b, true);
checkExtended(a, b, true);
// Exclude some
a = initA();
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined); // pre
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined); // pre
assert(a.deleteThis === true); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis !== undefined); // pre
assert(a.sub.deleteThis === true); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis.enabled === true); // pre
util.selectiveNotDeepExtend(['notInTarget', 'subNotInTarget'], a, b, true);
assert(a.deleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
assert(a.sub.deleteThis !== undefined); // not deleted! Original logic, could be a bug
assert(a.subDeleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
// Spot check: following should be same as allowDeletion === false
assert(a.notInTarget === undefined); // not copied
assert(a.subNotInTarget === undefined); // not copied
assert(a.sub.notInTarget === true); // copied!
* NOTE: parameter `protoExtend` not tested here!
it('performs deepExtend() as advertized', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
util.deepExtend(a, b);
checkExtended(a, b, true);
* NOTE: parameter `protoExtend` not tested here!
it('performs deepExtend() as advertized with delete', function () {
var a = this.a;
var b = this.b;
// Copy null objects
assert(a.deleteThis === true); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis !== undefined); // pre
assert(a.subDeleteThis.enabled === true); // pre
util.deepExtend(a, b, false, true);
checkExtended(a, b, true); // Normal copy should be good
assert(a.deleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
assert(a.subDeleteThis === undefined); // should be deleted
assert(a.sub.deleteThis !== undefined); // not deleted!!! Original logic, could be a bug
}); // extend routines
// The important thing with mergeOptions() is that 'enabled' is always set in target option.
describe('mergeOptions', function () {
it('handles good input without global options', function () {
var options = {
someValue: "silly value",
aBoolOption: false,
anObject: {
anotherObject: {
enabled: false,
merge: null
// Case with empty target
var mergeTarget = {};
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'someValue');
assert(mergeTarget.someValue === undefined, 'Non-object option should not be copied');
assert(mergeTarget.anObject === undefined);
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'aBoolOption');
assert(mergeTarget.aBoolOption !== undefined, 'option aBoolOption should now be an object');
assert(mergeTarget.aBoolOption.enabled === false, 'enabled value option aBoolOption should have been copied into object');
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'anObject');
assert(mergeTarget.anObject !== undefined, 'Option object is not copied');
assert(mergeTarget.anObject.answer === 42);
assert(mergeTarget.anObject.enabled === true);
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'anotherObject');
assert(mergeTarget.anotherObject.enabled === false, 'enabled value from options must have priority');
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'merge');
assert(mergeTarget.merge === undefined, 'Explicit null option should not be copied, there is no global option for it');
// Case with non-empty target
mergeTarget = {
someValue: false,
aBoolOption: true,
anObject: {
answer: 49
anotherObject: {
enabled: true,
merge: 'hello'
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'someValue');
assert(mergeTarget.someValue === false, 'Non-object option should not be copied');
assert(mergeTarget.anObject.answer === 49, 'Sibling option should not be changed');
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'aBoolOption');
assert(mergeTarget.aBoolOption !== true, 'option enabled should have been overwritten');
assert(mergeTarget.aBoolOption.enabled === false, 'enabled value option aBoolOption should have been copied into object');
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'anObject');
assert(mergeTarget.anObject.answer === 42);
assert(mergeTarget.anObject.enabled === true);
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'anotherObject');
assert(mergeTarget.anotherObject !== undefined, 'Option object is not copied');
assert(mergeTarget.anotherObject.enabled === false, 'enabled value from options must have priority');
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'merge');
assert(mergeTarget.merge === 'hello', 'Explicit null-option should not be copied, already present in target');
it('gracefully handles bad input', function () {
var mergeTarget = {};
var options = {
merge: null
var errMsg = 'Non-object parameters should not be accepted';
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(null, options, 'anything'), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(undefined, options, 'anything'), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(42, options, 'anything'), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, null, 'anything'), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, undefined, 'anything'), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, 42, 'anything'), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, null), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, undefined), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'anything', null), Error, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'anything', 'not an object'), Error, errMsg);
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'iDontExist');
assert(mergeTarget.iDontExist === undefined);
it('handles good input with global options', function () {
var mergeTarget = {
var options = {
merge: null,
missingEnabled: {
answer: 42
alsoMissingEnabled: { // has no enabled in globals
answer: 42
var globalOptions = {
merge: {
enabled: false
missingEnabled: {
enabled: false
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'merge', globalOptions);
assert(mergeTarget.merge.enabled === false, "null-option should create an empty target object");
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'missingEnabled', globalOptions);
assert(mergeTarget.missingEnabled.enabled === false);
util.mergeOptions(mergeTarget, options, 'alsoMissingEnabled', globalOptions);
assert(mergeTarget.alsoMissingEnabled.enabled === true);
}); // mergeOptions
describe('recursiveDOMDelete', function () {
beforeEach(function() {
this.jsdom_global = jsdom_global();
afterEach(function() {
it('removes children', function () {
var root = document.createElement("div");
// Create children for root
var parent = document.createElement("div");
var parentSibiling = document.createElement("div");
// Attach parents to root
// Create children for the respective parents
var child = document.createElement("div");
var childSibling = document.createElement("div");
// Attach children to parents
assert.equal(root.children.length, 0);
assert.equal(parent.children.length, 0);
assert.equal(parentSibiling.children.length, 0);
assert.equal(child.children.length, 0);
assert.equal(childSibling.children.length, 0);
describe('isDate', function () {
it('identifies a Date', function () {
assert(util.isDate(new Date()));
it('identifies an ASPDate as String', function () {
it('identifies a date string', function () {
it('identifies a date string', function () {
assert.equal(util.isDate(''), false);
it('identifies non-dates', function () {
assert.equal(util.isDate(null), false);
assert.equal(util.isDate(undefined), false);
assert.equal(util.isDate([1, 2, 3]), false);
assert.equal(util.isDate({a: 42}), false);
assert.equal(util.isDate(42), false);
assert.equal(util.isDate('meow'), false);
describe('convert', function () {
it('handles null', function () {
assert.equal(util.convert(null), null);
it('handles undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.convert(undefined), undefined);
it('undefined type returns original object', function () {
assert.deepEqual(util.convert({}), {});
it('non-string type throws', function () {
assert.throws(function () {util.convert({}, {});}, Error, null);
it('converts to boolean', function () {
assert(util.convert({}, 'boolean'));
it('converts to number', function () {
assert.equal(typeof util.convert('1198908717056', 'number'), "number");
it('converts to String', function () {
assert.equal(typeof util.convert({}, 'string'), "string");
it('converts to Date from Number', function () {
assert(util.convert(1198908717056, 'Date') instanceof Date);
it('converts to Date from String', function () {
assert(util.convert('1198908717056', 'Date') instanceof Date);
it('converts to Date from Moment', function () {
assert(util.convert(new moment(), 'Date') instanceof Date);
it('throws when converting unknown object to Date', function () {
assert.throws(function () {util.convert({}, 'Date');}, Error, null);
xit('converts to Moment from Numbern - Throws a deprecation warning', function () {
assert(util.convert(1198908717056, 'Moment') instanceof moment);
it('converts to Moment from String', function () {
assert(util.convert('1198908717056', 'Moment') instanceof moment);
it('converts to Moment from Date', function () {
assert(util.convert(new Date(), 'Moment') instanceof moment);
it('converts to Moment from Moment', function () {
assert(util.convert(new moment(), 'Moment') instanceof moment);
it('throws when converting unknown object to Moment', function () {
assert.throws(function () {util.convert({}, 'Moment');}, Error, null);
it('converts to ISODate from Number', function () {
assert(util.convert(1198908717056, 'ISODate') instanceof Date);
it('converts to ISODate from String', function () {
assert.equal(typeof util.convert('1995-01-01', 'ISODate'), 'string');
it('converts to ISODate from Date - Throws a deprecation warning', function () {
assert.equal(typeof util.convert(new Date(), 'ISODate'), 'string');
it('converts to ISODate from Moment', function () {
assert.equal(typeof util.convert(new moment(), 'ISODate'), 'string');
it('throws when converting unknown object to ISODate', function () {
assert.throws(function () {util.convert({}, 'ISODate');}, Error, null);
it('converts to ASPDate from Number', function () {
assert(ASPDateRegex.test(util.convert(1198908717056, 'ASPDate')));
it('converts to ASPDate from String', function () {
assert(ASPDateRegex.test(util.convert('1995-01-01', 'ASPDate')));
it('converts to ASPDate from Date', function () {
assert(ASPDateRegex.test(util.convert(new Date(), 'ASPDate')));
it('converts to ASPDate from ASPDate', function () {
assert(ASPDateRegex.test(util.convert('/Date(12344444)/', 'ASPDate')));
xit('converts to ASPDate from Moment - skipped, because it fails', function () {
assert(ASPDateRegex.test(util.convert(new moment(), 'ASPDate')));
it('throws when converting unknown object to ASPDate', function () {
assert.throws(function () {util.convert({}, 'ASPDate');}, Error, null);
it('throws when converting unknown type', function () {
assert.throws(function () {util.convert({}, 'UnknownType');}, Error, null);
describe('getType', function () {
it('of object null is null', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType(null), 'null');
it('of object Boolean is Boolean', function () {
function Tester () {}
Tester.prototype = Object.create(Boolean.prototype);
assert.equal(util.getType(new Tester('true')), 'Boolean');
it('of object Number is Number', function () {
function Tester () {}
Tester.prototype = Object.create(Number.prototype);
assert.equal(util.getType(new Tester(1)), 'Number');
it('of object String is String', function () {
function Tester () {}
Tester.prototype = Object.create(String.prototype);
assert.equal(util.getType(new Tester('stringy!')), 'String');
it('of object Array is Array', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType(new Array([])), 'Array');
it('of object Date is Date', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType(new Date()), 'Date');
it('of object any other type is Object', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType({}), 'Object');
it('of number is Number', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType(1), 'Number');
it('of boolean is Boolean', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType(true), 'Boolean');
it('of string is String', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType('string'), 'String');
it('of undefined is undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.getType(), 'undefined');
describe('easingFunctions', function () {
it('take a number and output a number', function () {
for (var key in util.easingFunctions) {
if (util.easingFunctions.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
assert.equal(typeof util.easingFunctions[key](1), 'number');
assert.equal(typeof util.easingFunctions[key](0.2), 'number');
describe('getScrollBarWidth', function () {
beforeEach(function() {
this.jsdom_global = jsdom_global();
afterEach(function() {
it('returns 0 when there is no content', function () {
assert.equal(util.getScrollBarWidth(), 0);
describe('equalArray', function () {
it('arrays of different lengths are not equal', function () {
assert.equal(util.equalArray([1, 2, 3], [1, 2]), false)
it('arrays with different content are not equal', function () {
assert.equal(util.equalArray([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]), false)
it('same content arrays are equal', function () {
assert(util.equalArray([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]))
it('empty arrays are equal', function () {
assert(util.equalArray([], []))
it('the same array is equal', function () {
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
assert(util.equalArray(arr, arr))
describe('asBoolean', function () {
it('resolves value from a function', function () {
assert(util.option.asBoolean(function () {return true}, false));
it('returns default value for null', function () {
assert(util.option.asBoolean(null, true));
it('returns true for other types', function () {
assert(util.option.asBoolean('should be true', false));
it('returns null for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asBoolean(), null);
describe('asNumber', function () {
it('resolves value from a function', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asNumber(function () {return 777}, 13), 777);
it('returns default value for null', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asNumber(null, 13), 13);
it('returns number for other types', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asNumber('777', 13), 777);
it('returns default for NaN', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asNumber(NaN, 13), 13);
it('returns null for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asNumber(), null);
describe('asString', function () {
it('resolves value from a function', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asString(function () {return 'entered'}, 'default'), 'entered');
it('returns default value for null', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asString(null, 'default'), 'default');
it('returns string for other types', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asString(777, 'default'), '777');
it('returns default for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asString(undefined, 'default'), 'default');
it('returns null for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asString(), null);
describe('asSize', function () {
it('resolves value from a function', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asSize(function () {return '100px'}, '50px'), '100px');
it('returns default value for null', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asSize(null, '50px'), '50px');
it('returns string with px for other number', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asSize(100, '50px'), '100px');
it('returns default for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asSize(undefined, '50px'), '50px');
it('returns null for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asSize(), null);
describe('asElement', function () {
before(function() {
this.jsdom_global = jsdom_global();
this.value = document.createElement("div");
this.defaultValue = document.createElement("div");
it('resolves value from a function', function () {
var me = this;
assert.equal(util.option.asElement(function () {return me.value}, this.defaultValue), this.value);
it('returns Element', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asElement(this.value, this.defaultValue), this.value);
it('returns default value for null', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asElement(null, this.defaultValue), this.defaultValue);
it('returns null for undefined', function () {
assert.equal(util.option.asElement(), null);
describe('binarySearchValue', function () {
it('Finds center target on odd sized array', function () {
[{id: 'a', val: 0}, {id: 'b', val: 1}, {id: 'c', val: 2}],
it('Finds target on odd sized array', function () {
[{id: 'a', val: 0}, {id: 'b', val: 1}, {id: 'c', val: 2}],
it('Cannot find target', function () {
[{id: 'a', val: 0}, {id: 'b', val: 1}, {id: 'c', val: 2}],