vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library

24 lines
587 B

digraph test_graph {
# this test file tries to test everything from the DOT language
font = "arial"
graph[attr1="another"" attr"]
node [shape = doublecircle]; node1 node2 node3;
node [shape = circle];
edge[length=170 fontSize=12]
node4[color=red shape=diamond]
node5[color="blue", shape=square, width=3]
some block comment
"node1" -> node1 [ label = "a" ];
"node2" -> node3 [label = "b" ];
"node1" -- "node4" [ label = "c" ];
node3-> node4 [ label=d] -> node5 -> 6
A -> {B C}