* This object contains all possible options. It will check if the types are correct, if required if the option is one
* of the allowed values.
* __any__ means that the name of the property does not matter.
* __type__ is a required field for all objects and contains the allowed types of all objects
let string = 'string';
let bool = 'boolean';
let number = 'number';
let array = 'array';
let date = 'date';
let object = 'object'; // should only be in a __type__ property
let dom = 'dom';
let moment = 'moment';
let any = 'any';
let allOptions = {
configure: {
enabled: { 'boolean': bool},
filter: { 'boolean': bool,'function': 'function'},
container: {dom},
__type__: {object, 'boolean': bool,'function': 'function'}
//globals :
align: {string},
alignCurrentTime: {string, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
rtl: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
rollingMode: {
follow: { 'boolean': bool },
offset: {number,'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: {object}
onTimeout: {
timeoutMs: {number},
callback: {'function': 'function'},
__type__: {object}
verticalScroll: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
horizontalScroll: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
autoResize: { 'boolean': bool},
throttleRedraw: {number}, // TODO: DEPRICATED see https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/2511
clickToUse: { 'boolean': bool},
dataAttributes: {string, array},
editable: {
add: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
remove: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
updateGroup: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
updateTime: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
overrideItems: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: { 'boolean': bool, object}
end: {number, date, string, moment},
format: {
minorLabels: {
millisecond: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
second: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
minute: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
hour: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
weekday: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
day: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
week: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
month: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
quarter: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
year: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: {object, 'function': 'function'}
majorLabels: {
millisecond: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
second: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
minute: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
hour: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
weekday: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
day: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
week: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
month: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
quarter: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
year: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: {object, 'function': 'function'}
__type__: {object}
moment: {'function': 'function'},
groupHeightMode: {string},
groupOrder: {string, 'function': 'function'},
groupEditable: {
add: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
remove: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
order: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: { 'boolean': bool, object}
groupOrderSwap: {'function': 'function'},
height: {string, number},
hiddenDates: {
start: {date, number, string, moment},
end: {date, number, string, moment},
repeat: {string},
__type__: {object, array}
itemsAlwaysDraggable: {
item: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
range: { 'boolean': bool, 'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: { 'boolean': bool, object}
limitSize: {'boolean': bool},
__any__: {any},
__type__: {object}
margin: {
axis: {number},
item: {
horizontal: {number,'undefined': 'undefined'},
vertical: {number,'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: {object,number}
__type__: {object,number}
max: {date, number, string, moment},
maxHeight: {number, string},
maxMinorChars: {number},
min: {date, number, string, moment},
minHeight: {number, string},
moveable: { 'boolean': bool},
multiselect: { 'boolean': bool},
multiselectPerGroup: { 'boolean': bool},
onAdd: {'function': 'function'},
onDropObjectOnItem: {'function': 'function'},
onUpdate: {'function': 'function'},
onMove: {'function': 'function'},
onMoving: {'function': 'function'},
onRemove: {'function': 'function'},
onAddGroup: {'function': 'function'},
onMoveGroup: {'function': 'function'},
onRemoveGroup: {'function': 'function'},
onInitialDrawComplete: {'function': 'function'},
order: {'function': 'function'},
orientation: {
axis: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
item: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: {string, object}
selectable: { 'boolean': bool},
showCurrentTime: { 'boolean': bool},
showMajorLabels: { 'boolean': bool},
showMinorLabels: { 'boolean': bool},
stack: { 'boolean': bool},
stackSubgroups: { 'boolean': bool},
snap: {'function': 'function', 'null': 'null'},
start: {date, number, string, moment},
template: {'function': 'function'},
loadingScreenTemplate: {'function': 'function'},
groupTemplate: {'function': 'function'},
visibleFrameTemplate: {string, 'function': 'function'},
showTooltips: { 'boolean': bool},
tooltip: {
followMouse: { 'boolean': bool },
overflowMethod: { 'string': ['cap', 'flip'] },
__type__: {object}
tooltipOnItemUpdateTime: {
template: {'function': 'function'},
__type__: { 'boolean': bool, object}
timeAxis: {
scale: {string,'undefined': 'undefined'},
step: {number,'undefined': 'undefined'},
__type__: {object}
type: {string},
width: {string, number},
zoomable: { 'boolean': bool},
zoomKey: {string: ['ctrlKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey', '']},
zoomMax: {number},
zoomMin: {number},
__type__: {object}
let configureOptions = {
global: {
align: ['center', 'left', 'right'],
alignCurrentTime: ['none', 'year', 'month', 'quarter', 'week', 'isoWeek', 'day', 'date', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'],
direction: false,
autoResize: true,
clickToUse: false,
// dataAttributes: ['all'], // FIXME: can be 'all' or string[]
editable: {
add: false,
remove: false,
updateGroup: false,
updateTime: false
end: '',
format: {
minorLabels: {
second: 's',
minute: 'HH:mm',
hour: 'HH:mm',
weekday: 'ddd D',
day: 'D',
week: 'w',
month: 'MMM',
quarter: '[Q]Q',
year: 'YYYY'
majorLabels: {
second: 'D MMMM HH:mm',
minute: 'ddd D MMMM',
hour: 'ddd D MMMM',
weekday: 'MMMM YYYY',
day: 'MMMM YYYY',
week: 'MMMM YYYY',
month: 'YYYY',
quarter: 'YYYY',
year: ''
groupHeightMode: ['auto', 'fixed'],
//groupOrder: {string, 'function': 'function'},
groupsDraggable: false,
height: '',
//hiddenDates: {object, array},
locale: '',
margin: {
axis: [20, 0, 100, 1],
item: {
horizontal: [10, 0, 100, 1],
vertical: [10, 0, 100, 1]
max: '',
maxHeight: '',
maxMinorChars: [7, 0, 20, 1],
min: '',
minHeight: '',
moveable: false,
multiselect: false,
multiselectPerGroup: false,
//onAdd: {'function': 'function'},
//onUpdate: {'function': 'function'},
//onMove: {'function': 'function'},
//onMoving: {'function': 'function'},
//onRename: {'function': 'function'},
//order: {'function': 'function'},
orientation: {
axis: ['both', 'bottom', 'top'],
item: ['bottom', 'top']
selectable: true,
showCurrentTime: false,
showMajorLabels: true,
showMinorLabels: true,
stack: true,
stackSubgroups: true,
//snap: {'function': 'function', nada},
start: '',
//template: {'function': 'function'},
//timeAxis: {
// scale: ['millisecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'weekday', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'],
// step: [1, 1, 10, 1]
showTooltips: true,
tooltip: {
followMouse: false,
overflowMethod: 'flip'
tooltipOnItemUpdateTime: false,
type: ['box', 'point', 'range', 'background'],
width: '100%',
zoomable: true,
zoomKey: ['ctrlKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey', ''],
zoomMax: [315360000000000, 10, 315360000000000, 1],
zoomMin: [10, 10, 315360000000000, 1]
export {allOptions, configureOptions};