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var DataSet = require('../DataSet');
var DataView = require('../DataView');
var Range = require('./Range');
var Filter = require('./Filter');
var Settings = require('./Settings');
var Point3d = require('./Point3d');
* Creates a container for all data of one specific 3D-graph.
* On construction, the container is totally empty; the data
* needs to be initialized with method initializeData().
* Failure to do so will result in the following exception begin thrown
* on instantiation of Graph3D:
* Error: Array, DataSet, or DataView expected
* @constructor DataGroup
function DataGroup() {
this.dataTable = null; // The original data table
* Initializes the instance from the passed data.
* Calculates minimum and maximum values and column index values.
* The graph3d instance is used internally to access the settings for
* the given instance.
* TODO: Pass settings only instead.
* @param {vis.Graph3d} graph3d Reference to the calling Graph3D instance.
* @param {Array | DataSet | DataView} rawData The data containing the items for
* the Graph.
* @param {number} style Style Number
* @returns {Array.<Object>}
DataGroup.prototype.initializeData = function(graph3d, rawData, style) {
if (rawData === undefined) return;
if (Array.isArray(rawData)) {
rawData = new DataSet(rawData);
var data;
if (rawData instanceof DataSet || rawData instanceof DataView) {
data = rawData.get();
else {
throw new Error('Array, DataSet, or DataView expected');
if (data.length == 0) return; = style;
// unsubscribe from the dataTable
if (this.dataSet) {'*', this._onChange);
this.dataSet = rawData;
this.dataTable = data;
// subscribe to changes in the dataset
var me = this;
this._onChange = function () {
this.dataSet.on('*', this._onChange);
// determine the location of x,y,z,value,filter columns
this.colX = 'x';
this.colY = 'y';
this.colZ = 'z';
var withBars = graph3d.hasBars(style);
// determine barWidth from data
if (withBars) {
if (graph3d.defaultXBarWidth !== undefined) {
this.xBarWidth = graph3d.defaultXBarWidth;
else {
this.xBarWidth = this.getSmallestDifference(data, this.colX) || 1;
if (graph3d.defaultYBarWidth !== undefined) {
this.yBarWidth = graph3d.defaultYBarWidth;
else {
this.yBarWidth = this.getSmallestDifference(data, this.colY) || 1;
// calculate minima and maxima
this._initializeRange(data, this.colX, graph3d, withBars);
this._initializeRange(data, this.colY, graph3d, withBars);
this._initializeRange(data, this.colZ, graph3d, false);
if (data[0].hasOwnProperty('style')) {
this.colValue = 'style';
var valueRange = this.getColumnRange(data, this.colValue);
this._setRangeDefaults(valueRange, graph3d.defaultValueMin, graph3d.defaultValueMax);
this.valueRange = valueRange;
// Initialize data filter if a filter column is provided
var table = this.getDataTable();
if (table[0].hasOwnProperty('filter')) {
if (this.dataFilter === undefined) {
this.dataFilter = new Filter(this, 'filter', graph3d);
this.dataFilter.setOnLoadCallback(function() { graph3d.redraw(); });
var dataPoints;
if (this.dataFilter) {
// apply filtering
dataPoints = this.dataFilter._getDataPoints();
else {
// no filtering. load all data
dataPoints = this._getDataPoints(this.getDataTable());
return dataPoints;
* Collect the range settings for the given data column.
* This internal method is intended to make the range
* initalization more generic.
* TODO: if/when combined settings per axis defined, get rid of this.
* @private
* @param {'x'|'y'|'z'} column The data column to process
* @param {vis.Graph3d} graph3d Reference to the calling Graph3D instance;
* required for access to settings
* @returns {Object}
DataGroup.prototype._collectRangeSettings = function(column, graph3d) {
var index = ['x', 'y', 'z'].indexOf(column);
if (index == -1) {
throw new Error('Column \'' + column + '\' invalid');
var upper = column.toUpperCase();
return {
barWidth : this[column + 'BarWidth'],
min : graph3d['default' + upper + 'Min'],
max : graph3d['default' + upper + 'Max'],
step : graph3d['default' + upper + 'Step'],
range_label: column + 'Range', // Name of instance field to write to
step_label : column + 'Step' // Name of instance field to write to
* Initializes the settings per given column.
* TODO: if/when combined settings per axis defined, rewrite this.
* @private
* @param {DataSet | DataView} data The data containing the items for the Graph
* @param {'x'|'y'|'z'} column The data column to process
* @param {vis.Graph3d} graph3d Reference to the calling Graph3D instance;
* required for access to settings
* @param {boolean} withBars True if initializing for bar graph
DataGroup.prototype._initializeRange = function(data, column, graph3d, withBars) {
var NUMSTEPS = 5;
var settings = this._collectRangeSettings(column, graph3d);
var range = this.getColumnRange(data, column);
if (withBars && column != 'z') { // Safeguard for 'z'; it doesn't have a bar width
range.expand(settings.barWidth / 2);
this._setRangeDefaults(range, settings.min, settings.max);
this[settings.range_label] = range;
this[settings.step_label ] = (settings.step !== undefined) ? settings.step : range.range()/NUMSTEPS;
* Creates a list with all the different values in the data for the given column.
* If no data passed, use the internal data of this instance.
* @param {'x'|'y'|'z'} column The data column to process
* @param {DataSet|DataView|undefined} data The data containing the items for the Graph
* @returns {Array} All distinct values in the given column data, sorted ascending.
DataGroup.prototype.getDistinctValues = function(column, data) {
if (data === undefined) {
data = this.dataTable;
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var value = data[i][column] || 0;
if (values.indexOf(value) === -1) {
return values.sort(function(a,b) { return a - b; });
* Determine the smallest difference between the values for given
* column in the passed data set.
* @param {DataSet|DataView|undefined} data The data containing the items for the Graph
* @param {'x'|'y'|'z'} column The data column to process
* @returns {number|null} Smallest difference value or
* null, if it can't be determined.
DataGroup.prototype.getSmallestDifference = function(data, column) {
var values = this.getDistinctValues(data, column);
// Get all the distinct diffs
// Array values is assumed to be sorted here
var smallest_diff = null;
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
var diff = values[i] - values[i - 1];
if (smallest_diff == null || smallest_diff > diff ) {
smallest_diff = diff;
return smallest_diff;
* Get the absolute min/max values for the passed data column.
* @param {DataSet|DataView|undefined} data The data containing the items for the Graph
* @param {'x'|'y'|'z'} column The data column to process
* @returns {Range} A Range instance with min/max members properly set.
DataGroup.prototype.getColumnRange = function(data, column) {
var range = new Range();
// Adjust the range so that it covers all values in the passed data elements.
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var item = data[i][column];
return range;
* Determines the number of rows in the current data.
* @returns {number}
DataGroup.prototype.getNumberOfRows = function() {
return this.dataTable.length;
* Set default values for range
* The default values override the range values, if defined.
* Because it's possible that only defaultMin or defaultMax is set, it's better
* to pass in a range already set with the min/max set from the data. Otherwise,
* it's quite hard to process the min/max properly.
* @param {vis.Range} range
* @param {number} [defaultMin=range.min]
* @param {number} [defaultMax=range.max]
* @private
DataGroup.prototype._setRangeDefaults = function (range, defaultMin, defaultMax) {
if (defaultMin !== undefined) {
range.min = defaultMin;
if (defaultMax !== undefined) {
range.max = defaultMax;
// This is the original way that the default min/max values were adjusted.
// TODO: Perhaps it's better if an error is thrown if the values do not agree.
// But this will change the behaviour.
if (range.max <= range.min) range.max = range.min + 1;
DataGroup.prototype.getDataTable = function() {
return this.dataTable;
DataGroup.prototype.getDataSet = function() {
return this.dataSet;
* Return all data values as a list of Point3d objects
* @param {Array.<Object>} data
* @returns {Array.<Object>}
DataGroup.prototype.getDataPoints = function(data) {
var dataPoints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var point = new Point3d();
point.x = data[i][this.colX] || 0;
point.y = data[i][this.colY] || 0;
point.z = data[i][this.colZ] || 0; = data[i];
if (this.colValue !== undefined) {
point.value = data[i][this.colValue] || 0;
var obj = {};
obj.point = point;
obj.bottom = new Point3d(point.x, point.y, this.zRange.min);
obj.trans = undefined;
obj.screen = undefined;
return dataPoints;
* Copy all values from the data table to a matrix.
* The provided values are supposed to form a grid of (x,y) positions.
* @param {Array.<Object>} data
* @returns {Array.<Object>}
* @private
DataGroup.prototype.initDataAsMatrix = function(data) {
// TODO: store the created matrix dataPoints in the filters instead of
// reloading each time.
var x, y, i, obj;
// create two lists with all present x and y values
var dataX = this.getDistinctValues(this.colX, data);
var dataY = this.getDistinctValues(this.colY, data);
var dataPoints = this.getDataPoints(data);
// create a grid, a 2d matrix, with all values.
var dataMatrix = []; // temporary data matrix
for (i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
obj = dataPoints[i];
// TODO: implement Array().indexOf() for Internet Explorer
var xIndex = dataX.indexOf(obj.point.x);
var yIndex = dataY.indexOf(obj.point.y);
if (dataMatrix[xIndex] === undefined) {
dataMatrix[xIndex] = [];
dataMatrix[xIndex][yIndex] = obj;
// fill in the pointers to the neighbors.
for (x = 0; x < dataMatrix.length; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < dataMatrix[x].length; y++) {
if (dataMatrix[x][y]) {
dataMatrix[x][y].pointRight = (x < dataMatrix.length-1) ? dataMatrix[x+1][y] : undefined;
dataMatrix[x][y].pointTop = (y < dataMatrix[x].length-1) ? dataMatrix[x][y+1] : undefined;
dataMatrix[x][y].pointCross =
(x < dataMatrix.length-1 && y < dataMatrix[x].length-1) ?
dataMatrix[x+1][y+1] :
return dataPoints;
* Return common information, if present
* @returns {string}
DataGroup.prototype.getInfo = function() {
var dataFilter = this.dataFilter;
if (!dataFilter) return undefined;
return dataFilter.getLabel() + ': ' + dataFilter.getSelectedValue();
* Reload the data
DataGroup.prototype.reload = function() {
if (this.dataTable) {
* Filter the data based on the current filter
* @param {Array} data
* @returns {Array} dataPoints Array with point objects which can be drawn on
* screen
DataGroup.prototype._getDataPoints = function (data) {
var dataPoints = [];
if ( === Settings.STYLE.GRID || === Settings.STYLE.SURFACE) {
dataPoints = this.initDataAsMatrix(data);
else { // 'dot', 'dot-line', etc.
dataPoints = this.getDataPoints(data);
if ( === Settings.STYLE.LINE) {
// Add next member points for line drawing
for (var i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
dataPoints[i - 1].pointNext = dataPoints[i];
return dataPoints;
* Check if the state is consistent for the use of the value field.
* Throws if a problem is detected.
* @param {Array.<Object>} data
* @private
DataGroup.prototype._checkValueField = function (data) {
var hasValueField = === Settings.STYLE.BARCOLOR
|| === Settings.STYLE.BARSIZE
|| === Settings.STYLE.DOTCOLOR
|| === Settings.STYLE.DOTSIZE;
if (!hasValueField) {
return; // No need to check further
// Following field must be present for the current graph style
if (this.colValue === undefined) {
throw new Error('Expected data to have '
+ ' field \'style\' '
+ ' for graph style \'' + + '\''
// The data must also contain this field.
// Note that only first data element is checked.
if (data[0][this.colValue] === undefined) {
throw new Error('Expected data to have '
+ ' field \'' + this.colValue + '\' '
+ ' for graph style \'' + + '\''
module.exports = DataGroup;