vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
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var Point3d = require('./Point3d');
* The camera is mounted on a (virtual) camera arm. The camera arm can rotate
* The camera is always looking in the direction of the origin of the arm.
* This way, the camera always rotates around one fixed point, the location
* of the camera arm.
* Documentation:
* @class Camera
function Camera() {
this.armLocation = new Point3d();
this.armRotation = {};
this.armRotation.horizontal = 0;
this.armRotation.vertical = 0;
this.armLength = 1.7;
this.cameraOffset = new Point3d();
this.offsetMultiplier = 0.6;
this.cameraLocation = new Point3d();
this.cameraRotation = new Point3d(0.5*Math.PI, 0, 0);
* Set offset camera in camera coordinates
* @param {number} x offset by camera horisontal
* @param {number} y offset by camera vertical
Camera.prototype.setOffset = function(x, y) {
var abs = Math.abs,
sign = Math.sign,
mul = this.offsetMultiplier,
border = this.armLength * mul;
if (abs(x) > border) {
x = sign(x) * border;
if (abs(y) > border) {
y = sign(y) * border;
this.cameraOffset.x = x;
this.cameraOffset.y = y;
* Get camera offset by horizontal and vertical
* @returns {number}
Camera.prototype.getOffset = function() {
return this.cameraOffset;
* Set the location (origin) of the arm
* @param {number} x Normalized value of x
* @param {number} y Normalized value of y
* @param {number} z Normalized value of z
Camera.prototype.setArmLocation = function(x, y, z) {
this.armLocation.x = x;
this.armLocation.y = y;
this.armLocation.z = z;
* Set the rotation of the camera arm
* @param {number} horizontal The horizontal rotation, between 0 and 2*PI.
* Optional, can be left undefined.
* @param {number} vertical The vertical rotation, between 0 and 0.5*PI
* if vertical=0.5*PI, the graph is shown from the
* top. Optional, can be left undefined.
Camera.prototype.setArmRotation = function(horizontal, vertical) {
if (horizontal !== undefined) {
this.armRotation.horizontal = horizontal;
if (vertical !== undefined) {
this.armRotation.vertical = vertical;
if (this.armRotation.vertical < 0) this.armRotation.vertical = 0;
if (this.armRotation.vertical > 0.5*Math.PI) this.armRotation.vertical = 0.5*Math.PI;
if (horizontal !== undefined || vertical !== undefined) {
* Retrieve the current arm rotation
* @return {object} An object with parameters horizontal and vertical
Camera.prototype.getArmRotation = function() {
var rot = {};
rot.horizontal = this.armRotation.horizontal;
rot.vertical = this.armRotation.vertical;
return rot;
* Set the (normalized) length of the camera arm.
* @param {number} length A length between 0.71 and 5.0
Camera.prototype.setArmLength = function(length) {
if (length === undefined)
this.armLength = length;
// Radius must be larger than the corner of the graph,
// which has a distance of sqrt(0.5^2+0.5^2) = 0.71 from the center of the
// graph
if (this.armLength < 0.71) this.armLength = 0.71;
if (this.armLength > 5.0) this.armLength = 5.0;
this.setOffset(this.cameraOffset.x, this.cameraOffset.y);
* Retrieve the arm length
* @return {number} length
Camera.prototype.getArmLength = function() {
return this.armLength;
* Retrieve the camera location
* @return {Point3d} cameraLocation
Camera.prototype.getCameraLocation = function() {
return this.cameraLocation;
* Retrieve the camera rotation
* @return {Point3d} cameraRotation
Camera.prototype.getCameraRotation = function() {
return this.cameraRotation;
* Calculate the location and rotation of the camera based on the
* position and orientation of the camera arm
Camera.prototype.calculateCameraOrientation = function() {
// calculate location of the camera
this.cameraLocation.x = this.armLocation.x - this.armLength * Math.sin(this.armRotation.horizontal) * Math.cos(this.armRotation.vertical);
this.cameraLocation.y = this.armLocation.y - this.armLength * Math.cos(this.armRotation.horizontal) * Math.cos(this.armRotation.vertical);
this.cameraLocation.z = this.armLocation.z + this.armLength * Math.sin(this.armRotation.vertical);
// calculate rotation of the camera
this.cameraRotation.x = Math.PI/2 - this.armRotation.vertical;
this.cameraRotation.y = 0;
this.cameraRotation.z = -this.armRotation.horizontal;
var xa = this.cameraRotation.x;
var za = this.cameraRotation.z;
var dx = this.cameraOffset.x;
var dy = this.cameraOffset.y;
var sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos;
this.cameraLocation.x = this.cameraLocation.x + dx * cos(za) + dy * - sin(za) * cos(xa);
this.cameraLocation.y = this.cameraLocation.y + dx * sin(za) + dy * cos(za) * cos(xa);
this.cameraLocation.z = this.cameraLocation.z + dy * sin(xa);
module.exports = Camera;