* @constructor Group
* @param {Number | String} groupId
* @param {Object} data
* @param {ItemSet} itemSet
function Group (groupId, data, itemSet) {
this.groupId = groupId;
this.itemSet = itemSet;
this.dom = {};
this.props = {
label: {
width: 0,
height: 0
this.items = {}; // items filtered by groupId of this group
this.visibleItems = []; // items currently visible in window
this.orderedItems = { // items sorted by start and by end
byStart: [],
byEnd: []
* Create DOM elements for the group
* @private
Group.prototype._create = function() {
var label = document.createElement('div');
label.className = 'vlabel';
this.dom.label = label;
var inner = document.createElement('div');
inner.className = 'inner';
this.dom.inner = inner;
var foreground = document.createElement('div');
foreground.className = 'group';
foreground['timeline-group'] = this;
this.dom.foreground = foreground;
this.dom.background = document.createElement('div');
this.dom.axis = document.createElement('div');
* Set the group data for this group
* @param {Object} data Group data, can contain properties content and className
Group.prototype.setData = function setData(data) {
// update contents
var content = data && data.content;
if (content instanceof Element) {
else if (content != undefined) {
this.dom.inner.innerHTML = content;
else {
this.dom.inner.innerHTML = this.groupId;
// update className
var className = data && data.className;
if (className) {
util.addClassName(this.dom.label, className);
* Get the foreground container element
* @return {HTMLElement} foreground
Group.prototype.getForeground = function getForeground() {
return this.dom.foreground;
* Get the background container element
* @return {HTMLElement} background
Group.prototype.getBackground = function getBackground() {
return this.dom.background;
* Get the axis container element
* @return {HTMLElement} axis
Group.prototype.getAxis = function getAxis() {
return this.dom.axis;
* Get the width of the group label
* @return {number} width
Group.prototype.getLabelWidth = function getLabelWidth() {
return this.props.label.width;
* Repaint this group
* @param {{start: number, end: number}} range
* @param {number | {item: number, axis: number}} margin
* @param {boolean} [restack=false] Force restacking of all items
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the group is resized
Group.prototype.repaint = function repaint(range, margin, restack) {
var resized = false;
if (typeof margin === 'number') {
margin = {
item: margin,
axis: margin
// update visible items
this.visibleItems = this._updateVisibleItems(this.orderedItems, this.visibleItems, range);
// reposition visible items vertically
stack.stack(this.visibleItems, margin, restack);
this.stackDirty = false;
for (var i = 0, ii = this.visibleItems.length; i < ii; i++) {
// recalculate the height of the group
var height;
var visibleItems = this.visibleItems;
if (visibleItems.length) {
var min = visibleItems[0].top;
var max = visibleItems[0].top + visibleItems[0].height;
util.forEach(visibleItems, function (item) {
min = Math.min(min, item.top);
max = Math.max(max, (item.top + item.height));
height = (max - min) + margin.axis + margin.item;
else {
height = margin.axis + margin.item;
// calculate actual size and position
var foreground = this.dom.foreground;
this.top = foreground.offsetTop;
this.left = foreground.offsetLeft;
this.width = foreground.offsetWidth;
resized = util.updateProperty(this, 'height', height) || resized;
// recalculate size of label
resized = util.updateProperty(this.props.label, 'width', this.dom.inner.clientWidth) || resized;
resized = util.updateProperty(this.props.label, 'height', this.dom.inner.clientHeight) || resized;
// apply new height
foreground.style.height = height + 'px';
this.dom.label.style.height = height + 'px';
return resized;
* Show this group: attach to the DOM
Group.prototype.show = function show() {
if (!this.dom.label.parentNode) {
if (!this.dom.foreground.parentNode) {
if (!this.dom.background.parentNode) {
if (!this.dom.axis.parentNode) {
* Hide this group: remove from the DOM
Group.prototype.hide = function hide() {
var label = this.dom.label;
if (label.parentNode) {
var foreground = this.dom.foreground;
if (foreground.parentNode) {
var background = this.dom.background;
if (background.parentNode) {
var axis = this.dom.axis;
if (axis.parentNode) {
* Add an item to the group
* @param {Item} item
Group.prototype.add = function add(item) {
this.items[item.id] = item;
if (item instanceof ItemRange && this.visibleItems.indexOf(item) == -1) {
var range = this.itemSet.range; // TODO: not nice accessing the range like this
this._checkIfVisible(item, this.visibleItems, range);
* Remove an item from the group
* @param {Item} item
Group.prototype.remove = function remove(item) {
delete this.items[item.id];
// remove from visible items
var index = this.visibleItems.indexOf(item);
if (index != -1) this.visibleItems.splice(index, 1);
// TODO: also remove from ordered items?
* Remove an item from the corresponding DataSet
* @param {Item} item
Group.prototype.removeFromDataSet = function removeFromDataSet(item) {
* Reorder the items
Group.prototype.order = function order() {
var array = util.toArray(this.items);
this.orderedItems.byStart = array;
this.orderedItems.byEnd = this._constructByEndArray(array);
* Create an array containing all items being a range (having an end date)
* @param {Item[]} array
* @returns {ItemRange[]}
* @private
Group.prototype._constructByEndArray = function _constructByEndArray(array) {
var endArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] instanceof ItemRange) {
return endArray;
* Update the visible items
* @param {{byStart: Item[], byEnd: Item[]}} orderedItems All items ordered by start date and by end date
* @param {Item[]} visibleItems The previously visible items.
* @param {{start: number, end: number}} range Visible range
* @return {Item[]} visibleItems The new visible items.
* @private
Group.prototype._updateVisibleItems = function _updateVisibleItems(orderedItems, visibleItems, range) {
var initialPosByStart,
newVisibleItems = [],
// first check if the items that were in view previously are still in view.
// this handles the case for the ItemRange that is both before and after the current one.
if (visibleItems.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < visibleItems.length; i++) {
this._checkIfVisible(visibleItems[i], newVisibleItems, range);
// If there were no visible items previously, use binarySearch to find a visible ItemPoint or ItemRange (based on startTime)
if (newVisibleItems.length == 0) {
initialPosByStart = this._binarySearch(orderedItems, range, false);
else {
initialPosByStart = orderedItems.byStart.indexOf(newVisibleItems[0]);
// use visible search to find a visible ItemRange (only based on endTime)
var initialPosByEnd = this._binarySearch(orderedItems, range, true);
// if we found a initial ID to use, trace it up and down until we meet an invisible item.
if (initialPosByStart != -1) {
for (i = initialPosByStart; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this._checkIfInvisible(orderedItems.byStart[i], newVisibleItems, range)) {break;}
for (i = initialPosByStart + 1; i < orderedItems.byStart.length; i++) {
if (this._checkIfInvisible(orderedItems.byStart[i], newVisibleItems, range)) {break;}
// if we found a initial ID to use, trace it up and down until we meet an invisible item.
if (initialPosByEnd != -1) {
for (i = initialPosByEnd; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this._checkIfInvisible(orderedItems.byEnd[i], newVisibleItems, range)) {break;}
for (i = initialPosByEnd + 1; i < orderedItems.byEnd.length; i++) {
if (this._checkIfInvisible(orderedItems.byEnd[i], newVisibleItems, range)) {break;}
return newVisibleItems;
* This function does a binary search for a visible item. The user can select either the this.orderedItems.byStart or .byEnd
* arrays. This is done by giving a boolean value true if you want to use the byEnd.
* This is done to be able to select the correct if statement (we do not want to check if an item is visible, we want to check
* if the time we selected (start or end) is within the current range).
* The trick is that every interval has to either enter the screen at the initial load or by dragging. The case of the ItemRange that is
* before and after the current range is handled by simply checking if it was in view before and if it is again. For all the rest,
* either the start OR end time has to be in the range.
* @param {{byStart: Item[], byEnd: Item[]}} orderedItems
* @param {{start: number, end: number}} range
* @param {Boolean} byEnd
* @returns {number}
* @private
Group.prototype._binarySearch = function _binarySearch(orderedItems, range, byEnd) {
var array = [];
var byTime = byEnd ? 'end' : 'start';
if (byEnd == true) {array = orderedItems.byEnd; }
else {array = orderedItems.byStart;}
var interval = range.end - range.start;
var found = false;
var low = 0;
var high = array.length;
var guess = Math.floor(0.5*(high+low));
var newGuess;
if (high == 0) {guess = -1;}
else if (high == 1) {
if ((array[guess].data[byTime] > range.start - interval) && (array[guess].data[byTime] < range.end)) {
guess = 0;
else {
guess = -1;
else {
high -= 1;
while (found == false) {
if ((array[guess].data[byTime] > range.start - interval) && (array[guess].data[byTime] < range.end)) {
found = true;
else {
if (array[guess].data[byTime] < range.start - interval) { // it is too small --> increase low
low = Math.floor(0.5*(high+low));
else { // it is too big --> decrease high
high = Math.floor(0.5*(high+low));
newGuess = Math.floor(0.5*(high+low));
// not in list;
if (guess == newGuess) {
guess = -1;
found = true;
else {
guess = newGuess;
return guess;
* this function checks if an item is invisible. If it is NOT we make it visible
* and add it to the global visible items. If it is, return true.
* @param {Item} item
* @param {Item[]} visibleItems
* @param {{start:number, end:number}} range
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
Group.prototype._checkIfInvisible = function _checkIfInvisible(item, visibleItems, range) {
if (item.isVisible(range)) {
if (!item.displayed) item.show();
if (visibleItems.indexOf(item) == -1) {
return false;
else {
return true;
* this function is very similar to the _checkIfInvisible() but it does not
* return booleans, hides the item if it should not be seen and always adds to
* the visibleItems.
* this one is for brute forcing and hiding.
* @param {Item} item
* @param {Array} visibleItems
* @param {{start:number, end:number}} range
* @private
Group.prototype._checkIfVisible = function _checkIfVisible(item, visibleItems, range) {
if (item.isVisible(range)) {
if (!item.displayed) item.show();
// reposition item horizontally
else {
if (item.displayed) item.hide();