vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
6.2 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/vis.js"></script>
<link href="../dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<style type="text/css">
#mynetwork {
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid lightgray;
<div id="mynetwork"></div>
var network = null;
// create an array with nodes
var nodes = new vis.DataSet([
{id: 1, label: 'Node 1', cid:1},
{id: 2, label: 'Node 2', cid:1},
{id: 3, label: 'Node 3'},
{id: 4, label: 'Node 4'},
{id: 5, label: 'Node 5'}
// create an array with edges
var edges = new vis.DataSet([
{id: 'e1', from: 1, to: 3, label: 'hi'},
{from: 1, to: 2},
{from: 2, to: 4},
{from: 2, to: 5}
var data = {
nodes: nodes,
edges: edges
var container = document.getElementById('mynetwork');
function drawQuick() {
function draw(options) {
// clean
if (network !== null) {
network = null;
network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
function clusterByCid() {
var clusterOptionsByData = {
joinCondition:function(childOptions) {
return childOptions.cid == 1;
clusterNodeProperties: {id:'cidCluster', borderWidth:3, shape:'database'}
function clusterByConnection() {
function clusterByHubsize() {
var clusterOptionsByData = {
processProperties: function(clusterOptions, childNodes) {
clusterOptions.label = "[" + childNodes.length + "]";
return clusterOptions;
clusterNodeProperties: {borderWidth:3, shape:'box', font:{size:30}}
network.clusterByHubsize(undefined, clusterOptionsByData);
function checkMethods() {
var methods = [
{name:"setSize", arguments: [200,300]},
{name:"canvasToDOM", arguments: [{x:10,y:20}]},
{name:"DOMtoCanvas", arguments: [{x:10,y:20}]},
{name:"findNode", arguments: [1]},
{name:"isCluster", arguments: [1]},
{name:"cluster", arguments: null, func: clusterByCid},
{name:"findNode", arguments: [1]},
{name:"isCluster", arguments: ['cidCluster']},
{name:"getNodesInCluster", arguments: ['cidCluster']},
{name:"openCluster", arguments: ['cidCluster']},
{name:"clusterByConnection",arguments: null, func: clusterByConnection},
{name:"clusterByHubsize", arguments: null, func: clusterByHubsize},
{name:"clusterOutliers", arguments: null, funcFirst: drawQuick},
{name:"getSeed", arguments: null, funcFirst: drawQuick},
{name:"enableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"disableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"addNodeMode", arguments: null},
{name:"disableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"editNode", arguments: null, funcFirst: function() {network.setOptions({manipulation:{editNode:function(data,callback) {callback(data);}}})}},
{name:"disableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"addEdgeMode", arguments: null},
{name:"disableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"editEdgeMode", arguments: null},
{name:"disableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"selectNodes", arguments: [[5], true]},
{name:"deleteSelected", arguments: null, funcFirst:drawQuick},
{name:"disableEditMode", arguments: null},
{name:"getPositions", arguments: [[1]]},
{name:"storePositions", arguments: null},
{name:"getBoundingBox", arguments: [1]},
{name:"getConnectedNodes", arguments: [1]},
{name:"getConnectedEdges", arguments: [1]},
{name:"startSimulation", arguments: null},
{name:"stopSimulation", arguments: null},
{name:"stabilize", arguments: null},
{name:"getSelection", arguments: null},
{name:"getSelectedNodes", arguments: null},
{name:"getSelectedEdges", arguments: null},
{name:"getNodeAt", arguments: [{x:10,y:20}]},
{name:"getEdgeAt", arguments: [{x:10,y:20}]},
{name:"selectNodes", arguments: [[1],false]},
{name:"selectEdges", arguments: [['e1']]},
{name:"unselectAll", arguments: null},
{name:"redraw", arguments: null},
{name:"getScale", arguments: null},
{name:"getViewPosition", arguments: null},
{name:"fit", arguments: null},
{name:"moveTo", arguments: [{position:{x:0,y:0}}]},
{name:"focus", arguments: [1]},
{name:"releaseNode", arguments: null},
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
setTimeout(testMethod.bind(this,methods,i), i*50);
function testMethod(methods,i) {
var methodName = methods[i].name;
console.log("Currently testing:", methodName);
if (methods[i].funcFirst !== undefined) {
if (methods[i].func !== undefined) {
else {
if (methods[i].arguments === null) {
else {
network[methodName].apply(network, methods[i].arguments)