/** * Created by Alex on 10/27/2014. */ 'use strict'; var timeline; var timelineItems = new vis.DataSet(); var timelineGroups = new vis.DataSet(); var graph2d; var graph2dDataset = []; var graph2DItems = new vis.DataSet(); var graph2dGroups = new vis.DataSet(); graph2dGroups.add({ id: 'differencePositive', content: 'differencePositive', className: "differencePositive", options: { drawPoints: false, style: 'bar', barChart: {width: 50, align: 'center'} // align: left, center, right } }); graph2dGroups.add({ id: 'differenceNegative', content: 'differenceNegative', className: "differenceNegative", options: { drawPoints: false, style: 'bar', barChart: {width: 50, align: 'center'} // align: left, center, right } }); var eventCounter; var selectedGroup = 'duration'; var showDuration = true; var showPrediction = false; var showTimeline = true; var showGraph = false; var differenceWithPrediction = false; function draw() { eventCounter = document.getElementById('eventCounter'); // add items to the DataSet var timelineContainer = document.getElementById('timeline'); var timelineOptions = { hiddenDates: [ {start: '2013-10-26 00:00:00', end: '2013-10-28 00:00:00', repeat: 'weekly'}, // daily weekly monthly yearly {start: '2013-03-29 18:30:00', end: '2013-03-30 08:00:00', repeat: 'daily'} // daily weekly monthly yearly ], start: TIMELINE_START, end: TIMELINE_END, autoResize: false, showCustomTime: true, showCurrentTime: false, stack: false }; timeline = new vis.Timeline(timelineContainer, timelineItems, timelineGroups, timelineOptions); var graph2dContainer = document.getElementById('graph2d'); var graph2dOptions = { style:'bar', barChart: {width:50, align:'center', handleOverlap:'sideBySide'}, start: '2014-08-25', end: '2014-09-25', autoResize: false, // height: '450px', showCurrentTime: false, catmullRom: false, showMajorLabels: false, showMinorLabels: false, graphHeight:'450px', dataAxis: { customRange: { left: { min:-0.5 } } }, drawPoints:false //{style:'circle'} }; graph2d = new vis.Graph2d(graph2dContainer, graph2DItems, graph2dGroups, graph2dOptions); } window.onresize = function () { timeline.redraw(); graph2d.redraw(); } var conn; if (ONLINE_ONLY == true) { eve.system.init({ transports: [ { type: 'local' } ] }); } else { eve.system.init({ transports: [ { type: 'ws' } ] }); }