Network - configure

Handles the HTML part of the canvas.


The options for the canvas have to be contained in an object titled 'canvas'.

var options = {
    filter: 'nodes, physics', // or ['nodes','physics'] or true
    container: document.getElementById("configDiv")

// alternative:
var options = {
  configure: 'nodes, physics', // or ['nodes','physics'] or true


As shown above, alternative to supplying an object, you can supply a String, Array or Boolean. These will do the same as the filter option described below.

name type default description
filter String or Array or Boolean true When a boolean, true gives you all options, false will not show any. If a string is supplied, any combination of the following is allowed: nodes, edges, layout, interaction, manipulation, physics, selection, renderer. Feel free to come up with a fun seperating character. Finally, when supplied an array of strings, any of the previously mentioned fields are accepted.
container DOM element undefined This allows you to put the configure list in another HTML container than below the network.


The configure module has no methods.


The configure module has no Events.