var query = null; function load() { selectDataType(); loadCsvExample(); loadJsonExample(); loadJavascriptExample(); loadGooglespreadsheetExample(); loadDatasourceExample(); draw(); } /** * Upate the UI based on the currently selected datatype */ function selectDataType() { var datatype = getDataType(); document.getElementById("csv").style.overflow = "hidden"; document.getElementById("csv").style.visibility = (datatype == "csv") ? "" : "hidden"; document.getElementById("csv").style.height = (datatype == "csv") ? "auto" : "0px"; } function round(value, decimals) { return parseFloat(value.toFixed(decimals)); } function loadCsvExample() { var csv = ""; // headers csv += '"x", "y", "value"\n'; // create some nice looking data with sin/cos var steps = 30; var axisMax = 314; var axisStep = axisMax / steps; for (var x = 0; x < axisMax; x+=axisStep) { for (var y = 0; y < axisMax; y+=axisStep) { var value = Math.sin(x/50) * Math.cos(y/50) * 50 + 50; csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(value, 2) + '\n'; } } document.getElementById("csvTextarea").innerHTML = csv; // also adjust some settings document.getElementById("style").value = "surface"; document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value = "0.5"; document.getElementById("xLabel").value = "x"; document.getElementById("yLabel").value = "y"; document.getElementById("zLabel").value = "value"; } function loadCsvAnimationExample() { var csv = ""; // headers csv += '"x", "y", "value", "time"\n'; // create some nice looking data with sin/cos var steps = 20; var axisMax = 314; var tMax = 31; var axisStep = axisMax / steps; for (var t = 0; t < tMax; t++) { for (var x = 0; x < axisMax; x+=axisStep) { for (var y = 0; y < axisMax; y+=axisStep) { var value = Math.sin(x/50 + t/10) * Math.cos(y/50 + t/10) * 50 + 50; csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(value, 2) + ', ' + t + '\n'; } } } document.getElementById("csvTextarea").innerHTML = csv; // also adjust some settings document.getElementById("style").value = "surface"; document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value = "0.5"; document.getElementById("animationInterval").value = 100; document.getElementById("xLabel").value = "x"; document.getElementById("yLabel").value = "y"; document.getElementById("zLabel").value = "value"; document.getElementById("filterLabel").value = "time"; document.getElementById("legendLabel").value = "value"; } function loadCsvLineExample() { var csv = ""; // headers csv += '"sin(t)", "cos(t)", "t"\n'; // create some nice looking data with sin/cos var steps = 100; var axisMax = 314; var tmax = 4 * 2 * Math.PI; var axisStep = axisMax / steps; for (t = 0; t < tmax; t += tmax / steps) { var r = 1; var x = r * Math.sin(t); var y = r * Math.cos(t); var z = t; csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(z, 2) + '\n'; } document.getElementById("csvTextarea").innerHTML = csv; // also adjust some settings document.getElementById("style").value = "line"; document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value = "1.0"; document.getElementById("showPerspective").checked = false; document.getElementById("xLabel").value = "sin(t)"; document.getElementById("yLabel").value = "cos(t)"; document.getElementById("zLabel").value = "t"; } function loadCsvMovingDotsExample() { var csv = ""; // headers csv += '"x", "y", "z", "color value", "time"\n'; // create some shortcuts to math functions var sin = Math.sin; var cos = Math.cos; var pi = Math.PI; // create the animation data var tmax = 2.0 * pi; var tstep = tmax / 75; var dotCount = 1; // set this to 1, 2, 3, 4, ... for (var t = 0; t < tmax; t += tstep) { var tgroup = parseFloat(t.toFixed(2)); var value = t; // a dot in the center var x = 0; var y = 0; var z = 0; csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(z, 2) + ', ' + round(value, 2)+ ', ' + round(tgroup, 2) + '\n'; // one or multiple dots moving around the center for (var dot = 0; dot < dotCount; dot++) { var tdot = t + 2*pi * dot / dotCount; //data.addRow([sin(tdot), cos(tdot), sin(tdot), value, tgroup]); //data.addRow([sin(tdot), -cos(tdot), sin(tdot + tmax*1/2), value, tgroup]); var x = sin(tdot); var y = cos(tdot); var z = sin(tdot); csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(z, 2) + ', ' + round(value, 2)+ ', ' + round(tgroup, 2) + '\n'; var x = sin(tdot); var y = -cos(tdot); var z = sin(tdot + tmax*1/2); csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(z, 2) + ', ' + round(value, 2)+ ', ' + round(tgroup, 2) + '\n'; } } document.getElementById("csvTextarea").innerHTML = csv; // also adjust some settings document.getElementById("style").value = "dot-color"; document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value = "1.0"; document.getElementById("animationInterval").value = "35"; document.getElementById("animationAutoStart").checked = true; document.getElementById("showPerspective").checked = true; document.getElementById("xLabel").value = "x"; document.getElementById("yLabel").value = "y"; document.getElementById("zLabel").value = "z"; document.getElementById("filterLabel").value = "time"; document.getElementById("legendLabel").value = "color value"; } function loadCsvColoredDotsExample() { var csv = ""; // headers csv += '"x", "y", "z", "distance"\n'; // create some shortcuts to math functions var sqrt = Math.sqrt; var pow = Math.pow; var random = Math.random; // create the animation data var imax = 200; for (var i = 0; i < imax; i++) { var x = pow(random(), 2); var y = pow(random(), 2); var z = pow(random(), 2); var dist = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2)); csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(z, 2) + ', ' + round(dist, 2)+ '\n'; } document.getElementById("csvTextarea").innerHTML = csv; // also adjust some settings document.getElementById("style").value = "dot-color"; document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value = "1.0"; document.getElementById("showPerspective").checked = true; document.getElementById("xLabel").value = "x"; document.getElementById("yLabel").value = "y"; document.getElementById("zLabel").value = "value"; document.getElementById("legendLabel").value = "distance"; } function loadCsvSizedDotsExample() { var csv = ""; // headers csv += '"x", "y", "z", "range"\n'; // create some shortcuts to math functions var sqrt = Math.sqrt; var pow = Math.pow; var random = Math.random; // create the animation data var imax = 200; for (var i = 0; i < imax; i++) { var x = pow(random(), 2); var y = pow(random(), 2); var z = pow(random(), 2); var dist = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2)); var range = sqrt(2) - dist; csv += round(x, 2) + ', ' + round(y, 2) + ', ' + round(z, 2) + ', ' + round(range, 2)+ '\n'; } document.getElementById("csvTextarea").innerHTML = csv; // also adjust some settings document.getElementById("style").value = "dot-size"; document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value = "1.0"; document.getElementById("showPerspective").checked = true; document.getElementById("xLabel").value = "x"; document.getElementById("yLabel").value = "y"; document.getElementById("zLabel").value = "z"; document.getElementById("legendLabel").value = "range"; } function loadJsonExample() { } function loadJavascriptExample() { } function loadJavascriptFunctionExample() { } function loadGooglespreadsheetExample() { } function loadDatasourceExample() { } /** * Retrieve teh currently selected datatype * @return {string} datatype */ function getDataType() { return "csv"; } /** * Retrieve the datatable from the entered contents of the csv text * @return {Google DataTable} */ function getDataCsv() { var csv = document.getElementById("csvTextarea").value; // parse the csv content var csvArray = csv2array(csv); var data = new vis.DataSet({}); // read all data for (var row = 1; row < csvArray.length; row++) { if (csvArray[row].length == 4) { data.add({x:parseFloat(csvArray[row][0]), y:parseFloat(csvArray[row][1]), z:parseFloat(csvArray[row][2]), style:parseFloat(csvArray[row][3])}); } else if (csvArray[row].length == 5) { data.add({x:parseFloat(csvArray[row][0]), y:parseFloat(csvArray[row][1]), z:parseFloat(csvArray[row][2]), style:parseFloat(csvArray[row][3]), filter:parseFloat(csvArray[row][4])}); } else { data.add({x:parseFloat(csvArray[row][0]), y:parseFloat(csvArray[row][1]), z:parseFloat(csvArray[row][2]), style:parseFloat(csvArray[row][2])}); } } return data; } /** * remove leading and trailing spaces */ function trim(text) { while (text.length && text.charAt(0) == ' ') text = text.substr(1); while (text.length && text.charAt(text.length-1) == ' ') text = text.substr(0, text.length-1); return text; } /** * Retrieve the datatable from the entered contents of the javascript text * @return {Google DataTable} */ function getDataJson() { var json = document.getElementById("jsonTextarea").value; var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(json); return data; } /** * Retrieve the datatable from the entered contents of the javascript text * @return {Google DataTable} */ function getDataJavascript() { var js = document.getElementById("javascriptTextarea").value; eval(js); return data; } /** * Retrieve the datatable from the entered contents of the datasource text * @return {Google DataTable} */ function getDataDatasource() { } /** * Retrieve a JSON object with all options */ function getOptions() { return { width: document.getElementById("width").value, height: document.getElementById("height").value, style: document.getElementById("style").value, showAnimationControls: (document.getElementById("showAnimationControls").checked != false), showGrid: (document.getElementById("showGrid").checked != false), showPerspective: (document.getElementById("showPerspective").checked != false), showShadow: (document.getElementById("showShadow").checked != false), keepAspectRatio: (document.getElementById("keepAspectRatio").checked != false), verticalRatio: document.getElementById("verticalRatio").value, animationInterval: document.getElementById("animationInterval").value, xLabel: document.getElementById("xLabel").value, yLabel: document.getElementById("yLabel").value, zLabel: document.getElementById("zLabel").value, filterLabel: document.getElementById("filterLabel").value, legendLabel: document.getElementById("legendLabel").value, animationPreload: (document.getElementById("animationPreload").checked != false), animationAutoStart:(document.getElementById("animationAutoStart").checked != false), xCenter: Number(document.getElementById("xCenter").value) || undefined, yCenter: Number(document.getElementById("yCenter").value) || undefined, xMin: Number(document.getElementById("xMin").value) || undefined, xMax: Number(document.getElementById("xMax").value) || undefined, xStep: Number(document.getElementById("xStep").value) || undefined, yMin: Number(document.getElementById("yMin").value) || undefined, yMax: Number(document.getElementById("yMax").value) || undefined, yStep: Number(document.getElementById("yStep").value) || undefined, zMin: Number(document.getElementById("zMin").value) || undefined, zMax: Number(document.getElementById("zMax").value) || undefined, zStep: Number(document.getElementById("zStep").value) || undefined, valueMin: Number(document.getElementById("valueMin").value) || undefined, valueMax: Number(document.getElementById("valueMax").value) || undefined, xBarWidth: Number(document.getElementById("xBarWidth").value) || undefined, yBarWidth: Number(document.getElementById("yBarWidth").value) || undefined }; } /** * Redraw the graph with the entered data and options */ function draw() { return drawCsv(); } function drawCsv() { // Instantiate our graph object. var graph = new links.Graph3d(document.getElementById('graph')); // retrieve data and options var data = getDataCsv(); var options = getOptions(); // Draw our graph with the created data and options graph.draw(data, options); } function drawJson() { // Instantiate our graph object. var graph = new links.Graph3d(document.getElementById('graph')); // retrieve data and options var data = getDataJson(); var options = getOptions(); // Draw our graph with the created data and options graph.draw(data, options); } function drawJavascript() { // Instantiate our graph object. var graph = new links.Graph3d(document.getElementById('graph')); // retrieve data and options var data = getDataJavascript(); var options = getOptions(); // Draw our graph with the created data and options graph.draw(data, options); } function drawGooglespreadsheet() { // Instantiate our graph object. drawGraph = function(response) { document.getElementById("draw").disabled = ""; if (response.isError()) { error = 'Error: ' + response.getMessage(); document.getElementById('graph').innerHTML = "" + error + ""; ; } // retrieve the data from the query response data = response.getDataTable(); // specify options options = getOptions(); // Instantiate our graph object. var graph = new links.Graph3d(document.getElementById('graph')); // Draw our graph with the created data and options graph.draw(data, options); } url = document.getElementById("googlespreadsheetText").value; document.getElementById("draw").disabled = "disabled"; // send the request query && query.abort(); query = new google.visualization.Query(url); query.send(drawGraph); } function drawDatasource() { // Instantiate our graph object. drawGraph = function(response) { document.getElementById("draw").disabled = ""; if (response.isError()) { error = 'Error: ' + response.getMessage(); document.getElementById('graph').innerHTML = "" + error + ""; ; } // retrieve the data from the query response data = response.getDataTable(); // specify options options = getOptions(); // Instantiate our graph object. var graph = new links.Graph3d(document.getElementById('graph')); // Draw our graph with the created data and options graph.draw(data, options); }; url = document.getElementById("datasourceText").value; document.getElementById("draw").disabled = "disabled"; // if the entered url is a google spreadsheet url, replace the part // "/ccc?" with "/tq?" in order to retrieve a neat data query result if (url.indexOf("/ccc?")) { url.replace("/ccc?", "/tq?"); } // send the request query && query.abort(); query = new google.visualization.Query(url); query.send(drawGraph); }