/** * Created by Alex on 3/4/2015. */ var util = require("../../util"); var DataSet = require('../../DataSet'); var DataView = require('../../DataView'); import Edge from "./components/Edge" class EdgesHandler { constructor(body, images, groups) { this.body = body; this.images = images; this.groups = groups; // create the edge API in the body container this.body.functions.createEdge = this.create.bind(this); this.edgesListeners = { 'add': (event, params) => {this.add(params.items);}, 'update': (event, params) => {this.update(params.items);}, 'remove': (event, params) => {this.remove(params.items);} }; this.options = {}; this.defaultOptions = { arrows: { to: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1}, // boolean / {arrowScaleFactor:1} / {enabled: false, arrowScaleFactor:1} middle: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1}, from: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1} }, color: { color:'#848484', highlight:'#848484', hover: '#848484', inherit: { enabled: true, source: 'from', // from / true useGradients: false // release in 4.0 }, opacity:1.0 }, dashes:{ enabled: false, preset: 'dotted', length: 10, gap: 5, altLength: undefined }, font: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', background: 'none', stroke: 1, // px strokeColor: 'white', align:'horizontal' }, hidden: false, hoverWidth: 1.5, label: undefined, length: undefined, physics: true, scaling:{ min: 1, max: 15, label: { enabled: true, min: 14, max: 30, maxVisible: 30, drawThreshold: 3 }, customScalingFunction: function (min,max,total,value) { if (max == min) { return 0.5; } else { var scale = 1 / (max - min); return Math.max(0,(value - min)*scale); } } }, selfReferenceSize:20, smooth: { enabled: true, dynamic: true, type: "continuous", roundness: 0.5 }, title:undefined, width: 1, widthSelectionMultiplier: 2, value:1 }; util.extend(this.options, this.defaultOptions); // this allows external modules to force all dynamic curves to turn static. this.body.emitter.on("_forceDisableDynamicCurves", (type) => { let emitChange = false; for (let edgeId in this.body.edges) { if (this.body.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { let edgeOptions = this.body.edges[edgeId].options.smooth; if (edgeOptions.enabled === true && edgeOptions.dynamic === true) { if (type === undefined) { edge.setOptions({smooth:false}); } else { edge.setOptions({smooth:{dynamic:false, type:type}}); } emitChange = true; } } } if (emitChange === true) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } }); // this is called when options of EXISTING nodes or edges have changed. this.body.emitter.on("_dataUpdated", () => { var t0 = new Date().valueOf(); // update values this.reconnectEdges(); this.markAllEdgesAsDirty(); // start simulation (can be called safely, even if already running) console.log("_dataUpdated took:", new Date().valueOf() - t0); }); } setOptions(options) { if (options !== undefined) { util.mergeOptions(this.options, options, 'smooth'); util.mergeOptions(this.options, options, 'dashes'); // hanlde multiple input cases for arrows if (options.arrows !== undefined) { if (typeof options.arrows === 'string') { let arrows = options.arrows.toLowerCase(); if (arrows.indexOf("to") != -1) {this.options.arrows.to.enabled = true;} if (arrows.indexOf("middle") != -1) {this.options.arrows.middle.enabled = true;} if (arrows.indexOf("from") != -1) {this.options.arrows.from.enabled = true;} } else if (typeof options.arrows === 'object') { util.mergeOptions(this.options.arrows, options.arrows, 'to'); util.mergeOptions(this.options.arrows, options.arrows, 'middle'); util.mergeOptions(this.options.arrows, options.arrows, 'from'); } else { throw new Error("The arrow options can only be an object or a string. Refer to the documentation. You used:" + JSON.stringify(options.arrows)); } } // hanlde multiple input cases for color if (options.color !== undefined) { if (util.isString(options.color)) { util.assignAllKeys(this.options.color, options.color); this.options.color.inherit.enabled = false; } else { util.extend(this.options.color, options.color); if (options.color.inherit === undefined) { this.options.color.inherit.enabled = false; } } util.mergeOptions(this.options.color, options.color, 'inherit'); } // font cases are handled by the Label class } } /** * Load edges by reading the data table * @param {Array | DataSet | DataView} edges The data containing the edges. * @private * @private */ setData(edges, doNotEmit = false) { var oldEdgesData = this.body.data.edges; if (edges instanceof DataSet || edges instanceof DataView) { this.body.data.edges = edges; } else if (Array.isArray(edges)) { this.body.data.edges = new DataSet(); this.body.data.edges.add(edges); } else if (!edges) { this.body.data.edges = new DataSet(); } else { throw new TypeError('Array or DataSet expected'); } // TODO: is this null or undefined or false? if (oldEdgesData) { // unsubscribe from old dataset util.forEach(this.edgesListeners, (callback, event) => {oldEdgesData.off(event, callback);}); } // remove drawn edges this.body.edges = {}; // TODO: is this null or undefined or false? if (this.body.data.edges) { // subscribe to new dataset util.forEach(this.edgesListeners, (callback, event) => {this.body.data.edges.on(event, callback);}); // draw all new nodes var ids = this.body.data.edges.getIds(); this.add(ids, true); } if (doNotEmit === false) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } } /** * Add edges * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids * @private */ add(ids, doNotEmit = false) { var edges = this.body.edges; var edgesData = this.body.data.edges; for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var id = ids[i]; var oldEdge = edges[id]; if (oldEdge) { oldEdge.disconnect(); } var data = edgesData.get(id, {"showInternalIds" : true}); edges[id] = this.create(data); } if (doNotEmit === false) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } } /** * Update existing edges, or create them when not yet existing * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids * @private */ update(ids) { var edges = this.body.edges; var edgesData = this.body.data.edges; var dataChanged = false; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var id = ids[i]; var data = edgesData.get(id); var edge = edges[id]; if (edge === null) { // update edge edge.disconnect(); dataChanged = edge.setOptions(data) || dataChanged; // if a support node is added, data can be changed. edge.connect(); } else { // create edge this.body.edges[id] = this.create(data); dataChanged = true; } } if (dataChanged === true) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } else { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataUpdated"); } } /** * Remove existing edges. Non existing ids will be ignored * @param {Number[] | String[]} ids * @private */ remove(ids) { var edges = this.body.edges; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var id = ids[i]; var edge = edges[id]; if (edge !== undefined) { if (edge.via != null) { delete this.body.supportNodes[edge.via.id]; } edge.disconnect(); delete edges[id]; } } this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } create(properties) { return new Edge(properties, this.body, this.options) } markAllEdgesAsDirty() { for (var edgeId in this.body.edges) { this.body.edges[edgeId].colorDirty = true; } } /** * Reconnect all edges * @private */ reconnectEdges() { var id; var nodes = this.body.nodes; var edges = this.body.edges; for (id in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { nodes[id].edges = []; } } for (id in edges) { if (edges.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var edge = edges[id]; edge.from = null; edge.to = null; edge.connect(); } } } } export default EdgesHandler;