let util = require("../../util"); let DataSet = require('../../DataSet'); let DataView = require('../../DataView'); var Node = require("./components/Node").default; var Label = require("./components/shared/Label").default; /** * Handler for Nodes */ class NodesHandler { /** * @param {Object} body * @param {Images} images * @param {Array.} groups * @param {LayoutEngine} layoutEngine */ constructor(body, images, groups, layoutEngine) { this.body = body; this.images = images; this.groups = groups; this.layoutEngine = layoutEngine; // create the node API in the body container this.body.functions.createNode = this.create.bind(this); this.nodesListeners = { add: (event, params) => { this.add(params.items); }, update: (event, params) => { this.update(params.items, params.data, params.oldData); }, remove: (event, params) => { this.remove(params.items); } }; this.options = {}; this.defaultOptions = { borderWidth: 1, borderWidthSelected: 2, brokenImage: undefined, color: { border: '#2B7CE9', background: '#97C2FC', highlight: { border: '#2B7CE9', background: '#D2E5FF' }, hover: { border: '#2B7CE9', background: '#D2E5FF' } }, fixed: { x: false, y: false }, font: { color: '#343434', size: 14, // px face: 'arial', background: 'none', strokeWidth: 0, // px strokeColor: '#ffffff', align: 'center', vadjust: 0, multi: false, bold: { mod: 'bold' }, boldital: { mod: 'bold italic' }, ital: { mod: 'italic' }, mono: { mod: '', size: 15, // px face: 'monospace', vadjust: 2 } }, group: undefined, hidden: false, icon: { face: 'FontAwesome', //'FontAwesome', code: undefined, //'\uf007', size: 50, //50, color: '#2B7CE9' //'#aa00ff' }, image: undefined, // --> URL label: undefined, labelHighlightBold: true, level: undefined, margin: { top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5, left: 5 }, mass: 1, physics: true, scaling: { min: 10, max: 30, label: { enabled: false, min: 14, max: 30, maxVisible: 30, drawThreshold: 5 }, customScalingFunction: function (min, max, total, value) { if (max === min) { return 0.5; } else { let scale = 1 / (max - min); return Math.max(0, (value - min) * scale); } } }, shadow: { enabled: false, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', size: 10, x: 5, y: 5 }, shape: 'ellipse', shapeProperties: { borderDashes: false, // only for borders borderRadius: 6, // only for box shape interpolation: true, // only for image and circularImage shapes useImageSize: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes useBorderWithImage: false // only for image shape }, size: 25, title: undefined, value: undefined, x: undefined, y: undefined }; // Protect from idiocy if (this.defaultOptions.mass <= 0) { throw 'Internal error: mass in defaultOptions of NodesHandler may not be zero or negative'; } util.extend(this.options, this.defaultOptions); this.bindEventListeners(); } /** * Binds event listeners */ bindEventListeners() { // refresh the nodes. Used when reverting from hierarchical layout this.body.emitter.on('refreshNodes', this.refresh.bind(this)); this.body.emitter.on('refresh', this.refresh.bind(this)); this.body.emitter.on('destroy', () => { util.forEach(this.nodesListeners, (callback, event) => { if (this.body.data.nodes) this.body.data.nodes.off(event, callback); }); delete this.body.functions.createNode; delete this.nodesListeners.add; delete this.nodesListeners.update; delete this.nodesListeners.remove; delete this.nodesListeners; }); } /** * * @param {Object} options */ setOptions(options) { this.nodeOptions = options; if (options !== undefined) { Node.parseOptions(this.options, options); // update the shape in all nodes if (options.shape !== undefined) { for (let nodeId in this.body.nodes) { if (this.body.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { this.body.nodes[nodeId].updateShape(); } } } // update the font in all nodes if (options.font !== undefined) { Label.parseOptions(this.options.font, options); for (let nodeId in this.body.nodes) { if (this.body.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { this.body.nodes[nodeId].updateLabelModule(); this.body.nodes[nodeId].needsRefresh(); } } } // update the shape size in all nodes if (options.size !== undefined) { for (let nodeId in this.body.nodes) { if (this.body.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { this.body.nodes[nodeId].needsRefresh(); } } } // update the state of the variables if needed if (options.hidden !== undefined || options.physics !== undefined) { this.body.emitter.emit('_dataChanged'); } } } /** * Set a data set with nodes for the network * @param {Array | DataSet | DataView} nodes The data containing the nodes. * @param {boolean} [doNotEmit=false] * @private */ setData(nodes, doNotEmit = false) { let oldNodesData = this.body.data.nodes; if (nodes instanceof DataSet || nodes instanceof DataView) { this.body.data.nodes = nodes; } else if (Array.isArray(nodes)) { this.body.data.nodes = new DataSet(); this.body.data.nodes.add(nodes); } else if (!nodes) { this.body.data.nodes = new DataSet(); } else { throw new TypeError('Array or DataSet expected'); } if (oldNodesData) { // unsubscribe from old dataset util.forEach(this.nodesListeners, function (callback, event) { oldNodesData.off(event, callback); }); } // remove drawn nodes this.body.nodes = {}; if (this.body.data.nodes) { // subscribe to new dataset let me = this; util.forEach(this.nodesListeners, function (callback, event) { me.body.data.nodes.on(event, callback); }); // draw all new nodes let ids = this.body.data.nodes.getIds(); this.add(ids, true); } if (doNotEmit === false) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } } /** * Add nodes * @param {number[] | string[]} ids * @param {boolean} [doNotEmit=false] * @private */ add(ids, doNotEmit = false) { let id; let newNodes = []; for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { id = ids[i]; let properties = this.body.data.nodes.get(id); let node = this.create(properties); newNodes.push(node); this.body.nodes[id] = node; // note: this may replace an existing node } this.layoutEngine.positionInitially(newNodes); if (doNotEmit === false) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } } /** * Update existing nodes, or create them when not yet existing * @param {number[] | string[]} ids id's of changed nodes * @param {Array} changedData array with changed data * @param {Array|undefined} oldData optional; array with previous data * @private */ update(ids, changedData, oldData) { let nodes = this.body.nodes; let dataChanged = false; for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { let id = ids[i]; let node = nodes[id]; let data = changedData[i]; if (node !== undefined) { // update node if (node.setOptions(data)) { dataChanged = true; } } else { dataChanged = true; // create node node = this.create(data); nodes[id] = node; } } if (!dataChanged && oldData !== undefined) { // Check for any changes which should trigger a layout recalculation // For now, this is just 'level' for hierarchical layout // Assumption: old and new data arranged in same order; at time of writing, this holds. dataChanged = changedData.some(function(newValue, index) { let oldValue = oldData[index]; return (oldValue && oldValue.level !== newValue.level); }); } if (dataChanged === true) { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } else { this.body.emitter.emit("_dataUpdated"); } } /** * Remove existing nodes. If nodes do not exist, the method will just ignore it. * @param {number[] | string[]} ids * @private */ remove(ids) { let nodes = this.body.nodes; for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { let id = ids[i]; delete nodes[id]; } this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged"); } /** * create a node * @param {Object} properties * @param {class} [constructorClass=Node.default] * @returns {*} */ create(properties, constructorClass = Node) { return new constructorClass(properties, this.body, this.images, this.groups, this.options, this.defaultOptions, this.nodeOptions) } /** * * @param {boolean} [clearPositions=false] */ refresh(clearPositions = false) { let nodes = this.body.nodes; for (let nodeId in nodes) { let node = undefined; if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { node = nodes[nodeId]; } let data = this.body.data.nodes.get(nodeId); if (node !== undefined && data !== undefined) { if (clearPositions === true) { node.setOptions({x:null, y:null}); } node.setOptions({ fixed: false }); node.setOptions(data); } } } /** * Returns the positions of the nodes. * @param {Array.|String} [ids] --> optional, can be array of nodeIds, can be string * @returns {{}} */ getPositions(ids) { let dataArray = {}; if (ids !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(ids) === true) { for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (this.body.nodes[ids[i]] !== undefined) { let node = this.body.nodes[ids[i]]; dataArray[ids[i]] = { x: Math.round(node.x), y: Math.round(node.y) }; } } } else { if (this.body.nodes[ids] !== undefined) { let node = this.body.nodes[ids]; dataArray[ids] = { x: Math.round(node.x), y: Math.round(node.y) }; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.body.nodeIndices.length; i++) { let node = this.body.nodes[this.body.nodeIndices[i]]; dataArray[this.body.nodeIndices[i]] = { x: Math.round(node.x), y: Math.round(node.y) }; } } return dataArray; } /** * Load the XY positions of the nodes into the dataset. */ storePositions() { // todo: add support for clusters and hierarchical. let dataArray = []; var dataset = this.body.data.nodes.getDataSet(); for (let nodeId in dataset._data) { if (dataset._data.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { let node = this.body.nodes[nodeId]; if (dataset._data[nodeId].x != Math.round(node.x) || dataset._data[nodeId].y != Math.round(node.y)) { dataArray.push({ id: node.id, x: Math.round(node.x), y: Math.round(node.y) }); } } } dataset.update(dataArray); } /** * get the bounding box of a node. * @param {Node.id} nodeId * @returns {j|*} */ getBoundingBox(nodeId) { if (this.body.nodes[nodeId] !== undefined) { return this.body.nodes[nodeId].shape.boundingBox; } } /** * Get the Ids of nodes connected to this node. * @param {Node.id} nodeId * @param {'to'|'from'|undefined} direction values 'from' and 'to' select respectively parent and child nodes only. * Any other value returns both parent and child nodes. * @returns {Array} */ getConnectedNodes(nodeId, direction) { let nodeList = []; if (this.body.nodes[nodeId] !== undefined) { let node = this.body.nodes[nodeId]; let nodeObj = {}; // used to quickly check if node already exists for (let i = 0; i < node.edges.length; i++) { let edge = node.edges[i]; if (direction !== 'to' && edge.toId == node.id) { // these are double equals since ids can be numeric or string if (nodeObj[edge.fromId] === undefined) { nodeList.push(edge.fromId); nodeObj[edge.fromId] = true; } } else if (direction !== 'from' && edge.fromId == node.id) { // these are double equals since ids can be numeric or string if (nodeObj[edge.toId] === undefined) { nodeList.push(edge.toId); nodeObj[edge.toId] = true; } } } } return nodeList; } /** * Get the ids of the edges connected to this node. * @param {Node.id} nodeId * @returns {*} */ getConnectedEdges(nodeId) { let edgeList = []; if (this.body.nodes[nodeId] !== undefined) { let node = this.body.nodes[nodeId]; for (let i = 0; i < node.edges.length; i++) { edgeList.push(node.edges[i].id) } } else { console.log("NodeId provided for getConnectedEdges does not exist. Provided: ", nodeId); } return edgeList; } /** * Move a node. * * @param {Node.id} nodeId * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ moveNode(nodeId, x, y) { if (this.body.nodes[nodeId] !== undefined) { this.body.nodes[nodeId].x = Number(x); this.body.nodes[nodeId].y = Number(y); setTimeout(() => {this.body.emitter.emit("startSimulation")},0); } else { console.log("Node id supplied to moveNode does not exist. Provided: ", nodeId); } } } export default NodesHandler;