/** * This object contains all possible options. It will check if the types are correct, if required if the option is one * of the allowed values. * * __any__ means that the name of the property does not matter. * __type__ is a required field for all objects and contains the allowed types of all objects */ let string = 'string'; let boolean = 'boolean'; let number = 'number'; let array = 'array'; let object = 'object'; // should only be in a __type__ property let dom = 'dom'; let fn = 'function'; let undef = 'undefined'; let any = 'any' let allOptions = { configure: { enabled: {boolean}, filter: {boolean,string,array,fn}, container: {dom}, __type__: {object,boolean,string,array,fn} }, edges: { arrows: { to: {enabled: {boolean}, scaleFactor: {number}, __type__: {object, boolean}}, middle: {enabled: {boolean}, scaleFactor: {number}, __type__: {object, boolean}}, from: {enabled: {boolean}, scaleFactor: {number}, __type__: {object, boolean}}, __type__: {string:['from','to','middle'],object} }, color: { color: {string}, highlight: {string}, hover: {string}, inherit: {string:['from','to','both'],boolean}, opacity: {number}, __type__: {object, string} }, dashes: {boolean,array}, font: { color: {string}, size: {number}, // px face: {string}, background: {string}, strokeWidth: {number}, // px strokeColor: {string}, align: {string:['horizontal','top','middle','bottom']}, __type__: {object,string} }, hidden: {boolean}, hoverWidth: {fn,number}, label: {string,undef}, length: {number,undef}, physics: {boolean}, scaling: { min: {number}, max: {number}, label: { enabled: {boolean}, min: {number}, max: {number}, maxVisible: {number}, drawThreshold: {number}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, customScalingFunction: {fn}, __type__: {object} }, selectionWidth: {fn,number}, selfReferenceSize: {number}, shadow: { enabled: {boolean}, size: {number}, x: {number}, y: {number}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, smooth: { enabled: {boolean}, dynamic: {boolean}, type: {string}, roundness: {number}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, title: {string, undef}, width: {number}, value: {number, undef}, __type__: {object} }, groups: { useDefaultGroups: {boolean}, __any__: 'get from nodes, will be overwritten below', __type__: {object} }, interaction: { dragNodes: {boolean}, dragView: {boolean}, hideEdgesOnDrag: {boolean}, hideNodesOnDrag: {boolean}, hoverEnabled: {boolean}, keyboard: { enabled: {boolean}, speed: {x: {number}, y: {number}, zoom: {number}, __type__: {object}}, bindToWindow: {boolean}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, multiselect: {boolean}, navigationButtons: {boolean}, selectable: {boolean}, selectConnectedEdges: {boolean}, tooltipDelay: {number}, zoomView: {boolean}, __type__: {object} }, layout: { randomSeed: {undef,number}, hierarchical: { enabled: {boolean}, levelSeparation: {number}, direction: {string:['UD','DU','LR','RL']}, // UD, DU, LR, RL sortMethod: {string:['hubsize','directed']}, // hubsize, directed __type__: {object,boolean} }, __type__: {object} }, manipulation: { enabled: {boolean}, initiallyActive: {boolean}, addNode: {boolean,fn}, addEdge: {boolean,fn}, editNode: {fn}, editEdge: {boolean,fn}, deleteNode: {boolean,fn}, deleteEdge: {boolean,fn}, controlNodeStyle: 'get from nodes, will be overwritten below', __type__: {object,boolean} }, nodes: { borderWidth: {number}, borderWidthSelected: {number,undef}, brokenImage: {string,undef}, color: { border: {string}, background: {string}, highlight: { border: {string}, background: {string}, __type__: {object,string} }, hover: { border: {string}, background: {string}, __type__: {object,string} }, __type__: {object,string} }, fixed: { x: {boolean}, y: {boolean}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, font: { color: {string}, size: {number}, // px face: {string}, background: {string}, stroke: {number}, // px strokeColor: {string}, __type__: {object,string} }, group: {string,number,undef}, hidden: {boolean}, icon: { face: {string}, code: {string}, //'\uf007', size: {number}, //50, color: {string}, __type__: {object} }, id: {string, number}, image: {string,undef}, // --> URL label: {string,undef}, level: {number,undef}, mass: {number}, physics: {boolean}, scaling: { min: {number}, max: {number}, label: { enabled: {boolean}, min: {number}, max: {number}, maxVisible: {number}, drawThreshold: {number}, __type__: {object, boolean} }, customScalingFunction: {fn}, __type__: {object} }, shadow: { enabled: {boolean}, size: {number}, x: {number}, y: {number}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, shape: {string:['ellipse', 'circle', 'database', 'box', 'text','image', 'circularImage','diamond', 'dot', 'star', 'triangle', 'triangleDown', 'square','icon']}, size: {number}, title: {string,undef}, value: {number,undef}, x: {number}, y: {number}, __type__: {object} }, physics: { barnesHut: { gravitationalConstant: {number}, centralGravity: {number}, springLength: {number}, springConstant: {number}, damping: {number}, __type__: {object} }, forceAtlas2Based: { gravitationalConstant: {number}, centralGravity: {number}, springLength: {number}, springConstant: {number}, damping: {number}, __type__: {object} }, repulsion: { centralGravity: {number}, springLength: {number}, springConstant: {number}, nodeDistance: {number}, damping: {number}, __type__: {object} }, hierarchicalRepulsion: { centralGravity: {number}, springLength: {number}, springConstant: {number}, nodeDistance: {number}, damping: {number}, __type__: {object} }, maxVelocity: {number}, minVelocity: {number}, // px/s solver: {string:['barnesHut','repulsion','hierarchicalRepulsion','forceAtlas2Based']}, stabilization: { enabled: {boolean}, iterations: {number}, // maximum number of iteration to stabilize updateInterval: {number}, onlyDynamicEdges: {boolean}, fit: {boolean}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, timestep: {number}, __type__: {object,boolean} }, //globals : autoResize: {boolean}, clickToUse: {boolean}, locale:{string}, locales:{ __any__: {object}, __type__: {object} }, height: {string}, width: {string}, __type__: {object} }; allOptions.groups.__any__ = allOptions.nodes; allOptions.manipulation.controlNodeStyle = allOptions.nodes; let configureOptions = { nodes: { borderWidth: [1, 0, 10, 1], borderWidthSelected: [2, 0, 10, 1], color: { border: ['color','#2B7CE9'], background: ['color','#97C2FC'], highlight: { border: ['color','#2B7CE9'], background: ['color','#D2E5FF'] }, hover: { border: ['color','#2B7CE9'], background: ['color','#D2E5FF'] } }, fixed: { x: false, y: false }, font: { color: ['color','#343434'], size: [14, 0, 100, 1], // px face: ['arial', 'verdana', 'tahoma'], background: ['color','none'], strokeWidth: [0, 0, 50, 1], // px strokeColor: ['color','#ffffff'] }, //group: 'string', hidden: false, //icon: { // face: 'string', //'FontAwesome', // code: 'string', //'\uf007', // size: [50, 0, 200, 1], //50, // color: ['color','#2B7CE9'] //'#aa00ff' //}, //image: 'string', // --> URL physics: true, scaling: { min: [10, 0, 200, 1], max: [30, 0, 200, 1], label: { enabled: true, min: [14, 0, 200, 1], max: [30, 0, 200, 1], maxVisible: [30, 0, 200, 1], drawThreshold: [3, 0, 20, 1] } }, shadow:{ enabled: false, size:[10, 0, 20, 1], x:[5, -30, 30, 1], y:[5, -30, 30, 1] }, shape: ['ellipse', 'box', 'circle', 'database', 'diamond', 'dot', 'square', 'star', 'text', 'triangle', 'triangleDown'], size: [25, 0, 200, 1] }, edges: { arrows: { to: {enabled: false, scaleFactor: [1, 0, 3, 0.05]}, // boolean / {arrowScaleFactor:1} / {enabled: false, arrowScaleFactor:1} middle: {enabled: false, scaleFactor: [1, 0, 3, 0.05]}, from: {enabled: false, scaleFactor: [1, 0, 3, 0.05]} }, color: { color: ['color','#848484'], highlight: ['color','#848484'], hover: ['color','#848484'], inherit: ['from','to','both',true, false], opacity: [1, 0, 1, 0.05] }, dashes: false, font: { color: ['color','#343434'], size: [14, 0, 100, 1], // px face: ['arial', 'verdana', 'tahoma'], background: ['color','none'], strokeWidth: [1, 0, 50, 1], // px strokeColor: ['color','#ffffff'], align: ['horizontal', 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'] }, hidden: false, hoverWidth: [2, 0, 5, 0.1], physics: true, scaling: { min: [1, 0, 100, 1], max: [15, 0, 100, 1], label: { enabled: true, min: [14, 0, 200, 1], max: [30, 0, 200, 1], maxVisible: [30, 0, 200, 1], drawThreshold: [3, 0, 20, 1] } }, selectionWidth: [1.5, 0, 5, 0.1], selfReferenceSize: [20, 0, 200, 1], shadow:{ enabled: false, size:[10, 0, 20, 1], x:[5, -30, 30, 1], y:[5, -30, 30, 1] }, smooth: { enabled: true, dynamic: true, type: ['continuous', 'discrete', 'diagonalCross', 'straightCross', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'curvedCW', 'curvedCCW'], roundness: [0.5, 0, 1, 0.05] }, width: [1, 0, 30, 1] }, layout: { randomSeed: [0, 0, 500, 1], hierarchical: { enabled: false, levelSeparation: [150, 20, 500, 5], direction: ['UD', 'DU', 'LR', 'RL'], // UD, DU, LR, RL sortMethod: ['hubsize', 'directed'] // hubsize, directed } }, interaction: { dragNodes: true, dragView: true, hideEdgesOnDrag: false, hideNodesOnDrag: false, hoverEnabled: false, keyboard: { enabled: false, speed: {x: [10, 0, 40, 1], y: [10, 0, 40, 1], zoom: [0.02, 0, 0.1, 0.005]}, bindToWindow: true }, multiselect: false, navigationButtons: false, selectable: true, selectConnectedEdges: true, tooltipDelay: [300, 0, 1000, 25], zoomView: true }, manipulation: { enabled: false, initiallyActive: false }, physics: { barnesHut: { //theta: [0.5, 0.1, 1, 0.05], gravitationalConstant: [-2000, -30000, 0, 50], centralGravity: [0.3, 0, 10, 0.05], springLength: [95, 0, 500, 5], springConstant: [0.04, 0, 5, 0.005], damping: [0.09, 0, 1, 0.01] }, forceAtlas2Based: { //theta: [0.5, 0.1, 1, 0.05], gravitationalConstant: [-800, -3000, 0, 1], centralGravity: [0.01, 0, 1, 0.005], springLength: [95, 0, 500, 5], springConstant: [0.08, 0, 5, 0.005], damping: [0.4, 0, 1, 0.01] }, repulsion: { centralGravity: [0.2, 0, 10, 0.05], springLength: [200, 0, 500, 5], springConstant: [0.05, 0, 5, 0.005], nodeDistance: [100, 0, 500, 5], damping: [0.09, 0, 1, 0.01] }, hierarchicalRepulsion: { centralGravity: [0.2, 0, 10, 0.05], springLength: [100, 0, 500, 5], springConstant: [0.01, 0, 5, 0.005], nodeDistance: [120, 0, 500, 5], damping: [0.09, 0, 1, 0.01] }, maxVelocity: [50, 0, 150, 1], minVelocity: [0.1, 0.01, 0.5, 0.01], solver: ['barnesHut', 'forceAtlas2Based', 'repulsion', 'hierarchicalRepulsion'], timestep: [0.5, 0, 1, 0.05] }, global: { locale: ['en', 'nl'] } }; export {allOptions, configureOptions};