<!doctype html>
  <title>Graph 3D animation demo</title>

  <style type="text/css">
    body {
      font: 10pt arial;

  <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dist/vis.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var data = null;
    var graph = null;

    function custom(x, y, t) {
      return Math.sin(x/50 + t/10) * Math.cos(y/50 + t/10) * 50 + 50;

    // Called when the Visualization API is loaded.
    function drawVisualization() {
      // Create and populate a data table.
      data = new vis.DataSet();
      // create some nice looking data with sin/cos
      var steps = 25;
      var axisMax = 314;
      var tMax = 31;
      var axisStep = axisMax / steps;
      for (var t = 0; t < tMax; t++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < axisMax; x+=axisStep) {
          for (var y = 0; y < axisMax; y+=axisStep) {
            var value = custom(x, y, t);

      // specify options
      var options = {
        width:  '600px',
        height: '600px',
        style: 'surface',
        showPerspective: true,
        showGrid: true,
        showShadow: false,
        // showAnimationControls: false,
        keepAspectRatio: true,
        verticalRatio: 0.5,
        animationInterval: 100, // milliseconds
        animationPreload: true

      // create our graph
      var container = document.getElementById('mygraph');
      graph = new vis.Graph3d(container, data, options);

<body onload="drawVisualization();">
<div id="mygraph"></div>

<div id="info"></div>