var BarnesHutSolver = require('./components/physics/BarnesHutSolver').default; var Repulsion = require('./components/physics/RepulsionSolver').default; var HierarchicalRepulsion = require('./components/physics/HierarchicalRepulsionSolver').default; var SpringSolver = require('./components/physics/SpringSolver').default; var HierarchicalSpringSolver = require('./components/physics/HierarchicalSpringSolver').default; var CentralGravitySolver = require('./components/physics/CentralGravitySolver').default; var ForceAtlas2BasedRepulsionSolver = require('./components/physics/FA2BasedRepulsionSolver').default; var ForceAtlas2BasedCentralGravitySolver = require('./components/physics/FA2BasedCentralGravitySolver').default; var util = require('../../util'); var EndPoints = require('./components/edges/util/EndPoints').default; // for debugging with _drawForces() /** * The physics engine */ class PhysicsEngine { /** * @param {Object} body */ constructor(body) { this.body = body; this.physicsBody = {physicsNodeIndices:[], physicsEdgeIndices:[], forces: {}, velocities: {}}; this.physicsEnabled = true; this.simulationInterval = 1000 / 60; this.requiresTimeout = true; this.previousStates = {}; this.referenceState = {}; this.freezeCache = {}; this.renderTimer = undefined; // parameters for the adaptive timestep this.adaptiveTimestep = false; this.adaptiveTimestepEnabled = false; this.adaptiveCounter = 0; this.adaptiveInterval = 3; this.stabilized = false; this.startedStabilization = false; this.stabilizationIterations = 0; this.ready = false; // will be set to true if the stabilize // default options this.options = {}; this.defaultOptions = { enabled: true, barnesHut: { theta: 0.5, gravitationalConstant: -2000, centralGravity: 0.3, springLength: 95, springConstant: 0.04, damping: 0.09, avoidOverlap: 0 }, forceAtlas2Based: { theta: 0.5, gravitationalConstant: -50, centralGravity: 0.01, springConstant: 0.08, springLength: 100, damping: 0.4, avoidOverlap: 0 }, repulsion: { centralGravity: 0.2, springLength: 200, springConstant: 0.05, nodeDistance: 100, damping: 0.09, avoidOverlap: 0 }, hierarchicalRepulsion: { centralGravity: 0.0, springLength: 100, springConstant: 0.01, nodeDistance: 120, damping: 0.09 }, maxVelocity: 50, minVelocity: 0.75, // px/s solver: 'barnesHut', stabilization: { enabled: true, iterations: 1000, // maximum number of iteration to stabilize updateInterval: 50, onlyDynamicEdges: false, fit: true }, timestep: 0.5, adaptiveTimestep: true }; util.extend(this.options, this.defaultOptions); this.timestep = 0.5; this.layoutFailed = false; this.bindEventListeners(); } /** * Binds event listeners */ bindEventListeners() { this.body.emitter.on('initPhysics', () => {this.initPhysics();}); this.body.emitter.on('_layoutFailed', () => {this.layoutFailed = true;}); this.body.emitter.on('resetPhysics', () => {this.stopSimulation(); this.ready = false;}); this.body.emitter.on('disablePhysics', () => {this.physicsEnabled = false; this.stopSimulation();}); this.body.emitter.on('restorePhysics', () => { this.setOptions(this.options); if (this.ready === true) { this.startSimulation(); } }); this.body.emitter.on('startSimulation', () => { if (this.ready === true) { this.startSimulation(); } }); this.body.emitter.on('stopSimulation', () => {this.stopSimulation();}); this.body.emitter.on('destroy', () => { this.stopSimulation(false);; }); this.body.emitter.on("_dataChanged", () => { // Nodes and/or edges have been added or removed, update shortcut lists. this.updatePhysicsData(); }); // debug: show forces // this.body.emitter.on("afterDrawing", (ctx) => {this._drawForces(ctx);}); } /** * set the physics options * @param {Object} options */ setOptions(options) { if (options !== undefined) { if (options === false) { this.options.enabled = false; this.physicsEnabled = false; this.stopSimulation(); } else if (options === true) { this.options.enabled = true; this.physicsEnabled = true; this.startSimulation(); } else { this.physicsEnabled = true; util.selectiveNotDeepExtend(['stabilization'], this.options, options); util.mergeOptions(this.options, options, 'stabilization'); if (options.enabled === undefined) { this.options.enabled = true; } if (this.options.enabled === false) { this.physicsEnabled = false; this.stopSimulation(); } // set the timestep this.timestep = this.options.timestep; } } this.init(); } /** * configure the engine. */ init() { var options; if (this.options.solver === 'forceAtlas2Based') { options = this.options.forceAtlas2Based; this.nodesSolver = new ForceAtlas2BasedRepulsionSolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.edgesSolver = new SpringSolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.gravitySolver = new ForceAtlas2BasedCentralGravitySolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); } else if (this.options.solver === 'repulsion') { options = this.options.repulsion; this.nodesSolver = new Repulsion(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.edgesSolver = new SpringSolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.gravitySolver = new CentralGravitySolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); } else if (this.options.solver === 'hierarchicalRepulsion') { options = this.options.hierarchicalRepulsion; this.nodesSolver = new HierarchicalRepulsion(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.edgesSolver = new HierarchicalSpringSolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.gravitySolver = new CentralGravitySolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); } else { // barnesHut options = this.options.barnesHut; this.nodesSolver = new BarnesHutSolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.edgesSolver = new SpringSolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); this.gravitySolver = new CentralGravitySolver(this.body, this.physicsBody, options); } this.modelOptions = options; } /** * initialize the engine */ initPhysics() { if (this.physicsEnabled === true && this.options.enabled === true) { if (this.options.stabilization.enabled === true) { this.stabilize(); } else { this.stabilized = false; this.ready = true; this.body.emitter.emit('fit', {}, this.layoutFailed); // if the layout failed, we use the approximation for the zoom this.startSimulation(); } } else { this.ready = true; this.body.emitter.emit('fit'); } } /** * Start the simulation */ startSimulation() { if (this.physicsEnabled === true && this.options.enabled === true) { this.stabilized = false; // when visible, adaptivity is disabled. this.adaptiveTimestep = false; // this sets the width of all nodes initially which could be required for the avoidOverlap this.body.emitter.emit("_resizeNodes"); if (this.viewFunction === undefined) { this.viewFunction = this.simulationStep.bind(this); this.body.emitter.on('initRedraw', this.viewFunction); this.body.emitter.emit('_startRendering'); } } else { this.body.emitter.emit('_redraw'); } } /** * Stop the simulation, force stabilization. * @param {boolean} [emit=true] */ stopSimulation(emit = true) { this.stabilized = true; if (emit === true) { this._emitStabilized(); } if (this.viewFunction !== undefined) {'initRedraw', this.viewFunction); this.viewFunction = undefined; if (emit === true) { this.body.emitter.emit('_stopRendering'); } } } /** * The viewFunction inserts this step into each render loop. It calls the physics tick and handles the cleanup at stabilized. * */ simulationStep() { // check if the physics have settled var startTime =; this.physicsTick(); var physicsTime = - startTime; // run double speed if it is a little graph if ((physicsTime < 0.4 * this.simulationInterval || this.runDoubleSpeed === true) && this.stabilized === false) { this.physicsTick(); // this makes sure there is no jitter. The decision is taken once to run it at double speed. this.runDoubleSpeed = true; } if (this.stabilized === true) { this.stopSimulation(); } } /** * trigger the stabilized event. * * @param {number} [amountOfIterations=this.stabilizationIterations] * @private */ _emitStabilized(amountOfIterations = this.stabilizationIterations) { if (this.stabilizationIterations > 1 || this.startedStabilization === true) { setTimeout(() => { this.body.emitter.emit('stabilized', {iterations: amountOfIterations}); this.startedStabilization = false; this.stabilizationIterations = 0; }, 0); } } /** * Calculate the forces for one physics iteration and move the nodes. * @private */ physicsStep() { this.gravitySolver.solve(); this.nodesSolver.solve(); this.edgesSolver.solve(); this.moveNodes(); } /** * Make dynamic adjustments to the timestep, based on current state. * * Helper function for physicsTick(). * @private */ adjustTimeStep() { const factor = 1.2; // Factor for increasing the timestep on success. // we compare the two steps. if it is acceptable we double the step. if (this._evaluateStepQuality() === true) { this.timestep = factor * this.timestep; } else { // if not, we decrease the step to a minimum of the options timestep. // if the decreased timestep is smaller than the options step, we do not reset the counter // we assume that the options timestep is stable enough. if (this.timestep/factor < this.options.timestep) { this.timestep = this.options.timestep; } else { // if the timestep was larger than 2 times the option one we check the adaptivity again to ensure // that large instabilities do not form. this.adaptiveCounter = -1; // check again next iteration this.timestep = Math.max(this.options.timestep, this.timestep/factor); } } } /** * A single simulation step (or 'tick') in the physics simulation * * @private */ physicsTick() { this._startStabilizing(); // this ensures that there is no start event when the network is already stable. if (this.stabilized === true) return; // adaptivity means the timestep adapts to the situation, only applicable for stabilization if (this.adaptiveTimestep === true && this.adaptiveTimestepEnabled === true) { // timestep remains stable for "interval" iterations. let doAdaptive = (this.adaptiveCounter % this.adaptiveInterval === 0); if (doAdaptive) { // first the big step and revert. this.timestep = 2 * this.timestep; this.physicsStep(); this.revert(); // saves the reference state // now the normal step. Since this is the last step, it is the more stable one and we will take this. this.timestep = 0.5 * this.timestep; // since it's half the step, we do it twice. this.physicsStep(); this.physicsStep(); this.adjustTimeStep(); } else { this.physicsStep(); // normal step, keeping timestep constant } this.adaptiveCounter += 1; } else { // case for the static timestep, we reset it to the one in options and take a normal step. this.timestep = this.options.timestep; this.physicsStep(); } if (this.stabilized === true) this.revert(); this.stabilizationIterations++; } /** * Nodes and edges can have the physics toggles on or off. A collection of indices is created here so we can skip the check all the time. * * @private */ updatePhysicsData() { this.physicsBody.forces = {}; this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices = []; this.physicsBody.physicsEdgeIndices = []; let nodes = this.body.nodes; let edges = this.body.edges; // get node indices for physics for (let nodeId in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { if (nodes[nodeId].options.physics === true) { this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices.push(nodes[nodeId].id); } } } // get edge indices for physics for (let edgeId in edges) { if (edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { if (edges[edgeId].options.physics === true) { this.physicsBody.physicsEdgeIndices.push(edges[edgeId].id); } } } // get the velocity and the forces vector for (let i = 0; i < this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices.length; i++) { let nodeId = this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices[i]; this.physicsBody.forces[nodeId] = {x:0,y:0}; // forces can be reset because they are recalculated. Velocities have to persist. if (this.physicsBody.velocities[nodeId] === undefined) { this.physicsBody.velocities[nodeId] = {x:0,y:0}; } } // clean deleted nodes from the velocity vector for (let nodeId in this.physicsBody.velocities) { if (nodes[nodeId] === undefined) { delete this.physicsBody.velocities[nodeId]; } } } /** * Revert the simulation one step. This is done so after stabilization, every new start of the simulation will also say stabilized. */ revert() { var nodeIds = Object.keys(this.previousStates); var nodes = this.body.nodes; var velocities = this.physicsBody.velocities; this.referenceState = {}; for (let i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) { let nodeId = nodeIds[i]; if (nodes[nodeId] !== undefined) { if (nodes[nodeId].options.physics === true) { this.referenceState[nodeId] = { positions: {x:nodes[nodeId].x, y:nodes[nodeId].y} }; velocities[nodeId].x = this.previousStates[nodeId].vx; velocities[nodeId].y = this.previousStates[nodeId].vy; nodes[nodeId].x = this.previousStates[nodeId].x; nodes[nodeId].y = this.previousStates[nodeId].y; } } else { delete this.previousStates[nodeId]; } } } /** * This compares the reference state to the current state * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _evaluateStepQuality() { let dx, dy, dpos; let nodes = this.body.nodes; let reference = this.referenceState; let posThreshold = 0.3; for (let nodeId in this.referenceState) { if (this.referenceState.hasOwnProperty(nodeId) && nodes[nodeId] !== undefined) { dx = nodes[nodeId].x - reference[nodeId].positions.x; dy = nodes[nodeId].y - reference[nodeId].positions.y; dpos = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx,2) + Math.pow(dy,2)) if (dpos > posThreshold) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * move the nodes one timestep and check if they are stabilized */ moveNodes() { var nodeIndices = this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices; var maxNodeVelocity = 0; var averageNodeVelocity = 0; // the velocity threshold (energy in the system) for the adaptivity toggle var velocityAdaptiveThreshold = 5; for (let i = 0; i < nodeIndices.length; i++) { let nodeId = nodeIndices[i]; let nodeVelocity = this._performStep(nodeId); // stabilized is true if stabilized is true and velocity is smaller than vmin --> all nodes must be stabilized maxNodeVelocity = Math.max(maxNodeVelocity, nodeVelocity); averageNodeVelocity += nodeVelocity; } // evaluating the stabilized and adaptiveTimestepEnabled conditions this.adaptiveTimestepEnabled = (averageNodeVelocity/nodeIndices.length) < velocityAdaptiveThreshold; this.stabilized = maxNodeVelocity < this.options.minVelocity; } /** * Calculate new velocity for a coordinate direction * * @param {number} v velocity for current coordinate * @param {number} f regular force for current coordinate * @param {number} m mass of current node * @returns {number} new velocity for current coordinate * @private */ calculateComponentVelocity(v,f, m) { let df = this.modelOptions.damping * v; // damping force let a = (f - df) / m; // acceleration v += a * this.timestep; // Put a limit on the velocities if it is really high let maxV = this.options.maxVelocity || 1e9; if (Math.abs(v) > maxV) { v = ((v > 0) ? maxV: -maxV); } return v; } /** * Perform the actual step * * @param {} nodeId * @returns {number} the new velocity of given node * @private */ _performStep(nodeId) { let node = this.body.nodes[nodeId]; let force = this.physicsBody.forces[nodeId]; let velocity = this.physicsBody.velocities[nodeId]; // store the state so we can revert this.previousStates[nodeId] = {x:node.x, y:node.y, vx:velocity.x, vy:velocity.y}; if (node.options.fixed.x === false) { velocity.x = this.calculateComponentVelocity(velocity.x, force.x, node.options.mass); node.x += velocity.x * this.timestep; } else { force.x = 0; velocity.x = 0; } if (node.options.fixed.y === false) { velocity.y = this.calculateComponentVelocity(velocity.y, force.y, node.options.mass); node.y += velocity.y * this.timestep; } else { force.y = 0; velocity.y = 0; } let totalVelocity = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(velocity.x,2) + Math.pow(velocity.y,2)); return totalVelocity; } /** * When initializing and stabilizing, we can freeze nodes with a predefined position. * This greatly speeds up stabilization because only the supportnodes for the smoothCurves have to settle. * * @private */ _freezeNodes() { var nodes = this.body.nodes; for (var id in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (nodes[id].x && nodes[id].y) { let fixed = nodes[id].options.fixed; this.freezeCache[id] = {x:fixed.x, y:fixed.y}; fixed.x = true; fixed.y = true; } } } } /** * Unfreezes the nodes that have been frozen by _freezeDefinedNodes. * * @private */ _restoreFrozenNodes() { var nodes = this.body.nodes; for (var id in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (this.freezeCache[id] !== undefined) { nodes[id].options.fixed.x = this.freezeCache[id].x; nodes[id].options.fixed.y = this.freezeCache[id].y; } } } this.freezeCache = {}; } /** * Find a stable position for all nodes * * @param {number} [iterations=this.options.stabilization.iterations] */ stabilize(iterations = this.options.stabilization.iterations) { if (typeof iterations !== 'number') { iterations = this.options.stabilization.iterations; console.log('The stabilize method needs a numeric amount of iterations. Switching to default: ', iterations); } if (this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices.length === 0) { this.ready = true; return; } // enable adaptive timesteps this.adaptiveTimestep = true && this.options.adaptiveTimestep; // this sets the width of all nodes initially which could be required for the avoidOverlap this.body.emitter.emit("_resizeNodes"); this.stopSimulation(); // stop the render loop this.stabilized = false; // block redraw requests this.body.emitter.emit('_blockRedraw'); this.targetIterations = iterations; // start the stabilization if (this.options.stabilization.onlyDynamicEdges === true) { this._freezeNodes(); } this.stabilizationIterations = 0; setTimeout(() => this._stabilizationBatch(),0); } /** * If not already stabilizing, start it and emit a start event. * * @returns {boolean} true if stabilization started with this call * @private */ _startStabilizing() { if (this.startedStabilization === true) return false; this.body.emitter.emit('startStabilizing'); this.startedStabilization = true; return true; } /** * One batch of stabilization * @private */ _stabilizationBatch() { var running = () => (this.stabilized === false && this.stabilizationIterations < this.targetIterations); var sendProgress = () => { this.body.emitter.emit('stabilizationProgress', { iterations: this.stabilizationIterations, total: this.targetIterations }); }; if (this._startStabilizing()) { sendProgress(); // Ensure that there is at least one start event. } var count = 0; while (running() && count < this.options.stabilization.updateInterval) { this.physicsTick(); count++; } sendProgress(); if (running()) { setTimeout(this._stabilizationBatch.bind(this),0); } else { this._finalizeStabilization(); } } /** * Wrap up the stabilization, fit and emit the events. * @private */ _finalizeStabilization() { this.body.emitter.emit('_allowRedraw'); if ( === true) { this.body.emitter.emit('fit'); } if (this.options.stabilization.onlyDynamicEdges === true) { this._restoreFrozenNodes(); } this.body.emitter.emit('stabilizationIterationsDone'); this.body.emitter.emit('_requestRedraw'); if (this.stabilized === true) { this._emitStabilized(); } else { this.startSimulation(); } this.ready = true; } //--------------------------- DEBUGGING BELOW ---------------------------// /** * Debug function that display arrows for the forces currently active in the network. * * Use this when debugging only. * * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx * @private */ _drawForces(ctx) { for (var i = 0; i < this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices.length; i++) { let index = this.physicsBody.physicsNodeIndices[i]; let node = this.body.nodes[index]; let force = this.physicsBody.forces[index]; let factor = 20; let colorFactor = 0.03; let forceSize = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(force.x,2) + Math.pow(force.x,2)); let size = Math.min(Math.max(5,forceSize),15); let arrowSize = 3*size; let color = util.HSVToHex((180 - Math.min(1,Math.max(0,colorFactor*forceSize))*180) / 360,1,1); let point = { x: node.x + factor*force.x, y: node.y + factor*force.y }; ctx.lineWidth = size; ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(node.x,node.y); ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y); ctx.stroke(); let angle = Math.atan2(force.y, force.x); ctx.fillStyle = color; EndPoints.draw(ctx, {type: 'arrow', point: point, angle: angle, length: arrowSize}); ctx.fill(); } } } export default PhysicsEngine;