var Node = require('../Node'); /** * This function can be called from the _doInAllSectors function * * @param object * @param overlappingNodes * @private */ exports._getNodesOverlappingWith = function(object, overlappingNodes) { var nodes = this.body.nodes; for (var nodeId in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { if (nodes[nodeId].isOverlappingWith(object)) { overlappingNodes.push(nodeId); } } } }; /** * retrieve all nodes overlapping with given object * @param {Object} object An object with parameters left, top, right, bottom * @return {Number[]} An array with id's of the overlapping nodes * @private */ exports._getAllNodesOverlappingWith = function (object) { var overlappingNodes = []; this._doInAllActiveSectors("_getNodesOverlappingWith",object,overlappingNodes); return overlappingNodes; }; /** * Return a position object in canvasspace from a single point in screenspace * * @param pointer * @returns {{left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number}} * @private */ exports._pointerToPositionObject = function(pointer) { var x = this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x); var y = this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y); return { left: x, top: y, right: x, bottom: y }; }; /** * Get the top node at the a specific point (like a click) * * @param {{x: Number, y: Number}} pointer * @return {Node | null} node * @private */ exports._getNodeAt = function (pointer) { // we first check if this is an navigation controls element var positionObject = this._pointerToPositionObject(pointer); var overlappingNodes = this._getAllNodesOverlappingWith(positionObject); // if there are overlapping nodes, select the last one, this is the // one which is drawn on top of the others if (overlappingNodes.length > 0) { return this.body.nodes[overlappingNodes[overlappingNodes.length - 1]]; } else { return null; } }; /** * retrieve all edges overlapping with given object, selector is around center * @param {Object} object An object with parameters left, top, right, bottom * @return {Number[]} An array with id's of the overlapping nodes * @private */ exports._getEdgesOverlappingWith = function (object, overlappingEdges) { var edges = this.body.edges; for (var edgeId in edges) { if (edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { if (edges[edgeId].isOverlappingWith(object)) { overlappingEdges.push(edgeId); } } } }; /** * retrieve all nodes overlapping with given object * @param {Object} object An object with parameters left, top, right, bottom * @return {Number[]} An array with id's of the overlapping nodes * @private */ exports._getAllEdgesOverlappingWith = function (object) { var overlappingEdges = []; this._doInAllActiveSectors("_getEdgesOverlappingWith",object,overlappingEdges); return overlappingEdges; }; /** * Place holder. To implement change the _getNodeAt to a _getObjectAt. Have the _getObjectAt call * _getNodeAt and _getEdgesAt, then priortize the selection to user preferences. * * @param pointer * @returns {null} * @private */ exports._getEdgeAt = function(pointer) { var positionObject = this._pointerToPositionObject(pointer); var overlappingEdges = this._getAllEdgesOverlappingWith(positionObject); if (overlappingEdges.length > 0) { return this.body.edges[overlappingEdges[overlappingEdges.length - 1]]; } else { return null; } }; /** * Add object to the selection array. * * @param obj * @private */ exports._addToSelection = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof Node) { this.selectionObj.nodes[] = obj; } else { this.selectionObj.edges[] = obj; } }; /** * Add object to the selection array. * * @param obj * @private */ exports._addToHover = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof Node) { this.hoverObj.nodes[] = obj; } else { this.hoverObj.edges[] = obj; } }; /** * Remove a single option from selection. * * @param {Object} obj * @private */ exports._removeFromSelection = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof Node) { delete this.selectionObj.nodes[]; } else { delete this.selectionObj.edges[]; } }; /** * Unselect all. The selectionObj is useful for this. * * @param {Boolean} [doNotTrigger] | ignore trigger * @private */ exports._unselectAll = function(doNotTrigger) { if (doNotTrigger === undefined) { doNotTrigger = false; } for(var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if(this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId].unselect(); } } for(var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if(this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { this.selectionObj.edges[edgeId].unselect(); } } this.selectionObj = {nodes:{},edges:{}}; if (doNotTrigger == false) { this.emit('select', this.getSelection()); } }; /** * Unselect all clusters. The selectionObj is useful for this. * * @param {Boolean} [doNotTrigger] | ignore trigger * @private */ exports._unselectClusters = function(doNotTrigger) { if (doNotTrigger === undefined) { doNotTrigger = false; } for (var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if (this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { if (this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId].clusterSize > 1) { this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId].unselect(); this._removeFromSelection(this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId]); } } } if (doNotTrigger == false) { this.emit('select', this.getSelection()); } }; /** * return the number of selected nodes * * @returns {number} * @private */ exports._getSelectedNodeCount = function() { var count = 0; for (var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if (this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { count += 1; } } return count; }; /** * return the selected node * * @returns {number} * @private */ exports._getSelectedNode = function() { for (var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if (this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { return this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId]; } } return null; }; /** * return the selected edge * * @returns {number} * @private */ exports._getSelectedEdge = function() { for (var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if (this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { return this.selectionObj.edges[edgeId]; } } return null; }; /** * return the number of selected edges * * @returns {number} * @private */ exports._getSelectedEdgeCount = function() { var count = 0; for (var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if (this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { count += 1; } } return count; }; /** * return the number of selected objects. * * @returns {number} * @private */ exports._getSelectedObjectCount = function() { var count = 0; for(var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if(this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { count += 1; } } for(var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if(this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { count += 1; } } return count; }; /** * Check if anything is selected * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ exports._selectionIsEmpty = function() { for(var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if(this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { return false; } } for(var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if(this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * check if one of the selected nodes is a cluster. * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ exports._clusterInSelection = function() { for(var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if(this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { if (this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId].clusterSize > 1) { return true; } } } return false; }; /** * select the edges connected to the node that is being selected * * @param {Node} node * @private */ exports._selectConnectedEdges = function(node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.edges.length; i++) { var edge = node.edges[i];; this._addToSelection(edge); } }; /** * select the edges connected to the node that is being selected * * @param {Node} node * @private */ exports._hoverConnectedEdges = function(node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.edges.length; i++) { var edge = node.edges[i]; edge.hover = true; this._addToHover(edge); } }; /** * unselect the edges connected to the node that is being selected * * @param {Node} node * @private */ exports._unselectConnectedEdges = function(node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.edges.length; i++) { var edge = node.edges[i]; edge.unselect(); this._removeFromSelection(edge); } }; /** * This is called when someone clicks on a node. either select or deselect it. * If there is an existing selection and we don't want to append to it, clear the existing selection * * @param {Node || Edge} object * @param {Boolean} append * @param {Boolean} [doNotTrigger] | ignore trigger * @private */ exports._selectObject = function(object, append, doNotTrigger, highlightEdges, overrideSelectable) { if (doNotTrigger === undefined) { doNotTrigger = false; } if (highlightEdges === undefined) { highlightEdges = true; } if (this._selectionIsEmpty() == false && append == false && this.forceAppendSelection == false) { this._unselectAll(true); } // selectable allows the object to be selected. Override can be used if needed to bypass this. if (object.selected == false && (this.constants.selectable == true || overrideSelectable)) {; this._addToSelection(object); if (object instanceof Node && this.blockConnectingEdgeSelection == false && highlightEdges == true) { this._selectConnectedEdges(object); } } // do not select the object if selectable is false, only add it to selection to allow drag to work else if (object.selected == false) { this._addToSelection(object); doNotTrigger = true; } else { object.unselect(); this._removeFromSelection(object); } if (doNotTrigger == false) { this.emit('select', this.getSelection()); } }; /** * This is called when someone clicks on a node. either select or deselect it. * If there is an existing selection and we don't want to append to it, clear the existing selection * * @param {Node || Edge} object * @private */ exports._blurObject = function(object) { if (object.hover == true) { object.hover = false; this.emit("blurNode",{}); } }; /** * This is called when someone clicks on a node. either select or deselect it. * If there is an existing selection and we don't want to append to it, clear the existing selection * * @param {Node || Edge} object * @private */ exports._hoverObject = function(object) { if (object.hover == false) { object.hover = true; this._addToHover(object); if (object instanceof Node) { this.emit("hoverNode",{}); } } if (object instanceof Node) { this._hoverConnectedEdges(object); } }; /** * handles the selection part of the touch, only for navigation controls elements; * Touch is triggered before tap, also before hold. Hold triggers after a while. * This is the most responsive solution * * @param {Object} pointer * @private */ exports._handleTouch = function(pointer) { }; /** * handles the selection part of the tap; * * @param {Object} pointer * @private */ exports._handleTap = function(pointer) { var node = this._getNodeAt(pointer); if (node != null) { this._selectObject(node, false); } else { var edge = this._getEdgeAt(pointer); if (edge != null) { this._selectObject(edge, false); } else { this._unselectAll(); } } var properties = this.getSelection(); properties['pointer'] = { DOM: {x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y}, canvas: {x: this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x), y: this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y)} } this.emit("click", properties); this._requestRedraw(); }; /** * handles the selection part of the double tap and opens a cluster if needed * * @param {Object} pointer * @private */ exports._handleDoubleTap = function(pointer) { var node = this._getNodeAt(pointer); if (node != null && node !== undefined) { // we reset the areaCenter here so the opening of the node will occur this.areaCenter = {"x" : this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x), "y" : this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y)}; this.openCluster(node); } var properties = this.getSelection(); properties['pointer'] = { DOM: {x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y}, canvas: {x: this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x), y: this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y)} } this.emit("doubleClick", properties); }; /** * Handle the onHold selection part * * @param pointer * @private */ exports._handleOnHold = function(pointer) { var node = this._getNodeAt(pointer); if (node != null) { this._selectObject(node,true); } else { var edge = this._getEdgeAt(pointer); if (edge != null) { this._selectObject(edge,true); } } this._requestRedraw(); }; /** * handle the onRelease event. These functions are here for the navigation controls module * and data manipulation module. * * @private */ exports._handleOnRelease = function(pointer) { this._manipulationReleaseOverload(pointer); this._navigationReleaseOverload(pointer); }; exports._manipulationReleaseOverload = function (pointer) {}; exports._navigationReleaseOverload = function (pointer) {}; /** * * retrieve the currently selected objects * @return {{nodes: Array., edges: Array.}} selection */ exports.getSelection = function() { var nodeIds = this.getSelectedNodes(); var edgeIds = this.getSelectedEdges(); return {nodes:nodeIds, edges:edgeIds}; }; /** * * retrieve the currently selected nodes * @return {String[]} selection An array with the ids of the * selected nodes. */ exports.getSelectedNodes = function() { var idArray = []; if (this.constants.selectable == true) { for (var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if (this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { idArray.push(nodeId); } } } return idArray }; /** * * retrieve the currently selected edges * @return {Array} selection An array with the ids of the * selected nodes. */ exports.getSelectedEdges = function() { var idArray = []; if (this.constants.selectable == true) { for (var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if (this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { idArray.push(edgeId); } } } return idArray; }; /** * select zero or more nodes DEPRICATED * @param {Number[] | String[]} selection An array with the ids of the * selected nodes. */ exports.setSelection = function() { console.log("setSelection is deprecated. Please use selectNodes instead.") }; /** * select zero or more nodes with the option to highlight edges * @param {Number[] | String[]} selection An array with the ids of the * selected nodes. * @param {boolean} [highlightEdges] */ exports.selectNodes = function(selection, highlightEdges) { var i, iMax, id; if (!selection || (selection.length == undefined)) throw 'Selection must be an array with ids'; // first unselect any selected node this._unselectAll(true); for (i = 0, iMax = selection.length; i < iMax; i++) { id = selection[i]; var node = this.body.nodes[id]; if (!node) { throw new RangeError('Node with id "' + id + '" not found'); } this._selectObject(node,true,true,highlightEdges,true); } this.redraw(); }; /** * select zero or more edges * @param {Number[] | String[]} selection An array with the ids of the * selected nodes. */ exports.selectEdges = function(selection) { var i, iMax, id; if (!selection || (selection.length == undefined)) throw 'Selection must be an array with ids'; // first unselect any selected node this._unselectAll(true); for (i = 0, iMax = selection.length; i < iMax; i++) { id = selection[i]; var edge = this.body.edges[id]; if (!edge) { throw new RangeError('Edge with id "' + id + '" not found'); } this._selectObject(edge,true,true,false,true); } this.redraw(); }; /** * Validate the selection: remove ids of nodes which no longer exist * @private */ exports._updateSelection = function () { for(var nodeId in this.selectionObj.nodes) { if(this.selectionObj.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { if (!this.body.nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) { delete this.selectionObj.nodes[nodeId]; } } } for(var edgeId in this.selectionObj.edges) { if(this.selectionObj.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { if (!this.body.edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) { delete this.selectionObj.edges[edgeId]; } } } };