/** * vis.js * https://github.com/almende/vis * * A dynamic, browser-based visualization library. * * @version 0.0.5 * @date 2013-04-23 * * @license * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Almende B.V, http://almende.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ (function () { // Define namespace vis var vis = { component: { item: {} } }; /** * CommonJS module exports */ if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { exports = vis; } if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = vis; } /** * AMD module exports */ if (typeof(define) === 'function') { define(function () { return vis; }); } /** * Window exports */ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // attach the module to the window, load as a regular javascript file window['vis'] = vis; } /** * load css from text * @param {String} css Text containing css */ var loadCss = function (css) { // get the script location, and built the css file name from the js file name // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2161748/1262753 var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); // var jsFile = scripts[scripts.length-1].src.split('?')[0]; // var cssFile = jsFile.substring(0, jsFile.length - 2) + 'css'; // inject css // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/524696/how-to-create-a-style-tag-with-javascript var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; if (style.styleSheet){ style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); }; // create namespace var util = {}; /** * Test whether given object is a number * @param {*} object * @return {Boolean} isNumber */ util.isNumber = function isNumber(object) { return (object instanceof Number || typeof object == 'number'); }; /** * Test whether given object is a string * @param {*} object * @return {Boolean} isString */ util.isString = function isString(object) { return (object instanceof String || typeof object == 'string'); }; /** * Test whether given object is a Date, or a String containing a Date * @param {Date | String} object * @return {Boolean} isDate */ util.isDate = function isDate(object) { if (object instanceof Date) { return true; } else if (util.isString(object)) { // test whether this string contains a date var match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object); if (match) { return true; } else if (!isNaN(Date.parse(object))) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Test whether given object is an instance of google.visualization.DataTable * @param {*} object * @return {Boolean} isDataTable */ util.isDataTable = function isDataTable(object) { return (typeof (google) !== 'undefined') && (google.visualization) && (google.visualization.DataTable) && (object instanceof google.visualization.DataTable); }; /** * Create a semi UUID * source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/105074/1262753 * @return {String} uuid */ util.randomUUID = function randomUUID () { var S4 = function () { return Math.floor( Math.random() * 0x10000 /* 65536 */ ).toString(16); }; return ( S4() + S4() + '-' + S4() + '-' + S4() + '-' + S4() + '-' + S4() + S4() + S4() ); }; /** * Extend object a with the properties of object b * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Object} a */ util.extend = function (a, b) { for (var prop in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { a[prop] = b[prop]; } } return a; }; /** * Cast an object to another type * @param {Boolean | Number | String | Date | Null | undefined} object * @param {String | function | undefined} type Name of the type or a cast * function. Available types: * 'Boolean', 'Number', 'String', * 'Date', ISODate', 'ASPDate'. * @return {*} object * @throws Error */ util.cast = function cast(object, type) { if (object === undefined) { return undefined; } if (object === null) { return null; } if (!type) { return object; } if (typeof type == 'function') { return type(object); } //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (type) { case 'boolean': case 'Boolean': return Boolean(object); case 'number': case 'Number': return Number(object); case 'string': case 'String': return String(object); case 'Date': if (util.isNumber(object)) { return new Date(object); } if (object instanceof Date) { return new Date(object.valueOf()); } if (util.isString(object)) { // parse ASP.Net Date pattern, // for example '/Date(1198908717056)/' or '/Date(1198908717056-0700)/' // code from http://momentjs.com/ var match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object); if (match) { return new Date(Number(match[1])); } else { return moment(object).toDate(); // parse string } } else { throw new Error( 'Cannot cast object of type ' + util.getType(object) + ' to type Date'); } case 'ISODate': if (object instanceof Date) { return object.toISOString(); } else if (util.isNumber(object) || util.isString(object)) { return moment(object).toDate().toISOString(); } else { throw new Error( 'Cannot cast object of type ' + util.getType(object) + ' to type ISODate'); } case 'ASPDate': if (object instanceof Date) { return '/Date(' + object.valueOf() + ')/'; } else if (util.isNumber(object) || util.isString(object)) { return '/Date(' + moment(object).valueOf() + ')/'; } else { throw new Error( 'Cannot cast object of type ' + util.getType(object) + ' to type ASPDate'); } default: throw new Error('Cannot cast object of type ' + util.getType(object) + ' to type "' + type + '"'); } }; var ASPDateRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i; /** * Get the type of an object, for example util.getType([]) returns 'Array' * @param {*} object * @return {String} type */ util.getType = function getType(object) { var type = typeof object; if (type == 'object') { if (object == null) { return 'null'; } if (object instanceof Boolean) { return 'Boolean'; } if (object instanceof Number) { return 'Number'; } if (object instanceof String) { return 'String'; } if (object instanceof Array) { return 'Array'; } if (object instanceof Date) { return 'Date'; } return 'Object'; } else if (type == 'number') { return 'Number'; } else if (type == 'boolean') { return 'Boolean'; } else if (type == 'string') { return 'String'; } return type; }; /** * Retrieve the absolute left value of a DOM element * @param {Element} elem A dom element, for example a div * @return {number} left The absolute left position of this element * in the browser page. */ util.getAbsoluteLeft = function getAbsoluteLeft (elem) { var doc = document.documentElement; var body = document.body; var left = elem.offsetLeft; var e = elem.offsetParent; while (e != null && e != body && e != doc) { left += e.offsetLeft; left -= e.scrollLeft; e = e.offsetParent; } return left; }; /** * Retrieve the absolute top value of a DOM element * @param {Element} elem A dom element, for example a div * @return {number} top The absolute top position of this element * in the browser page. */ util.getAbsoluteTop = function getAbsoluteTop (elem) { var doc = document.documentElement; var body = document.body; var top = elem.offsetTop; var e = elem.offsetParent; while (e != null && e != body && e != doc) { top += e.offsetTop; top -= e.scrollTop; e = e.offsetParent; } return top; }; /** * Get the absolute, vertical mouse position from an event. * @param {Event} event * @return {Number} pageY */ util.getPageY = function getPageY (event) { if ('pageY' in event) { return event.pageY; } else { var clientY; if (('targetTouches' in event) && event.targetTouches.length) { clientY = event.targetTouches[0].clientY; } else { clientY = event.clientY; } var doc = document.documentElement; var body = document.body; return clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 ); } }; /** * Get the absolute, horizontal mouse position from an event. * @param {Event} event * @return {Number} pageX */ util.getPageX = function getPageX (event) { if ('pageY' in event) { return event.pageX; } else { var clientX; if (('targetTouches' in event) && event.targetTouches.length) { clientX = event.targetTouches[0].clientX; } else { clientX = event.clientX; } var doc = document.documentElement; var body = document.body; return clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 ); } }; /** * add a className to the given elements style * @param {Element} elem * @param {String} className */ util.addClassName = function addClassName(elem, className) { var classes = elem.className.split(' '); if (classes.indexOf(className) == -1) { classes.push(className); // add the class to the array elem.className = classes.join(' '); } }; /** * add a className to the given elements style * @param {Element} elem * @param {String} className */ util.removeClassName = function removeClassname(elem, className) { var classes = elem.className.split(' '); var index = classes.indexOf(className); if (index != -1) { classes.splice(index, 1); // remove the class from the array elem.className = classes.join(' '); } }; /** * For each method for both arrays and objects. * In case of an array, the built-in Array.forEach() is applied. * In case of an Object, the method loops over all properties of the object. * @param {Object | Array} object An Object or Array * @param {function} callback Callback method, called for each item in * the object or array with three parameters: * callback(value, index, object) */ util.forEach = function forEach (object, callback) { if (object instanceof Array) { // array object.forEach(callback); } else { // object for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { callback(object[key], key, object); } } } }; /** * Update a property in an object * @param {Object} object * @param {String} key * @param {*} value * @return {Boolean} changed */ util.updateProperty = function updateProp (object, key, value) { if (object[key] !== value) { object[key] = value; return true; } else { return false; } }; /** * Add and event listener. Works for all browsers * @param {Element} element An html element * @param {string} action The action, for example "click", * without the prefix "on" * @param {function} listener The callback function to be executed * @param {boolean} [useCapture] */ util.addEventListener = function addEventListener(element, action, listener, useCapture) { if (element.addEventListener) { if (useCapture === undefined) useCapture = false; if (action === "mousewheel" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0) { action = "DOMMouseScroll"; // For Firefox } element.addEventListener(action, listener, useCapture); } else { element.attachEvent("on" + action, listener); // IE browsers } }; /** * Remove an event listener from an element * @param {Element} element An html dom element * @param {string} action The name of the event, for example "mousedown" * @param {function} listener The listener function * @param {boolean} [useCapture] */ util.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(element, action, listener, useCapture) { if (element.removeEventListener) { // non-IE browsers if (useCapture === undefined) useCapture = false; if (action === "mousewheel" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0) { action = "DOMMouseScroll"; // For Firefox } element.removeEventListener(action, listener, useCapture); } else { // IE browsers element.detachEvent("on" + action, listener); } }; /** * Get HTML element which is the target of the event * @param {Event} event * @return {Element} target element */ util.getTarget = function getTarget(event) { // code from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html if (!event) { event = window.event; } var target; if (event.target) { target = event.target; } else if (event.srcElement) { target = event.srcElement; } if (target.nodeType != undefined && target.nodeType == 3) { // defeat Safari bug target = target.parentNode; } return target; }; /** * Stop event propagation */ util.stopPropagation = function stopPropagation(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); // non-IE browsers } else { event.cancelBubble = true; // IE browsers } }; /** * Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event. */ util.preventDefault = function preventDefault (event) { if (!event) event = window.event; if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); // non-IE browsers } else { event.returnValue = false; // IE browsers } }; util.option = {}; /** * Cast a value as boolean * @param {Boolean | function | undefined} value * @param {Boolean} [defaultValue] * @returns {Boolean} bool */ util.option.asBoolean = function (value, defaultValue) { if (typeof value == 'function') { value = value(); } if (value != null) { return (value != false); } return defaultValue || null; }; /** * Cast a value as string * @param {String | function | undefined} value * @param {String} [defaultValue] * @returns {String} str */ util.option.asString = function (value, defaultValue) { if (typeof value == 'function') { value = value(); } if (value != null) { return String(value); } return defaultValue || null; }; /** * Cast a size or location in pixels or a percentage * @param {String | Number | function | undefined} value * @param {String} [defaultValue] * @returns {String} size */ util.option.asSize = function (value, defaultValue) { if (typeof value == 'function') { value = value(); } if (util.isString(value)) { return value; } else if (util.isNumber(value)) { return value + 'px'; } else { return defaultValue || null; } }; /** * Cast a value as DOM element * @param {HTMLElement | function | undefined} value * @param {HTMLElement} [defaultValue] * @returns {HTMLElement | null} dom */ util.option.asElement = function (value, defaultValue) { if (typeof value == 'function') { value = value(); } return value || defaultValue || null; }; // Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Array.indexOf, so we define // it here in that case. // http://soledadpenades.com/2007/05/17/arrayindexof-in-internet-explorer/ if(!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj){ for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ if(this[i] == obj){ return i; } } return -1; }; try { console.log("Warning: Ancient browser detected. Please update your browser"); } catch (err) { } } // Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Array.forEach, so we define // it here in that case. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/forEach if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function(fn, scope) { for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) { fn.call(scope || this, this[i], i, this); } } } // Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Array.map, so we define it // here in that case. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.19 if (!Array.prototype.map) { Array.prototype.map = function(callback, thisArg) { var T, A, k; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError(" this is null or not defined"); } // 1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the |this| value as the argument. var O = Object(this); // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get internal method of O with the argument "length". // 3. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue). var len = O.length >>> 0; // 4. If IsCallable(callback) is false, throw a TypeError exception. // See: http://es5.github.com/#x9.11 if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError(callback + " is not a function"); } // 5. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. if (thisArg) { T = thisArg; } // 6. Let A be a new array created as if by the expression new Array(len) where Array is // the standard built-in constructor with that name and len is the value of len. A = new Array(len); // 7. Let k be 0 k = 0; // 8. Repeat, while k < len while(k < len) { var kValue, mappedValue; // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the HasProperty internal method of O with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then if (k in O) { // i. Let kValue be the result of calling the Get internal method of O with argument Pk. kValue = O[ k ]; // ii. Let mappedValue be the result of calling the Call internal method of callback // with T as the this value and argument list containing kValue, k, and O. mappedValue = callback.call(T, kValue, k, O); // iii. Call the DefineOwnProperty internal method of A with arguments // Pk, Property Descriptor {Value: mappedValue, : true, Enumerable: true, Configurable: true}, // and false. // In browsers that support Object.defineProperty, use the following: // Object.defineProperty(A, Pk, { value: mappedValue, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); // For best browser support, use the following: A[ k ] = mappedValue; } // d. Increase k by 1. k++; } // 9. return A return A; }; } // Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Array.filter, so we define it // here in that case. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp */) { "use strict"; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError(); } var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; if (typeof fun != "function") { throw new TypeError(); } var res = []; var thisp = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in t) { var val = t[i]; // in case fun mutates this if (fun.call(thisp, val, i, t)) res.push(val); } } return res; }; } // Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Object.keys, so we define it // here in that case. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys if (!Object.keys) { Object.keys = (function () { var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, hasDontEnumBug = !({toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'), dontEnums = [ 'toString', 'toLocaleString', 'valueOf', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'constructor' ], dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length; return function (obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null) { throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object'); } var result = []; for (var prop in obj) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) result.push(prop); } if (hasDontEnumBug) { for (var i=0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, dontEnums[i])) result.push(dontEnums[i]); } } return result; } })() } // Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Array.isArray, // so we define it here in that case. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray if(!Array.isArray) { Array.isArray = function (vArg) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(vArg) === "[object Array]"; }; } // export vis.util = util; /** * Event listener (singleton) */ var events = { 'listeners': [], /** * Find a single listener by its object * @param {Object} object * @return {Number} index -1 when not found */ 'indexOf': function (object) { var listeners = this.listeners; for (var i = 0, iMax = this.listeners.length; i < iMax; i++) { var listener = listeners[i]; if (listener && listener.object == object) { return i; } } return -1; }, /** * Add an event listener * @param {Object} object * @param {String} event The name of an event, for example 'select' * @param {function} callback The callback method, called when the * event takes place */ 'addListener': function (object, event, callback) { var index = this.indexOf(object); var listener = this.listeners[index]; if (!listener) { listener = { 'object': object, 'events': {} }; this.listeners.push(listener); } var callbacks = listener.events[event]; if (!callbacks) { callbacks = []; listener.events[event] = callbacks; } // add the callback if it does not yet exist if (callbacks.indexOf(callback) == -1) { callbacks.push(callback); } }, /** * Remove an event listener * @param {Object} object * @param {String} event The name of an event, for example 'select' * @param {function} callback The registered callback method */ 'removeListener': function (object, event, callback) { var index = this.indexOf(object); var listener = this.listeners[index]; if (listener) { var callbacks = listener.events[event]; if (callbacks) { index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index != -1) { callbacks.splice(index, 1); } // remove the array when empty if (callbacks.length == 0) { delete listener.events[event]; } } // count the number of registered events. remove listener when empty var count = 0; var events = listener.events; for (var e in events) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(e)) { count++; } } if (count == 0) { delete this.listeners[index]; } } }, /** * Remove all registered event listeners */ 'removeAllListeners': function () { this.listeners = []; }, /** * Trigger an event. All registered event handlers will be called * @param {Object} object * @param {String} event * @param {Object} properties (optional) */ 'trigger': function (object, event, properties) { var index = this.indexOf(object); var listener = this.listeners[index]; if (listener) { var callbacks = listener.events[event]; if (callbacks) { for (var i = 0, iMax = callbacks.length; i < iMax; i++) { callbacks[i](properties); } } } } }; // exports vis.events = events; /** * @constructor TimeStep * The class TimeStep is an iterator for dates. You provide a start date and an * end date. The class itself determines the best scale (step size) based on the * provided start Date, end Date, and minimumStep. * * If minimumStep is provided, the step size is chosen as close as possible * to the minimumStep but larger than minimumStep. If minimumStep is not * provided, the scale is set to 1 DAY. * The minimumStep should correspond with the onscreen size of about 6 characters * * Alternatively, you can set a scale by hand. * After creation, you can initialize the class by executing first(). Then you * can iterate from the start date to the end date via next(). You can check if * the end date is reached with the function hasNext(). After each step, you can * retrieve the current date via getCurrent(). * The TimeStep has scales ranging from milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, * days, to years. * * Version: 1.2 * * @param {Date} [start] The start date, for example new Date(2010, 9, 21) * or new Date(2010, 9, 21, 23, 45, 00) * @param {Date} [end] The end date * @param {Number} [minimumStep] Optional. Minimum step size in milliseconds */ TimeStep = function(start, end, minimumStep) { // variables this.current = new Date(); this._start = new Date(); this._end = new Date(); this.autoScale = true; this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.DAY; this.step = 1; // initialize the range this.setRange(start, end, minimumStep); }; /// enum scale TimeStep.SCALE = { MILLISECOND: 1, SECOND: 2, MINUTE: 3, HOUR: 4, DAY: 5, WEEKDAY: 6, MONTH: 7, YEAR: 8 }; /** * Set a new range * If minimumStep is provided, the step size is chosen as close as possible * to the minimumStep but larger than minimumStep. If minimumStep is not * provided, the scale is set to 1 DAY. * The minimumStep should correspond with the onscreen size of about 6 characters * @param {Date} start The start date and time. * @param {Date} end The end date and time. * @param {int} [minimumStep] Optional. Minimum step size in milliseconds */ TimeStep.prototype.setRange = function(start, end, minimumStep) { if (!(start instanceof Date) || !(end instanceof Date)) { //throw "No legal start or end date in method setRange"; return; } this._start = (start != undefined) ? new Date(start.valueOf()) : new Date(); this._end = (end != undefined) ? new Date(end.valueOf()) : new Date(); if (this.autoScale) { this.setMinimumStep(minimumStep); } }; /** * Set the range iterator to the start date. */ TimeStep.prototype.first = function() { this.current = new Date(this._start.valueOf()); this.roundToMinor(); }; /** * Round the current date to the first minor date value * This must be executed once when the current date is set to start Date */ TimeStep.prototype.roundToMinor = function() { // round to floor // IMPORTANT: we have no breaks in this switch! (this is no bug) //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: this.current.setFullYear(this.step * Math.floor(this.current.getFullYear() / this.step)); this.current.setMonth(0); case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: this.current.setDate(1); case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: // intentional fall through case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: this.current.setHours(0); case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: this.current.setMinutes(0); case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: this.current.setSeconds(0); case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: this.current.setMilliseconds(0); //case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: // nothing to do for milliseconds } if (this.step != 1) { // round down to the first minor value that is a multiple of the current step size switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: this.current.setMilliseconds(this.current.getMilliseconds() - this.current.getMilliseconds() % this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: this.current.setSeconds(this.current.getSeconds() - this.current.getSeconds() % this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: this.current.setMinutes(this.current.getMinutes() - this.current.getMinutes() % this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: this.current.setHours(this.current.getHours() - this.current.getHours() % this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: // intentional fall through case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: this.current.setDate((this.current.getDate()-1) - (this.current.getDate()-1) % this.step + 1); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: this.current.setMonth(this.current.getMonth() - this.current.getMonth() % this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: this.current.setFullYear(this.current.getFullYear() - this.current.getFullYear() % this.step); break; default: break; } } }; /** * Check if the there is a next step * @return {boolean} true if the current date has not passed the end date */ TimeStep.prototype.hasNext = function () { return (this.current.valueOf() <= this._end.valueOf()); }; /** * Do the next step */ TimeStep.prototype.next = function() { var prev = this.current.valueOf(); // Two cases, needed to prevent issues with switching daylight savings // (end of March and end of October) if (this.current.getMonth() < 6) { switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: this.current = new Date(this.current.valueOf() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: this.current = new Date(this.current.valueOf() + this.step * 1000); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: this.current = new Date(this.current.valueOf() + this.step * 1000 * 60); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: this.current = new Date(this.current.valueOf() + this.step * 1000 * 60 * 60); // in case of skipping an hour for daylight savings, adjust the hour again (else you get: 0h 5h 9h ... instead of 0h 4h 8h ...) var h = this.current.getHours(); this.current.setHours(h - (h % this.step)); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: // intentional fall through case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: this.current.setDate(this.current.getDate() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: this.current.setMonth(this.current.getMonth() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: this.current.setFullYear(this.current.getFullYear() + this.step); break; default: break; } } else { switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: this.current = new Date(this.current.valueOf() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: this.current.setSeconds(this.current.getSeconds() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: this.current.setMinutes(this.current.getMinutes() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: this.current.setHours(this.current.getHours() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: // intentional fall through case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: this.current.setDate(this.current.getDate() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: this.current.setMonth(this.current.getMonth() + this.step); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: this.current.setFullYear(this.current.getFullYear() + this.step); break; default: break; } } if (this.step != 1) { // round down to the correct major value switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: if(this.current.getMilliseconds() < this.step) this.current.setMilliseconds(0); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: if(this.current.getSeconds() < this.step) this.current.setSeconds(0); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: if(this.current.getMinutes() < this.step) this.current.setMinutes(0); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: if(this.current.getHours() < this.step) this.current.setHours(0); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: // intentional fall through case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: if(this.current.getDate() < this.step+1) this.current.setDate(1); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: if(this.current.getMonth() < this.step) this.current.setMonth(0); break; case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: break; // nothing to do for year default: break; } } // safety mechanism: if current time is still unchanged, move to the end if (this.current.valueOf() == prev) { this.current = new Date(this._end.valueOf()); } }; /** * Get the current datetime * @return {Date} current The current date */ TimeStep.prototype.getCurrent = function() { return this.current; }; /** * Set a custom scale. Autoscaling will be disabled. * For example setScale(SCALE.MINUTES, 5) will result * in minor steps of 5 minutes, and major steps of an hour. * * @param {TimeStep.SCALE} newScale * A scale. Choose from SCALE.MILLISECOND, * SCALE.SECOND, SCALE.MINUTE, SCALE.HOUR, * SCALE.WEEKDAY, SCALE.DAY, SCALE.MONTH, * SCALE.YEAR. * @param {Number} newStep A step size, by default 1. Choose for * example 1, 2, 5, or 10. */ TimeStep.prototype.setScale = function(newScale, newStep) { this.scale = newScale; if (newStep > 0) { this.step = newStep; } this.autoScale = false; }; /** * Enable or disable autoscaling * @param {boolean} enable If true, autoascaling is set true */ TimeStep.prototype.setAutoScale = function (enable) { this.autoScale = enable; }; /** * Automatically determine the scale that bests fits the provided minimum step * @param {Number} minimumStep The minimum step size in milliseconds */ TimeStep.prototype.setMinimumStep = function(minimumStep) { if (minimumStep == undefined) { return; } var stepYear = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12); var stepMonth = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); var stepDay = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); var stepHour = (1000 * 60 * 60); var stepMinute = (1000 * 60); var stepSecond = (1000); var stepMillisecond= (1); // find the smallest step that is larger than the provided minimumStep if (stepYear*1000 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 1000;} if (stepYear*500 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 500;} if (stepYear*100 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 100;} if (stepYear*50 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 50;} if (stepYear*10 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 10;} if (stepYear*5 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 5;} if (stepYear > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR; this.step = 1;} if (stepMonth*3 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH; this.step = 3;} if (stepMonth > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH; this.step = 1;} if (stepDay*5 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.DAY; this.step = 5;} if (stepDay*2 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.DAY; this.step = 2;} if (stepDay > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.DAY; this.step = 1;} if (stepDay/2 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY; this.step = 1;} if (stepHour*4 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR; this.step = 4;} if (stepHour > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR; this.step = 1;} if (stepMinute*15 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE; this.step = 15;} if (stepMinute*10 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE; this.step = 10;} if (stepMinute*5 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE; this.step = 5;} if (stepMinute > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE; this.step = 1;} if (stepSecond*15 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND; this.step = 15;} if (stepSecond*10 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND; this.step = 10;} if (stepSecond*5 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND; this.step = 5;} if (stepSecond > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND; this.step = 1;} if (stepMillisecond*200 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND; this.step = 200;} if (stepMillisecond*100 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND; this.step = 100;} if (stepMillisecond*50 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND; this.step = 50;} if (stepMillisecond*10 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND; this.step = 10;} if (stepMillisecond*5 > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND; this.step = 5;} if (stepMillisecond > minimumStep) {this.scale = TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND; this.step = 1;} }; /** * Snap a date to a rounded value. The snap intervals are dependent on the * current scale and step. * @param {Date} date the date to be snapped */ TimeStep.prototype.snap = function(date) { if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR) { var year = date.getFullYear() + Math.round(date.getMonth() / 12); date.setFullYear(Math.round(year / this.step) * this.step); date.setMonth(0); date.setDate(0); date.setHours(0); date.setMinutes(0); date.setSeconds(0); date.setMilliseconds(0); } else if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH) { if (date.getDate() > 15) { date.setDate(1); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); // important: first set Date to 1, after that change the month. } else { date.setDate(1); } date.setHours(0); date.setMinutes(0); date.setSeconds(0); date.setMilliseconds(0); } else if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.DAY || this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY) { //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (this.step) { case 5: case 2: date.setHours(Math.round(date.getHours() / 24) * 24); break; default: date.setHours(Math.round(date.getHours() / 12) * 12); break; } date.setMinutes(0); date.setSeconds(0); date.setMilliseconds(0); } else if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR) { switch (this.step) { case 4: date.setMinutes(Math.round(date.getMinutes() / 60) * 60); break; default: date.setMinutes(Math.round(date.getMinutes() / 30) * 30); break; } date.setSeconds(0); date.setMilliseconds(0); } else if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE) { //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (this.step) { case 15: case 10: date.setMinutes(Math.round(date.getMinutes() / 5) * 5); date.setSeconds(0); break; case 5: date.setSeconds(Math.round(date.getSeconds() / 60) * 60); break; default: date.setSeconds(Math.round(date.getSeconds() / 30) * 30); break; } date.setMilliseconds(0); } else if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND) { //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (this.step) { case 15: case 10: date.setSeconds(Math.round(date.getSeconds() / 5) * 5); date.setMilliseconds(0); break; case 5: date.setMilliseconds(Math.round(date.getMilliseconds() / 1000) * 1000); break; default: date.setMilliseconds(Math.round(date.getMilliseconds() / 500) * 500); break; } } else if (this.scale == TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND) { var step = this.step > 5 ? this.step / 2 : 1; date.setMilliseconds(Math.round(date.getMilliseconds() / step) * step); } }; /** * Check if the current value is a major value (for example when the step * is DAY, a major value is each first day of the MONTH) * @return {boolean} true if current date is major, else false. */ TimeStep.prototype.isMajor = function() { switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: return (this.current.getMilliseconds() == 0); case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: return (this.current.getSeconds() == 0); case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: return (this.current.getHours() == 0) && (this.current.getMinutes() == 0); // Note: this is no bug. Major label is equal for both minute and hour scale case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: return (this.current.getHours() == 0); case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: // intentional fall through case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: return (this.current.getDate() == 1); case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: return (this.current.getMonth() == 0); case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: return false; default: return false; } }; /** * Returns formatted text for the minor axislabel, depending on the current * date and the scale. For example when scale is MINUTE, the current time is * formatted as "hh:mm". * @param {Date} [date] custom date. if not provided, current date is taken */ TimeStep.prototype.getLabelMinor = function(date) { if (date == undefined) { date = this.current; } switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND: return moment(date).format('SSS'); case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: return moment(date).format('s'); case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: return moment(date).format('HH:mm'); case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: return moment(date).format('HH:mm'); case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: return moment(date).format('ddd D'); case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: return moment(date).format('D'); case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: return moment(date).format('MMM'); case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: return moment(date).format('YYYY'); default: return ''; } }; /** * Returns formatted text for the major axislabel, depending on the current * date and the scale. For example when scale is MINUTE, the major scale is * hours, and the hour will be formatted as "hh". * @param {Date} [date] custom date. if not provided, current date is taken */ TimeStep.prototype.getLabelMajor = function(date) { if (date == undefined) { date = this.current; } //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (this.scale) { case TimeStep.SCALE.MILLISECOND:return moment(date).format('HH:mm:ss'); case TimeStep.SCALE.SECOND: return moment(date).format('D MMMM HH:mm'); case TimeStep.SCALE.MINUTE: case TimeStep.SCALE.HOUR: return moment(date).format('ddd D MMMM'); case TimeStep.SCALE.WEEKDAY: case TimeStep.SCALE.DAY: return moment(date).format('MMMM YYYY'); case TimeStep.SCALE.MONTH: return moment(date).format('YYYY'); case TimeStep.SCALE.YEAR: return ''; default: return ''; } }; // export vis.TimeStep = TimeStep; /** * DataSet * * Usage: * var dataSet = new DataSet({ * fieldId: '_id', * fieldTypes: { * // ... * } * }); * * dataSet.add(item); * dataSet.add(data); * dataSet.update(item); * dataSet.update(data); * dataSet.remove(id); * dataSet.remove(ids); * var data = dataSet.get(); * var data = dataSet.get(id); * var data = dataSet.get(ids); * var data = dataSet.get(ids, options, data); * dataSet.clear(); * * A data set can: * - add/remove/update data * - gives triggers upon changes in the data * - can import/export data in various data formats * @param {Object} [options] Available options: * {String} fieldId Field name of the id in the * items, 'id' by default. * {Object.} [fieldTypes] * {String[]} [fields] filter fields * @param {Array | DataTable} [data] If provided, items will be appended * to this array or table. Required * in case of Google DataTable * @return {Array | Object | DataTable | null} data * @throws Error */ DataSet.prototype.get = function (ids, options, data) { var me = this; // shift arguments when first argument contains the options if (util.getType(ids) == 'Object') { data = options; options = ids; ids = undefined; } // merge field types var fieldTypes = {}; if (this.options && this.options.fieldTypes) { util.forEach(this.options.fieldTypes, function (value, field) { fieldTypes[field] = value; }); } if (options && options.fieldTypes) { util.forEach(options.fieldTypes, function (value, field) { fieldTypes[field] = value; }); } var fields = options ? options.fields : undefined; // determine the return type var type; if (options && options.type) { type = (options.type == 'DataTable') ? 'DataTable' : 'Array'; if (data && (type != util.getType(data))) { throw new Error('Type of parameter "data" (' + util.getType(data) + ') ' + 'does not correspond with specified options.type (' + options.type + ')'); } if (type == 'DataTable' && !util.isDataTable(data)) { throw new Error('Parameter "data" must be a DataTable ' + 'when options.type is "DataTable"'); } } else if (data) { type = (util.getType(data) == 'DataTable') ? 'DataTable' : 'Array'; } else { type = 'Array'; } if (type == 'DataTable') { // return a Google DataTable var columns = this._getColumnNames(data); if (ids == undefined) { // return all data util.forEach(this.data, function (item) { me._appendRow(data, columns, me._castItem(item)); }); } else if (util.isNumber(ids) || util.isString(ids)) { var item = me._castItem(me.data[ids], fieldTypes, fields); this._appendRow(data, columns, item); } else if (ids instanceof Array) { ids.forEach(function (id) { var item = me._castItem(me.data[id], fieldTypes, fields); me._appendRow(data, columns, item); }); } else { throw new TypeError('Parameter "ids" must be ' + 'undefined, a String, Number, or Array'); } } else { // return an array data = data || []; if (ids == undefined) { // return all data util.forEach(this.data, function (item) { data.push(me._castItem(item, fieldTypes, fields)); }); } else if (util.isNumber(ids) || util.isString(ids)) { // return a single item return this._castItem(me.data[ids], fieldTypes, fields); } else if (ids instanceof Array) { ids.forEach(function (id) { data.push(me._castItem(me.data[id], fieldTypes, fields)); }); } else { throw new TypeError('Parameter "ids" must be ' + 'undefined, a String, Number, or Array'); } } return data; }; /** * Remove an object by pointer or by id * @param {String | Number | Object | Array} id Object or id, or an array with * objects or ids to be removed * @param {String} [senderId] Optional sender id, used to trigger events for * all but this sender's event subscribers. */ DataSet.prototype.remove = function (id, senderId) { var items = [], me = this; if (util.isNumber(id) || util.isString(id)) { delete this.data[id]; delete this.internalIds[id]; items.push(id); } else if (id instanceof Array) { id.forEach(function (id) { me.remove(id); }); items = items.concat(id); } else if (id instanceof Object) { // search for the object for (var i in this.data) { if (this.data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this.data[i] == id) { delete this.data[i]; delete this.internalIds[i]; items.push(i); } } } } this._trigger('remove', {items: items}, senderId); }; /** * Clear the data * @param {String} [senderId] Optional sender id, used to trigger events for * all but this sender's event subscribers. */ DataSet.prototype.clear = function (senderId) { var ids = Object.keys(this.data); this.data = {}; this.internalIds = {}; this._trigger('remove', {items: ids}, senderId); }; /** * Find the item with maximum value of a specified field * @param {String} field * @return {Object} item Item containing max value, or null if no items */ DataSet.prototype.max = function (field) { var data = this.data, ids = Object.keys(data); var max = null; var maxField = null; ids.forEach(function (id) { var item = data[id]; var itemField = item[field]; if (itemField != null && (!max || itemField > maxField)) { max = item; maxField = itemField; } }); return max; }; /** * Find the item with minimum value of a specified field * @param {String} field */ DataSet.prototype.min = function (field) { var data = this.data, ids = Object.keys(data); var min = null; var minField = null; ids.forEach(function (id) { var item = data[id]; var itemField = item[field]; if (itemField != null && (!min || itemField < minField)) { min = item; minField = itemField; } }); return min; }; /** * Add a single item * @param {Object} item * @return {String} id * @private */ DataSet.prototype._addItem = function (item) { var id = item[this.fieldId]; if (id == undefined) { // generate an id id = util.randomUUID(); item[this.fieldId] = id; this.internalIds[id] = item; } var d = {}; for (var field in item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty(field)) { var type = this.fieldTypes[field]; // type may be undefined d[field] = util.cast(item[field], type); } } this.data[id] = d; //TODO: fail when an item with this id already exists? return id; }; /** * Cast and filter the fields of an item * @param {Object | undefined} item * @param {Object.} [fieldTypes] * @param {String[]} [fields] * @return {Object | null} castedItem * @private */ DataSet.prototype._castItem = function (item, fieldTypes, fields) { var clone, fieldId = this.fieldId, internalIds = this.internalIds; if (item) { clone = {}; fieldTypes = fieldTypes || {}; if (fields) { // output filtered fields util.forEach(item, function (value, field) { if (fields.indexOf(field) != -1) { clone[field] = util.cast(value, fieldTypes[field]); } }); } else { // output all fields, except internal ids util.forEach(item, function (value, field) { if (field != fieldId || !(value in internalIds)) { clone[field] = util.cast(value, fieldTypes[field]); } }); } } else { clone = null; } return clone; }; /** * Update a single item: merge with existing item * @param {Object} item * @return {String} id * @private */ DataSet.prototype._updateItem = function (item) { var id = item[this.fieldId]; if (id == undefined) { throw new Error('Item has no id (item: ' + JSON.stringify(item) + ')'); } var d = this.data[id]; if (d) { // merge with current item for (var field in item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty(field)) { var type = this.fieldTypes[field]; // type may be undefined d[field] = util.cast(item[field], type); } } } else { // create new item this._addItem(item); } return id; }; /** * Get an array with the column names of a Google DataTable * @param {DataTable} dataTable * @return {Array} columnNames * @private */ DataSet.prototype._getColumnNames = function (dataTable) { var columns = []; for (var col = 0, cols = dataTable.getNumberOfColumns(); col < cols; col++) { columns[col] = dataTable.getColumnId(col) || dataTable.getColumnLabel(col); } return columns; }; /** * Append an item as a row to the dataTable * @param dataTable * @param columns * @param item * @private */ DataSet.prototype._appendRow = function (dataTable, columns, item) { var row = dataTable.addRow(); columns.forEach(function (field, col) { dataTable.setValue(row, col, item[field]); }); }; // exports vis.DataSet = DataSet; /** * @constructor Stack * Stacks items on top of each other. * @param {ItemSet} parent * @param {Object} [options] */ function Stack (parent, options) { this.parent = parent; this.options = { order: function (a, b) { return (b.width - a.width) || (a.left - b.left); } }; this.ordered = []; // ordered items this.setOptions(options); } /** * Set options for the stack * @param {Object} options Available options: * {ItemSet} parent * {Number} margin * {function} order Stacking order */ Stack.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); // TODO: register on data changes at the connected parent itemset, and update the changed part only and immediately }; /** * Stack the items such that they don't overlap. The items will have a minimal * distance equal to options.margin.item. */ Stack.prototype.update = function() { this._order(); this._stack(); }; /** * Order the items. The items are ordered by width first, and by left position * second. * If a custom order function has been provided via the options, then this will * be used. * @private */ Stack.prototype._order = function() { var items = this.parent.items; if (!items) { throw new Error('Cannot stack items: parent does not contain items'); } // TODO: store the sorted items, to have less work later on var ordered = []; var index = 0; util.forEach(items, function (item, id) { ordered[index] = item; index++; }); //if a customer stack order function exists, use it. var order = this.options.order; if (!(typeof this.options.order === 'function')) { throw new Error('Option order must be a function'); } ordered.sort(order); this.ordered = ordered; }; /** * Adjust vertical positions of the events such that they don't overlap each * other. * @private */ Stack.prototype._stack = function() { var i, iMax, ordered = this.ordered, options = this.options, axisOnTop = (options.orientation == 'top'), margin = options.margin && options.margin.item || 0; // calculate new, non-overlapping positions for (i = 0, iMax = ordered.length; i < iMax; i++) { var item = ordered[i]; var collidingItem = null; do { // TODO: optimize checking for overlap. when there is a gap without items, // you only need to check for items from the next item on, not from zero collidingItem = this.checkOverlap(ordered, i, 0, i - 1, margin); if (collidingItem != null) { // There is a collision. Reposition the event above the colliding element if (axisOnTop) { item.top = collidingItem.top + collidingItem.height + margin; } else { item.top = collidingItem.top - item.height - margin; } } } while (collidingItem); } }; /** * Check if the destiny position of given item overlaps with any * of the other items from index itemStart to itemEnd. * @param {Array} items Array with items * @param {int} itemIndex Number of the item to be checked for overlap * @param {int} itemStart First item to be checked. * @param {int} itemEnd Last item to be checked. * @return {Object | null} colliding item, or undefined when no collisions * @param {Number} margin A minimum required margin. * If margin is provided, the two items will be * marked colliding when they overlap or * when the margin between the two is smaller than * the requested margin. */ Stack.prototype.checkOverlap = function(items, itemIndex, itemStart, itemEnd, margin) { var collision = this.collision; // we loop from end to start, as we suppose that the chance of a // collision is larger for items at the end, so check these first. var a = items[itemIndex]; for (var i = itemEnd; i >= itemStart; i--) { var b = items[i]; if (collision(a, b, margin)) { if (i != itemIndex) { return b; } } } return null; }; /** * Test if the two provided items collide * The items must have parameters left, width, top, and height. * @param {Component} a The first item * @param {Component} b The second item * @param {Number} margin A minimum required margin. * If margin is provided, the two items will be * marked colliding when they overlap or * when the margin between the two is smaller than * the requested margin. * @return {boolean} true if a and b collide, else false */ Stack.prototype.collision = function(a, b, margin) { return ((a.left - margin) < (b.left + b.width) && (a.left + a.width + margin) > b.left && (a.top - margin) < (b.top + b.height) && (a.top + a.height + margin) > b.top); }; // exports vis.Stack = Stack; /** * @constructor Range * A Range controls a numeric range with a start and end value. * The Range adjusts the range based on mouse events or programmatic changes, * and triggers events when the range is changing or has been changed. * @param {Object} [options] See description at Range.setOptions * @extends Controller */ function Range(options) { this.id = util.randomUUID(); this.start = 0; // Number this.end = 0; // Number this.options = { min: null, max: null, zoomMin: null, zoomMax: null }; this.setOptions(options); this.listeners = []; } /** * Set options for the range controller * @param {Object} options Available options: * {Number} start Set start value of the range * {Number} end Set end value of the range * {Number} min Minimum value for start * {Number} max Maximum value for end * {Number} zoomMin Set a minimum value for * (end - start). * {Number} zoomMax Set a maximum value for * (end - start). */ Range.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); if (options.start != null || options.end != null) { this.setRange(options.start, options.end); } }; /** * Add listeners for mouse and touch events to the component * @param {Component} component * @param {String} event Available events: 'move', 'zoom' * @param {String} direction Available directions: 'horizontal', 'vertical' */ Range.prototype.subscribe = function (component, event, direction) { var me = this; var listener; if (direction != 'horizontal' && direction != 'vertical') { throw new TypeError('Unknown direction "' + direction + '". ' + 'Choose "horizontal" or "vertical".'); } //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS if (event == 'move') { listener = { component: component, event: event, direction: direction, callback: function (event) { me._onMouseDown(event, listener); }, params: {} }; component.on('mousedown', listener.callback); me.listeners.push(listener); } else if (event == 'zoom') { listener = { component: component, event: event, direction: direction, callback: function (event) { me._onMouseWheel(event, listener); }, params: {} }; component.on('mousewheel', listener.callback); me.listeners.push(listener); } else { throw new TypeError('Unknown event "' + event + '". ' + 'Choose "move" or "zoom".'); } }; /** * Event handler * @param {String} event name of the event, for example 'click', 'mousemove' * @param {function} callback callback handler, invoked with the raw HTML Event * as parameter. */ Range.prototype.on = function (event, callback) { events.addListener(this, event, callback); }; /** * Trigger an event * @param {String} event name of the event, available events: 'rangechange', * 'rangechanged' * @private */ Range.prototype._trigger = function (event) { events.trigger(this, event, { start: this.start, end: this.end }); }; /** * Set a new start and end range * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} end */ Range.prototype.setRange = function(start, end) { var changed = this._applyRange(start, end); if (changed) { this._trigger('rangechange'); this._trigger('rangechanged'); } }; /** * Set a new start and end range. This method is the same as setRange, but * does not trigger a range change and range changed event, and it returns * true when the range is changed * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} end * @return {Boolean} changed * @private */ Range.prototype._applyRange = function(start, end) { var newStart = (start != null) ? util.cast(start, 'Number') : this.start; var newEnd = (end != null) ? util.cast(end, 'Number') : this.end; var diff; // check for valid number if (isNaN(newStart)) { throw new Error('Invalid start "' + start + '"'); } if (isNaN(newEnd)) { throw new Error('Invalid end "' + end + '"'); } // prevent start < end if (newEnd < newStart) { newEnd = newStart; } // prevent start < min if (this.options.min != null) { var min = this.options.min.valueOf(); if (newStart < min) { diff = (min - newStart); newStart += diff; newEnd += diff; } } // prevent end > max if (this.options.max != null) { var max = this.options.max.valueOf(); if (newEnd > max) { diff = (newEnd - max); newStart -= diff; newEnd -= diff; } } // prevent (end-start) > zoomMin if (this.options.zoomMin != null) { var zoomMin = this.options.zoomMin.valueOf(); if (zoomMin < 0) { zoomMin = 0; } if ((newEnd - newStart) < zoomMin) { if ((this.end - this.start) > zoomMin) { // zoom to the minimum diff = (zoomMin - (newEnd - newStart)); newStart -= diff / 2; newEnd += diff / 2; } else { // ingore this action, we are already zoomed to the minimum newStart = this.start; newEnd = this.end; } } } // prevent (end-start) > zoomMin if (this.options.zoomMax != null) { var zoomMax = this.options.zoomMax.valueOf(); if (zoomMax < 0) { zoomMax = 0; } if ((newEnd - newStart) > zoomMax) { if ((this.end - this.start) < zoomMax) { // zoom to the maximum diff = ((newEnd - newStart) - zoomMax); newStart += diff / 2; newEnd -= diff / 2; } else { // ingore this action, we are already zoomed to the maximum newStart = this.start; newEnd = this.end; } } } var changed = (this.start != newStart || this.end != newEnd); this.start = newStart; this.end = newEnd; return changed; }; /** * Retrieve the current range. * @return {Object} An object with start and end properties */ Range.prototype.getRange = function() { return { start: this.start, end: this.end }; }; /** * Calculate the conversion offset and factor for current range, based on * the provided width * @param {Number} width * @returns {{offset: number, factor: number}} conversion */ Range.prototype.conversion = function (width) { var start = this.start; var end = this.end; return Range.conversion(this.start, this.end, width); }; /** * Static method to calculate the conversion offset and factor for a range, * based on the provided start, end, and width * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} end * @param {Number} width * @returns {{offset: number, factor: number}} conversion */ Range.conversion = function (start, end, width) { if (width != 0 && (end - start != 0)) { return { offset: start, factor: width / (end - start) } } else { return { offset: 0, factor: 1 }; } }; /** * Start moving horizontally or vertically * @param {Event} event * @param {Object} listener Listener containing the component and params * @private */ Range.prototype._onMouseDown = function(event, listener) { event = event || window.event; var params = listener.params; // only react on left mouse button down var leftButtonDown = event.which ? (event.which == 1) : (event.button == 1); if (!leftButtonDown) { return; } // get mouse position params.mouseX = util.getPageX(event); params.mouseY = util.getPageY(event); params.previousLeft = 0; params.previousOffset = 0; params.moved = false; params.start = this.start; params.end = this.end; var frame = listener.component.frame; if (frame) { frame.style.cursor = 'move'; } // add event listeners to handle moving the contents // we store the function onmousemove and onmouseup in the timeaxis, // so we can remove the eventlisteners lateron in the function onmouseup var me = this; if (!params.onMouseMove) { params.onMouseMove = function (event) { me._onMouseMove(event, listener); }; util.addEventListener(document, "mousemove", params.onMouseMove); } if (!params.onMouseUp) { params.onMouseUp = function (event) { me._onMouseUp(event, listener); }; util.addEventListener(document, "mouseup", params.onMouseUp); } util.preventDefault(event); }; /** * Perform moving operating. * This function activated from within the funcion TimeAxis._onMouseDown(). * @param {Event} event * @param {Object} listener * @private */ Range.prototype._onMouseMove = function (event, listener) { event = event || window.event; var params = listener.params; // calculate change in mouse position var mouseX = util.getPageX(event); var mouseY = util.getPageY(event); if (params.mouseX == undefined) { params.mouseX = mouseX; } if (params.mouseY == undefined) { params.mouseY = mouseY; } var diffX = mouseX - params.mouseX; var diffY = mouseY - params.mouseY; var diff = (listener.direction == 'horizontal') ? diffX : diffY; // if mouse movement is big enough, register it as a "moved" event if (Math.abs(diff) >= 1) { params.moved = true; } var interval = (params.end - params.start); var width = (listener.direction == 'horizontal') ? listener.component.width : listener.component.height; var diffRange = -diff / width * interval; this._applyRange(params.start + diffRange, params.end + diffRange); // fire a rangechange event this._trigger('rangechange'); util.preventDefault(event); }; /** * Stop moving operating. * This function activated from within the function Range._onMouseDown(). * @param {event} event * @param {Object} listener * @private */ Range.prototype._onMouseUp = function (event, listener) { event = event || window.event; var params = listener.params; if (listener.component.frame) { listener.component.frame.style.cursor = 'auto'; } // remove event listeners here, important for Safari if (params.onMouseMove) { util.removeEventListener(document, "mousemove", params.onMouseMove); params.onMouseMove = null; } if (params.onMouseUp) { util.removeEventListener(document, "mouseup", params.onMouseUp); params.onMouseUp = null; } //util.preventDefault(event); if (params.moved) { // fire a rangechanged event this._trigger('rangechanged'); } }; /** * Event handler for mouse wheel event, used to zoom * Code from http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ * @param {Event} event * @param {Object} listener * @private */ Range.prototype._onMouseWheel = function(event, listener) { event = event || window.event; // retrieve delta var delta = 0; if (event.wheelDelta) { /* IE/Opera. */ delta = event.wheelDelta / 120; } else if (event.detail) { /* Mozilla case. */ // In Mozilla, sign of delta is different than in IE. // Also, delta is multiple of 3. delta = -event.detail / 3; } // If delta is nonzero, handle it. // Basically, delta is now positive if wheel was scrolled up, // and negative, if wheel was scrolled down. if (delta) { var me = this; var zoom = function () { // perform the zoom action. Delta is normally 1 or -1 var zoomFactor = delta / 5.0; var zoomAround = null; var frame = listener.component.frame; if (frame) { var size, conversion; if (listener.direction == 'horizontal') { size = listener.component.width; conversion = me.conversion(size); var frameLeft = util.getAbsoluteLeft(frame); var mouseX = util.getPageX(event); zoomAround = (mouseX - frameLeft) / conversion.factor + conversion.offset; } else { size = listener.component.height; conversion = me.conversion(size); var frameTop = util.getAbsoluteTop(frame); var mouseY = util.getPageY(event); zoomAround = ((frameTop + size - mouseY) - frameTop) / conversion.factor + conversion.offset; } } me.zoom(zoomFactor, zoomAround); }; zoom(); } // Prevent default actions caused by mouse wheel. // That might be ugly, but we handle scrolls somehow // anyway, so don't bother here... util.preventDefault(event); }; /** * Zoom the range the given zoomfactor in or out. Start and end date will * be adjusted, and the timeline will be redrawn. You can optionally give a * date around which to zoom. * For example, try zoomfactor = 0.1 or -0.1 * @param {Number} zoomFactor Zooming amount. Positive value will zoom in, * negative value will zoom out * @param {Number} zoomAround Value around which will be zoomed. Optional */ Range.prototype.zoom = function(zoomFactor, zoomAround) { // if zoomAroundDate is not provided, take it half between start Date and end Date if (zoomAround == null) { zoomAround = (this.start + this.end) / 2; } // prevent zoom factor larger than 1 or smaller than -1 (larger than 1 will // result in a start>=end ) if (zoomFactor >= 1) { zoomFactor = 0.9; } if (zoomFactor <= -1) { zoomFactor = -0.9; } // adjust a negative factor such that zooming in with 0.1 equals zooming // out with a factor -0.1 if (zoomFactor < 0) { zoomFactor = zoomFactor / (1 + zoomFactor); } // zoom start and end relative to the zoomAround value var startDiff = (this.start - zoomAround); var endDiff = (this.end - zoomAround); // calculate new start and end var newStart = this.start - startDiff * zoomFactor; var newEnd = this.end - endDiff * zoomFactor; this.setRange(newStart, newEnd); }; /** * Move the range with a given factor to the left or right. Start and end * value will be adjusted. For example, try moveFactor = 0.1 or -0.1 * @param {Number} moveFactor Moving amount. Positive value will move right, * negative value will move left */ Range.prototype.move = function(moveFactor) { // zoom start Date and end Date relative to the zoomAroundDate var diff = (this.end - this.start); // apply new values var newStart = this.start + diff * moveFactor; var newEnd = this.end + diff * moveFactor; // TODO: reckon with min and max range this.start = newStart; this.end = newEnd; }; // exports vis.Range = Range; /** * @constructor Controller * * A Controller controls the reflows and repaints of all visual components */ function Controller () { this.id = util.randomUUID(); this.components = {}; this.repaintTimer = undefined; this.reflowTimer = undefined; } /** * Add a component to the controller * @param {Component | Controller} component */ Controller.prototype.add = function (component) { // validate the component if (component.id == undefined) { throw new Error('Component has no field id'); } if (!(component instanceof Component) && !(component instanceof Controller)) { throw new TypeError('Component must be an instance of ' + 'prototype Component or Controller'); } // add the component component.controller = this; this.components[component.id] = component; }; /** * Request a reflow. The controller will schedule a reflow */ Controller.prototype.requestReflow = function () { if (!this.reflowTimer) { var me = this; this.reflowTimer = setTimeout(function () { me.reflowTimer = undefined; me.reflow(); }, 0); } }; /** * Request a repaint. The controller will schedule a repaint */ Controller.prototype.requestRepaint = function () { if (!this.repaintTimer) { var me = this; this.repaintTimer = setTimeout(function () { me.repaintTimer = undefined; me.repaint(); }, 0); } }; /** * Repaint all components */ Controller.prototype.repaint = function () { var changed = false; // cancel any running repaint request if (this.repaintTimer) { clearTimeout(this.repaintTimer); this.repaintTimer = undefined; } var done = {}; function repaint(component, id) { if (!(id in done)) { // first repaint the components on which this component is dependent if (component.depends) { component.depends.forEach(function (dep) { repaint(dep, dep.id); }); } if (component.parent) { repaint(component.parent, component.parent.id); } // repaint the component itself and mark as done changed = component.repaint() || changed; done[id] = true; } } util.forEach(this.components, repaint); // immediately reflow when needed if (changed) { this.reflow(); } // TODO: limit the number of nested reflows/repaints, prevent loop }; /** * Reflow all components */ Controller.prototype.reflow = function () { var resized = false; // cancel any running repaint request if (this.reflowTimer) { clearTimeout(this.reflowTimer); this.reflowTimer = undefined; } var done = {}; function reflow(component, id) { if (!(id in done)) { // first reflow the components on which this component is dependent if (component.depends) { component.depends.forEach(function (dep) { reflow(dep, dep.id); }); } if (component.parent) { reflow(component.parent, component.parent.id); } // reflow the component itself and mark as done resized = component.reflow() || resized; done[id] = true; } } util.forEach(this.components, reflow); // immediately repaint when needed if (resized) { this.repaint(); } // TODO: limit the number of nested reflows/repaints, prevent loop }; // exports vis.Controller = Controller; /** * Prototype for visual components */ function Component () { this.id = null; this.parent = null; this.depends = null; this.controller = null; this.options = null; this.frame = null; // main DOM element this.top = 0; this.left = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; } /** * Set parameters for the frame. Parameters will be merged in current parameter * set. * @param {Object} options Available parameters: * {String | function} [className] * {String | Number | function} [left] * {String | Number | function} [top] * {String | Number | function} [width] * {String | Number | function} [height] */ Component.prototype.setOptions = function(options) { if (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); } if (this.controller) { this.requestRepaint(); this.requestReflow(); } }; /** * Get the container element of the component, which can be used by a child to * add its own widgets. Not all components do have a container for childs, in * that case null is returned. * @returns {HTMLElement | null} container */ Component.prototype.getContainer = function () { // should be implemented by the component return null; }; /** * Get the frame element of the component, the outer HTML DOM element. * @returns {HTMLElement | null} frame */ Component.prototype.getFrame = function () { return this.frame; }; /** * Repaint the component * @return {Boolean} changed */ Component.prototype.repaint = function () { // should be implemented by the component return false; }; /** * Reflow the component * @return {Boolean} resized */ Component.prototype.reflow = function () { // should be implemented by the component return false; }; /** * Request a repaint. The controller will schedule a repaint */ Component.prototype.requestRepaint = function () { if (this.controller) { this.controller.requestRepaint(); } else { throw new Error('Cannot request a repaint: no controller configured'); // TODO: just do a repaint when no parent is configured? } }; /** * Request a reflow. The controller will schedule a reflow */ Component.prototype.requestReflow = function () { if (this.controller) { this.controller.requestReflow(); } else { throw new Error('Cannot request a reflow: no controller configured'); // TODO: just do a reflow when no parent is configured? } }; /** * Event handler * @param {String} event name of the event, for example 'click', 'mousemove' * @param {function} callback callback handler, invoked with the raw HTML Event * as parameter. */ Component.prototype.on = function (event, callback) { // TODO: rethink the way of event delegation if (this.parent) { this.parent.on(event, callback); } else { throw new Error('Cannot attach event: no root panel found'); } }; // exports vis.component.Component = Component; /** * A panel can contain components * @param {Component} [parent] * @param {Component[]} [depends] Components on which this components depends * (except for the parent) * @param {Object} [options] Available parameters: * {String | Number | function} [left] * {String | Number | function} [top] * {String | Number | function} [width] * {String | Number | function} [height] * {String | function} [className] * @constructor Panel * @extends Component */ function Panel(parent, depends, options) { this.id = util.randomUUID(); this.parent = parent; this.depends = depends; this.options = {}; this.setOptions(options); } Panel.prototype = new Component(); /** * Get the container element of the panel, which can be used by a child to * add its own widgets. * @returns {HTMLElement} container */ Panel.prototype.getContainer = function () { return this.frame; }; /** * Repaint the component * @return {Boolean} changed */ Panel.prototype.repaint = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, asSize = util.option.asSize, options = this.options, frame = this.frame; if (!frame) { frame = document.createElement('div'); frame.className = 'panel'; if (options.className) { if (typeof options.className == 'function') { util.addClassName(frame, String(options.className())); } else { util.addClassName(frame, String(options.className)); } } this.frame = frame; changed += 1; } if (!frame.parentNode) { if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint panel: no parent attached'); } var parentContainer = this.parent.getContainer(); if (!parentContainer) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint panel: parent has no container element'); } parentContainer.appendChild(frame); changed += 1; } changed += update(frame.style, 'top', asSize(options.top, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'left', asSize(options.left, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'width', asSize(options.width, '100%')); changed += update(frame.style, 'height', asSize(options.height, '100%')); return (changed > 0); }; /** * Reflow the component * @return {Boolean} resized */ Panel.prototype.reflow = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, frame = this.frame; if (frame) { changed += update(this, 'top', frame.offsetTop); changed += update(this, 'left', frame.offsetLeft); changed += update(this, 'width', frame.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'height', frame.offsetHeight); } else { changed += 1; } return (changed > 0); }; // exports vis.component.Panel = Panel; /** * A root panel can hold components. The root panel must be initialized with * a DOM element as container. * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {Object} [options] Available parameters: see RootPanel.setOptions. * @constructor RootPanel * @extends Panel */ function RootPanel(container, options) { this.id = util.randomUUID(); this.container = container; this.options = { autoResize: true }; this.listeners = {}; // event listeners this.setOptions(options); } RootPanel.prototype = new Panel(); /** * Set options. Will extend the current options. * @param {Object} [options] Available parameters: * {String | function} [className] * {String | Number | function} [left] * {String | Number | function} [top] * {String | Number | function} [width] * {String | Number | function} [height] * {String | Number | function} [height] * {Boolean | function} [autoResize] */ RootPanel.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); if (this.options.autoResize) { this._watch(); } else { this._unwatch(); } }; /** * Repaint the component * @return {Boolean} changed */ RootPanel.prototype.repaint = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, asSize = util.option.asSize, options = this.options, frame = this.frame; if (!frame) { frame = document.createElement('div'); frame.className = 'graph panel'; if (options.className) { util.addClassName(frame, util.option.asString(options.className)); } this.frame = frame; changed += 1; } if (!frame.parentNode) { if (!this.container) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint root panel: no container attached'); } this.container.appendChild(frame); changed += 1; } changed += update(frame.style, 'top', asSize(options.top, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'left', asSize(options.left, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'width', asSize(options.width, '100%')); changed += update(frame.style, 'height', asSize(options.height, '100%')); this._updateEventEmitters(); return (changed > 0); }; /** * Reflow the component * @return {Boolean} resized */ RootPanel.prototype.reflow = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, frame = this.frame; if (frame) { changed += update(this, 'top', frame.offsetTop); changed += update(this, 'left', frame.offsetLeft); changed += update(this, 'width', frame.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'height', frame.offsetHeight); } else { changed += 1; } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Watch for changes in the size of the frame. On resize, the Panel will * automatically redraw itself. * @private */ RootPanel.prototype._watch = function () { var me = this; this._unwatch(); var checkSize = function () { if (!me.options.autoResize) { // stop watching when the option autoResize is changed to false me._unwatch(); return; } if (me.frame) { // check whether the frame is resized if ((me.frame.clientWidth != me.width) || (me.frame.clientHeight != me.height)) { me.requestReflow(); } } }; // TODO: automatically cleanup the event listener when the frame is deleted util.addEventListener(window, 'resize', checkSize); this.watchTimer = setInterval(checkSize, 1000); }; /** * Stop watching for a resize of the frame. * @private */ RootPanel.prototype._unwatch = function () { if (this.watchTimer) { clearInterval(this.watchTimer); this.watchTimer = undefined; } // TODO: remove event listener on window.resize }; /** * Event handler * @param {String} event name of the event, for example 'click', 'mousemove' * @param {function} callback callback handler, invoked with the raw HTML Event * as parameter. */ RootPanel.prototype.on = function (event, callback) { // register the listener at this component var arr = this.listeners[event]; if (!arr) { arr = []; this.listeners[event] = arr; } arr.push(callback); this._updateEventEmitters(); }; /** * Update the event listeners for all event emitters * @private */ RootPanel.prototype._updateEventEmitters = function () { if (this.listeners) { var me = this; util.forEach(this.listeners, function (listeners, event) { if (!me.emitters) { me.emitters = {}; } if (!(event in me.emitters)) { // create event var frame = me.frame; if (frame) { //console.log('Created a listener for event ' + event + ' on component ' + me.id); // TODO: cleanup logging var callback = function(event) { listeners.forEach(function (listener) { // TODO: filter on event target! listener(event); }); }; me.emitters[event] = callback; util.addEventListener(frame, event, callback); } } }); // TODO: be able to delete event listeners // TODO: be able to move event listeners to a parent when available } }; // exports vis.component.RootPanel = RootPanel; /** * A horizontal time axis * @param {Component} parent * @param {Component[]} [depends] Components on which this components depends * (except for the parent) * @param {Object} [options] See TimeAxis.setOptions for the available * options. * @constructor TimeAxis * @extends Component */ function TimeAxis (parent, depends, options) { this.id = util.randomUUID(); this.parent = parent; this.depends = depends; this.dom = { majorLines: [], majorTexts: [], minorLines: [], minorTexts: [], redundant: { majorLines: [], majorTexts: [], minorLines: [], minorTexts: [] } }; this.props = { range: { start: 0, end: 0, minimumStep: 0 }, lineTop: 0 }; this.options = { orientation: 'bottom', // supported: 'top', 'bottom' // TODO: implement timeaxis orientations 'left' and 'right' showMinorLabels: true, showMajorLabels: true }; this.conversion = null; this.range = null; this.setOptions(options); } TimeAxis.prototype = new Component(); // TODO: comment options TimeAxis.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); }; /** * Set a range (start and end) * @param {Range | Object} range A Range or an object containing start and end. */ TimeAxis.prototype.setRange = function (range) { if (!(range instanceof Range) && (!range || !range.start || !range.end)) { throw new TypeError('Range must be an instance of Range, ' + 'or an object containing start and end.'); } this.range = range; }; /** * Convert a position on screen (pixels) to a datetime * @param {int} x Position on the screen in pixels * @return {Date} time The datetime the corresponds with given position x */ TimeAxis.prototype.toTime = function(x) { var conversion = this.conversion; return new Date(x / conversion.factor + conversion.offset); }; /** * Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the screen * @param {Date} time A date * @return {int} x The position on the screen in pixels which corresponds * with the given date. * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype.toScreen = function(time) { var conversion = this.conversion; return (time.valueOf() - conversion.offset) * conversion.factor; }; /** * Repaint the component * @return {Boolean} changed */ TimeAxis.prototype.repaint = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, asSize = util.option.asSize, options = this.options, props = this.props, step = this.step; var frame = this.frame; if (!frame) { frame = document.createElement('div'); this.frame = frame; changed += 1; } frame.className = 'axis ' + options.orientation; // TODO: custom className? if (!frame.parentNode) { if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: no parent attached'); } var parentContainer = this.parent.getContainer(); if (!parentContainer) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: parent has no container element'); } parentContainer.appendChild(frame); changed += 1; } var parent = frame.parentNode; if (parent) { var beforeChild = frame.nextSibling; parent.removeChild(frame); // take frame offline while updating (is almost twice as fast) var orientation = options.orientation; var defaultTop = (orientation == 'bottom' && this.props.parentHeight && this.height) ? (this.props.parentHeight - this.height) + 'px' : '0px'; changed += update(frame.style, 'top', asSize(options.top, defaultTop)); changed += update(frame.style, 'left', asSize(options.left, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'width', asSize(options.width, '100%')); changed += update(frame.style, 'height', asSize(options.height, this.height + 'px')); // get characters width and height this._repaintMeasureChars(); if (this.step) { this._repaintStart(); step.first(); var xFirstMajorLabel = undefined; var max = 0; while (step.hasNext() && max < 1000) { max++; var cur = step.getCurrent(), x = this.toScreen(cur), isMajor = step.isMajor(); // TODO: lines must have a width, such that we can create css backgrounds if (options.showMinorLabels) { this._repaintMinorText(x, step.getLabelMinor()); } if (isMajor && options.showMajorLabels) { if (x > 0) { if (xFirstMajorLabel == undefined) { xFirstMajorLabel = x; } this._repaintMajorText(x, step.getLabelMajor()); } this._repaintMajorLine(x); } else { this._repaintMinorLine(x); } step.next(); } // create a major label on the left when needed if (options.showMajorLabels) { var leftTime = this.toTime(0), leftText = step.getLabelMajor(leftTime), widthText = leftText.length * (props.majorCharWidth || 10) + 10; // upper bound estimation if (xFirstMajorLabel == undefined || widthText < xFirstMajorLabel) { this._repaintMajorText(0, leftText); } } this._repaintEnd(); } this._repaintLine(); // put frame online again if (beforeChild) { parent.insertBefore(frame, beforeChild); } else { parent.appendChild(frame) } } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Start a repaint. Move all DOM elements to a redundant list, where they * can be picked for re-use, or can be cleaned up in the end * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintStart = function () { var dom = this.dom, redundant = dom.redundant; redundant.majorLines = dom.majorLines; redundant.majorTexts = dom.majorTexts; redundant.minorLines = dom.minorLines; redundant.minorTexts = dom.minorTexts; dom.majorLines = []; dom.majorTexts = []; dom.minorLines = []; dom.minorTexts = []; }; /** * End a repaint. Cleanup leftover DOM elements in the redundant list * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintEnd = function () { util.forEach(this.dom.redundant, function (arr) { while (arr.length) { var elem = arr.pop(); if (elem && elem.parentNode) { elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } } }); }; /** * Create a minor label for the axis at position x * @param {Number} x * @param {String} text * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMinorText = function (x, text) { // reuse redundant label var label = this.dom.redundant.minorTexts.shift(); if (!label) { // create new label var content = document.createTextNode(''); label = document.createElement('div'); label.appendChild(content); label.className = 'text minor'; this.frame.appendChild(label); } this.dom.minorTexts.push(label); label.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text; label.style.left = x + 'px'; label.style.top = this.props.minorLabelTop + 'px'; //label.title = title; // TODO: this is a heavy operation }; /** * Create a Major label for the axis at position x * @param {Number} x * @param {String} text * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMajorText = function (x, text) { // reuse redundant label var label = this.dom.redundant.majorTexts.shift(); if (!label) { // create label var content = document.createTextNode(text); label = document.createElement('div'); label.className = 'text major'; label.appendChild(content); this.frame.appendChild(label); } this.dom.majorTexts.push(label); label.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text; label.style.top = this.props.majorLabelTop + 'px'; label.style.left = x + 'px'; //label.title = title; // TODO: this is a heavy operation }; /** * Create a minor line for the axis at position x * @param {Number} x * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMinorLine = function (x) { // reuse redundant line var line = this.dom.redundant.minorLines.shift(); if (!line) { // create vertical line line = document.createElement('div'); line.className = 'grid vertical minor'; this.frame.appendChild(line); } this.dom.minorLines.push(line); var props = this.props; line.style.top = props.minorLineTop + 'px'; line.style.height = props.minorLineHeight + 'px'; line.style.left = (x - props.minorLineWidth / 2) + 'px'; }; /** * Create a Major line for the axis at position x * @param {Number} x * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMajorLine = function (x) { // reuse redundant line var line = this.dom.redundant.majorLines.shift(); if (!line) { // create vertical line line = document.createElement('DIV'); line.className = 'grid vertical major'; this.frame.appendChild(line); } this.dom.majorLines.push(line); var props = this.props; line.style.top = props.majorLineTop + 'px'; line.style.left = (x - props.majorLineWidth / 2) + 'px'; line.style.height = props.majorLineHeight + 'px'; }; /** * Repaint the horizontal line for the axis * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintLine = function() { var line = this.dom.line, frame = this.frame, options = this.options; // line before all axis elements if (options.showMinorLabels || options.showMajorLabels) { if (line) { // put this line at the end of all childs frame.removeChild(line); frame.appendChild(line); } else { // create the axis line line = document.createElement('div'); line.className = 'grid horizontal major'; frame.appendChild(line); this.dom.line = line; } line.style.top = this.props.lineTop + 'px'; } else { if (line && axis.parentElement) { frame.removeChild(axis.line); delete this.dom.line; } } }; /** * Create characters used to determine the size of text on the axis * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMeasureChars = function () { // calculate the width and height of a single character // this is used to calculate the step size, and also the positioning of the // axis var dom = this.dom, text; if (!dom.characterMinor) { text = document.createTextNode('0'); var measureCharMinor = document.createElement('DIV'); measureCharMinor.className = 'text minor measure'; measureCharMinor.appendChild(text); this.frame.appendChild(measureCharMinor); dom.measureCharMinor = measureCharMinor; } if (!dom.characterMajor) { text = document.createTextNode('0'); var measureCharMajor = document.createElement('DIV'); measureCharMajor.className = 'text major measure'; measureCharMajor.appendChild(text); this.frame.appendChild(measureCharMajor); dom.measureCharMajor = measureCharMajor; } }; /** * Reflow the component * @return {Boolean} resized */ TimeAxis.prototype.reflow = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, frame = this.frame, range = this.range; if (!range) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: no range configured'); } if (frame) { changed += update(this, 'top', frame.offsetTop); changed += update(this, 'left', frame.offsetLeft); // calculate size of a character var props = this.props, showMinorLabels = this.options.showMinorLabels, showMajorLabels = this.options.showMajorLabels, measureCharMinor = this.dom.measureCharMinor, measureCharMajor = this.dom.measureCharMajor; if (measureCharMinor) { props.minorCharHeight = measureCharMinor.clientHeight; props.minorCharWidth = measureCharMinor.clientWidth; } if (measureCharMajor) { props.majorCharHeight = measureCharMajor.clientHeight; props.majorCharWidth = measureCharMajor.clientWidth; } var parentHeight = frame.parentNode ? frame.parentNode.offsetHeight : 0; if (parentHeight != props.parentHeight) { props.parentHeight = parentHeight; changed += 1; } switch (this.options.orientation) { case 'bottom': props.minorLabelHeight = showMinorLabels ? props.minorCharHeight : 0; props.majorLabelHeight = showMajorLabels ? props.majorCharHeight : 0; props.minorLabelTop = 0; props.majorLabelTop = props.minorLabelTop + props.minorLabelHeight; props.minorLineTop = -this.top; props.minorLineHeight = Math.max(this.top + props.majorLabelHeight, 0); props.minorLineWidth = 1; // TODO: really calculate width props.majorLineTop = -this.top; props.majorLineHeight = Math.max(this.top + props.minorLabelHeight + props.majorLabelHeight, 0); props.majorLineWidth = 1; // TODO: really calculate width props.lineTop = 0; break; case 'top': props.minorLabelHeight = showMinorLabels ? props.minorCharHeight : 0; props.majorLabelHeight = showMajorLabels ? props.majorCharHeight : 0; props.majorLabelTop = 0; props.minorLabelTop = props.majorLabelTop + props.majorLabelHeight; props.minorLineTop = props.minorLabelTop; props.minorLineHeight = Math.max(parentHeight - props.majorLabelHeight - this.top); props.minorLineWidth = 1; // TODO: really calculate width props.majorLineTop = 0; props.majorLineHeight = Math.max(parentHeight - this.top); props.majorLineWidth = 1; // TODO: really calculate width props.lineTop = props.majorLabelHeight + props.minorLabelHeight; break; default: throw new Error('Unkown orientation "' + this.options.orientation + '"'); } var height = props.minorLabelHeight + props.majorLabelHeight; changed += update(this, 'width', frame.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'height', height); // calculate range and step this._updateConversion(); var start = util.cast(range.start, 'Date'), end = util.cast(range.end, 'Date'), minimumStep = this.toTime((props.minorCharWidth || 10) * 5) - this.toTime(0); this.step = new TimeStep(start, end, minimumStep); changed += update(props.range, 'start', start.valueOf()); changed += update(props.range, 'end', end.valueOf()); changed += update(props.range, 'minimumStep', minimumStep.valueOf()); } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Calculate the factor and offset to convert a position on screen to the * corresponding date and vice versa. * After the method _updateConversion is executed once, the methods toTime * and toScreen can be used. * @private */ TimeAxis.prototype._updateConversion = function() { var range = this.range; if (!range) { throw new Error('No range configured'); } if (range.conversion) { this.conversion = range.conversion(this.width); } else { this.conversion = Range.conversion(range.start, range.end, this.width); } }; // exports vis.component.TimeAxis = TimeAxis; /** * An ItemSet holds a set of items and ranges which can be displayed in a * range. The width is determined by the parent of the ItemSet, and the height * is determined by the size of the items. * @param {Component} parent * @param {Component[]} [depends] Components on which this components depends * (except for the parent) * @param {Object} [options] See ItemSet.setOptions for the available * options. * @constructor ItemSet * @extends Panel */ function ItemSet(parent, depends, options) { this.id = util.randomUUID(); this.parent = parent; this.depends = depends; // one options object is shared by this itemset and all its items this.options = { style: 'box', align: 'center', orientation: 'bottom', margin: { axis: 20, item: 10 }, padding: 5 }; this.dom = {}; var me = this; this.data = null; // DataSet this.range = null; // Range or Object {start: number, end: number} this.listeners = { 'add': function (event, params) { me._onAdd(params.items); }, 'update': function (event, params) { me._onUpdate(params.items); }, 'remove': function (event, params) { me._onRemove(params.items); } }; this.items = {}; this.queue = {}; // queue with items to be added/updated/removed this.stack = new Stack(this); this.conversion = null; this.setOptions(options); } ItemSet.prototype = new Panel(); /** * Set options for the ItemSet. Existing options will be extended/overwritten. * @param {Object} [options] The following options are available: * {String | function} [className] * class name for the itemset * {String} [style] * Default style for the items. Choose from 'box' * (default), 'point', or 'range'. The default * Style can be overwritten by individual items. * {String} align * Alignment for the items, only applicable for * ItemBox. Choose 'center' (default), 'left', or * 'right'. * {String} orientation * Orientation of the item set. Choose 'top' or * 'bottom' (default). * {Number} margin.axis * Margin between the axis and the items in pixels. * Default is 20. * {Number} margin.item * Margin between items in pixels. Default is 10. * {Number} padding * Padding of the contents of an item in pixels. * Must correspond with the items css. Default is 5. */ ItemSet.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); // TODO: ItemSet should also attach event listeners for rangechange and rangechanged, like timeaxis this.stack.setOptions(this.options); }; /** * Set range (start and end). * @param {Range | Object} range A Range or an object containing start and end. */ ItemSet.prototype.setRange = function (range) { if (!(range instanceof Range) && (!range || !range.start || !range.end)) { throw new TypeError('Range must be an instance of Range, ' + 'or an object containing start and end.'); } this.range = range; }; /** * Repaint the component * @return {Boolean} changed */ ItemSet.prototype.repaint = function () { var changed = 0, update = util.updateProperty, asSize = util.option.asSize, options = this.options, frame = this.frame; if (!frame) { frame = document.createElement('div'); frame.className = 'itemset'; if (options.className) { util.addClassName(frame, util.option.asString(options.className)); } // create background panel var background = document.createElement('div'); background.className = 'background'; frame.appendChild(background); this.dom.background = background; // create foreground panel var foreground = document.createElement('div'); foreground.className = 'foreground'; frame.appendChild(foreground); this.dom.foreground = foreground; this.frame = frame; changed += 1; } if (!frame.parentNode) { if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint itemset: no parent attached'); } var parentContainer = this.parent.getContainer(); if (!parentContainer) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint itemset: parent has no container element'); } parentContainer.appendChild(frame); changed += 1; } changed += update(frame.style, 'height', asSize(options.height, this.height + 'px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'top', asSize(options.top, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'left', asSize(options.left, '0px')); changed += update(frame.style, 'width', asSize(options.width, '100%')); this._updateConversion(); var me = this, queue = this.queue, data = this.data, items = this.items, dataOptions = { fields: ['id', 'start', 'end', 'content', 'type'] }; // TODO: copy options from the itemset itself? // TODO: make orientation dynamically changable for the items // show/hide added/changed/removed items Object.keys(queue).forEach(function (id) { var entry = queue[id]; var item = entry.item; //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (entry.action) { case 'add': case 'update': var itemData = data.get(id, dataOptions); var type = itemData.type || (itemData.start && itemData.end && 'range') || 'box'; var constructor = vis.component.item[type]; // TODO: how to handle items with invalid data? hide them and give a warning? or throw an error? if (item) { // update item if (!constructor || !(item instanceof constructor)) { // item type has changed, delete the item item.visible = false; changed += item.repaint(); item = null; } else { item.data = itemData; // TODO: create a method item.setData ? changed += item.repaint(); } } if (!item) { // create item if (constructor) { item = new constructor(me, itemData, options); changed += item.repaint(); } else { throw new TypeError('Unknown item type "' + type + '"'); } } // update lists items[id] = item; delete queue[id]; break; case 'remove': if (item) { // TODO: remove dom of the item item.visible = false; changed += item.repaint(); } // update lists delete items[id]; delete queue[id]; break; default: console.log('Error: unknown action "' + entry.action + '"'); } }); // reposition all items util.forEach(this.items, function (item) { item.reposition(); }); return (changed > 0); }; /** * Get the foreground container element * @return {HTMLElement} foreground */ ItemSet.prototype.getForeground = function () { return this.dom.foreground; }; /** * Get the background container element * @return {HTMLElement} background */ ItemSet.prototype.getBackground = function () { return this.dom.background; }; /** * Reflow the component * @return {Boolean} resized */ ItemSet.prototype.reflow = function () { var changed = 0, options = this.options, update = util.updateProperty, frame = this.frame; if (frame) { this._updateConversion(); util.forEach(this.items, function (item) { changed += item.reflow(); }); // TODO: stack.update should be triggered via an event, in stack itself // TODO: only update the stack when there are changed items this.stack.update(); if (options.height != null) { changed += update(this, 'height', frame.offsetHeight); } else { // height is not specified, determine the height from the height and positioned items var frameHeight = this.height; var maxHeight = 0; if (options.orientation == 'top') { util.forEach(this.items, function (item) { maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, item.top + item.height); }); } else { // orientation == 'bottom' util.forEach(this.items, function (item) { maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, frameHeight - item.top); }); } changed += update(this, 'height', maxHeight + options.margin.axis); } // calculate height from items changed += update(this, 'top', frame.offsetTop); changed += update(this, 'left', frame.offsetLeft); changed += update(this, 'width', frame.offsetWidth); } else { changed += 1; } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Set data * @param {DataSet | Array | DataTable} data */ ItemSet.prototype.setData = function(data) { // unsubscribe from current dataset var current = this.data; if (current) { util.forEach(this.listeners, function (callback, event) { current.unsubscribe(event, callback); }); } if (data instanceof DataSet) { this.data = data; } else { this.data = new DataSet({ fieldTypes: { start: 'Date', end: 'Date' } }); this.data.add(data); } var id = this.id; var me = this; util.forEach(this.listeners, function (callback, event) { me.data.subscribe(event, callback, id); }); var dataItems = this.data.get({filter: ['id']}); var ids = []; util.forEach(dataItems, function (dataItem, index) { ids[index] = dataItem.id; }); this._onAdd(ids); }; /** * Get the data range of the item set. * @returns {{min: Date, max: Date}} range A range with a start and end Date. * When no minimum is found, min==null * When no maximum is found, max==null */ ItemSet.prototype.getDataRange = function () { // calculate min from start filed var data = this.data; var min = data.min('start'); min = min ? min.start.valueOf() : null; // calculate max of both start and end fields var maxStart = data.max('start'); var maxEnd = data.max('end'); maxStart = maxStart ? maxStart.start.valueOf() : null; maxEnd = maxEnd ? maxEnd.end.valueOf() : null; var max = Math.max(maxStart, maxEnd); return { min: new Date(min), max: new Date(max) }; }; /** * Handle updated items * @param {Number[]} ids * @private */ ItemSet.prototype._onUpdate = function(ids) { this._toQueue(ids, 'update'); }; /** * Handle changed items * @param {Number[]} ids * @private */ ItemSet.prototype._onAdd = function(ids) { this._toQueue(ids, 'add'); }; /** * Handle removed items * @param {Number[]} ids * @private */ ItemSet.prototype._onRemove = function(ids) { this._toQueue(ids, 'remove'); }; /** * Put items in the queue to be added/updated/remove * @param {Number[]} ids * @param {String} action can be 'add', 'update', 'remove' */ ItemSet.prototype._toQueue = function (ids, action) { var items = this.items; var queue = this.queue; ids.forEach(function (id) { var entry = queue[id]; if (entry) { // already queued, update the action of the entry entry.action = action; } else { // not yet queued, add an entry to the queue queue[id] = { item: items[id] || null, action: action }; } }); if (this.controller) { //this.requestReflow(); this.requestRepaint(); } }; /** * Calculate the factor and offset to convert a position on screen to the * corresponding date and vice versa. * After the method _updateConversion is executed once, the methods toTime * and toScreen can be used. * @private */ ItemSet.prototype._updateConversion = function() { var range = this.range; if (!range) { throw new Error('No range configured'); } if (range.conversion) { this.conversion = range.conversion(this.width); } else { this.conversion = Range.conversion(range.start, range.end, this.width); } }; /** * Convert a position on screen (pixels) to a datetime * Before this method can be used, the method _updateConversion must be * executed once. * @param {int} x Position on the screen in pixels * @return {Date} time The datetime the corresponds with given position x */ ItemSet.prototype.toTime = function(x) { var conversion = this.conversion; return new Date(x / conversion.factor + conversion.offset); }; /** * Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the screen * Before this method can be used, the method _updateConversion must be * executed once. * @param {Date} time A date * @return {int} x The position on the screen in pixels which corresponds * with the given date. */ ItemSet.prototype.toScreen = function(time) { var conversion = this.conversion; return (time.valueOf() - conversion.offset) * conversion.factor; }; // exports vis.component.ItemSet = ItemSet; /** * @constructor Item * @param {ItemSet} parent * @param {Object} data Object containing (optional) parameters type, * start, end, content, group, className. * @param {Object} [options] Options to set initial property values * // TODO: describe available options */ function Item (parent, data, options) { this.parent = parent; this.data = data; this.selected = false; this.visible = true; this.dom = null; this.options = options; } Item.prototype = new Component(); /** * Select current item */ Item.prototype.select = function () { this.selected = true; }; /** * Unselect current item */ Item.prototype.unselect = function () { this.selected = false; }; // exports vis.component.item.Item = Item; /** * @constructor ItemBox * @extends Item * @param {ItemSet} parent * @param {Object} data Object containing parameters start * content, className. * @param {Object} [options] Options to set initial property values * // TODO: describe available options */ function ItemBox (parent, data, options) { this.props = { dot: { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, line: { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } }; Item.call(this, parent, data, options); } ItemBox.prototype = new Item (null, null); /** * Select the item * @override */ ItemBox.prototype.select = function () { this.selected = true; // TODO: select and unselect }; /** * Unselect the item * @override */ ItemBox.prototype.unselect = function () { this.selected = false; // TODO: select and unselect }; /** * Repaint the item * @return {Boolean} changed */ ItemBox.prototype.repaint = function () { // TODO: make an efficient repaint var changed = false; var dom = this.dom; if (this.visible) { if (!dom) { this._create(); changed = true; } dom = this.dom; if (dom) { if (!this.options && !this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint item: no parent attached'); } var foreground = this.parent.getForeground(); if (!foreground) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: ' + 'parent has no foreground container element'); } var background = this.parent.getBackground(); if (!background) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: ' + 'parent has no background container element'); } if (!dom.box.parentNode) { foreground.appendChild(dom.box); changed = true; } if (!dom.line.parentNode) { background.appendChild(dom.line); changed = true; } if (!dom.dot.parentNode) { foreground.appendChild(dom.dot); changed = true; } // update contents if (this.data.content != this.content) { this.content = this.data.content; if (this.content instanceof Element) { dom.content.innerHTML = ''; dom.content.appendChild(this.content); } else if (this.data.content != undefined) { dom.content.innerHTML = this.content; } else { throw new Error('Property "content" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } changed = true; } // update class var className = (this.data.className? ' ' + this.data.className : '') + (this.selected ? ' selected' : ''); if (this.className != className) { this.className = className; dom.box.className = 'item box' + className; dom.line.className = 'item line' + className; dom.dot.className = 'item dot' + className; changed = true; } } } else { // hide when visible if (dom) { if (dom.box.parentNode) { dom.box.parentNode.removeChild(dom.box); changed = true; } if (dom.line.parentNode) { dom.line.parentNode.removeChild(dom.line); changed = true; } if (dom.dot.parentNode) { dom.dot.parentNode.removeChild(dom.dot); changed = true; } } } return changed; }; /** * Reflow the item: calculate its actual size and position from the DOM * @return {boolean} resized returns true if the axis is resized * @override */ ItemBox.prototype.reflow = function () { if (this.data.start == undefined) { throw new Error('Property "start" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } var update = util.updateProperty, dom = this.dom, props = this.props, options = this.options, start = this.parent.toScreen(this.data.start), align = options && options.align, orientation = options.orientation, changed = 0, top, left; if (dom) { changed += update(props.dot, 'height', dom.dot.offsetHeight); changed += update(props.dot, 'width', dom.dot.offsetWidth); changed += update(props.line, 'width', dom.line.offsetWidth); changed += update(props.line, 'width', dom.line.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'width', dom.box.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'height', dom.box.offsetHeight); if (align == 'right') { left = start - this.width; } else if (align == 'left') { left = start; } else { // default or 'center' left = start - this.width / 2; } changed += update(this, 'left', left); changed += update(props.line, 'left', start - props.line.width / 2); changed += update(props.dot, 'left', start - props.dot.width / 2); if (orientation == 'top') { top = options.margin.axis; changed += update(this, 'top', top); changed += update(props.line, 'top', 0); changed += update(props.line, 'height', top); changed += update(props.dot, 'top', -props.dot.height / 2); } else { // default or 'bottom' var parentHeight = this.parent.height; top = parentHeight - this.height - options.margin.axis; changed += update(this, 'top', top); changed += update(props.line, 'top', top + this.height); changed += update(props.line, 'height', Math.max(options.margin.axis, 0)); changed += update(props.dot, 'top', parentHeight - props.dot.height / 2); } } else { changed += 1; } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Create an items DOM * @private */ ItemBox.prototype._create = function () { var dom = this.dom; if (!dom) { this.dom = dom = {}; // create the box dom.box = document.createElement('DIV'); // className is updated in repaint() // contents box (inside the background box). used for making margins dom.content = document.createElement('DIV'); dom.content.className = 'content'; dom.box.appendChild(dom.content); // line to axis dom.line = document.createElement('DIV'); dom.line.className = 'line'; // dot on axis dom.dot = document.createElement('DIV'); dom.dot.className = 'dot'; } }; /** * Reposition the item, recalculate its left, top, and width, using the current * range and size of the items itemset * @override */ ItemBox.prototype.reposition = function () { var dom = this.dom, props = this.props, orientation = this.options.orientation; if (dom) { var box = dom.box, line = dom.line, dot = dom.dot; box.style.left = this.left + 'px'; box.style.top = this.top + 'px'; line.style.left = props.line.left + 'px'; if (orientation == 'top') { line.style.top = 0 + 'px'; line.style.height = this.top + 'px'; } else { // orientation 'bottom' line.style.top = props.line.top + 'px'; line.style.top = (this.top + this.height) + 'px'; line.style.height = Math.max(props.dot.top - this.top - this.height, 0) + 'px'; } dot.style.left = props.dot.left + 'px'; dot.style.top = props.dot.top + 'px'; } }; // exports vis.component.item.box = ItemBox; /** * @constructor ItemPoint * @extends Item * @param {ItemSet} parent * @param {Object} data Object containing parameters start * content, className. * @param {Object} [options] Options to set initial property values * // TODO: describe available options */ function ItemPoint (parent, data, options) { this.props = { dot: { top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, content: { height: 0, marginLeft: 0 } }; Item.call(this, parent, data, options); } ItemPoint.prototype = new Item (null, null); /** * Select the item * @override */ ItemPoint.prototype.select = function () { this.selected = true; // TODO: select and unselect }; /** * Unselect the item * @override */ ItemPoint.prototype.unselect = function () { this.selected = false; // TODO: select and unselect }; /** * Repaint the item * @return {Boolean} changed */ ItemPoint.prototype.repaint = function () { // TODO: make an efficient repaint var changed = false; var dom = this.dom; if (this.visible) { if (!dom) { this._create(); changed = true; } dom = this.dom; if (dom) { if (!this.options && !this.options.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint item: no parent attached'); } var foreground = this.parent.getForeground(); if (!foreground) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: ' + 'parent has no foreground container element'); } if (!dom.point.parentNode) { foreground.appendChild(dom.point); foreground.appendChild(dom.point); changed = true; } // update contents if (this.data.content != this.content) { this.content = this.data.content; if (this.content instanceof Element) { dom.content.innerHTML = ''; dom.content.appendChild(this.content); } else if (this.data.content != undefined) { dom.content.innerHTML = this.content; } else { throw new Error('Property "content" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } changed = true; } // update class var className = (this.data.className? ' ' + this.data.className : '') + (this.selected ? ' selected' : ''); if (this.className != className) { this.className = className; dom.point.className = 'item point' + className; changed = true; } } } else { // hide when visible if (dom) { if (dom.point.parentNode) { dom.point.parentNode.removeChild(dom.point); changed = true; } } } return changed; }; /** * Reflow the item: calculate its actual size from the DOM * @return {boolean} resized returns true if the axis is resized * @override */ ItemPoint.prototype.reflow = function () { if (this.data.start == undefined) { throw new Error('Property "start" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } var update = util.updateProperty, dom = this.dom, props = this.props, options = this.options, orientation = options.orientation, start = this.parent.toScreen(this.data.start), changed = 0, top; if (dom) { changed += update(this, 'width', dom.point.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'height', dom.point.offsetHeight); changed += update(props.dot, 'width', dom.dot.offsetWidth); changed += update(props.dot, 'height', dom.dot.offsetHeight); changed += update(props.content, 'height', dom.content.offsetHeight); if (orientation == 'top') { top = options.margin.axis; } else { // default or 'bottom' var parentHeight = this.parent.height; top = Math.max(parentHeight - this.height - options.margin.axis, 0); } changed += update(this, 'top', top); changed += update(this, 'left', start - props.dot.width / 2); changed += update(props.content, 'marginLeft', 1.5 * props.dot.width); //changed += update(props.content, 'marginRight', 0.5 * props.dot.width); // TODO changed += update(props.dot, 'top', (this.height - props.dot.height) / 2); } else { changed += 1; } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Create an items DOM * @private */ ItemPoint.prototype._create = function () { var dom = this.dom; if (!dom) { this.dom = dom = {}; // background box dom.point = document.createElement('div'); // className is updated in repaint() // contents box, right from the dot dom.content = document.createElement('div'); dom.content.className = 'content'; dom.point.appendChild(dom.content); // dot at start dom.dot = document.createElement('div'); dom.dot.className = 'dot'; dom.point.appendChild(dom.dot); } }; /** * Reposition the item, recalculate its left, top, and width, using the current * range and size of the items itemset * @override */ ItemPoint.prototype.reposition = function () { var dom = this.dom, props = this.props; if (dom) { dom.point.style.top = this.top + 'px'; dom.point.style.left = this.left + 'px'; dom.content.style.marginLeft = props.content.marginLeft + 'px'; //dom.content.style.marginRight = props.content.marginRight + 'px'; // TODO dom.dot.style.top = props.dot.top + 'px'; } }; // exports vis.component.item.point = ItemPoint; /** * @constructor ItemRange * @extends Item * @param {ItemSet} parent * @param {Object} data Object containing parameters start, end * content, className. * @param {Object} [options] Options to set initial property values * // TODO: describe available options */ function ItemRange (parent, data, options) { this.props = { content: { left: 0, width: 0 } }; Item.call(this, parent, data, options); } ItemRange.prototype = new Item (null, null); /** * Select the item * @override */ ItemRange.prototype.select = function () { this.selected = true; // TODO: select and unselect }; /** * Unselect the item * @override */ ItemRange.prototype.unselect = function () { this.selected = false; // TODO: select and unselect }; /** * Repaint the item * @return {Boolean} changed */ ItemRange.prototype.repaint = function () { // TODO: make an efficient repaint var changed = false; var dom = this.dom; if (this.visible) { if (!dom) { this._create(); changed = true; } dom = this.dom; if (dom) { if (!this.options && !this.options.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint item: no parent attached'); } var foreground = this.parent.getForeground(); if (!foreground) { throw new Error('Cannot repaint time axis: ' + 'parent has no foreground container element'); } if (!dom.box.parentNode) { foreground.appendChild(dom.box); changed = true; } // update content if (this.data.content != this.content) { this.content = this.data.content; if (this.content instanceof Element) { dom.content.innerHTML = ''; dom.content.appendChild(this.content); } else if (this.data.content != undefined) { dom.content.innerHTML = this.content; } else { throw new Error('Property "content" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } changed = true; } // update class var className = this.data.className ? ('' + this.data.className) : ''; if (this.className != className) { this.className = className; dom.box.className = 'item range' + className; changed = true; } } } else { // hide when visible if (dom) { if (dom.box.parentNode) { dom.box.parentNode.removeChild(dom.box); changed = true; } } } return changed; }; /** * Reflow the item: calculate its actual size from the DOM * @return {boolean} resized returns true if the axis is resized * @override */ ItemRange.prototype.reflow = function () { if (this.data.start == undefined) { throw new Error('Property "start" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } if (this.data.end == undefined) { throw new Error('Property "end" missing in item ' + this.data.id); } var dom = this.dom, props = this.props, options = this.options, parent = this.parent, start = parent.toScreen(this.data.start), end = parent.toScreen(this.data.end), changed = 0; if (dom) { var update = util.updateProperty, box = dom.box, parentWidth = parent.width, orientation = options.orientation, contentLeft, top; changed += update(props.content, 'width', dom.content.offsetWidth); changed += update(this, 'height', box.offsetHeight); // limit the width of the this, as browsers cannot draw very wide divs if (start < -parentWidth) { start = -parentWidth; } if (end > 2 * parentWidth) { end = 2 * parentWidth; } // when range exceeds left of the window, position the contents at the left of the visible area if (start < 0) { contentLeft = Math.min(-start, (end - start - props.content.width - 2 * options.padding)); // TODO: remove the need for options.padding. it's terrible. } else { contentLeft = 0; } changed += update(props.content, 'left', contentLeft); if (orientation == 'top') { top = options.margin.axis; changed += update(this, 'top', top); } else { // default or 'bottom' top = parent.height - this.height - options.margin.axis; changed += update(this, 'top', top); } changed += update(this, 'left', start); changed += update(this, 'width', Math.max(end - start, 1)); // TODO: reckon with border width; } else { changed += 1; } return (changed > 0); }; /** * Create an items DOM * @private */ ItemRange.prototype._create = function () { var dom = this.dom; if (!dom) { this.dom = dom = {}; // background box dom.box = document.createElement('div'); // className is updated in repaint() // contents box dom.content = document.createElement('div'); dom.content.className = 'content'; dom.box.appendChild(dom.content); } }; /** * Reposition the item, recalculate its left, top, and width, using the current * range and size of the items itemset * @override */ ItemRange.prototype.reposition = function () { var dom = this.dom, props = this.props; if (dom) { dom.box.style.top = this.top + 'px'; dom.box.style.left = this.left + 'px'; dom.box.style.width = this.width + 'px'; dom.content.style.left = props.content.left + 'px'; } }; // exports vis.component.item.range = ItemRange; /** * Create a timeline visualization * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {DataSet | Array | DataTable} [data] * @param {Object} [options] See Timeline.setOptions for the available options. * @constructor */ function Timeline (container, data, options) { var me = this; this.options = { orientation: 'bottom', zoomMin: 10, // milliseconds zoomMax: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10000, // milliseconds moveable: true, zoomable: true }; // controller this.controller = new Controller(); // main panel if (!container) { throw new Error('No container element provided'); } this.main = new RootPanel(container, { autoResize: false, height: function () { return me.timeaxis.height + me.itemset.height; } }); this.controller.add(this.main); // range var now = moment().hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0); this.range = new Range({ start: now.clone().add('days', -3).valueOf(), end: now.clone().add('days', 4).valueOf() }); // TODO: reckon with options moveable and zoomable this.range.subscribe(this.main, 'move', 'horizontal'); this.range.subscribe(this.main, 'zoom', 'horizontal'); this.range.on('rangechange', function () { // TODO: fix the delay in reflow/repaint, does not feel snappy me.controller.requestReflow(); }); this.range.on('rangechanged', function () { me.controller.requestReflow(); }); // TODO: put the listeners in setOptions, be able to dynamically change with options moveable and zoomable // time axis this.timeaxis = new TimeAxis(this.main, null, { orientation: this.options.orientation, range: this.range }); this.timeaxis.setRange(this.range); this.controller.add(this.timeaxis); // items panel this.itemset = new ItemSet(this.main, [this.timeaxis], { orientation: this.options.orientation }); this.itemset.setRange(this.range); // set data if (data) { this.setData(data); } this.controller.add(this.itemset); this.setOptions(options); } /** * Set options * @param {Object} options TODO: describe the available options */ Timeline.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { util.extend(this.options, options); // update options the timeaxis this.timeaxis.setOptions(this.options); // update options for the range this.range.setOptions(this.options); // update options the itemset var top, me = this; if (this.options.orientation == 'top') { top = function () { return me.timeaxis.height; } } else { top = function () { return me.main.height - me.timeaxis.height - me.itemset.height; } } this.itemset.setOptions({ orientation: this.options.orientation, top: top }); this.controller.repaint(); }; /** * Set data * @param {DataSet | Array | DataTable} data */ Timeline.prototype.setData = function(data) { var dataset = this.itemset.data; if (!dataset) { // first load of data this.itemset.setData(data); // apply the data range as range var dataRange = this.itemset.getDataRange(); // add 5% on both sides var min = dataRange.min; var max = dataRange.max; if (min != null && max != null) { var interval = (max.valueOf() - min.valueOf()); min = new Date(min.valueOf() - interval * 0.05); max = new Date(max.valueOf() + interval * 0.05); } // apply range if there is a min or max available if (min != null || max != null) { this.range.setRange(min, max); } } else { // updated data this.itemset.setData(data); } }; // exports vis.Timeline = Timeline; // moment.js // version : 2.0.0 // author : Tim Wood // license : MIT // momentjs.com (function (undefined) { /************************************ Constants ************************************/ var moment, VERSION = "2.0.0", round = Math.round, i, // internal storage for language config files languages = {}, // check for nodeJS hasModule = (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports), // ASP.NET json date format regex aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i, // format tokens formattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|SS?S?|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g, localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, // parsing tokens parseMultipleFormatChunker = /([0-9a-zA-Z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+)/gi, // parsing token regexes parseTokenOneOrTwoDigits = /\d\d?/, // 0 - 99 parseTokenOneToThreeDigits = /\d{1,3}/, // 0 - 999 parseTokenThreeDigits = /\d{3}/, // 000 - 999 parseTokenFourDigits = /\d{1,4}/, // 0 - 9999 parseTokenSixDigits = /[+\-]?\d{1,6}/, // -999,999 - 999,999 parseTokenWord = /[0-9]*[a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF]+\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+/i, // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two word month in arabic. parseTokenTimezone = /Z|[\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d/i, // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z parseTokenT = /T/i, // T (ISO seperator) parseTokenTimestampMs = /[\+\-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, // 123456789 123456789.123 // preliminary iso regex // 0000-00-00 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 isoRegex = /^\s*\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d\d?\d?)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d)?)?/, isoFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ', // iso time formats and regexes isoTimes = [ ['HH:mm:ss.S', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{1,3}/], ['HH:mm:ss', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/], ['HH:mm', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d/], ['HH', /(T| )\d\d/] ], // timezone chunker "+10:00" > ["10", "00"] or "-1530" > ["-15", "30"] parseTimezoneChunker = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi, // getter and setter names proxyGettersAndSetters = 'Month|Date|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Milliseconds'.split('|'), unitMillisecondFactors = { 'Milliseconds' : 1, 'Seconds' : 1e3, 'Minutes' : 6e4, 'Hours' : 36e5, 'Days' : 864e5, 'Months' : 2592e6, 'Years' : 31536e6 }, // format function strings formatFunctions = {}, // tokens to ordinalize and pad ordinalizeTokens = 'DDD w W M D d'.split(' '), paddedTokens = 'M D H h m s w W'.split(' '), formatTokenFunctions = { M : function () { return this.month() + 1; }, MMM : function (format) { return this.lang().monthsShort(this, format); }, MMMM : function (format) { return this.lang().months(this, format); }, D : function () { return this.date(); }, DDD : function () { return this.dayOfYear(); }, d : function () { return this.day(); }, dd : function (format) { return this.lang().weekdaysMin(this, format); }, ddd : function (format) { return this.lang().weekdaysShort(this, format); }, dddd : function (format) { return this.lang().weekdays(this, format); }, w : function () { return this.week(); }, W : function () { return this.isoWeek(); }, YY : function () { return leftZeroFill(this.year() % 100, 2); }, YYYY : function () { return leftZeroFill(this.year(), 4); }, YYYYY : function () { return leftZeroFill(this.year(), 5); }, a : function () { return this.lang().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), true); }, A : function () { return this.lang().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), false); }, H : function () { return this.hours(); }, h : function () { return this.hours() % 12 || 12; }, m : function () { return this.minutes(); }, s : function () { return this.seconds(); }, S : function () { return ~~(this.milliseconds() / 100); }, SS : function () { return leftZeroFill(~~(this.milliseconds() / 10), 2); }, SSS : function () { return leftZeroFill(this.milliseconds(), 3); }, Z : function () { var a = -this.zone(), b = "+"; if (a < 0) { a = -a; b = "-"; } return b + leftZeroFill(~~(a / 60), 2) + ":" + leftZeroFill(~~a % 60, 2); }, ZZ : function () { var a = -this.zone(), b = "+"; if (a < 0) { a = -a; b = "-"; } return b + leftZeroFill(~~(10 * a / 6), 4); }, X : function () { return this.unix(); } }; function padToken(func, count) { return function (a) { return leftZeroFill(func.call(this, a), count); }; } function ordinalizeToken(func) { return function (a) { return this.lang().ordinal(func.call(this, a)); }; } while (ordinalizeTokens.length) { i = ordinalizeTokens.pop(); formatTokenFunctions[i + 'o'] = ordinalizeToken(formatTokenFunctions[i]); } while (paddedTokens.length) { i = paddedTokens.pop(); formatTokenFunctions[i + i] = padToken(formatTokenFunctions[i], 2); } formatTokenFunctions.DDDD = padToken(formatTokenFunctions.DDD, 3); /************************************ Constructors ************************************/ function Language() { } // Moment prototype object function Moment(config) { extend(this, config); } // Duration Constructor function Duration(duration) { var data = this._data = {}, years = duration.years || duration.year || duration.y || 0, months = duration.months || duration.month || duration.M || 0, weeks = duration.weeks || duration.week || duration.w || 0, days = duration.days || duration.day || duration.d || 0, hours = duration.hours || duration.hour || duration.h || 0, minutes = duration.minutes || duration.minute || duration.m || 0, seconds = duration.seconds || duration.second || duration.s || 0, milliseconds = duration.milliseconds || duration.millisecond || duration.ms || 0; // representation for dateAddRemove this._milliseconds = milliseconds + seconds * 1e3 + // 1000 minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60 hours * 36e5; // 1000 * 60 * 60 // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately this._days = days + weeks * 7; // It is impossible translate months into days without knowing // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store // it separately. this._months = months + years * 12; // The following code bubbles up values, see the tests for // examples of what that means. data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000; seconds += absRound(milliseconds / 1000); data.seconds = seconds % 60; minutes += absRound(seconds / 60); data.minutes = minutes % 60; hours += absRound(minutes / 60); data.hours = hours % 24; days += absRound(hours / 24); days += weeks * 7; data.days = days % 30; months += absRound(days / 30); data.months = months % 12; years += absRound(months / 12); data.years = years; } /************************************ Helpers ************************************/ function extend(a, b) { for (var i in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(i)) { a[i] = b[i]; } } return a; } function absRound(number) { if (number < 0) { return Math.ceil(number); } else { return Math.floor(number); } } // left zero fill a number // see http://jsperf.com/left-zero-filling for performance comparison function leftZeroFill(number, targetLength) { var output = number + ''; while (output.length < targetLength) { output = '0' + output; } return output; } // helper function for _.addTime and _.subtractTime function addOrSubtractDurationFromMoment(mom, duration, isAdding) { var ms = duration._milliseconds, d = duration._days, M = duration._months, currentDate; if (ms) { mom._d.setTime(+mom + ms * isAdding); } if (d) { mom.date(mom.date() + d * isAdding); } if (M) { currentDate = mom.date(); mom.date(1) .month(mom.month() + M * isAdding) .date(Math.min(currentDate, mom.daysInMonth())); } } // check if is an array function isArray(input) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Array]'; } // compare two arrays, return the number of differences function compareArrays(array1, array2) { var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length), lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length), diffs = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (~~array1[i] !== ~~array2[i]) { diffs++; } } return diffs + lengthDiff; } /************************************ Languages ************************************/ Language.prototype = { set : function (config) { var prop, i; for (i in config) { prop = config[i]; if (typeof prop === 'function') { this[i] = prop; } else { this['_' + i] = prop; } } }, _months : "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), months : function (m) { return this._months[m.month()]; }, _monthsShort : "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), monthsShort : function (m) { return this._monthsShort[m.month()]; }, monthsParse : function (monthName) { var i, mom, regex, output; if (!this._monthsParse) { this._monthsParse = []; } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // make the regex if we don't have it already if (!this._monthsParse[i]) { mom = moment([2000, i]); regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, ''); this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i'); } // test the regex if (this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) { return i; } } }, _weekdays : "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdays : function (m) { return this._weekdays[m.day()]; }, _weekdaysShort : "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysShort : function (m) { return this._weekdaysShort[m.day()]; }, _weekdaysMin : "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysMin : function (m) { return this._weekdaysMin[m.day()]; }, _longDateFormat : { LT : "h:mm A", L : "MM/DD/YYYY", LL : "MMMM D YYYY", LLL : "MMMM D YYYY LT", LLLL : "dddd, MMMM D YYYY LT" }, longDateFormat : function (key) { var output = this._longDateFormat[key]; if (!output && this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()]) { output = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (val) { return val.slice(1); }); this._longDateFormat[key] = output; } return output; }, meridiem : function (hours, minutes, isLower) { if (hours > 11) { return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM'; } else { return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM'; } }, _calendar : { sameDay : '[Today at] LT', nextDay : '[Tomorrow at] LT', nextWeek : 'dddd [at] LT', lastDay : '[Yesterday at] LT', lastWeek : '[last] dddd [at] LT', sameElse : 'L' }, calendar : function (key, mom) { var output = this._calendar[key]; return typeof output === 'function' ? output.apply(mom) : output; }, _relativeTime : { future : "in %s", past : "%s ago", s : "a few seconds", m : "a minute", mm : "%d minutes", h : "an hour", hh : "%d hours", d : "a day", dd : "%d days", M : "a month", MM : "%d months", y : "a year", yy : "%d years" }, relativeTime : function (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) { var output = this._relativeTime[string]; return (typeof output === 'function') ? output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) : output.replace(/%d/i, number); }, pastFuture : function (diff, output) { var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past']; return typeof format === 'function' ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output); }, ordinal : function (number) { return this._ordinal.replace("%d", number); }, _ordinal : "%d", preparse : function (string) { return string; }, postformat : function (string) { return string; }, week : function (mom) { return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy); }, _week : { dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week. doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year. } }; // Loads a language definition into the `languages` cache. The function // takes a key and optionally values. If not in the browser and no values // are provided, it will load the language file module. As a convenience, // this function also returns the language values. function loadLang(key, values) { values.abbr = key; if (!languages[key]) { languages[key] = new Language(); } languages[key].set(values); return languages[key]; } // Determines which language definition to use and returns it. // // With no parameters, it will return the global language. If you // pass in a language key, such as 'en', it will return the // definition for 'en', so long as 'en' has already been loaded using // moment.lang. function getLangDefinition(key) { if (!key) { return moment.fn._lang; } if (!languages[key] && hasModule) { require('./lang/' + key); } return languages[key]; } /************************************ Formatting ************************************/ function removeFormattingTokens(input) { if (input.match(/\[.*\]/)) { return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, ""); } return input.replace(/\\/g, ""); } function makeFormatFunction(format) { var array = format.match(formattingTokens), i, length; for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) { array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]; } else { array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]); } } return function (mom) { var output = ""; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { output += typeof array[i].call === 'function' ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i]; } return output; }; } // format date using native date object function formatMoment(m, format) { var i = 5; function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) { return m.lang().longDateFormat(input) || input; } while (i-- && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) { format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens); } if (!formatFunctions[format]) { formatFunctions[format] = makeFormatFunction(format); } return formatFunctions[format](m); } /************************************ Parsing ************************************/ // get the regex to find the next token function getParseRegexForToken(token) { switch (token) { case 'DDDD': return parseTokenThreeDigits; case 'YYYY': return parseTokenFourDigits; case 'YYYYY': return parseTokenSixDigits; case 'S': case 'SS': case 'SSS': case 'DDD': return parseTokenOneToThreeDigits; case 'MMM': case 'MMMM': case 'dd': case 'ddd': case 'dddd': case 'a': case 'A': return parseTokenWord; case 'X': return parseTokenTimestampMs; case 'Z': case 'ZZ': return parseTokenTimezone; case 'T': return parseTokenT; case 'MM': case 'DD': case 'YY': case 'HH': case 'hh': case 'mm': case 'ss': case 'M': case 'D': case 'd': case 'H': case 'h': case 'm': case 's': return parseTokenOneOrTwoDigits; default : return new RegExp(token.replace('\\', '')); } } // function to convert string input to date function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) { var a, b, datePartArray = config._a; switch (token) { // MONTH case 'M' : // fall through to MM case 'MM' : datePartArray[1] = (input == null) ? 0 : ~~input - 1; break; case 'MMM' : // fall through to MMMM case 'MMMM' : a = getLangDefinition(config._l).monthsParse(input); // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid. if (a != null) { datePartArray[1] = a; } else { config._isValid = false; } break; // DAY OF MONTH case 'D' : // fall through to DDDD case 'DD' : // fall through to DDDD case 'DDD' : // fall through to DDDD case 'DDDD' : if (input != null) { datePartArray[2] = ~~input; } break; // YEAR case 'YY' : datePartArray[0] = ~~input + (~~input > 68 ? 1900 : 2000); break; case 'YYYY' : case 'YYYYY' : datePartArray[0] = ~~input; break; // AM / PM case 'a' : // fall through to A case 'A' : config._isPm = ((input + '').toLowerCase() === 'pm'); break; // 24 HOUR case 'H' : // fall through to hh case 'HH' : // fall through to hh case 'h' : // fall through to hh case 'hh' : datePartArray[3] = ~~input; break; // MINUTE case 'm' : // fall through to mm case 'mm' : datePartArray[4] = ~~input; break; // SECOND case 's' : // fall through to ss case 'ss' : datePartArray[5] = ~~input; break; // MILLISECOND case 'S' : case 'SS' : case 'SSS' : datePartArray[6] = ~~ (('0.' + input) * 1000); break; // UNIX TIMESTAMP WITH MS case 'X': config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input) * 1000); break; // TIMEZONE case 'Z' : // fall through to ZZ case 'ZZ' : config._useUTC = true; a = (input + '').match(parseTimezoneChunker); if (a && a[1]) { config._tzh = ~~a[1]; } if (a && a[2]) { config._tzm = ~~a[2]; } // reverse offsets if (a && a[0] === '+') { config._tzh = -config._tzh; config._tzm = -config._tzm; } break; } // if the input is null, the date is not valid if (input == null) { config._isValid = false; } } // convert an array to a date. // the array should mirror the parameters below // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value. // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond] function dateFromArray(config) { var i, date, input = []; if (config._d) { return; } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { config._a[i] = input[i] = (config._a[i] == null) ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i]; } // add the offsets to the time to be parsed so that we can have a clean array for checking isValid input[3] += config._tzh || 0; input[4] += config._tzm || 0; date = new Date(0); if (config._useUTC) { date.setUTCFullYear(input[0], input[1], input[2]); date.setUTCHours(input[3], input[4], input[5], input[6]); } else { date.setFullYear(input[0], input[1], input[2]); date.setHours(input[3], input[4], input[5], input[6]); } config._d = date; } // date from string and format string function makeDateFromStringAndFormat(config) { // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC` var tokens = config._f.match(formattingTokens), string = config._i, i, parsedInput; config._a = []; for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { parsedInput = (getParseRegexForToken(tokens[i]).exec(string) || [])[0]; if (parsedInput) { string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length); } // don't parse if its not a known token if (formatTokenFunctions[tokens[i]]) { addTimeToArrayFromToken(tokens[i], parsedInput, config); } } // handle am pm if (config._isPm && config._a[3] < 12) { config._a[3] += 12; } // if is 12 am, change hours to 0 if (config._isPm === false && config._a[3] === 12) { config._a[3] = 0; } // return dateFromArray(config); } // date from string and array of format strings function makeDateFromStringAndArray(config) { var tempConfig, tempMoment, bestMoment, scoreToBeat = 99, i, currentDate, currentScore; while (config._f.length) { tempConfig = extend({}, config); tempConfig._f = config._f.pop(); makeDateFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig); tempMoment = new Moment(tempConfig); if (tempMoment.isValid()) { bestMoment = tempMoment; break; } currentScore = compareArrays(tempConfig._a, tempMoment.toArray()); if (currentScore < scoreToBeat) { scoreToBeat = currentScore; bestMoment = tempMoment; } } extend(config, bestMoment); } // date from iso format function makeDateFromString(config) { var i, string = config._i; if (isoRegex.exec(string)) { config._f = 'YYYY-MM-DDT'; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(string)) { config._f += isoTimes[i][0]; break; } } if (parseTokenTimezone.exec(string)) { config._f += " Z"; } makeDateFromStringAndFormat(config); } else { config._d = new Date(string); } } function makeDateFromInput(config) { var input = config._i, matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(input); if (input === undefined) { config._d = new Date(); } else if (matched) { config._d = new Date(+matched[1]); } else if (typeof input === 'string') { makeDateFromString(config); } else if (isArray(input)) { config._a = input.slice(0); dateFromArray(config); } else { config._d = input instanceof Date ? new Date(+input) : new Date(input); } } /************************************ Relative Time ************************************/ // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, lang) { return lang.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture); } function relativeTime(milliseconds, withoutSuffix, lang) { var seconds = round(Math.abs(milliseconds) / 1000), minutes = round(seconds / 60), hours = round(minutes / 60), days = round(hours / 24), years = round(days / 365), args = seconds < 45 && ['s', seconds] || minutes === 1 && ['m'] || minutes < 45 && ['mm', minutes] || hours === 1 && ['h'] || hours < 22 && ['hh', hours] || days === 1 && ['d'] || days <= 25 && ['dd', days] || days <= 45 && ['M'] || days < 345 && ['MM', round(days / 30)] || years === 1 && ['y'] || ['yy', years]; args[2] = withoutSuffix; args[3] = milliseconds > 0; args[4] = lang; return substituteTimeAgo.apply({}, args); } /************************************ Week of Year ************************************/ // firstDayOfWeek 0 = sun, 6 = sat // the day of the week that starts the week // (usually sunday or monday) // firstDayOfWeekOfYear 0 = sun, 6 = sat // the first week is the week that contains the first // of this day of the week // (eg. ISO weeks use thursday (4)) function weekOfYear(mom, firstDayOfWeek, firstDayOfWeekOfYear) { var end = firstDayOfWeekOfYear - firstDayOfWeek, daysToDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeekOfYear - mom.day(); if (daysToDayOfWeek > end) { daysToDayOfWeek -= 7; } if (daysToDayOfWeek < end - 7) { daysToDayOfWeek += 7; } return Math.ceil(moment(mom).add('d', daysToDayOfWeek).dayOfYear() / 7); } /************************************ Top Level Functions ************************************/ function makeMoment(config) { var input = config._i, format = config._f; if (input === null || input === '') { return null; } if (typeof input === 'string') { config._i = input = getLangDefinition().preparse(input); } if (moment.isMoment(input)) { config = extend({}, input); config._d = new Date(+input._d); } else if (format) { if (isArray(format)) { makeDateFromStringAndArray(config); } else { makeDateFromStringAndFormat(config); } } else { makeDateFromInput(config); } return new Moment(config); } moment = function (input, format, lang) { return makeMoment({ _i : input, _f : format, _l : lang, _isUTC : false }); }; // creating with utc moment.utc = function (input, format, lang) { return makeMoment({ _useUTC : true, _isUTC : true, _l : lang, _i : input, _f : format }); }; // creating with unix timestamp (in seconds) moment.unix = function (input) { return moment(input * 1000); }; // duration moment.duration = function (input, key) { var isDuration = moment.isDuration(input), isNumber = (typeof input === 'number'), duration = (isDuration ? input._data : (isNumber ? {} : input)), ret; if (isNumber) { if (key) { duration[key] = input; } else { duration.milliseconds = input; } } ret = new Duration(duration); if (isDuration && input.hasOwnProperty('_lang')) { ret._lang = input._lang; } return ret; }; // version number moment.version = VERSION; // default format moment.defaultFormat = isoFormat; // This function will load languages and then set the global language. If // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global // language key. moment.lang = function (key, values) { var i; if (!key) { return moment.fn._lang._abbr; } if (values) { loadLang(key, values); } else if (!languages[key]) { getLangDefinition(key); } moment.duration.fn._lang = moment.fn._lang = getLangDefinition(key); }; // returns language data moment.langData = function (key) { if (key && key._lang && key._lang._abbr) { key = key._lang._abbr; } return getLangDefinition(key); }; // compare moment object moment.isMoment = function (obj) { return obj instanceof Moment; }; // for typechecking Duration objects moment.isDuration = function (obj) { return obj instanceof Duration; }; /************************************ Moment Prototype ************************************/ moment.fn = Moment.prototype = { clone : function () { return moment(this); }, valueOf : function () { return +this._d; }, unix : function () { return Math.floor(+this._d / 1000); }, toString : function () { return this.format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ"); }, toDate : function () { return this._d; }, toJSON : function () { return moment.utc(this).format('YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]'); }, toArray : function () { var m = this; return [ m.year(), m.month(), m.date(), m.hours(), m.minutes(), m.seconds(), m.milliseconds() ]; }, isValid : function () { if (this._isValid == null) { if (this._a) { this._isValid = !compareArrays(this._a, (this._isUTC ? moment.utc(this._a) : moment(this._a)).toArray()); } else { this._isValid = !isNaN(this._d.getTime()); } } return !!this._isValid; }, utc : function () { this._isUTC = true; return this; }, local : function () { this._isUTC = false; return this; }, format : function (inputString) { var output = formatMoment(this, inputString || moment.defaultFormat); return this.lang().postformat(output); }, add : function (input, val) { var dur; // switch args to support add('s', 1) and add(1, 's') if (typeof input === 'string') { dur = moment.duration(+val, input); } else { dur = moment.duration(input, val); } addOrSubtractDurationFromMoment(this, dur, 1); return this; }, subtract : function (input, val) { var dur; // switch args to support subtract('s', 1) and subtract(1, 's') if (typeof input === 'string') { dur = moment.duration(+val, input); } else { dur = moment.duration(input, val); } addOrSubtractDurationFromMoment(this, dur, -1); return this; }, diff : function (input, units, asFloat) { var that = this._isUTC ? moment(input).utc() : moment(input).local(), zoneDiff = (this.zone() - that.zone()) * 6e4, diff, output; if (units) { // standardize on singular form units = units.replace(/s$/, ''); } if (units === 'year' || units === 'month') { diff = (this.daysInMonth() + that.daysInMonth()) * 432e5; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 / 2 output = ((this.year() - that.year()) * 12) + (this.month() - that.month()); output += ((this - moment(this).startOf('month')) - (that - moment(that).startOf('month'))) / diff; if (units === 'year') { output = output / 12; } } else { diff = (this - that) - zoneDiff; output = units === 'second' ? diff / 1e3 : // 1000 units === 'minute' ? diff / 6e4 : // 1000 * 60 units === 'hour' ? diff / 36e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 units === 'day' ? diff / 864e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 units === 'week' ? diff / 6048e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 diff; } return asFloat ? output : absRound(output); }, from : function (time, withoutSuffix) { return moment.duration(this.diff(time)).lang(this.lang()._abbr).humanize(!withoutSuffix); }, fromNow : function (withoutSuffix) { return this.from(moment(), withoutSuffix); }, calendar : function () { var diff = this.diff(moment().startOf('day'), 'days', true), format = diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' : diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' : diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' : diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' : diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' : diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse'; return this.format(this.lang().calendar(format, this)); }, isLeapYear : function () { var year = this.year(); return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }, isDST : function () { return (this.zone() < moment([this.year()]).zone() || this.zone() < moment([this.year(), 5]).zone()); }, day : function (input) { var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay(); return input == null ? day : this.add({ d : input - day }); }, startOf: function (units) { units = units.replace(/s$/, ''); // the following switch intentionally omits break keywords // to utilize falling through the cases. switch (units) { case 'year': this.month(0); /* falls through */ case 'month': this.date(1); /* falls through */ case 'week': case 'day': this.hours(0); /* falls through */ case 'hour': this.minutes(0); /* falls through */ case 'minute': this.seconds(0); /* falls through */ case 'second': this.milliseconds(0); /* falls through */ } // weeks are a special case if (units === 'week') { this.day(0); } return this; }, endOf: function (units) { return this.startOf(units).add(units.replace(/s?$/, 's'), 1).subtract('ms', 1); }, isAfter: function (input, units) { units = typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond'; return +this.clone().startOf(units) > +moment(input).startOf(units); }, isBefore: function (input, units) { units = typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond'; return +this.clone().startOf(units) < +moment(input).startOf(units); }, isSame: function (input, units) { units = typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond'; return +this.clone().startOf(units) === +moment(input).startOf(units); }, zone : function () { return this._isUTC ? 0 : this._d.getTimezoneOffset(); }, daysInMonth : function () { return moment.utc([this.year(), this.month() + 1, 0]).date(); }, dayOfYear : function (input) { var dayOfYear = round((moment(this).startOf('day') - moment(this).startOf('year')) / 864e5) + 1; return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add("d", (input - dayOfYear)); }, isoWeek : function (input) { var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4); return input == null ? week : this.add("d", (input - week) * 7); }, week : function (input) { var week = this.lang().week(this); return input == null ? week : this.add("d", (input - week) * 7); }, // If passed a language key, it will set the language for this // instance. Otherwise, it will return the language configuration // variables for this instance. lang : function (key) { if (key === undefined) { return this._lang; } else { this._lang = getLangDefinition(key); return this; } } }; // helper for adding shortcuts function makeGetterAndSetter(name, key) { moment.fn[name] = moment.fn[name + 's'] = function (input) { var utc = this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : ''; if (input != null) { this._d['set' + utc + key](input); return this; } else { return this._d['get' + utc + key](); } }; } // loop through and add shortcuts (Month, Date, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds) for (i = 0; i < proxyGettersAndSetters.length; i ++) { makeGetterAndSetter(proxyGettersAndSetters[i].toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, ''), proxyGettersAndSetters[i]); } // add shortcut for year (uses different syntax than the getter/setter 'year' == 'FullYear') makeGetterAndSetter('year', 'FullYear'); // add plural methods moment.fn.days = moment.fn.day; moment.fn.weeks = moment.fn.week; moment.fn.isoWeeks = moment.fn.isoWeek; /************************************ Duration Prototype ************************************/ moment.duration.fn = Duration.prototype = { weeks : function () { return absRound(this.days() / 7); }, valueOf : function () { return this._milliseconds + this._days * 864e5 + this._months * 2592e6; }, humanize : function (withSuffix) { var difference = +this, output = relativeTime(difference, !withSuffix, this.lang()); if (withSuffix) { output = this.lang().pastFuture(difference, output); } return this.lang().postformat(output); }, lang : moment.fn.lang }; function makeDurationGetter(name) { moment.duration.fn[name] = function () { return this._data[name]; }; } function makeDurationAsGetter(name, factor) { moment.duration.fn['as' + name] = function () { return +this / factor; }; } for (i in unitMillisecondFactors) { if (unitMillisecondFactors.hasOwnProperty(i)) { makeDurationAsGetter(i, unitMillisecondFactors[i]); makeDurationGetter(i.toLowerCase()); } } makeDurationAsGetter('Weeks', 6048e5); /************************************ Default Lang ************************************/ // Set default language, other languages will inherit from English. moment.lang('en', { ordinal : function (number) { var b = number % 10, output = (~~ (number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' : (b === 1) ? 'st' : (b === 2) ? 'nd' : (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th'; return number + output; } }); /************************************ Exposing Moment ************************************/ // CommonJS module is defined if (hasModule) { module.exports = moment; } /*global ender:false */ if (typeof ender === 'undefined') { // here, `this` means `window` in the browser, or `global` on the server // add `moment` as a global object via a string identifier, // for Closure Compiler "advanced" mode this['moment'] = moment; } /*global define:false */ if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("moment", [], function () { return moment; }); } }).call(this); loadCss("/* vis.js stylesheet */\n\n.graph {\n position: relative;\n border: 1px solid #bfbfbf;\n}\n\n.graph .panel {\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.graph .itemset {\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.graph .background {\n}\n\n.graph .foreground {\n}\n\n\n.graph .item {\n position: absolute;\n color: #1A1A1A;\n border-color: #97B0F8;\n background-color: #D5DDF6;\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.graph .item.selected {\n border-color: #FFC200;\n background-color: #FFF785;\n z-index: 999;\n}\n\n.graph .item.cluster {\n /* TODO: use another color or pattern? */\n background: #97B0F8 url('img/cluster_bg.png');\n color: white;\n}\n.graph .item.cluster.point {\n border-color: #D5DDF6;\n}\n\n.graph .item.box {\n text-align: center;\n border-style: solid;\n border-width: 1px;\n border-radius: 5px;\n -moz-border-radius: 5px; /* For Firefox 3.6 and older */\n}\n\n.graph .item.point {\n background: none;\n}\n\n.graph .dot {\n border: 5px solid #97B0F8;\n position: absolute;\n border-radius: 5px;\n -moz-border-radius: 5px; /* For Firefox 3.6 and older */\n}\n\n.graph .item.range {\n overflow: hidden;\n border-style: solid;\n border-width: 1px;\n border-radius: 2px;\n -moz-border-radius: 2px; /* For Firefox 3.6 and older */\n}\n\n.graph .item.range .drag-left {\n cursor: w-resize;\n z-index: 1000;\n}\n\n.graph .item.range .drag-right {\n cursor: e-resize;\n z-index: 1000;\n}\n\n.graph .item.range .content {\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n.graph .item.line {\n position: absolute;\n width: 0;\n border-left-width: 1px;\n border-left-style: solid;\n}\n\n.graph .item .content {\n margin: 5px;\n white-space: nowrap;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n/* TODO: better css name, 'graph' is way to generic */\n\n.graph {\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.graph .axis {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.graph .axis .text {\n position: absolute;\n color: #4d4d4d;\n padding: 3px;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.graph .axis .text.measure {\n position: absolute;\n padding-left: 0;\n padding-right: 0;\n margin-left: 0;\n margin-right: 0;\n visibility: hidden;\n}\n\n.graph .axis .grid.vertical {\n position: absolute;\n width: 0;\n border-right: 1px solid;\n}\n\n.graph .axis .grid.horizontal {\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 0;\n border-bottom: 1px solid;\n}\n\n.graph .axis .grid.minor {\n border-color: #e5e5e5;\n}\n\n.graph .axis .grid.major {\n border-color: #bfbfbf;\n}\n\n"); })();