/** * Jake build script */ var jake = require('jake'), browserify = require('browserify'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'); require('jake-utils'); // constants var VIS = './vis.js'; var VIS_TMP = './vis.js.tmp'; var VIS_MIN = './vis.min.js'; /** * default task */ desc('Execute all tasks: build all libraries'); task('default', ['build', 'minify', 'test'], function () { console.log('done'); }); /** * build the visualization library vis.js */ desc('Build the visualization library vis.js'); task('build', {async: true}, function () { // concatenate and stringify the css files var result = concat({ src: [ './src/timeline/component/css/timeline.css', './src/timeline/component/css/panel.css', './src/timeline/component/css/groupset.css', './src/timeline/component/css/itemset.css', './src/timeline/component/css/item.css', './src/timeline/component/css/timeaxis.css' ], header: '/* vis.js stylesheet */', separator: '\n' }); var cssText = JSON.stringify(result.code); // concatenate the script files concat({ dest: VIS_TMP, src: [ './src/module/imports.js', './src/shim.js', './src/util.js', './src/events.js', './src/EventBus.js', './src/DataSet.js', './src/DataView.js', './src/timeline/TimeStep.js', './src/timeline/Stack.js', './src/timeline/Range.js', './src/timeline/Controller.js', './src/timeline/component/Component.js', './src/timeline/component/Panel.js', './src/timeline/component/RootPanel.js', './src/timeline/component/TimeAxis.js', './src/timeline/component/ItemSet.js', './src/timeline/component/item/*.js', './src/timeline/component/Group.js', './src/timeline/component/GroupSet.js', './src/timeline/Timeline.js', './src/graph/dotparser.js', './src/graph/shapes.js', './src/graph/Node.js', './src/graph/Edge.js', './src/graph/Popup.js', './src/graph/Groups.js', './src/graph/Images.js', './src/graph/Graph.js', './src/module/exports.js' ], separator: '\n', // Note: we insert the css as a string in the javascript code here // the css will be injected on load of the javascript library footer: '// inject css\n' + 'util.loadCss(' + cssText + ');\n' }); // bundle the concatenated script and dependencies into one file var b = browserify(); b.add(VIS_TMP); b.bundle({ standalone: 'vis' }, function (err, code) { if(err) { throw err; } // add header and footer var lib = read('./src/module/header.js') + code; // write bundled file write(VIS, lib); console.log('created ' + VIS); // remove temporary file fs.unlinkSync(VIS_TMP); // update version number and stuff in the javascript files replacePlaceholders(VIS); complete(); }); }); /** * minify the visualization library vis.js */ desc('Minify the visualization library vis.js'); task('minify', function () { // minify javascript minify({ src: VIS, dest: VIS_MIN, header: read('./src/module/header.js') }); // update version number and stuff in the javascript files replacePlaceholders(VIS_MIN); console.log('created ' + VIS_MIN); }); /** * test task */ desc('Test the library'); task('test', ['build'], function () { // TODO: use a testing suite for testing: nodeunit, mocha, tap, ... var filelist = new jake.FileList(); filelist.include([ './test/**/*.js' ]); var files = filelist.toArray(); files.forEach(function (file) { require('./' + file); }); console.log('Executed ' + files.length + ' test files successfully'); }); /** * replace version, date, and name placeholders in the provided file * @param {String} filename */ var replacePlaceholders = function (filename) { replace({ replacements: [ {pattern: '@@date', replacement: today()}, {pattern: '@@version', replacement: version()} ], src: filename }); };