var assert = require('assert'); var jsdom_global = require('jsdom-global'); var canvasMockify = require('./canvas-mock'); var Popup = require('../lib/shared/Popup').default; describe('Popup', function () { beforeEach(function() { this.jsdom_global = canvasMockify("
"); this.container = document.getElementById('mynetwork'); }); afterEach(function() { this.jsdom_global(); this.container.remove(); this.container = undefined; }); describe('constructor', function () { it('defaults overflowMethod to "cap"', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); assert.equal(popup.overflowMethod, 'cap'); }); it('defaults hidden to false', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); assert.equal(popup.hidden, false); }); }); describe('setPosition', function () { it('handles ints', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.setPosition(1, 2); assert.equal(popup.x, 1); assert.equal(popup.y, 2); }); it('handles strings', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.setPosition('1', '2'); assert.equal(popup.x, 1); assert.equal(popup.y, 2); }); it('handles null with NaN', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.setPosition(null, null); assert(isNaN(popup.x)); assert(isNaN(popup.y)); }); it('handles undefined with NaN', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.setPosition(undefined, undefined); assert(isNaN(popup.x)); assert(isNaN(popup.y)); }); }); describe('setText', function () { it('using Element replaces innerHTML', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.frame.innerHTML = '
This will get cleared!
'; popup.setText(document.createElement('div')); assert.equal(popup.frame.innerHTML, '
'); }); it('using string replaces innerHTML', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.frame.innerHTML = '
This will get cleared!
'; popup.setText('your text here!'); assert.equal(popup.frame.innerHTML, 'your text here!'); }); }); describe('show', function () { it('set to undefined will show', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container);; assert.equal(popup.hidden, false); assert.notEqual(, "0px"); assert.notEqual(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "visible"); }); it('set to true will show', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container);; assert.equal(popup.hidden, false); assert.notEqual(, "0px"); assert.notEqual(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "visible"); }); it('set to true with overflowMethod "flip" will show', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container, 'flip');; assert.equal(popup.hidden, false); assert.equal(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "visible"); }); it('set to false will hide', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container);; assert.equal(popup.hidden, true); assert.equal(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "hidden"); }); }); describe('hide', function () { it('sets hidden to true, frame style to 0,0 and visibility to hidden', function () { var popup = new Popup(this.container); popup.hide(); assert.equal(popup.hidden, true); assert.equal(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "0px"); assert.equal(, "hidden"); }); }); describe('destroy', function () { it('removes frame from container', function () { assert.equal(this.container.children.length, 0); var popup = new Popup(this.container); assert.equal(this.container.children.length, 1); popup.destroy(); assert.equal(this.container.children.length, 0); }); }); });