let util = require('../../../../util'); class Label { constructor(body, options, edgelabel = false) { this.body = body; this.pointToSelf = false; this.baseSize = undefined; this.fontOptions = {}; this.setOptions(options); this.size = {top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0, yLine: 0}; // could be cached this.isEdgeLabel = edgelabel; } setOptions(options, allowDeletion = false) { this.elementOptions = options; // We want to keep the font options seperated from the node options. // The node options have to mirror the globals when they are not overruled. this.fontOptions = util.deepExtend({},options.font, true); if (options.label !== undefined) { this.labelDirty = true; } if (options.font !== undefined) { Label.parseOptions(this.fontOptions, options, allowDeletion); if (typeof options.font === 'string') { this.baseSize = this.fontOptions.size; } else if (typeof options.font === 'object') { if (options.font.size !== undefined) { this.baseSize = options.font.size; } } } } static parseOptions(parentOptions, newOptions, allowDeletion = false) { if (typeof newOptions.font === 'string') { let newOptionsArray = newOptions.font.split(" "); parentOptions.size = newOptionsArray[0].replace("px",''); parentOptions.face = newOptionsArray[1]; parentOptions.color = newOptionsArray[2]; parentOptions.vadjust = 0; } else if (typeof newOptions.font === 'object') { util.fillIfDefined(parentOptions, newOptions.font, allowDeletion); } parentOptions.size = Number(parentOptions.size); parentOptions.vadjust = Number(parentOptions.vadjust); } // set the width and height constraints based on 'nearest' value constrain(elementOptions, options, defaultOptions) { this.fontOptions.constrainWidth = false; this.fontOptions.maxWdt = -1; this.fontOptions.minWdt = -1; let pile = [options, elementOptions, defaultOptions]; let widthConstraint = util.topMost(pile, 'widthConstraint'); if (typeof widthConstraint === 'number') { this.fontOptions.maxWdt = Number(widthConstraint); this.fontOptions.minWdt = Number(widthConstraint); } else if (typeof widthConstraint === 'object') { let widthConstraintMaximum = util.topMost(pile, ['widthConstraint', 'maximum']); if (typeof widthConstraintMaximum === 'number') { this.fontOptions.maxWdt = Number(widthConstraintMaximum); } let widthConstraintMinimum = util.topMost(pile, ['widthConstraint', 'minimum']) if (typeof widthConstraintMinimum === 'number') { this.fontOptions.minWdt = Number(widthConstraintMinimum); } } this.fontOptions.constrainHeight = false; this.fontOptions.minHgt = -1; this.fontOptions.valign = 'middle'; let heightConstraint = util.topMost(pile, 'heightConstraint'); if (typeof heightConstraint === 'number') { this.fontOptions.minHgt = Number(heightConstraint); } else if (typeof heightConstraint === 'object') { let heightConstraintMinimum = util.topMost(pile, ['heightConstraint', 'minimum']); if (typeof heightConstraintMinimum === 'number') { this.fontOptions.minHgt = Number(heightConstraintMinimum); } let heightConstraintValign = util.topMost(pile, ['heightConstraint', 'valign']); if (typeof heightConstraintValign === 'string') { if ((heightConstraintValign === 'top')||(heightConstraintValign === 'bottom')) { this.fontOptions.valign = heightConstraintValign; } } } } // When margins are set in an element, adjust sizes is called to remove them // from the width/height constraints. This must be done prior to label sizing. adjustSizes(margins) { let widthBias = (margins) ? (margins.right + margins.left) : 0; if (this.fontOptions.constrainWidth) { this.fontOptions.maxWdt -= widthBias; this.fontOptions.minWdt -= widthBias; } let heightBias = (margins) ? (margins.top + margins.bottom) : 0; if (this.fontOptions.constrainHeight) { this.fontOptions.minHgt -= heightBias; } } propagateFonts(options, groupOptions, defaultOptions) { if (this.fontOptions.multi) { let mods = [ 'bold', 'ital', 'boldital', 'mono' ]; for (const mod of mods) { let optionsFontMod; if (options.font) { optionsFontMod = options.font[mod]; } if (typeof optionsFontMod === 'string') { let modOptionsArray = optionsFontMod.split(" "); this.fontOptions[mod].size = modOptionsArray[0].replace("px",""); this.fontOptions[mod].face = modOptionsArray[1]; this.fontOptions[mod].color = modOptionsArray[2]; this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = this.fontOptions.vadjust; this.fontOptions[mod].mod = defaultOptions.font[mod].mod; } else { // We need to be crafty about loading the modded fonts. We want as // much 'natural' versatility as we can get, so a simple global // change propagates in an expected way, even if not stictly logical. // face: We want to capture any direct settings and overrides, but // fall back to the base font if there aren't any. We make a // special exception for mono, since we probably don't want to // sync to a the base font face. // // if the mod face is in the node's options, use it // else if the mod face is in the global options, use it // else if the face is in the global options, use it // else use the base font's face. if (optionsFontMod && optionsFontMod.hasOwnProperty('face')) { this.fontOptions[mod].face = optionsFontMod.face; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font[mod] && groupOptions.font[mod].hasOwnProperty('face')) { this.fontOptions[mod].face = groupOptions.font[mod].face; } else if (mod === 'mono') { this.fontOptions[mod].face = defaultOptions.font[mod].face; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font.hasOwnProperty('face')) { this.fontOptions[mod].face = groupOptions.font.face; } else { this.fontOptions[mod].face = this.fontOptions.face; } // color: this is handled just like the face. if (optionsFontMod && optionsFontMod.hasOwnProperty('color')) { this.fontOptions[mod].color = optionsFontMod.color; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font[mod] && groupOptions.font[mod].hasOwnProperty('color')) { this.fontOptions[mod].color = groupOptions.font[mod].color; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font.hasOwnProperty('color')) { this.fontOptions[mod].color = groupOptions.font.color; } else { this.fontOptions[mod].color = this.fontOptions.color; } // mod: this is handled just like the face, except we never grab the // base font's mod. We know they're in the defaultOptions, and unless // we've been steered away from them, we use the default. if (optionsFontMod && optionsFontMod.hasOwnProperty('mod')) { this.fontOptions[mod].mod = optionsFontMod.mod; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font[mod] && groupOptions.font[mod].hasOwnProperty('mod')) { this.fontOptions[mod].mod = groupOptions.font[mod].mod; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font.hasOwnProperty('mod')) { this.fontOptions[mod].mod = groupOptions.font.mod; } else { this.fontOptions[mod].mod = defaultOptions.font[mod].mod; } // size: It's important that we size up defaults similarly if we're // using default faces unless overriden. We want to preserve the // ratios closely - but if faces have changed, all bets are off. // // if the mod size is in the node's options, use it // else if the mod size is in the global options, use it // else if the mod face is the same as the default and the base face // is the same as the default, scale the mod size using the same // ratio // else if the size is in the global options, use it // else use the base font's size. if (optionsFontMod && optionsFontMod.hasOwnProperty('size')) { this.fontOptions[mod].size = optionsFontMod.size; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font[mod] && groupOptions.font[mod].hasOwnProperty('size')) { this.fontOptions[mod].size = groupOptions.font[mod].size; } else if ((this.fontOptions[mod].face === defaultOptions.font[mod].face) && (this.fontOptions.face === defaultOptions.font.face)) { let ratio = this.fontOptions.size / Number(defaultOptions.font.size); this.fontOptions[mod].size = defaultOptions.font[mod].size * ratio; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font.hasOwnProperty('size')) { this.fontOptions[mod].size = groupOptions.font.size; } else { this.fontOptions[mod].size = this.fontOptions.size; } // vadjust: this is handled just like the size. if (optionsFontMod && optionsFontMod.hasOwnProperty('vadjust')) { this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = optionsFontMod.vadjust; } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font[mod] && groupOptions.font[mod].hasOwnProperty('vadjust')) { this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = groupOptions.font[mod].vadjust; } else if ((this.fontOptions[mod].face === defaultOptions.font[mod].face) && (this.fontOptions.face === defaultOptions.font.face)) { let ratio = this.fontOptions.size / Number(defaultOptions.font.size); this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = defaultOptions.font[mod].vadjust * Math.round(ratio); } else if (groupOptions.font && groupOptions.font.hasOwnProperty('vadjust')) { this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = groupOptions.font.vadjust; } else { this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = this.fontOptions.vadjust; } } this.fontOptions[mod].size = Number(this.fontOptions[mod].size); this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust = Number(this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust); } } } /** * Main function. This is called from anything that wants to draw a label. * @param ctx * @param x * @param y * @param selected * @param baseline */ draw(ctx, x, y, selected, baseline = 'middle') { // if no label, return if (this.elementOptions.label === undefined) return; // check if we have to render the label let viewFontSize = this.fontOptions.size * this.body.view.scale; if (this.elementOptions.label && viewFontSize < this.elementOptions.scaling.label.drawThreshold - 1) return; // update the size cache if required this.calculateLabelSize(ctx, selected, x, y, baseline); // create the fontfill background this._drawBackground(ctx); // draw text this._drawText(ctx, selected, x, y, baseline); } /** * Draws the label background * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx * @private */ _drawBackground(ctx) { if (this.fontOptions.background !== undefined && this.fontOptions.background !== "none") { ctx.fillStyle = this.fontOptions.background; let lineMargin = 2; if (this.isEdgeLabel) { switch (this.fontOptions.align) { case 'middle': ctx.fillRect(-this.size.width * 0.5, -this.size.height * 0.5, this.size.width, this.size.height); break; case 'top': ctx.fillRect(-this.size.width * 0.5, -(this.size.height + lineMargin), this.size.width, this.size.height); break; case 'bottom': ctx.fillRect(-this.size.width * 0.5, lineMargin, this.size.width, this.size.height); break; default: ctx.fillRect(this.size.left, this.size.top - 0.5*lineMargin, this.size.width, this.size.height); break; } } else { ctx.fillRect(this.size.left, this.size.top - 0.5*lineMargin, this.size.width, this.size.height); } } } /** * * @param ctx * @param x * @param baseline * @private */ _drawText(ctx, selected, x, y, baseline = 'middle') { let fontSize = this.fontOptions.size; let viewFontSize = fontSize * this.body.view.scale; // this ensures that there will not be HUGE letters on screen by setting an upper limit on the visible text size (regardless of zoomLevel) if (viewFontSize >= this.elementOptions.scaling.label.maxVisible) { fontSize = Number(this.elementOptions.scaling.label.maxVisible) / this.body.view.scale; } let yLine = this.size.yLine; [x, yLine] = this._setAlignment(ctx, x, yLine, baseline); ctx.textAlign = 'left' x = x - this.size.width / 2; // Shift label 1/2-distance to the left if ((this.fontOptions.valign) && (this.size.height > this.size.labelHeight)) { if (this.fontOptions.valign === 'top') { yLine -= (this.size.height - this.size.labelHeight) / 2; } if (this.fontOptions.valign === 'bottom') { yLine += (this.size.height - this.size.labelHeight) / 2; } } // draw the text for (let i = 0; i < this.lineCount; i++) { if (this.lines[i] && this.lines[i].blocks) { let width = 0; if (this.isEdgeLabel || this.fontOptions.align === 'center') { width += (this.size.width - this.lines[i].width) / 2 } else if (this.fontOptions.align === 'right') { width += (this.size.width - this.lines[i].width) } for (let j = 0; j < this.lines[i].blocks.length; j++) { let block = this.lines[i].blocks[j]; ctx.font = block.font; let [fontColor, strokeColor] = this._getColor(block.color, viewFontSize); if (this.fontOptions.strokeWidth > 0) { ctx.lineWidth = this.fontOptions.strokeWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor; ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; ctx.strokeText(block.text, x + width, yLine + block.vadjust); } ctx.fillStyle = fontColor; ctx.fillText(block.text, x + width, yLine + block.vadjust); width += block.width; } yLine += this.lines[i].height; } } } _setAlignment(ctx, x, yLine, baseline) { // check for label alignment (for edges) // TODO: make alignment for nodes if (this.isEdgeLabel && this.fontOptions.align !== 'horizontal' && this.pointToSelf === false) { x = 0; yLine = 0; let lineMargin = 2; if (this.fontOptions.align === 'top') { ctx.textBaseline = 'alphabetic'; yLine -= 2 * lineMargin; // distance from edge, required because we use alphabetic. Alphabetic has less difference between browsers } else if (this.fontOptions.align === 'bottom') { ctx.textBaseline = 'hanging'; yLine += 2 * lineMargin;// distance from edge, required because we use hanging. Hanging has less difference between browsers } else { ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; } } else { ctx.textBaseline = baseline; } return [x,yLine]; } /** * fade in when relative scale is between threshold and threshold - 1. * If the relative scale would be smaller than threshold -1 the draw function would have returned before coming here. * * @param viewFontSize * @returns {*[]} * @private */ _getColor(color, viewFontSize) { let fontColor = color || '#000000'; let strokeColor = this.fontOptions.strokeColor || '#ffffff'; if (viewFontSize <= this.elementOptions.scaling.label.drawThreshold) { let opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, 1 - (this.elementOptions.scaling.label.drawThreshold - viewFontSize))); fontColor = util.overrideOpacity(fontColor, opacity); strokeColor = util.overrideOpacity(strokeColor, opacity); } return [fontColor, strokeColor]; } /** * * @param ctx * @param selected * @returns {{width: number, height: number}} */ getTextSize(ctx, selected = false) { this._processLabel(ctx, selected); return { width: this.size.width, height: this.size.height, lineCount: this.lineCount }; } /** * * @param ctx * @param selected * @param x * @param y * @param baseline */ calculateLabelSize(ctx, selected, x = 0, y = 0, baseline = 'middle') { if (this.labelDirty === true) { this._processLabel(ctx, selected); } this.size.left = x - this.size.width * 0.5; this.size.top = y - this.size.height * 0.5; this.size.yLine = y + (1 - this.lineCount) * 0.5 * this.fontOptions.size; if (baseline === "hanging") { this.size.top += 0.5 * this.fontOptions.size; this.size.top += 4; // distance from node, required because we use hanging. Hanging has less difference between browsers this.size.yLine += 4; // distance from node } this.labelDirty = false; } /** * normalize the markup system */ decodeMarkupSystem(markupSystem) { let system = 'none'; if (markupSystem === 'markdown' || markupSystem === 'md') { system = 'markdown'; } else if (markupSystem === true || markupSystem === 'html') { system = 'html' } return system; } /** * Explodes a piece of text into single-font blocks using a given markup * @param text * @param markupSystem * @returns [{ text, mod }] */ splitBlocks(text, markupSystem) { let system = this.decodeMarkupSystem(markupSystem); if (system === 'none') { return [{ text: text, mod: 'normal' }] } else if (system === 'markdown') { return this.splitMarkdownBlocks(text); } else if (system === 'html') { return this.splitHtmlBlocks(text); } } splitMarkdownBlocks(text) { let blocks = []; let s = { bold: false, ital: false, mono: false, beginable: true, spacing: false, position: 0, buffer: "", modStack: [] }; s.mod = function() { return (this.modStack.length === 0) ? 'normal' : this.modStack[0]; } s.modName = function() { if (this.modStack.length === 0) return 'normal'; else if (this.modStack[0] === 'mono') return 'mono'; else { if (s.bold && s.ital) { return 'boldital'; } else if (s.bold) { return 'bold'; } else if (s.ital) { return 'ital'; } } } s.emitBlock = function(override = false) { if (this.spacing) { this.add(" "); this.spacing = false; } if (this.buffer.length > 0) { blocks.push({ text: this.buffer, mod: this.modName() }); this.buffer = ""; } } s.add = function(text) { if (text === " ") { s.spacing = true; } if (s.spacing) { this.buffer += " "; this.spacing = false; } if (text != " ") { this.buffer += text; } } while (s.position < text.length) { let char = text.charAt(s.position); if (/[ \t]/.test(char)) { if (!s.mono) { s.spacing = true; } else { s.add(char); } s.beginable = true } else if (/\\/.test(char)) { if (s.position < text.length+1) { s.position++; char = text.charAt(s.position); if (/ \t/.test(char)) { s.spacing = true; } else { s.add(char); s.beginable = false; } } } else if (!s.mono && !s.bold && (s.beginable || s.spacing) && /\*/.test(char)) { s.emitBlock(); s.bold = true; s.modStack.unshift("bold"); } else if (!s.mono && !s.ital && (s.beginable || s.spacing) && /\_/.test(char)) { s.emitBlock(); s.ital = true; s.modStack.unshift("ital"); } else if (!s.mono && (s.beginable || s.spacing) && /`/.test(char)) { s.emitBlock(); s.mono = true; s.modStack.unshift("mono"); } else if (!s.mono && (s.mod() === "bold") && /\*/.test(char)) { if ((s.position === text.length-1) || /[.,_` \t\n]/.test(text.charAt(s.position+1))) { s.emitBlock(); s.bold = false; s.modStack.shift(); } else { s.add(char); } } else if (!s.mono && (s.mod() === "ital") && /\_/.test(char)) { if ((s.position === text.length-1) || /[.,*` \t\n]/.test(text.charAt(s.position+1))) { s.emitBlock(); s.ital = false; s.modStack.shift(); } else { s.add(char); } } else if (s.mono && (s.mod() === "mono") && /`/.test(char)) { if ((s.position === text.length-1) || (/[.,*_ \t\n]/.test(text.charAt(s.position+1)))) { s.emitBlock(); s.mono = false; s.modStack.shift(); } else { s.add(char); } } else { s.add(char); s.beginable = false; } s.position++ } s.emitBlock(); return blocks; } splitHtmlBlocks(text) { let blocks = []; let s = { bold: false, ital: false, mono: false, spacing: false, position: 0, buffer: "", modStack: [] }; s.mod = function() { return (this.modStack.length === 0) ? 'normal' : this.modStack[0]; } s.modName = function() { if (this.modStack.length === 0) return 'normal'; else if (this.modStack[0] === 'mono') return 'mono'; else { if (s.bold && s.ital) { return 'boldital'; } else if (s.bold) { return 'bold'; } else if (s.ital) { return 'ital'; } } } s.emitBlock = function(override = false) { if (this.spacing) { this.add(" "); this.spacing = false; } if (this.buffer.length > 0) { blocks.push({ text: this.buffer, mod: this.modName() }); this.buffer = ""; } } s.add = function(text) { if (text === " ") { s.spacing = true; } if (s.spacing) { this.buffer += " "; this.spacing = false; } if (text != " ") { this.buffer += text; } } while (s.position < text.length) { let char = text.charAt(s.position); if (/[ \t]/.test(char)) { if (!s.mono) { s.spacing = true; } else { s.add(char); } } else if (//.test(text.substr(s.position,3))) { s.emitBlock(); s.bold = true; s.modStack.unshift("bold"); s.position += 2; } else if (!s.mono && !s.ital && //.test(text.substr(s.position,3))) { s.emitBlock(); s.ital = true; s.modStack.unshift("ital"); s.position += 2; } else if (!s.mono && //.test(text.substr(s.position,6))) { s.emitBlock(); s.mono = true; s.modStack.unshift("mono"); s.position += 5; } else if (!s.mono && (s.mod() === 'bold') && /<\/b>/.test(text.substr(s.position,4))) { s.emitBlock(); s.bold = false; s.modStack.shift(); s.position += 3; } else if (!s.mono && (s.mod() === 'ital') && /<\/i>/.test(text.substr(s.position,4))) { s.emitBlock(); s.ital = false; s.modStack.shift(); s.position += 3; } else if ((s.mod() === 'mono') && /<\/code>/.test(text.substr(s.position,7))) { s.emitBlock(); s.mono = false; s.modStack.shift(); s.position += 6; } else { s.add(char); } } else if (/&/.test(char)) { if (/</.test(text.substr(s.position,4))) { s.add("<"); s.position += 3; } else if (/&/.test(text.substr(s.position,5))) { s.add("&"); s.position += 4; } else { s.add("&"); } } else { s.add(char); } s.position++ } s.emitBlock(); return blocks; } setFont(ctx, selected, mod) { let height let vadjust let color if (mod === 'normal') { ctx.font = (selected && this.elementOptions.labelHighlightBold ? 'bold ' : '') + this.fontOptions.size + "px " + this.fontOptions.face; color = this.fontOptions.color; height = this.fontOptions.size; vadjust = this.fontOptions.vadjust; } else { ctx.font = this.fontOptions[mod].mod + " " + this.fontOptions[mod].size + "px " + this.fontOptions[mod].face; color = this.fontOptions[mod].color; height = this.fontOptions[mod].size; vadjust = this.fontOptions[mod].vadjust || 0; } return { font: ctx.font.replace(/"/g, ""), color: color, height: height, vadjust: vadjust } } /** * This explodes the label string into lines and sets the width, height and number of lines. * @param ctx * @param selected * @private */ _processLabel(ctx, selected) { let width = 0; let height = 0; let nlLines = []; let lines = []; let k = 0; lines.add = function(l, text, font, color, width, height, vadjust) { if (this.length == l) { this[l] = { width: 0, height: 0, blocks: [] }; } this[l].blocks.push({ text, font, color, width, height, vadjust }); } lines.accumulate = function(l, width, height) { this[l].width += width; this[l].height = height > this[l].height ? height : this[l].height; } lines.addAndAccumulate = function(l, text, font, color, width, height, vadjust) { this.add(l, text, font, color, width, height, vadjust); this.accumulate(l, width, height); } if (this.elementOptions.label !== undefined) { let nlLines = String(this.elementOptions.label).split('\n'); let lineCount = nlLines.length; if (this.elementOptions.font.multi) { for (let i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { let blocks = this.splitBlocks(nlLines[i], this.elementOptions.font.multi); let lineWidth = 0; let lineHeight = 0; if (blocks) { if (blocks.length == 0) { this.setFont(ctx, selected, "normal"); lines.addAndAccumulate(k, "", ctx.font, "#000000", 0, this.fontOptions.size, this.fontOptions.vadjust); height += lines[k].height; k++; continue; } for (let j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) { if (this.fontOptions.maxWdt > 0) { let metrics = this.setFont(ctx, selected, blocks[j].mod); let words = blocks[j].text.split(" "); let atStart = true let text = ""; let measure; let lastMeasure; let w = 0; while (w < words.length) { let pre = atStart ? "" : " "; lastMeasure = measure; measure = ctx.measureText(text + pre + words[w]); if (lineWidth + measure.width > this.fontOptions.maxWdt) { lineHeight = (metrics.height > lineHeight) ? metrics.height : lineHeight; lines.add(k, text, ctx.font, metrics.color, lastMeasure.width, metrics.height, metrics.vadjust); lines.accumulate(k, lastMeasure.width, lineHeight); text = ""; atStart = true; lineWidth = 0; width = lines[k].width > width ? lines[k].width : width; height += lines[k].height; k++; } else { text = text + pre + words[w]; if (w === words.length-1) { lineHeight = (metrics.height > lineHeight) ? metrics.height : lineHeight; lineWidth += measure.width; lines.add(k, text, ctx.font, metrics.color, measure.width, metrics.height, metrics.vadjust); lines.accumulate(k, measure.width, lineHeight); if (j === blocks.length-1) { width = lines[k].width > width ? lines[k].width : width; height += lines[k].height; k++; } } w++; atStart = false; } } } else { let metrics = this.setFont(ctx, selected, blocks[j].mod) let measure = ctx.measureText(blocks[j].text); lines.addAndAccumulate(k, blocks[j].text, ctx.font, metrics.color, measure.width, metrics.height, metrics.vadjust); width = lines[k].width > width ? lines[k].width : width; if (blocks.length-1 === j) { height += lines[k].height; k++; } } } } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { ctx.font = (selected && this.elementOptions.labelHighlightBold ? 'bold ' : '') + this.fontOptions.size + "px " + this.fontOptions.face; if (this.fontOptions.maxWdt > 0) { let words = nlLines[i].split(" "); let text = ""; let measure; let lastMeasure; let w = 0; while (w < words.length) { let pre = (text === "") ? "" : " "; lastMeasure = measure; measure = ctx.measureText(text + pre + words[w]); if (measure.width > this.fontOptions.maxWdt) { lines.addAndAccumulate(k, text, ctx.font, this.fontOptions.color, lastMeasure.width, this.fontOptions.size, this.fontOptions.vadjust) width = lines[k].width > width ? lines[k].width : width; height += lines[k].height; text = ""; k++; } else { text = text + pre + words[w]; if (w === words.length-1) { lines.addAndAccumulate(k, text, ctx.font, this.fontOptions.color, measure.width, this.fontOptions.size, this.fontOptions.vadjust) width = lines[k].width > width ? lines[k].width : width; height += lines[k].height; k++; } w++; } } } else { let text = nlLines[i]; let measure = ctx.measureText(text); lines.addAndAccumulate(k, text, ctx.font, this.fontOptions.color, measure.width, this.fontOptions.size, this.fontOptions.vadjust); width = lines[k].width > width ? lines[k].width : width; height += lines[k].height; k++; } } } } if ((this.fontOptions.minWdt > 0) && (width < this.fontOptions.minWdt)) { width = this.fontOptions.minWdt; } this.size.labelHeight = height; if ((this.fontOptions.minHgt > 0) && (height < this.fontOptions.minHgt)) { height = this.fontOptions.minHgt; } this.lines = lines; this.lineCount = lines.length; this.size.width = width; this.size.height = height; } } export default Label;