var assert = require('assert'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var jsdom_global = require('jsdom-global'); var canvasMockify = require('./canvas-mock'); var ColorPicker = require('../lib/shared/ColorPicker').default; describe('ColorPicker', function () { beforeEach(function() { this.jsdom_global = jsdom_global( "
", { skipWindowCheck: true} ); canvasMockify(window); this.container = document.getElementById('mynetwork'); }); afterEach(function() { this.jsdom_global(); this.container.remove(); this.container = undefined; }); describe('constructor', function () { it('sets defaults', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); assert.equal(colorPicker.pixelRatio, 1); assert.equal(colorPicker.generated, false); assert.deepEqual(colorPicker.centerCoordinates, {x:289/2, y:289/2}); assert.equal(colorPicker.r, 289 * 0.49); assert.deepEqual(colorPicker.color, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:1.0}); assert.equal(colorPicker.hueCircle, undefined); assert.deepEqual(colorPicker.initialColor, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:1.0}); assert.equal(colorPicker.previousColor, undefined); assert.equal(colorPicker.applied, false); }); // TODO: This gets overridden during instantiation - Is this a bug? xit('can overwrite default pixelRation', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(777); assert.equal(colorPicker.pixelRatio, 777); }); }); describe('insertTo', function () { it('inserts the colorPicker into a div from the DOM', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.insertTo(this.container); assert.equal(colorPicker.container, this.container); assert.equal(this.container.children[this.container.children.length-1], colorPicker.frame); }); }); describe('setUpdateCallback', function () { it('prevents non-functions from being set as callback', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); assert.throws(function () {colorPicker.setUpdateCallback(null);}, Error, null); }); }); describe('setCloseCallback', function () { it('prevents non-functions from being set as callback', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); assert.throws(function () {colorPicker.setCloseCallback(null);}, Error, null); }); }); describe('_hide', function () { it('runs updateCallback when applied', function () { var callback = sinon.spy(); var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.setUpdateCallback(callback); colorPicker.applied = true; colorPicker._hide(); assert.equal(callback.callCount, 1); }); it('does not run updateCallback when not applied', function () { var callback = sinon.spy(); var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.setUpdateCallback(callback); colorPicker.applied = false; colorPicker._hide(); assert.equal(callback.callCount, 0); }); }); describe('_isColorString', function () { it('returns color code when color is found', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); var color = colorPicker._isColorString('black'); assert.equal(color, '#000000'); }); it('returns undefined when color is not found', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); var color = colorPicker._isColorString('zing!'); assert.equal(color, undefined); }); }); describe('setColor', function () { it('does not change when \'none\'', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.setColor('none'); assert.deepEqual(colorPicker.color, { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1 }); }); it('handles null', function () { var colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.setColor('none'); assert.deepEqual(colorPicker.color, { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1 }); }); }); });