var assert = require('assert'); var vis = require('../dist/vis'); var jsdom = require('mocha-jsdom'); var moment = vis.moment; var timeline = vis.timeline; var PointItem = require("../lib/timeline/component/item/PointItem"); var Range = timeline.Range; var TestSupport = require('./TestSupport'); describe('Timeline PointItem', function () { jsdom(); it('should initialize with minimal data', function() { var now = moment().toDate(); var pointItem = new PointItem({start: now}, null, null); assert.equal(pointItem.props.content.height, 0); assert.equal(, now); }); it('should have a default width of 0', function() { var now = moment().toDate(); var pointItem = new PointItem({start: now}, null, null); assert.equal(pointItem.getWidthRight(), 0); assert.equal(pointItem.getWidthLeft(), 0); }); it('should error if there is missing data', function () { assert.throws(function () { new PointItem({}, null, null)}, Error); }); it('should be visible if the range is during', function() { var now = moment(); var range = new Range(TestSupport.buildSimpleTimelineRangeBody()); range.start = now.clone().add(-1, 'second'); range.end = range.start.clone().add(1, 'hour'); var pointItem = new PointItem({start: now.toDate()}, null, null); assert(pointItem.isVisible(range)); }); it('should not be visible if the range is after', function() { var now = moment(); var range = new Range(TestSupport.buildSimpleTimelineRangeBody()); range.start = now.clone().add(1, 'second'); range.end = range.start.clone().add(1, 'hour'); var pointItem = new PointItem({start: now.toDate()}, null, null); assert(!pointItem.isVisible(range)); }); it('should not be visible if the range is before', function() { var now = moment(); var range = new Range(TestSupport.buildSimpleTimelineRangeBody()); range.end = now.clone().add(-1, 'second'); range.start = range.end.clone().add(-1, 'hour'); var pointItem = new PointItem({start: now.toDate()}, null, null); assert(!pointItem.isVisible(range)); }); it('should be visible for a "now" point with a default range', function() { var range = new Range(TestSupport.buildSimpleTimelineRangeBody()); var now = moment().toDate(); var pointItem = new PointItem({start: now}, null, null); assert(pointItem.isVisible(range)); }); });