var util = require('../util'); import ColorPicker from './ColorPicker' /** * The way this works is for all properties of this.possible options, you can supply the property name in any form to list the options. * Boolean options are recognised as Boolean * Number options should be written as array: [default value, min value, max value, stepsize] * Colors should be written as array: ['color', '#ffffff'] * Strings with should be written as array: [option1, option2, option3, ..] * * The options are matched with their counterparts in each of the modules and the values used in the configuration are * * @param parentModule | the location where parentModule.setOptions() can be called * @param defaultContainer | the default container of the module * @param configureOptions | the fully configured and predefined options set found in allOptions.js * @param pixelRatio | canvas pixel ratio */ class Configurator { constructor(parentModule, defaultContainer, configureOptions, pixelRatio = 1) { this.parent = parentModule; this.changedOptions = []; this.container = defaultContainer; this.allowCreation = false; this.options = {}; this.initialized = false; this.popupCounter = 0; this.defaultOptions = { enabled: false, filter: true, container: undefined, showButton: true }; util.extend(this.options, this.defaultOptions); this.configureOptions = configureOptions; this.moduleOptions = {}; this.domElements = []; this.popupDiv = {}; this.popupLimit = 5; this.popupHistory = {}; this.colorPicker = new ColorPicker(pixelRatio); this.wrapper = undefined; } /** * refresh all options. * Because all modules parse their options by themselves, we just use their options. We copy them here. * * @param options */ setOptions(options) { if (options !== undefined) { // reset the popup history because the indices may have been changed. this.popupHistory = {}; this._removePopup(); let enabled = true; if (typeof options === 'string') { this.options.filter = options; } else if (options instanceof Array) { this.options.filter = options.join(); } else if (typeof options === 'object') { if (options.container !== undefined) { this.options.container = options.container; } if (options.filter !== undefined) { this.options.filter = options.filter; } if (options.showButton !== undefined) { this.options.showButton = options.showButton; } if (options.enabled !== undefined) { enabled = options.enabled; } } else if (typeof options === 'boolean') { this.options.filter = true; enabled = options; } else if (typeof options === 'function') { this.options.filter = options; enabled = true; } if (this.options.filter === false) { enabled = false; } this.options.enabled = enabled; } this._clean(); } setModuleOptions(moduleOptions) { this.moduleOptions = moduleOptions; if (this.options.enabled === true) { this._clean(); if (this.options.container !== undefined) { this.container = this.options.container; } this._create(); } } /** * Create all DOM elements * @private */ _create() { this._clean(); this.changedOptions = []; let filter = this.options.filter; let counter = 0; let show = false; for (let option in this.configureOptions) { if (this.configureOptions.hasOwnProperty(option)) { this.allowCreation = false; show = false; if (typeof filter === 'function') { show = filter(option,[]); show = show || this._handleObject(this.configureOptions[option], [option], true); } else if (filter === true || filter.indexOf(option) !== -1) { show = true; } if (show !== false) { this.allowCreation = true; // linebreak between categories if (counter > 0) { this._makeItem([]); } // a header for the category this._makeHeader(option); // get the sub options this._handleObject(this.configureOptions[option], [option]); } counter++; } } if (this.options.showButton === true) { let generateButton = document.createElement('div'); generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button'; generateButton.innerHTML = 'generate options'; generateButton.onclick = () => {this._printOptions();}; generateButton.onmouseover = () => {generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button hover';}; generateButton.onmouseout = () => {generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button';}; this.optionsContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.optionsContainer.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-option-container'; this.domElements.push(this.optionsContainer); this.domElements.push(generateButton); } this._push(); //~ this.colorPicker.insertTo(this.container); } /** * draw all DOM elements on the screen * @private */ _push() { this.wrapper = document.createElement('div'); this.wrapper.className = 'vis-configuration-wrapper'; this.container.appendChild(this.wrapper); for (var i = 0; i < this.domElements.length; i++) { this.wrapper.appendChild(this.domElements[i]); } this._showPopupIfNeeded() } /** * delete all DOM elements * @private */ _clean() { for (var i = 0; i < this.domElements.length; i++) { this.wrapper.removeChild(this.domElements[i]); } if (this.wrapper !== undefined) { this.container.removeChild(this.wrapper); this.wrapper = undefined; } this.domElements = []; this._removePopup(); } /** * get the value from the actualOptions if it exists * @param {array} path | where to look for the actual option * @returns {*} * @private */ _getValue(path) { let base = this.moduleOptions; for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (base[path[i]] !== undefined) { base = base[path[i]]; } else { base = undefined; break; } } return base; } /** * all option elements are wrapped in an item * @param path * @param domElements * @private */ _makeItem(path, ...domElements) { if (this.allowCreation === true) { let item = document.createElement('div'); item.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-item vis-config-s' + path.length; domElements.forEach((element) => { item.appendChild(element); }); this.domElements.push(item); return this.domElements.length; } return 0; } /** * header for major subjects * @param name * @private */ _makeHeader(name) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-header'; div.innerHTML = name; this._makeItem([],div); } /** * make a label, if it is an object label, it gets different styling. * @param name * @param path * @param objectLabel * @returns {HTMLElement} * @private */ _makeLabel(name, path, objectLabel = false) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-label vis-config-s' + path.length; if (objectLabel === true) { div.innerHTML = '<i><b>' + name + ':</b></i>'; } else { div.innerHTML = name + ':'; } return div; } /** * make a dropdown list for multiple possible string optoins * @param arr * @param value * @param path * @private */ _makeDropdown(arr, value, path) { let select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-select'; let selectedValue = 0; if (value !== undefined) { if (arr.indexOf(value) !== -1) { selectedValue = arr.indexOf(value); } } for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = arr[i]; if (i === selectedValue) { option.selected = 'selected'; } option.innerHTML = arr[i]; select.appendChild(option); } let me = this; select.onchange = function () {me._update(this.value, path);}; let label = this._makeLabel(path[path.length-1], path); this._makeItem(path, label, select); } /** * make a range object for numeric options * @param arr * @param value * @param path * @private */ _makeRange(arr, value, path) { let defaultValue = arr[0]; let min = arr[1]; let max = arr[2]; let step = arr[3]; let range = document.createElement('input'); range.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-range'; try { range.type = 'range'; // not supported on IE9 range.min = min; range.max = max; } catch (err) {} range.step = step; // set up the popup settings in case they are needed. let popupString = ''; let popupValue = 0; if (value !== undefined) { let factor = 1.20; if (value < 0 && value * factor < min) { range.min = Math.ceil(value * factor); popupValue = range.min; popupString = 'range increased'; } else if (value / factor < min) { range.min = Math.ceil(value / factor); popupValue = range.min; popupString = 'range increased'; } if (value * factor > max && max !== 1) { range.max = Math.ceil(value * factor); popupValue = range.max; popupString = 'range increased'; } range.value = value; } else { range.value = defaultValue; } let input = document.createElement('input'); input.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-rangeinput'; input.value = range.value; var me = this; range.onchange = function () {input.value = this.value; me._update(Number(this.value), path);}; range.oninput = function () {input.value = this.value; }; let label = this._makeLabel(path[path.length-1], path); let itemIndex = this._makeItem(path, label, range, input); // if a popup is needed AND it has not been shown for this value, show it. if (popupString !== '' && this.popupHistory[itemIndex] !== popupValue) { this.popupHistory[itemIndex] = popupValue; this._setupPopup(popupString, itemIndex); } } /** * prepare the popup * @param string * @param index * @private */ _setupPopup(string, index) { if (this.initialized === true && this.allowCreation === true && this.popupCounter < this.popupLimit) { let div = document.createElement("div"); = "vis-configuration-popup"; div.className = "vis-configuration-popup"; div.innerHTML = string; div.onclick = () => {this._removePopup()}; this.popupCounter += 1; this.popupDiv = {html:div, index:index}; } } /** * remove the popup from the dom * @private */ _removePopup() { if (this.popupDiv.html !== undefined) { this.popupDiv.html.parentNode.removeChild(this.popupDiv.html); clearTimeout(this.popupDiv.hideTimeout); clearTimeout(this.popupDiv.deleteTimeout); this.popupDiv = {}; } } /** * Show the popup if it is needed. * @private */ _showPopupIfNeeded() { if (this.popupDiv.html !== undefined) { let correspondingElement = this.domElements[this.popupDiv.index]; let rect = correspondingElement.getBoundingClientRect(); = rect.left + "px"; = - 30 + "px"; // 30 is the height; document.body.appendChild(this.popupDiv.html) this.popupDiv.hideTimeout = setTimeout(() => { = 0; },1500); this.popupDiv.deleteTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._removePopup(); },1800) } } /** * make a checkbox for boolean options. * @param defaultValue * @param value * @param path * @private */ _makeCheckbox(defaultValue, value, path) { var checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; checkbox.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-checkbox'; checkbox.checked = defaultValue; if (value !== undefined) { checkbox.checked = value; if (value !== defaultValue) { if (typeof defaultValue === 'object') { if (value !== defaultValue.enabled) { this.changedOptions.push({path:path, value:value}); } } else { this.changedOptions.push({path:path, value:value}); } } } let me = this; checkbox.onchange = function() {me._update(this.checked, path)}; let label = this._makeLabel(path[path.length-1], path); this._makeItem(path, label, checkbox); } /** * make a text input field for string options. * @param defaultValue * @param value * @param path * @private */ _makeTextInput(defaultValue, value, path) { var checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'text'; checkbox.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-text'; checkbox.value = value; if (value !== defaultValue) { this.changedOptions.push({path:path, value:value}); } let me = this; checkbox.onchange = function() {me._update(this.value, path)}; let label = this._makeLabel(path[path.length-1], path); this._makeItem(path, label, checkbox); } /** * make a color field with a color picker for color fields * @param arr * @param value * @param path * @private */ _makeColorField(arr, value, path) { let defaultColor = arr[1]; let div = document.createElement('div'); value = value === undefined ? defaultColor : value; if (value !== 'none') { div.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-colorBlock'; = value; } else { div.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-colorBlock none'; } value = value === undefined ? defaultColor : value; div.onclick = () => { this._showColorPicker(value,div,path); }; let label = this._makeLabel(path[path.length-1], path); this._makeItem(path,label, div); } /** * used by the color buttons to call the color picker. * @param event * @param value * @param div * @param path * @private */ _showColorPicker(value, div, path) { // clear the callback from this div div.onclick = function() {}; this.colorPicker.insertTo(div);; this.colorPicker.setColor(value); this.colorPicker.setUpdateCallback((color) => { let colorString = 'rgba(' + color.r + ',' + color.g + ',' + color.b + ',' + color.a + ')'; = colorString; this._update(colorString,path); }); // on close of the colorpicker, restore the callback. this.colorPicker.setCloseCallback(() => { div.onclick = () => { this._showColorPicker(value,div,path); }; }); } /** * parse an object and draw the correct items * @param obj * @param path * @private */ _handleObject(obj, path = [], checkOnly = false) { let show = false; let filter = this.options.filter; let visibleInSet = false; for (let subObj in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(subObj)) { show = true; let item = obj[subObj]; let newPath = util.copyAndExtendArray(path, subObj); if (typeof filter === 'function') { show = filter(subObj,path); // if needed we must go deeper into the object. if (show === false) { if (!(item instanceof Array) && typeof item !== 'string' && typeof item !== 'boolean' && item instanceof Object) { this.allowCreation = false; show = this._handleObject(item, newPath, true); this.allowCreation = checkOnly === false; } } } if (show !== false) { visibleInSet = true; let value = this._getValue(newPath); if (item instanceof Array) { this._handleArray(item, value, newPath); } else if (typeof item === 'string') { this._makeTextInput(item, value, newPath); } else if (typeof item === 'boolean') { this._makeCheckbox(item, value, newPath); } else if (item instanceof Object) { // collapse the physics options that are not enabled let draw = true; if (path.indexOf('physics') !== -1) { if (this.moduleOptions.physics.solver !== subObj) { draw = false; } } if (draw === true) { // initially collapse options with an disabled enabled option. if (item.enabled !== undefined) { let enabledPath = util.copyAndExtendArray(newPath, 'enabled'); let enabledValue = this._getValue(enabledPath); if (enabledValue === true) { let label = this._makeLabel(subObj, newPath, true); this._makeItem(newPath, label); visibleInSet = this._handleObject(item, newPath) || visibleInSet; } else { this._makeCheckbox(item, enabledValue, newPath); } } else { let label = this._makeLabel(subObj, newPath, true); this._makeItem(newPath, label); visibleInSet = this._handleObject(item, newPath) || visibleInSet; } } } else { console.error('dont know how to handle', item, subObj, newPath); } } } } return visibleInSet; } /** * handle the array type of option * @param optionName * @param arr * @param value * @param path * @private */ _handleArray(arr, value, path) { if (typeof arr[0] === 'string' && arr[0] === 'color') { this._makeColorField(arr, value, path); if (arr[1] !== value) {this.changedOptions.push({path:path, value:value});} } else if (typeof arr[0] === 'string') { this._makeDropdown(arr, value, path); if (arr[0] !== value) {this.changedOptions.push({path:path, value:value});} } else if (typeof arr[0] === 'number') { this._makeRange(arr, value, path); if (arr[0] !== value) {this.changedOptions.push({path:path, value:Number(value)});} } } /** * called to update the network with the new settings. * @param value * @param path * @private */ _update(value, path) { let options = this._constructOptions(value,path); if (this.parent.body && this.parent.body.emitter && this.parent.body.emitter.emit) { this.parent.body.emitter.emit("configChange", options); } this.initialized = true; this.parent.setOptions(options); } _constructOptions(value, path, optionsObj = {}) { let pointer = optionsObj; // when dropdown boxes can be string or boolean, we typecast it into correct types value = value === 'true' ? true : value; value = value === 'false' ? false : value; for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (path[i] !== 'global') { if (pointer[path[i]] === undefined) { pointer[path[i]] = {}; } if (i !== path.length - 1) { pointer = pointer[path[i]]; } else { pointer[path[i]] = value; } } } return optionsObj; } _printOptions() { let options = this.getOptions(); this.optionsContainer.innerHTML = '<pre>var options = ' + JSON.stringify(options, null, 2) + '</pre>'; } getOptions() { let options = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.changedOptions.length; i++) { this._constructOptions(this.changedOptions[i].value, this.changedOptions[i].path, options) } return options; } } export default Configurator;