Network - manipulation

Acts as the camera that looks on the canvas. Does the animation, zooming and focusing.


The options for the manipulation module have to be contained in an object titled 'manipulation'.

Click on the full options or shorthand options to show how these options are supposed to be used.

enabled Boolean false Toggle the manipulation system on or off. This property is optional. If you define any of the options below and enabled is undefined, this will be set to true.
initiallyActive Boolean true Toggle whether the toolbar is visible initially or if only the edit button is visible initially.
addNode Boolean or Function true You can use these options to switch certain functionalities on or off of attach a handler function to them. These functions are called before the action is performed. If a node is going to be added through the manipulation system, the addNode function will be called first. With this, you can provide a gui for your users, abort the process or anything else you want to do. For all except the editNode functionality, these handler functions are optional.

When you supply a boolean, you only toggle the adding of nodes. When a function is supplied, it will be called when the user clicks the canvas in 'addNode' mode. This function will receive two variables: the properties of the node that can be created and a callback function. If you call the callback function with the properties of the new node, the node will be added.

var options = {
  manipulation: {
    addNode: function(nodeData,callback) {
      nodeData.label = 'hello world';
This function changes the label of the new node into 'hello world'. If you do not want the node created, do not call the callback function or call the callback function null or no argument.
addEdge Boolean or Function true If boolean, toggle the adding of edges. When a function is supplied, it will be called when the user drags the new edge from one node to the next in 'addEdge' mode. This function will receive two variables: the properties of the edge that can be created and a callback function. If you call the callback function with the properties of the new edge, the edge will be added.

var options = {
  manipulation: {
    addEdge: function(edgeData,callback) {
      if (edgeData.from === {
        var r = confirm("Do you want to connect the node to itself?");
        if (r === true) {
      else {
This example code will show a popup if you connect a node to itself to ask you if that was what you wanted. If you do not want the edge created, do not call the callback function or call the callback function null or no argument.
editNode Function undefined Editing of nodes is only possible when a handling function is supplied. If this is not the case, editing of nodes will be disabled. The function will be called when a node is selected and the 'Edit Node' button on the toolbar is pressed. This function will be called like the addNode function with the node's data and a callback function.
editEdge Boolean or Function true If boolean, toggle the editing of edges. When a function is supplied, it will be called when an edge is selcted and the 'Edit Edge' button on the toolbar is pressed. This function will be called in the same way the addEdge function was called. If the callback is not performed, the edge will remain hanging where it was released. To cancel, call the callback function with null as argument or without arguments.
deleteNode Boolean or Function true If boolean, toggle the deletion of nodes. If function, it will be called when a node is selected and the 'Delete selected' button is pressed.
deleteEdge Boolean or Function true If boolean, toggle the deletion of edges. If function, it will be called when an edge is selected and the 'Delete selected' button is pressed.
controlNodeStyle Object ObjectYou can supply any styling information you'd like here. All fields described in the nodes module are allowed except obviously for id, x, y and fixed.

  color: {
    background: '#ff0000',
    border: '#3c3c3c',
    highlight: {
      background: '#07f968',
      border: '#3c3c3c'
  borderWidth: 2,
  borderWidthSelected: 2