var DataView = require('../DataView'); /** * @class Filter * * @param {DataGroup} dataGroup the data group * @param {Number} column The index of the column to be filtered * @param {Graph} graph The graph */ function Filter (dataGroup, column, graph) { this.dataGroup = dataGroup; this.column = column; this.graph = graph; // the parent graph this.index = undefined; this.value = undefined; // read all distinct values and select the first one this.values = dataGroup.getDistinctValues(this.column); if (this.values.length > 0) { this.selectValue(0); } // create an array with the filtered datapoints. this will be loaded afterwards this.dataPoints = []; this.loaded = false; this.onLoadCallback = undefined; if (graph.animationPreload) { this.loaded = false; this.loadInBackground(); } else { this.loaded = true; } } /** * Return the label * @return {string} label */ Filter.prototype.isLoaded = function() { return this.loaded; }; /** * Return the loaded progress * @return {Number} percentage between 0 and 100 */ Filter.prototype.getLoadedProgress = function() { var len = this.values.length; var i = 0; while (this.dataPoints[i]) { i++; } return Math.round(i / len * 100); }; /** * Return the label * @return {string} label */ Filter.prototype.getLabel = function() { return this.graph.filterLabel; }; /** * Return the columnIndex of the filter * @return {Number} columnIndex */ Filter.prototype.getColumn = function() { return this.column; }; /** * Return the currently selected value. Returns undefined if there is no selection * @return {*} value */ Filter.prototype.getSelectedValue = function() { if (this.index === undefined) return undefined; return this.values[this.index]; }; /** * Retrieve all values of the filter * @return {Array} values */ Filter.prototype.getValues = function() { return this.values; }; /** * Retrieve one value of the filter * @param {Number} index * @return {*} value */ Filter.prototype.getValue = function(index) { if (index >= this.values.length) throw new Error('Index out of range'); return this.values[index]; }; /** * Retrieve the (filtered) dataPoints for the currently selected filter index * @param {Number} [index] (optional) * @return {Array} dataPoints */ Filter.prototype._getDataPoints = function(index) { if (index === undefined) index = this.index; if (index === undefined) return []; var dataPoints; if (this.dataPoints[index]) { dataPoints = this.dataPoints[index]; } else { var f = {}; f.column = this.column; f.value = this.values[index]; var dataView = new DataView(this.dataGroup.getDataSet(), {filter: function (item) {return (item[f.column] == f.value);}}).get(); dataPoints = this.dataGroup._getDataPoints(dataView); this.dataPoints[index] = dataPoints; } return dataPoints; }; /** * Set a callback function when the filter is fully loaded. * * @param {function} callback */ Filter.prototype.setOnLoadCallback = function(callback) { this.onLoadCallback = callback; }; /** * Add a value to the list with available values for this filter * No double entries will be created. * @param {Number} index */ Filter.prototype.selectValue = function(index) { if (index >= this.values.length) throw new Error('Index out of range'); this.index = index; this.value = this.values[index]; }; /** * Load all filtered rows in the background one by one * Start this method without providing an index! * * @param {number} [index=0] */ Filter.prototype.loadInBackground = function(index) { if (index === undefined) index = 0; var frame = this.graph.frame; if (index < this.values.length) { // create a progress box if (frame.progress === undefined) { frame.progress = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'absolute'; = 'gray'; frame.appendChild(frame.progress); } var progress = this.getLoadedProgress(); frame.progress.innerHTML = 'Loading animation... ' + progress + '%'; // TODO: this is no nice solution... = 60 + 'px'; // TODO: use height of slider = 10 + 'px'; var me = this; setTimeout(function() {me.loadInBackground(index+1);}, 10); this.loaded = false; } else { this.loaded = true; // remove the progress box if (frame.progress !== undefined) { frame.removeChild(frame.progress); frame.progress = undefined; } if (this.onLoadCallback) this.onLoadCallback(); } }; module.exports = Filter;